legal age quiz uk

We have other quizzes matching your interest. Your Voices is a community-focused section of The Mix where you can share stories about your experiences on a specific issue. Q9 True or False? 1158683) and a non-profit company (no. You have not entered information into all Rather than facing prison or an enforced marriage, birth fathers have rights and responsibilities. Rather than facing prison or an enforced marriage, birth fathers have rights and responsibilities, Username can not be longer than 12 characters, Username can contain only letters, numbers . Resources. You can also try law trivia quizzes. You can make decisions on someones behalf if they appoint you using a LPA, what does LPA stand for? Stone Age to Iron Age Quiz. The Mix. 18 2. Not sure what it means? The situation regarding fruit machines is a bit more complicated and depends on the prize money. But they are not all discrimination. You can take your driving test for a car, and start driving, from the age of 17. Take the online legal quizzes to prove and learn more as you play. It is a crime if somebody who is over 18 buys alcohol for a person who is under 18.. See how much you know about this fascinating and highly contentious topic with our fun, 2-minute criminal law quiz! You can call the Acas helpline to talk about your options on 0300 123 1100 (Tick all that apply), Q7 True or False: A mother cannot be selected for redundancy while she is off on maternity leave. Pregnancy and maternity is a protected characteristic. Q6. If convicted of a serious criminal offence (in a Youth Court), You can. Being able to vote in local and general elections. You can have sex, gay or straight, so long as your partner is also 16+. Sexual assault is confusing both legally and emotionally. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Thanks to Bytemark for donating our web hosting. You are entitled to free full-time further education (at school, sixth form college and city technology college). The Equality Act 2010 protects people from discrimination: Employers may be able to show they are not at fault. The Mix. Although aimed at ESOL students, parts of this resource are also useful for general reading comprehension (and discussion) in Functional English. a) 12 b) 15 c) 16 d) 18 4. 30 questions/multiple choice answers/2. Real Fake It is an act of treason to kill a swan. Due to a lack of public funding theres hardly any police officers currently stationed in space, however. Consent Quiz: What do you know about consent and sexual offences? You can also buy liqueur confectionery from the age of 16. Weve taken a look at the law in England and Wales in some of these cases. We provide the questions and answers, publicity materials and an online giving page to collect online donations. Veganism, pacifism and humanism are all protected beliefs. You can apply to the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force at 15 years and 9 months and the Army at 15 years and 7 months. You can get a part time job, for a maximum of two hours on a school day, working sometime between 7.00am and 8.00am and 5.00pm and 7.00pm. Also, They do not have a single legal system because of their creation. Your Voices is a community-focused section of The Mix where you can share stories about your experiences on a specific issue. Legal means it is done according to the laws, and illegal means it is not done according to the laws. For some very small vehicles, for example a moped, you can start driving once youre 16. AODA Quiz: Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities Act Trivia Questions. If youre in England or Wales, you can vote in UK elections, and referendums, from the age of 18. At the age of 16 you may need to be paid through PAYE if you earn over 113, meaning you can be taxed. One in five drivers crash within a year of getting their licence, while over 1,500 young drivers are killed or seriously injured in the UK each year . Answer the questions below to test your knowledge and understanding: circle/tick the answer you think is correct. pesez by bkelly1988 Wordsearch. However, it might still class as unfair treatment if there is no good basis for it. They had Upload your own videos, images, blog posts, and playlists to Your Voices and share them with your friends. Show Site menu Hide Site menu. In practice, it is unlikely that a court would approve a parental order to bring back a child aged 16 or over. This quiz tests learners knowledge of how old someone has to be in order to do certain things legally, e.g. Exercise Wheel Of Misfortune Random wheel. In 1697, a UK court of law gave a decision on the matter of disciplining servants. Its good to understand discrimination law, but it is a complex topic. Japan. Got a spare 5 minutes to help us improve our website? Real Fake It is illegal to be in charge of a cow while drunk. You can supervise a learner driver (so long as youve held a driving licence for the same type of vehicle for three years). You can rent accommodation at 16, but a guarantor is required until youre 18. This section looks at what age you can do certain things in England. Ready to start watching all those racy 15-rated movies? a. Tell children off and clip them round the ear, b. While some of the quirks and traditions of the English legal system may seem archaic, even bizarre, they from part of the fundamental constitution of UK culture and are therefore of . What can you do at 16, for example, apart from have sex and join the army? Remember that the law differs depending on where you are. 25 questions/true or false answers)) on at what age you can e.g. Women found guilty of severe scolding would be forced to wear a scolds bridle a metal cage that enclosed the entire head. All law firms are regulated, arent they? You can buy an alcoholic drink in a pub or a bar. Elementary School any age KS3 KS4 KS5 Reception Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 allm. Want to share a