maryland court case type abbreviations

Bail Bond -- A written obligation of a defendant, with or without a surety or collateral security, conditioned on the appearance of a defendant as required and providing for the payment of a penalty sum according to its terms; includes a surety bond posted by a surety insurer or bail bondsman and backed by the insurers pledge; a cash bond secured by deposited cash; a property bond secured by pledged personal property or a lien on real property; and/or an unsecured bond. Distress or Distraint -- Seizure; taking personal property out of the custody of a wrongdoer and into the custody of the party injured; for example, distress is a remedy for failure to pay rent. Traffic includes both active and closed case records for moving violations, as well as serious offenses where the defendant must appear for trial (see question 5). Minor -- An individual under the age of 18 (eighteen) years. Sealed Record -- A record closed by a court to further inspection by anyone unless ordered by the court. Certified Copy -- A copy of a document or record that is certified by the official custodian of the original as a true copy. Motion -- A request to a court by one or more of the parties for a specific action in a case. District Court -- Lowest State trial court; a court of limited jurisdiction. Hospital Warrant -- In accordance with Health-General Article 12-120, a warrant issued by the court where a determination that probable cause exists that the named defendant has violated a conditional release under Title 12 of the Health-General Article. Types of Acronyms; Moot -- Issue previously decided or settled. Mediation -- A form of alternative dispute resolution in which a trained neutral person, a mediator, helps people in a dispute to communicate with one another, understand each other, and if possible, reach agreements that meet the participants needs. States Attorney -- A person authorized to prosecute an offense on behalf of the State or a political subdivision thereof. Ecitation -- The electronic version of the MD Uniform Complaint and Citation (traffic citation). Not included are investigatory files, police work-product records used solely for police investigation purposes, or records pertaining to nonincarcerable violations of the vehicle laws of the State or of any other traffic law, ordinance, or regulation. Examination in Aid of Enforcement of Judgment -- A request by plaintiff (judgment creditor) to discover the assets of a defendant (judgment debtor) after entry of judgment. Certiorari (writ of) (Trans: to be more fully informed) -- The process by which an appellate court calls for the records of a case from a lower court for review. Modifications can be ordered in open and closed cases. Maryland County Codes | Maryland Courts 361 Rowe Boulevard Annapolis, MD 21401 410-260-1430 | 888-216-8156 Thurgood Marshall State Law Library Maryland County Codes The publishers of the websites on this page make every effort to keep their sites updated in a timely fashion. A ABA Plea -- A guilty plea based on an agreement patterned on standards recommended by the American Bar Association (ABA); the defendant and the State present to the court, on the record, an agreement that incorporates a specific sentence bound by the terms relating to sentence and disposition. Click the Search again option to take you back to your previous search criteria. A verified final report is filed within 10 months from the date of appointment. Presentence Investigation Report (PSI) -- A confidential report ordered by the judge and produced by the division of parole and probation prior to sentencing, to provide background information (job, finances, family status, community ties, etc.) Typically defendants enter one of the following pleas: guilty, not guilty, or nolo contendere. Also the endorsement made by the officer upon the writ or other paper stating what he has done under it, the time and mode of service etc. Dismissal -- Rules provide for both voluntary and involuntary dismissals. Sequester -- Separate or isolate; for example, to separate witnesses from each other, to separate property from a party and place it in the custody of the court or a third person, etc. Acquittal -- The finding of a judge that the evidence is insufficient to support a conviction, or a verdict that the accused is not guilty. Transcript -- The official typed record of court proceedings, including the word for word testimony of witnesses, statements by attorneys, rulings by the judge, etc., prepared by the court reporter from stenographic notes or electronic recording made during the proceeding. Bail Bondsman -- The authorized agent of a surety insurer. This free program copies your interview answers directly into your court form exactly as you enter it. It borders Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C. to its south and west; Pennsylvania to its north; and Delaware and the Atlantic Ocean to its east. However, at any time, a traffic case record can be pulled from the history database back into Case Search by the clerk's office. General Jurisdiction -- the unlimited authority over cases brought before the court to decide rights and grant remedies available under the law; circuit courts are courts of general jurisdiction. Upon entry of a dismissal, except a dismissal without prejudice, the matter has effectively ended. It used to be just 'CR.'