public relations 2nd edition tom kelleher pdf

Of course, other principles apply too, and we will look at some of those in cases in the chapters that follow. Indeed, public relations isnt public relations without tactics. Conlon, Jerome, The Brand Brief Behind Nike's Just Do It Campaign, Branding Strategy Insider, August 6, 2015, behind-nikes-campaign.html. People who buy an organizations products and services are certainly an important public with whom to build and maintain relationships. An election is like a survey of voters, and fresh election results yield all sorts of new data to kick off planning for future campaigns. That said, search engines are designed to sift out unnatural links, which are placed there specifically to make your site look more popular to search engines. 30 Earning natural links means nurturing relationships with other sites by offering information that the writers and designers of those sites will find valuable. 160 CHAPTER 6|PL ANNING In writing goals and objectives it is important to think beyond what you plan to do and to think about what you plan to accomplish. You can too. If investigators determine that an act of terrorism took place, the airline would likely be considered a victim. Estimates ranged from 9.2percent in Shelby County, Tennessee, to 46.3 percent in the District of Columbias Ward 2.25 Reading this report after reviewing the research methods, I am fairly confident in the reliability of the results. Today, if we were to silo PR at our agency, it would only represent 15 percent of our business portfolio. . Selling fast. IHOP/IHOb kept it close to the vest for the next week, aside from a steady stream of puns playing on the flipped letter (e.g., The bossibilities are endless, Katie; Not so fast, Marissa! The first module in the web-based course describes the role of their public information officers: They tell the public about services and programs that can affect their lives, like information about staying healthy, fire safety, and changes in community college tuition. She found that email and direct face-toface communication in traditional meetings and with direct managers facilitated information exchange, listening and conversation. 24. 1.5 Planning: Sets goals and objectives based on research findings. Naturally people were surprised when they noticed a giant W where the M had become an established part of the landscape. While it is true that Google changes its algorithms thousands of times a year, and that gaming algorithms and social media strategy for SEO has become a career track in and of itself, one of the best strategies is also one of the simplest. and more sophisticated statistics such as correlations, and tests of the significance of interactions between variables. No, this isnt a reference to Worldwide Pillowfight Day flash mobs organized annually for fun and entertainment in dozens of cities around the world. The words Im sorry are muttered, but the relationship between the two kids doesnt improve. WHAT YOUR MARKETPLACE IS DOING. While it makes sense that a strategic plan outlines outputstasks completeda plan without goals and objectives that specify the results of those efforts will fall short on strategy. . (Oxford University Press, 2020 ) Important note! However, a major difference between nonprofits and corporations is the key publics of donors and volunteers. Also, there is increased emphasis on ethical standards among industry groups. Recognizes ethical dilemmas. You are your own most valuable asset in the business you do. Whats public relations role in cultural convergence? Can you describe two ways Hulu benefited from finding this tweet? . Benchmarking Process of setting a point for comparison with eventual program results in order to observe change over time. Author, consultant and PRSA Fellow James Lukaszewski offered the following example on his website.15 Suppose an account supervisor at a public relations agency earns a salary of $65,000 a year. We aim to supply news. Analyzing and presenting data that make sense to management and c lients. (New York: NYU Press, 2000), 20. Sports information directors, for example, are responsible for documenting and promoting the accomplishments of the athletes, teams and leagues they represent. The overall takeaway we want to impart upon audiences, through our public relations efforts, is that it is a new day at Wells Fargo. Pdf_module_version 0.0.20 Ppi 360 Rcs_key 24143 Republisher_date 20221007002835 The Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) credential serves to certify professionalism and ethical standards of practitioners who have five or more years of experience in the field. Why would an organization want to personalize a response with the users name? We spent approximately $70 million to restore operations there. She most recently was head of social media at BODEN, a leading cross-cultural 170 CHAPTER 6|PL ANNING communication agency based in Miami, where she oversaw the McDonalds USA scope of work as Hispanic agency of record. Aflat or down quarter isnt an automatic sell signal. My