problem? Can be used within topics of: education, citizenship, learning to drive, life in the UK, what is the UK, voting, politics, British values. If you pass your driving test, and youre properly insured, you can get behind the wheel and take to the road on your own. In England you have to stay in some kind of education or training until you're 18 and we've looked at that in more detail below. As the United Kingdom is known to have three legal systems, their laws are segmented into three segments which are English laws, Scots laws, and Northern Ireland laws. Under the Jews Relief Act 1858, if Daniel (AKA Harry Potter) were to become PM he wouldnt be able to advise on the appointment of any ecclesiastical posts in the Churches of England, Ireland or Scotland because he is Jewish. In UK law and under the Public Order Act 1986, how many people are needed for a violent affray to be classed as a riot? For example, Im pretty sure the age to be a blood donor is 17 and Im sure theres an age restriction on gambling. Law Quiz I What is the age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales? Guatemala. It is suitable for a mixed ability group of numeracy learners, or indeed literacy or ESOL learners. 10. Tuesday, 26 September 2006, 10:38 GMT 11:38 UK. 4. If the employer took all reasonable steps to prevent the discrimination from happening, they cant be held responsible. This might impact younger staff. All hilarious. If convicted, you can be sent to a young offenders institute for up to two years. Are you considering a career in criminal law? Take our quick quiz to test what you know about discrimination. Tempted to carry a weapon? Also look at the related clues for crossword clues with similar answers to "Legal age" Possibly related clues. This version has updated informnation and detailed answers with a brief explanation of the law in some cases. Today in practice all strandings should be reported to the Natural History Museum. These may be a result of prejudice and might be unfair. Quiz: Which Magic Circle Law Firm is Right For Me? True or false? This quiz is just a quick summary of some of the issues involved. Yeah, youre right! This is a biggie, you get quite a lot more rights at 16 and you can legally have sex, but just because its legal doesnt mean you HAVE TO do it. Age discrimination can only be objectively justified where there are good reasons for doing so. . But if someone has a disability it may be helpful to be open about this as they may be entitled to 'reasonable adjustments' to help them at work. Guidance on measures. Many people got themselves in a tizz claiming Piers Morgan broke the law earlier this week when he tore a new 5 note in half with his teeth - but it isnt actually an offence to do this. Singapore. For example, if you have applied for the advanced rate of the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment you can start driving a car at 16 years-old. when using businesses like shops and restaurants. by Atinlondon. You can work on Sundays between 7.00am and 7.00pm, but again for no more than two hours. This is the definition of indirect discrimination. Being treated in a different way based on any of these is discrimination. Please note: your email address will not be published, it is for verification purposes only. Or just hang out? There are legal requirements surrounding the measures that specific alcoholic drinks can be served in. 06975984) limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. Wine sold by the glass is sold in 125ml, 175ml or 250ml. What do you do with a washed-up whale, and who's got the power to turn back an alien invasion of the UK? The Equality Act lists race as a protected characteristic. April 28, 2023 at 12:01 am. Finally, the plenary / summary activity encourages recall of key learning points. But if unkind words involve treating someone differently because they have a protected characteristic, it might be discrimination or harassment, even if the words were not said to the person directly. the fields below. You cannot be selected for redundancy because you are on maternity leave. The good news for loud-mouthed ladies is that no prosecutions were brought for a long period of time before the offence was finally abolished by the, This weird British law was intended to ensure that debates could be carried out without participants clanking noisily. If youre 17 and under, it is an offence for someone in a position of trust who is 18 or over to engage in any kind of sexual activity with you. The High Court consists of three divisions, the Queen's Bench Division and the Chancery Division are two, can you name the third? Editors note Inference - Whitney Houston. A: 10 B: 5 C: From birth 2) If it's okay with your parents how old must you be to get married? Adoption locating birth parents and siblings, Contact with family members whilst Im in care, Contact with family members when parents disagree. Community Legal tender Examples from our community 904 results for 'legal tender' 1 - Legal tender - Quiz Quiz. 5. Finally, the plenary / summary activity encourages recall of key learning points. It seems that if the prize is under 8 anyone can play. by Peterhincks100. Also, They do not have a single legal system because of their creation. Copyright 2010-2023 Full Fact. Want to share a problem? This is called associative discrimination. At 16 you can drink wine, beer or cider with a meal in a restaurant. If you have a condition with a substantial and long-term effect on how you live your life, it's likely to be covered by the protected characteristic of disability. You can view a scrolling timeline of what you can do at each age, or you can choose a category button below. Which two words describe a deal when the defendant pleads guilty instead of not guilty in return for a concession by the prosecution? True or false? Solve this simple math problem and enter the result.

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