. Docket Number -- Case number; the designation assigned to each case filed in a particular court. Consecutive Sentences -- Upon conviction of multiple counts/charges in one or more cases, sentences must be served one after the other, rather than at the same time (see: concurrent sentence). Modifications can be ordered in open and closed cases. Probable Cause -- Information given to a judicial officer that is sufficient in itself to warrant the issuance of a charging document. Dismissal -- Rules provide for both voluntary and involuntary dismissals. (Compare Public Record or Confidential Record). Oral Examination -- A request by plaintiff (judgment creditor) to discover the assets of a defendant (judgment debtor) after entry of judgment. Regular Estate Judicial (RJ) - A proceeding conducted by the Orphans' Court when matters cannot be handled administratively. Lesser Included Offense -- A crime composed of some, but not all, of the elements of a greater crime; commission of the greater crime automatically includes commission of the lesser included offense. (Compare Confession). Abated by Death -- The disposition of a charge due to death of the defendant. Upon entry of a dismissal, except a dismissal without prejudice, the matter has effectively ended. Civil-- Criminal-- Family-- Juvenile-- Probate-- General. Circuit Court -- A trial court of general jurisdiction. Appellate Jurisdiction -- the authority that a higher court has to review cases decided in a lower court; the Supreme Court of Maryland, Appellate Court of Maryland, and circuit courts have appellate jurisdiction. Non-issue. NC court records often contain abbreviated codes. Appellee -- A party against whom an appeal is taken. Release of Lien -- The cancellation of record of a Declaration of Trust or other recorded security instrument given to secure a bail bond that has been discharged. For partial first name searches, optionally enter any characters followed by the %. Appellate Court of Maryland; Appointed Attorneys Program; Court Reporting; Judicial Council; Circuit Courts; Closings/Delays; Data Dashboard; Judicial Ethics Committee; . Jury -- A group of 12 citizens assembled to hear evidence at trial and make a unanimous decision as to guilt or innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. Limited Order (LO) A limited order to locate assets or a will. Incarceration -- Imprisonment; confinement in a jail or penitentiary. Appeals - Appellate Court of Maryland; Criminal Cases; Juvenile Delinquency; Remote Hearing Toolkit; Child Abuse and Neglect; Domestic Violence; Land Records; Thurgood . STANDARD DOCKET TEXT ABBREVIATIONS Adjudication -- A judgment or decision of a court or jury regarding a case. Law Enforcement Unit -- A State, county, or municipal police department or unit, the office of a Sheriff, the office of a States Attorney, or the office of the Attorney General of the State. Misdemeanor -- A minor criminal offense (other than a felony or an infraction) punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both. Miller filled out a portion of the form noting that the test results were "0.148" and that the "Instrument Type" was "5000," but neglected to indicate whether the chemical test was of Hahn's blood or breath. A witness who fails to comply with a subpoena. Sub Curia (Trans: under law) -- An action of the court ordering a matter to be held pending resolution due to a legal requirement (a procedure, rule or statutory requirement that prevented the finality of the matter). (Compare Public Record or Confidential Record). In accordance with Federal and State statutes and the Rules Governing the Courts of the State of Maryland or court order, certain records may not be available for public inspection. Copyright 2023 Maryland Judiciary. Search Warrant -- A written order by a judge directed to a peace officer or constable commanding the officer to search for and seize property as described therein. A person so served becomes a third-party defendant. Moot -- Issue previously decided or settled. Search -- A written order by a judge directed to a peace officer and commanding him to search for and seize property as described therein. Venue -- The geographical division in which an action or prosecution may be brought for trial. Return -- The act of a sheriff, constable, or other ministerial officer in delivering back to the court a writ, notice, or other paper which he was required to serve or execute with a brief account of his doings under the mandate, the time and mode of service or execution or his failure to accomplish it, as the case may be. Indigent -- A person who is unable to afford the expense of a private counsel, payment of fines, and other related costs. This list contains descriptions of the codes most commonly used by the clerks of court. Writ of Execution -- An order of court commanding performance of a specified act or granting authority to have the action done. Statement of Charges -- A charging document, other than a citation, filed in District Court by a peace officer or by a judicial officer. All criminal traffic charges are heard de novo in the circuit court. Citation -- A charging document, other than an indictment, information, or statement of charges, issued to a defendant by a peace officer or other person authorized by law to do so. Writ of Garnishment of Property -- An order of court commanding that a defendants assets be seized and the money paid to the plaintiff to satisfy a judgment. Post