not sure if seen wet dreams hanafi

Get up for tahajud and pray to Allah that he removes these thoughts until you get married and for Allah to provide you with a good spouse. I have nothing much to add, but I pray it is of benefit to all who read it, ameen. It is not allowed at that point to use ones own hands or any instrument to insert or rub vaginal area to reach orgasm and feel satisfied. Im of 19 years old and not getting periods from last 2 months. I look forward to your candid and in-depth opinion. If you do not find any maniy on your body or clothes, then you do not have to inspect the urethral sphincter; rather this is something that will provoke and strengthen waswasah [persistent intrusive thoughts]. Then water should be poured on his head, covering the entire body with water. And you, Barakallahu Feekum, have shown other of its Shawahid. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Yup, the small parts you mentioned I take care of it. [Ibn 'Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar] The Prophet (SAW) has taught us the best of deeds are those that done consistently, even if they are small. Please give me answers and let me be out of my miseries =(Im serious I feel very bad and most of the websites i studied from make me feel like i am a bad muslim. and Allah knows best, i am sort of confused it is actually a huge problem if we get such things in our dream and have to take a shower on daly basis especially in Pakistans chilling weather. I do have discharge every day, they vary between white/yellow/thick/thin. - GupShup Forums,, Quandary of Female Vaginal Discharge |,, Sexual Activities Beyond The Norm: What Should We Teach Our Teens |, A Womens Guide to Spirituality in Ramadan during Menstruation and Postnatal Bleeding -, A Women's Guide to Spirituality in Ramadan during Menstruation and Postnatal Bleeding |, Quandary of Female Vaginal Discharge: Pure or Impure? I would have appreciate knowing ways to reduce the frequency to avoid having to take 3 showers in one night, if for no other reason :). 1. My question is sometimes when one is in a hurry to go somewhere or complete some task before a particular time, if one orgasms involuntary, what is the ruling on that? I mean is it a sin or not? still do i have to take a shower? As for the discharge, it could be from the dream but not from the orgasm. wAllahu taala alam. (Followed by question2) If the age is above 12, would it be abnormal if you had wet dreams at If one is really not sure what it is at all then one must perform the bath as the Hanafi school emphasises extreme caution in this issue, and rightly so for he that has no purification has no prayer and he that has no prayer has nothing. Yasir in the post. And what about if a man passes in front of a woman? 3. 3. Sister i am 21 and i get wet dreams even when i am awake,so is this also one of the kind of wet dream?is it sinful?? Is there anything on this in Islam. I realized I saw my ex-husband, then someone else, I started worry if I saw some sexual relation etc, I was kind of sure I didnt see anything like that and didnt experience climax in the dream, but as there were parts of a dream that I didnt remember anymore, I was starting having doubts and trying to remember all. )then carry on the conversation from there on to telling them about the changes they may see, in future, in their bodies and how it is normal, and what they should do when it happens. one more question what if we see masturbation in a dream is ghusl valid there? Umm Reem, As-Salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu. Whatever happened up to the point where a person wakes up is out of her control; however, what is done consciously is subjected to accountability. Just understand, that the whole notion of reducing the frequency is in more ways than believed, connected to numerous factors personal, social, environmental including the religious makeup of a person. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. If I read quran and duas they stop but if i dont then i get them again, are these still wet dreams? what is the ruling regarding amarried woman having thoughts of another man like what ever she dors the man jst pop in her mind but the thoughts are not sexually related. 4. please can you clarify this to me, i frequently have a wet dream like 5 in a week and i was told by someone that it is bad omen, that it is spiritual problem. whats wrong with me?. Or the angels who are with you recording everything you do to be questioned on the Day of judgement? The water of the man is thick and white, and the water of the woman is thin and yellow. I have no idea on how to contact you, so I am posting this comment hoping that you can help me. Im a little worried now because i think ive become paranoid about being aroused, any little feeling i get im always worried whether or not if ive discharged. I really need to ask the Gynecologist, Dr. Fatimah Lalani some questions. Some Quick tips to reduce frequency of Wet dreams. Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate, You are only obliged to make-up prayers if you are not certain or reasonably sure that you experienced a wet-dream and did not perform the ritual bath. If she does not know what an orgasm feels like etc?? please i need an answer ASAP. 6. Can you please clarify? And like the narration in Sahih Muslim in which the Prophet sallallahu alihi wasalam indicated that a mans prayer is cut off when a woman who has gotten her menstruation passes in front of him. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The question of womens presence cutting off prayer is one issue that Sayyida Aisha (ra) disputed, and her refutation of it is noted in Sahih Bukhari: That is true, because Aisha may Allah be pleased with her was not aware of the other hadith of the Prophet peace be upon him which stated that the woman passing in front of the man who is praying cuts off his prayer, and based on what she saw the Prophet pray towards the bed in which she was lying down in. ['Ala' al-Din Abidin, al-Hadiyya al-'Ala'iyya] However, if you are lucid dreaming and intentionally decide to have a wet dream by masturbating to porn in a dream or having intentional orgasm (if you are on a Hard Mode) then I would consider it a relapse. Also because i know it is compulsory to make ghusl for the latter.I hope you can help clarify this problem.Thank u. As for the Hadith of Khawlah which you quoted (it is found in Sunans Ibn Majah #602 and An-Nasai #198), although it was classed as Hasan by Al-Albani (Sahih Sunan Ibn Majah #486 and Silsilah As-Sahihah #2187), it has defects in its chain: 1. I wonder how many people who discuss these matters openly, disguised with an Islamic label of seeking knowledge of utmost importance know what the different types of Tawheed and shirk are? The scholars of the Hanafi school stated that if someone wakes up and finds Mathy and he remembers having a wet dream, then he is obliged to perform Ghusl. I cant imagine anyone in their right mind saying yes. JazakAllah khair for such an informative post. Similarly, once a sister saw her young daughter (around 7) using the shower massager on her private areas while taking a shower. normally a wet dream is only consisted of something sexual.but if it is accompanied with chest pressure, scary dreams then, Allah knows best, it is something different It came multiple times during that period but I ignored them but after a few minutes I fell asleep now I woke up thinking I had a wet dream although I cant remember the dream but I think I felt somehow while sleeping that led to me asking myself if what I felt can be compared to orgasm or not but I remember the dream I had prior to waking up was nothing sexual in nature. Please show me the best way for dawah to someone who used to pray fast, etc? He says that all of the apparent Shawahid in this regard are weak. :o) And yes, we can get obsessive at times, and that is also not good. Keep in mind that I dont have my own family or kids yet, so what I said is only based on my observations, so I might be completely wrong, and Allah knows best. Once a sisters 9-10 year old daughter used her mothers body massager on her private areas; and ,very innocently, explained to her mother that it used to feel good. It is out of her control, especially for younger girls who may be experiencing many hormonal changes in their bodies. Assalaamu alaykum. assalamualaikum, It is said that certain foods which are considered hot can lead to nocturnal emissions. I have always been smaller and shorter compared to other girls growing up, slower in getting menstrual cycle etc and just generally age and grow slower compared to people my age. so can you please tell me something about this because am totally fed up of this. then you should very consistently read your duas, adhkaar of the night and the morning. How about if your father and brother were reading this? It is not as simple to explain the orgasm in words. I would like to ask a question. That was about ten years ago and over the time; our society has only become more corrupted. She had been actively involved with Islamic community since 1995 through her MSA, and then as a founding member of TDC, and other community organizations. what happens then to the prayers???. (It was reported by Muslim #479.) Sister, dont misunderstand this to mean there should be no shyness when asking about religious matters. I did have had wet dreams but never did i do ghusl as I didnt know about it is my ibadah accepted? A wet dream, or nocturnal emission, is when a male releases semen (the fluid that contains sperm) or a female orgasms and releases vaginal fluids while sleeping. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Salaam, please take a look at the following link you will find the hadith that you are looking for and its authenticity: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 MuslimMatters: Because Muslims Matter. Dont you see it was sufficient enough for Umm Sulaym and Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with them both) to stop where they did, asking with the utmost modesty? Maybe you can benefit form the following advice form sister Haleh. Im not sure I tried rubbing my index finger and thumb together to feel its texture and it felt somehow on my finger. I advise all of the brothers and sisters reading this, if you have a question, go to islamqaDOTcom and type in keywords of your question, 9 times out of 10, you will find your answer inshaAllaah. And Allah knows best. I understand its impure, but what am I to do if I cannot control it, the thoughts arise randomly and unannounced, and it happens so often? Maybe an older woman reading this would know? 4: if it is semen yes and you have to make up the fast. This is how things are for men, not sure if it is