mediated life was going to be simple and uncluttered. Theres an expectation that any younger person 21 to 28 years oldalready knows social media and can pick up this kind of writing on the fly. Then the solution: The Buffalo Bicycle changed all of that. Buffalo Bicycles are rugged bikes manufactured in Africa for the World Bicycle Relief Organization. See Technological convergence Digital divide, 362, 362f, 363 Digital media. Building and maintaining relationships with publics is essential, even if they never buy from or sell anything to your organization. What kinds of challenges do they face in an age of convergence? --Staci Baird, University of La Verne, "Public Relations ensures that today's student body can reference an engaging traditional medium in a world now dominated by digital distraction." Secondary research is generally cheaper and easier than primary research. For example, you may want to think about the sources for your messages such as employees or members of your organization, the intermediaries such as reporters, community leaders or social media influencers, and the target publics who will receive and respond to the message. This isnt to say that celebrity and social media influence doesnt have a place in legitimate public relations. Before delving into ways organizations respond to crises, this chapter covers how issues evolve and how issues may be identified and managed proactively to minimize the need for crisis management. 3. If you work for a hotel and your boss asks you to post a positive review of your accommodations on travel websites, what do you do? According to a study by the USC School of Communication, the technologies and those people with greater access and usage. PBSs Student Reporting Labs program for aspiring journalists lists these five key elements of newsworthiness: timeliness, proximity, conflict and controversy, human interest and relevance (see Table 4.1).6 Others include novelty, shock value, impact or magnitude and superlativessuch as the first, largest, longest, oldest or most expensive of some category. Although I wouldnt go so far as to say that St. Paul was a PR guy, at least one public relations historian identifies Paul as one of the most influential communicators in history. In the contemporary language of public relations, he played all its roles: writer-technician, liaison, manager and strategist, wrote Robert E. Brown of Salem State University with an admitted sense of anachronism in making the case.39 In addition to authoring much of the New Testament, St. Paul deftly segmented his publics (Jews and early Christians), tailored his rhetoric for his audiences, visited churches, and was effective enough in spreading his message to change the course of religion and world history. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has millions of data points that measure the ever-changing economy. Fiske has a proven track record developing successful, multi-channel campaigns working with some of the worlds leading brands such as Charles Schwab, American Airlines, GE, Google, Absolut Vodka and MTV Networks. . Multipliers Formulas applied to circulation or other media reach numbers based on assumptions that more than one person will be exposed to each copy of a message or that being covered as part of a news story is more valuable than paid advertising in the same media space. All else being equal, resume readers in the experiment rated applicants with less professional email addresses lower in effort, personal responsibility, conscientiousness and motivation than those with standard email addresses.9 In addition to your email address, account names, and profile pictures, remember that your narrative biography, resume items, and any accompanying graphics or images are also personal brand artifacts that represent your writing and design skills. Chapter 10 covers social media and the process of listening in more depth. 2. Case Study Burger King Uses Mobile App to Troll Competitors Geofencing The use of localization technology, like GPS, to create a virtual geographic boundary for a real-world area. How did they respond? 14.2 Identify different types of employers for public relations jobs. 6.4 Media relations: Understands definitions, strengths, weaknesses and needs of different media. What Is an Environmental Impact Statement?, Depleted UF6, index.cfm. LATENT, AWARE, ACTIVE According to Kurt Lewin, a pioneer in social and organizational psychology, There is nothing so practical as a good theory.14 A good example of practical theory in public relations is James Grunigs situational theory of publics. Rather than a small group of editors acting as gatekeepers for what gets covered, decisions about what gets the top billing in organic search results depend on automated calculations. Psychologists will tell you that this is all part of being a well-adjusted adult. In news media relations, publics find an organizations stories based on what editors and producers decide is newsworthy. 