Conviction -- A procedure by which a convicted defendant challenges the conviction and/or sentence on the basis of some alleged violation or error. Surety -- One who makes himself responsible for the defendants obligation to appear in court and agrees to pay money or do other acts in the event that the defendant does not appear. Voir Dire (Trans: to speak the truth) -- the preliminary examination of a prospective juror, or witness, to determine whether the person is competent, impartial, and unprejudiced. Settlement Conference -- A process in which you and anyone else involved in your case meet with a neutral attorney who will help you try and find ways to settle your case. Review of Sentence -- Review of a criminal sentence by a three judge panel (excluding the sentencing judge) on application of the defendant; as a result of the review, the sentence may be increased, decreased, or remain unchanged. For example, when the validity of the will is at issue, or the will is lost, stolen or damaged. Writ of Garnishment of Property -- An order of court commanding that a defendants assets be seized and the money paid to the plaintiff to satisfy a judgment. Alias (Otherwise called) -- indicating one was called by one or the other of two names. Plea Agreement -- Agreement between the prosecutor and the defendant to exchange a plea of guilty or nolo contendere for reduction in the charge(s) or leniency in sentencing. This answer is being given for general informational purposes only and is not protected by the attorney-client privilege since this is a public forum. Guide & File -- Tool developed by the Maryland Courts to help you complete court forms online. Alford Plea -- A special type of guilty plea by which the defendant does not admit guilt but concedes that the State has sufficient evidence to convict; normally made to avoid the threat of greater punishment. Suspend -- To set aside all or part of a sentence. Of no practical importance. Alias (Otherwise called) -- indicating one was called by one or the other of two names. This free program copies your interview answers directly into your court form exactly as you enter it. Merits -- Strict legal rights of the parties; a decision on the merits is one that reaches the right(s) of a party as distinguished from a disposition of the case on a ground not reaching the rights raised in the action; for example, in a criminal case double jeopardy does not apply if charges are nolle prossed before trial commences, and in a civil action res judicata does not apply if a previous action was dismissed on a preliminary motion raising a technicality such as improper service of process. Nolle Prosequi (Nol Pros) (Trans: to be unwilling to proceed) -- A formal motion in a case by the States Attorney, indicating that the charges will not be prosecuted. Shielded Record -- A record or information in a record removed from public inspection by a judge or commissioner. Custody -- The detainment of a person by virtue of lawful process or authority; actual imprisonment. If in a replevin action it is not possible to repossess the goods, the action will roll over into detinue. I look today and it has the case now listed as 'closed.'. Bench -- Process issued by the court itself, or from the bench, for the attachment or arrest of a person. Statute -- An act of the General Assembly declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something. A sample of an event history is illustrated below: The abbreviations and comment codes are explained below. Execution -- A method of obtaining satisfaction of a judgment. Please Note: Updated or new information is highlighted. Statute -- An act of the General Assembly declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something. Anyway, I have been looking at the Case Search for the past year and the case has been listed the same, active. Post Conviction -- A procedure by which a convicted defendant challenges the conviction and/or sentence on the basis of some alleged violation or error. Burden of Proof -- The necessity of proving facts at issue in Maryland, the criminal burden of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt; the civil burden of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence, or sometimes by clear and convincing evidence.. Bench Warrant -- A warrant issued by a judge for the arrest of a defendant for failure to appear in court as required. Also includes a command of the judge which established courtroom or administrative procedures. Finding -- A determination of fact by a judicial officer or jury. 2. in a civil action, failure to answer may result in entry of a judgment against that person. Marital Property -- The property, however titled, acquired by one or both parties during the marriage. (Compare Revision of Sentence). Jointly and Severally -- Acting together and separately; anyone so liable can sue or be sued with or without others joining in the action. Appellate Court -- A court having jurisdiction to review the judgment or order of a lower court. Restitution -- The act of making good or giving equivalent of any loss, damage, or injury. Affiant -- The person who makes and signs an affidavit. Judgment of Acquittal -- A judgment entered by the court upon a determination that the States evidence is insufficient to support a conviction and, thus insufficient to go to the jury. Landlords Complaint for failure to pay rent -- An action for the recovery