the same for women or how women can differentiate between the different types of discharges, and which ones require ghusl and which ones dont. We got married. JazakumAllah khayr for this article. The bottom line is that if one is sure that what one sees is not sperm then one does not have to do anything provided that no wet dream was seen. 2. Jazkullah khayrun for your responses. read the updated part in the post above, it should help inshaAllah, Pingback: Should Parents Tell Their Children About Changing Hormones? If one sees a dream in which one has sexual intercourse but does not notice any semen or wetness when one wakes up, ghusl is not necessary. Is it necessary to wear an under wear since we all women have white discharge in our everyday lives.. but is it necessary? I read on a website that if a woman has sexual thoughts and discharges then her wudu becomes invalid. May Allah grant us and you well-being. So according to this hadith, the three things that cut off a persons prayer if they pass in front of him are a woman who has reached the age of puberty, a donkey, or a black dog. Just wondering if theres a hadith to this? If a woman does not remember any sexual dream but wakes up with yellow discharge, is ghusl obligatory? Saba Syed (aka Umm Reem) is the author of International award winning novel, "An Acquaintance." Sometimes this discharge comes in small amounts and other times it comes in larger amounts and it is clear in color and is sticky. Your comment is lovely and generous. GET MARRIED. Some people believe that wet dreams will reduce a man's sperm count. It was therefore classed as Daif by Zubair Ali Zai . We discussed a few tips in the comments above how sisters should try to ward off these thoughts. :), Assalam ou alikum umm reem i want to ask u a question that plz tell me in clear wording that wht type of wet dreams are i mean that we saw a strange man in our dream so thats y we should take bath, Assalamo Alaikum. And Allah knows best. I pray this finds you in the best of states. I think shaytaan is just playing with your mind and making you doubtful about your taharah status. Rather, as in many places in the shariah, one has to return to ones common sense and ones observation based on what one is reasonably sure of (ghalaba al-Dhann). However, based on the hadith of the Prophet, sallallahu alihi wasalam, I would say that: Question: If a woman sees a sexual dream but is confused whether she had an orgasm or not, what should she do? I dont have much of wet dreams honestly and usually I am sure when I see them, because even if I dont remember the dream itself the moment when relaxation comes and you feel weak, climax etc, that moment I usually wake up. This answer was indexed from, which used to have a repository of Islamic Q&A answered by various scholars. What am I to do? Yaqeen or very strong presumption of wet dream which must include an orgasm.-Extra vaginal discharge but no wet dream/sexual dream or doubts about dream (you dont remember clearly experiencing orgasm) ghusl not required, I am confused, i had a weird dream and I dont remember if it was a wet dream or notBasically i woke up for isha, I felt wetness but I thought it must be vaginal discharge, then I slept again, woke up for fajr and prayed fajr and then i was sitting staring at the clock that i remembered my dream, i didnt like it, I was not a good Muslim and everything it felt wrong, I wannit time to come back and I was going to tell my best friend about it but the exact nature of dream i kept on recalling and regretting..It had something to do with my lack of imaan i was worried about to the point things went out of hand.and I dun remember if I had this dream before or after isha, like i dun remember if it was followed by vaginal discharge, i cant recall anything much clearly apart from the fact there was something, some part of it which was disturbing and I didnt like it, it wasnt satisfying for me..I dunno if this counts as a wet dream or am I again under influence of waswas which i am constantlyPlease help me hereI am so confused, i m tired and exhausted, feel flewish, with my throat filled with mucus type feeling, i dunno wat to do, my mom has never informed me of wet dreams or anything, i read this stuff myself about taharah. if a women get wet dream in day time and his vagina get wet but she doesnot find any drops of liquid in her inner or pant. I keep pushing the thoughts out of my head, but sometimes feel I cant. Something similar to that was narrated from Umar and Uthmaan, and that was stated by Ibn Abbaas, Ataa, Saeed ibn Jubayr, ash-Shabi, an-Nakhai, al-Hasan, Mujaahid, Qataadah, Maalik, ash-Shaafai, and Ishaaq, because what appears to be the case is that it was emitted during a wet dream, and he forgot. *thumbs up* good job. He said: Women are the full sisters of men. [Sunan Ab Dwd and Sunan al-Tirmidh]. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. Is ghusl required if mazi is present but no wet dream occurred? 3. Been wanting to talk to the children but have no idea how to start. Novels/magazines/internet anything that triggers emotional cues The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. If a female asks these types of questions which affects her prayers then i do not think she should abstain from asking since i agree with the sister that there is no shyness in religion and one should ask if in doubt. Or just in front in general, because then things could get a little dicey where praying in public is concerned. (And I read here that if you are uncertain there is no need for ghusl right). 