9.4 Compare and contrast business writing and social media writing. As an example, the SECs web page cites a case of a public relations executive charged with insider trading on information he gained while representing a transportation and logistics company: The SEC alleges that Robert M. Morano, a former employee of UTi Worldwide, Inc., obtained more than $38,000 in illegal profits by purchasing shares in the company before it and DSV Air & Sea Holdings A/V jointly announced UTis acquisition. Before pitching to reporters, read their news stories, watch their programs and follow their social media accounts to better understand their style and the type of news they cover. Triggers can be set up to alert when a mobile device enters or leaves that area. For example, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolina includes items in their survey of employee engagement that say, I am proud to work for CMS and I would feel comfortable referring a good friend to work for CMS.6 Engagement also can be cognitive and based on what people think, learn and know. Whats the biggest crisis youve ever had to manage? 2. Then a similar notice showed up in my inbox from eBay, and then These are among the 50 most powerful slogans for brands, according to the Advergize website,15 but think about how much work goes into making the slogans resonate. KEY TERMS Apology 337 Bolstering 339 Boomerang effect 338 Compensation 338 Contingency theory 322 Ingratiation 339 Issues management 324 Organizational crisis 333 348 Pure accommodation 322 Pure advocacy 322 Responsible supply chain management 329 Scapegoating 337 Situational crisis communication theory (SCCT) 333 Social media creators 342 CHAPTER 12|ISSUES AND CRISES Social media crisis communication model (SMCC) 342 Social media followers 342 Social media inactives 342 Stealing thunder 345 C HAP TE R 13 Global Understanding cultural dimensions can help us better communicate with publics around the globe. So what do these robots look for? Many of the same relationship strategies that work in personal relationships positivity, openness, assurances, social networking and sharing tasksalso work in maintaining relationships between organizations and their publics. 21. But like web pages in general, their utility to users is often enhanced when organizations give up some control and allow for feedback and sharing. Cited in Lamme and Russell, 288. Whereas journalists act as gatekeepers in news media, and everyday internet users serve as influencers in social media, computers are the intermediaries when we write to reach publics via search technology. Digital Study Guide A robust Digital Study Guide available at includes flashcards, videos and self-study quizzes. When Snapchat first offered companies the opportunity to buy one days worth of ads to appear in users recent updates feeds, they reportedly charged $750,000. With most traditional news media, youll want to write with AP style. Your hospital? Propaganda The spread of information used to promote or support a particular point of view. KEY LEARNING OUTCOMES 4.1 Describe public relations management in terms of relationship maintenance strategies and relational outcomes. Discuss your experience with message testing. In a way, each of the case studies and examples is a little test. Native advertising Paid advertising that is presented in the form of the media content that surrounds it. Some channels could be left out and others included in analyses, making public relations results look better. If a university is working to gain funding based on its faculty research and community service, faculty members will be a key internal public. 1 (1985): 80. It also requires the ability to understand the analytics, measuring and tracking which posts and tweets are resonating most with the customers. 154 CHAPTER 6|PL ANNING Digital media allow for better tracking of steps as well. Can people recall your hashtag? audiobooks purchased on a smartphone. 5.3 Organizational structure and resources: Recognizes chain of command, including boards of directors, senior leadership, middle management, direct line supervision, line positions, and each levels distinctions. If you have a vacation planned that is going to delay a client project, you probably dont want to LOL about it or include #SorryNotSorry in the email to your boss or client. What are some ramifications of this type of ently in public forumsconstructively cultural convergence? And thats just conversations happening in English! No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by license, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reproduction rights organization. Ethical dilemmas may arise when loyalty to colleagues from prior jobs conflicts with responsibility for fair competition in a new job. They must understand and communicate from the standpoint of their organizations cultural values while understanding and interpreting their pubCultural convergence works in two directions for McDonalds, which exports lics cultures back to the organization as mainstream American culture but also adopts local tastes. But not all content is created equal. Or would you welcome