of possession of real property. The information in Case Search is a summary of what is contained in the official case file. Oakland County, Maryland < /a > Maryland Judiciary case Search & quot ; and court. Tenant Holding Over (THO) -- A landlord-tenant action filed by the lessor to repossess certain leased premises which the tenant has not vacated after notice. Counsel -- A person who is admitted to practice in a court of law and gives legal advice. Res Judicata -- The matter already has been decided; a rule against relitigation of issues. Escrow -- The placing of money, a deed, or real property in the hands of a third party to be held until the performance of a condition. The application guides you through a series of questions called an "interview." Bail Bond -- A written obligation of a defendant, with or without a surety or collateral security, conditioned on the appearance of a defendant as required and providing for the payment of a penalty sum according to its terms; includes a surety bond posted by a surety insurer or bail bondsman and backed by the insurers pledge; a cash bond secured by deposited cash; a property bond secured by pledged personal property or a lien on real property; and/or an unsecured bond. Order -- A ruling of the court, on a motion, objection, or other matter relating to a preliminary point or some step in the proceedings. A person so served becomes a third-party defendant. Levy -- A setting aside of the defendants property made by the sheriff or constable; this property is placed in custody of law. Return -- The act of a sheriff, constable, or other ministerial officer in delivering back to the court a writ, notice, or other paper which he was required to serve or execute with a brief account of his doings under the mandate, the time and mode of service or execution or his failure to accomplish it, as the case may be. Pardon -- Relief from a conviction (full pardon) or from any further punishment imposed by a conviction (particular pardon) granted by an executive official (governor or president). Revision of Sentence -- A procedure by which the trial court (ordinarily the sentencing judge, unless unavailable) is asked to correct an allegedly illegal sentence or otherwise modify the sentence; as a result of the procedure, the sentence may be decreased or remain the same, but may not be increased unless done before the defendant leaves the courtroom at the original sentencing proceeding. Jury Trial Prayer -- A case that was originally filed in the District Court, but for which a trial by jury in the Circuit Court is requested. THE INFORMATION MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH CASE SEARCH SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PERFORMING BACKGROUND CHECKS ON AN INDIVIDUAL. Transcript -- The official typed record of court proceedings, including the word for word testimony of witnesses, statements by attorneys, rulings by the judge, etc., prepared by the court reporter from stenographic notes or electronic recording made during the proceeding. Charging Document -- A written accusation alleging that a defendant has committed an offense, including a citation, an indictment, an information, and or a statement of charges. Ex Parte -- On one side only, by or for one party; done for, in behalf of, or on the application of, one party only. Detinue -- An action for the value of goods. Custody Case -- The type of proceeding in which the court determines which parent, other adult, or agency shall have physical control over a child. Custody -- The detainment of a person by virtue of lawful process or authority; actual imprisonment. Prayer for a Jury Trial -- Request of a defendant in certain cases to be tried by a jury. Subpoena -- A writ issued by a court that compels a person to appear and give testimony at a specified time and place. Nolle Prosequi (Nol Pros) (Trans: to be unwilling to proceed) -- A formal motion in a case by the States Attorney, indicating that the charges will not be prosecuted. Law Enforcement Unit -- A State, county, or municipal police department or unit, the office of a Sheriff, the office of a States Attorney, or the office of the Attorney General of the State. In January 2006, CaseSearch was introduced to satisfy information requests commonly received in the court clerks' offices. Ecitation -- The electronic version of the MD Uniform Complaint and Citation (traffic citation). In Banc Review -- A review of the trial courts rulings or judgment by a panel of three circuit court judges. (see De Novo). Case Search is a good way to get some general information about a case such as the case number, dates, and type of case. (Compare Removal). Levy -- A setting aside of the defendants property made by the sheriff or constable; this property is placed in custody of law. Certified Copy -- A copy of a document or record that is certified by the official custodian of the original as a true copy. Fulfilled by completing a less stringent anger Management program throughout the State of Maryland is the most current of! Confession -- A statement by an individual, either oral or written, admitting that he or she committed a certain offense. Concurrent Sentences -- Upon conviction of multiple counts/charges in one or more cases, sentences must be served at the same time, rather than one after the other (see: consecutive sentence). Title 11. Jury -- A group of 12 citizens assembled to hear evidence