1.1 what will be a ruling if I see a wet spot on my underwear, but not sure its due to wetness because of desire that only breaks wudu or that thing that requires ghusl? confusing, i dont think it will cause any confusionsjust because mother didnt have a wet dream doesnt mean that daughter/s may not have it either. When I went back to bed I felt discharge do you think this discharge could be a result from the dream?? Pingback: Female Wet Dreams: Islamic Perspectives & Regulations The Journey to Marriage., Female Wet Dreams: Islamic Perspectives & Regulations The Journey to Marriage, Should Parents Tell Their Children About Changing Hormones? As long as people arent indulging in sexual thoughts or looking at things which are causing them to have these wet dreams, then it isnt in their hands and they arent to blame for it, not to mention that this isnt something wrong in of itself, and like the sister said in her article, Allah azzawajal created wet dreams as an outlet for men and women to release their sexual energy.. A side note about making the intention, the place of the intention is in the heart, and saying our intention out loud is not from the sunnah. what should she do? Rather, modesty should be maintained when askin. For a pre-teen, its incredibly tough knowing that their body is changing especially when they dont have anything other than their Biology classes and their friends to go on. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh I just decided to change my panties wash myself there and performed wudu and went to pray. But if parents support their children prior to puberty by preparing them for the 5-10 year journey theyre about to undertake and supporting them at every stage, then they will come out much better on the other side knowing that their parent has been their best friend. Wet dreams are completely natural and are caused by a build up of hormones in the mans body. She must have yaqin (certainty) or at least a very strong presumption that shes had a wet dream (which includes an orgasm). It helped me clear up so many confusions that I had regarding this particular issue. Remember, if a matter is doubtful the certainty takes over, i.e. And what counts as passing in front of someone? There is haya in all the issues concerning the deen, for haya is part of eeman too, but what I think the sister meant is that having haya does not prevent some one from seeking knowledge in the deen. This cannot be understood from our fatwa. How else would her child resemble her? (Bukhari). I googled it and got sooo much useful information but since I am a Muslim I cannot rely on western information. You will get obsessed about not thinking about it which essentially gets you more focused on it. Not a forum with men and women together discussing their irrelevant personal experiences. I will appreciate a response looking at this issue of masturbation from all angles, including the Islamic principle of choosing the lower of 2 evils. or may be its not pain i cant explain that what that is. I have 2 3 questions which you have already discussed before but due to some different situations i have been confused getting a correct answer. Can I accept commission from a property broker for selling the owners brothers property? A lot of men and women are in a dilemma on this issue,especially those that are in situations beyond their control. Its different for men and women. 5. But my problem is I dont know the characteristic of maniy do Im not sure if I discharged it or not. there are a number of questions related to orgasm from sexual thoughts while awake or ejaculation while awake from sexual thoughts If one awakes and there is no sizeable stain on ones clothing, nor on ones body, neither did one see a dream and one found nothing but a slight speck of dampness in ones clothing, one can safely assume that what one has found is not sperm but rather preejaculate (madhi) or dampness left over from ones sprinkling ones lower garment. Pingback: Quandary of Female Vaginal Discharge | Shorter Answer: Having a wet dream during the day in Ramadan does not invalidate the fast, because this is a matter that is beyond a person's control. i had a wet dream. Shes moving. So when the need rises, one must ask in order to educate themselves regarding these issues which are of utmost importance. but recently stoped after finding out. Analysing great literary figures, particularly from the Bard himself to enable them to look inside someone elses mind and to think before they judged that fictional character for his/her failings. Am I required to pay Zakat on a car that is owned by me, if I use it to deliver food? Or should I wait till my menstraul cycle finishes then have have shower to get rid of the state? - Having wet dream without ejaculation: If one has a wet dream but does not find any traces of ejaculation, there is no need for ghusl in this case either. No shy or arrogant person will ever seek knowledge.. Sex is not inherently evil. The teachings of Islam do not impose such difficulty on people. (I would think Allah rewards each thing on its own and rewards every step we take towards him, and we should have a good opinion of Allah.

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