the news that more suspicious activity was actually reported? In a roughly 1,300-word retort posted on his page (https:// on the self-publishing platform titled What The New York Times Didnt Tell You, Carney disputed many of the claims.7 Carney wrote that Olsons brief tenure at Amazon ended after an investigation revealed he had attempted to defraud vendors and conceal it by falsifying business records and that Olson had admitted this and resigned immediately after being confronted with the evidence. BLOGS AND LONGER FORM Blogs were among the first social media writing forms adopted on a wide scale by public relations practitioners. Goals and Objectives It takes clear writing to articulate your goals and objectives as part of a public relations strategy. Sometimes the communication must precede action, as when an electric company consults with communities via town hall meetings prior to installing new power lines. You now need to think through headlines, subheads, leads and keywords to hook readersand to cater to search engines. On September 21, 2015, Volkswagen Group of Americas chief executive Michael Horn had to use what should have been an occasion to celebratethe companys launch event for its 2016 Passatto issue an apology instead. Historical writing 7. These simple experiments are just the tip of the analytics iceberg. Many of these examples come from nonprofits and public utilities. Ethics: Loyalty and Diversity inCommunication and Action Just as communication without action produces meaningless spin, diversity initiatives without loyalty amount to window dressing or a misguided attempt to gain political correctness points, as media critic Eric Deggans puts it.21 A key step in the process of ethical decision-making is identifying the diverse parties who will be affected by a decision and defining the organizations loyalty to each. 3. 17109/i-am-a-street-photographer-in-new-york-city. CASE STUDY The Chipotle case suggested that the companys eco-friendly business model became harder to sustain as its success led to rapid expansion. Personnel Even in programs with no budget, people invest time and depend on others to do so as well to achieve public relations goals. But not everyone liked the ad. Tertiary publics Groups of people who indirectly influence or are indirectly affected by a public relations campaign or program. Why is this a First Amendment issue and a public relations issue? Todays media monitoring services still measure publicity, but they also monitor online conversations and facilitate the analysis and sharing of information all day, every day, in real time. Comscore, 2018, Global Digital Future in Focus 2018, Global-Digital-Future-in-Focus-2018. For example, when a web page includes a clickable photo, graphic, or chunk of text from another page, this is considered framing. For better or worse, everyone is exposed to public relations in democracies like ours, and the more people understand what makes for good, ethical public relations the better. Thats something to consider very carefully. Identification 3. Your broader education is just as important as your public relationsspecific courses. Higher pricing may give the product some prestige, but if the product is not affordable, no one will buy it. Would you use the same moral reasoning in a professional career in public relations? On the day that news of the conference call broke, Papa Johns stock prices dropped nearly 5 percent. In the introduction to Chapter 5, we described research as a cyclical process. Mobile App Report, www Organization (Beyond Offerings) Marketing and advertising are primarily concerned with promoting an organizations offerings, and most often those offerings are products and services that the organization sells or exchanges to remain profitable. (His name was Colin.)21 The humor in this sketch comes from its kernel of truth about the increasing level of responsiveness to and understanding of consumer wants and needs required to compete in modern consumer-centered marketplaces. While everyday gamers are well aware of the appeal of video games like NBA 2K, general sports fans may not understand the greater impact and significance of e-sports leagues as businesses and as cultural phenomena. In public relations, you may run into situations in which your right to free speech infringes on someone elses reputation, intellectual property, financial interests or privacy. Give an example and explain why you would choose alternate channels. The narrative was so ridiculous it was almost funny, and so Carroll decided to tap into that sentiment with the YouTube music video United Breaks Guitars. The video featured a catchy tune and clever lyrics describing the whole experience, and it struck a chord with millions of frustrated passengers. Protecting Publics In addition to information that must be made available to citizens in the marketplace of ideas in democratic societies, laws and regulations also stipulate which information should be made available to consumers in the marketplace for goods and services. 