at trial and make a unanimous decision as to guilt or innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. Nunc Pro Tunc -- Now for then; phrase used when an order is issued on one date but is effective as if issued on an earlier date when it should have been issued. Speedy Trial -- The right of the accused to a speedy trial as guaranteed by the 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution; in Maryland, the right to be tried within 180 days after initial appearance, unless waived. Counter Complaint -- A claim filed by a defendant in a civil case against the plaintiff. Court Records -- All official records maintained by the clerk or other personnel pertaining to any criminal action or proceeding for expungement, including indices, docket entries charging documents, pleadings, memoranda, assignment schedules, disposition sheets, transcriptions of proceedings, electronic recordings, orders, judgments, and decrees. GR cases are usually filed with the police. Petitioner -- The person requesting the court's help. Body Attachment -- A written order issued by a court directing a sheriff or peace officer to take custody of and bring before the court: For partial name searches, input at least the first character of the last name, followed by a % symbol. 2. Microfilm -- A photographic record on film of printed or other graphic matter. When searching for a date range you need to enter a last name or first name (partials allowed). Bail -- A sum of money or other form of security given to the court in exchange for the release of the accused from custody and to guarantee that the accused will appear in court. Judicial Officer -- A judge or a District Court commissioner. Public Defender -- Counsel provided at public expense, primarily to defend indigent defendants in criminal cases. Private Process Server -- An adult private person, not a party to a case, used to deliver a summons, subpoena, or other court order. Electronic Surveillance -- Court-authorized interception by use of an electronic device of wire or oral communications; wiretapping; eavesdropping. There are numerous codes (abbreviations) used by the clerks to identify events in a District Court case record. Co-defendant -- One of multiple persons named in the same civil complaint or charged in the same criminal charging document. Peace Order -- An emergency form of relief or an order available to individuals who are experiencing problems with another person, including someone in a dating relationship, a neighbor, or a stranger. Finding -- A determination of fact by a judicial officer or jury. (See: Counsel). Government, Tracking, Management. You must select your own case code, when opening a new case. Plea and Verdict Abbreviations Method of Disposition Abbreviations Process Type Agency Attorney Code Race Sex Sentence Frame Continued By Witness Type Bond Type Results of Appeal SHP Assigned troop Cross Claim -- A claim asserted between co-defendants or co-plaintiffs and in a case that relates to the subject of the original claim or counterclaim. Extradition -- The surrender by one state to another of an individual accused or convicted of an offense outside its own territory and within the territorial jurisdiction of the other which, being competent to try and punish him, demands the surrender. Arrest -- To deprive a person of his liberty by legal authority. Emergency Evaluation -- Petition filed for issuance of an order by someone other than the subject for an emergency mental and/or physical evaluation that could result in involuntary admission to a facility. Stet (Trans: to stand) -- A conditional stay of all further proceedings in a case. An order entered by a judge suspending or postponing a proceeding or execution of an action before the Court. (Compare Confession). Appellant -- The party who takes an appeal from one court to another. Case Codes for Circuit Court. Mandate -- The judgment issued upon the decision of an appellate court. Transfer -- In a criminal case, a change of location (venue) of the case to another location in which charges are pending and to which the defendant has pled guilty or nolo contendere, to permit the defendant to similarly plead to the transferred charges, and have sentence imposed as to all the charges. 1. in a criminal action, failure to appear may result in a bench warrant being issued for the persons arrest. Battery -- The unlawful application of physical force to, or offensive touching of, another without the individuals consent. Transfer -- In a criminal case, a change of location (venue) of the case to another location in which charges are pending and to which the defendant has pled guilty or nolo contendere, to permit the defendant to similarly plead to the transferred charges, and have sentence imposed as to all the charges. On motion of the States Attorney, the court may indefinitely postpone trial of a charge by marking the charge stet on the docket. Appeals, Certiorari, and Certification of Questions. Attorney Information System (AIS) - Centralized Judiciary database for Attorney Information, Attorney of Record -- An attorney who represents a party and has entered an appearance in an action. Trial De Novo -- From the beginning; appeal in which the reviewing court completely retries the case. This list is not all inclusive and there is no guarantee that the information is accurate or up to date.

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