37. Large media organizations with high-traffic websites can run countless A/B tests in any given day to optimize their content. I even know a certain textbook author and professor who criticizes Walt Disney Co.s massive media empire and then happily takes his kids to Walt Disney World. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, offers a public information office awareness course as part of its Emergency Management Institute. According to Harder, The challenge is for Coca-Cola to find a way to be taken seriously as a player in anti-obesity efforts while simultaneously increasing sales and offering consumers the products they love. Harders conclusion highlights the importance of relationships with several key publics in defining the success of the CSR efforts. I had to purchase for a course and found the book very well documented and easy to read and understand the terminology and concepts. While it is true that technology often advances faster than the law, these legal principles still apply. Loose Leaf : 464 pages. Copyright Claim to intellectual property rights of an original work of authorship including rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, d isplay, license and so on. 2. But before you dive in to reach all those users, youll want to think about your public relations strategy and the technology and culture of each. That single word or phrase should be as carefully conceived as any you ever write. Issues management Systematic process whereby organizations work to identify and resolve issues before they become crises. Salespeople sell. The decision between monologic and dialogic public relations parallels questions of one-way versus two-way communication (Chapter 1), asymmetrical versus symmetrical public relations (Chapter 2) and advocacy versus accommodation (Chapter 12). They start conversations, answer questions, address complaints and thank fans, and they empower others to do the same. Avoid PR and marketing. Other common courses in public relations majors focus on public relations case studies, law, ethics, planning and management.19 If youre working on a college degree, however, keep in mind that your broader education is just as important as your public-relations-specific courses. A Guide for Ethical Decision-Making 19 Identify The Parties Who Will Be Affected This is where those competing duties to various people come into play. Russell Hotten, Volkswagen: The Scandal Explained, BBC News, December 10, 2015, accessed June 18, 2019, Lets say your public now really understands net neutrality and theyre good and mad about it being taken away (high problem recognition) because they feel the change is a political move that only benefits big ISPs (high level of involvement). Discuss a love-hate relationship that you have with a particular organization. Defining Public Relations 3 communication, which is why so many other definitions of public relations abound. As Wall Street Journals Elizabeth Holmes put it, A picture may be worth a thousand words, but on social media you need a caption.31 Part of the beauty of mobile photo-sharing apps like Engagement Measure of how (likes, shares, comments, etc.) The brand also partnered with celebrity influencers, like Neil Patrick Harris and Gwen Stefani, to share photos donning their own Mickey Mouse ears and encouraging fans to do the same. How would you describe your own cultural preferences, according to Hofstedes model? SUMMARY 115 3. My organization can be relied on to keep its promises. 6.3 Internal stakeholders: Understands importance of internal relationships to the public relations function. The SEC was not in a forgiving mood, and brought Musk back to court for violating the terms of the earlier settlement. Respond quickly and appropriately to challenges on social media to prevent issues from becoming crises. 6. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Kelleher, Tom (Tom A. Many candidates and organizations hire agencies that specialize in political communication. 12. 19. 20. 21. 22. Although we hope that our elected officials will focus more on getting their new job done than on getting reelected, there is quite a bit of truth here for campaign strategists. Because more than 10,000 donors were part of the study and participants were assigned to groups randomly, any difference between groups could reasonably be attributed to the different invitations and incentives. The last four (trust, commitment, satisfaction and control mutuality) are key indicators of relational outcomes. Mergers and acquisitions have occurred for decades, and we will continue to see agencies of all sizes consolidate and reposition themselves regularly. KEYWORDS If you want your page to be found when people search for keywords, include those words on your page. Not only did Defren have to weigh his loyalty to the client, but he also had to consider the loyalty and trust that the clients Twitter followers may have had in the executive. Prior marketing, advertising and public relations plans. A. Brill, the psychoanalyst. Mid-career employees also recognize that switching jobs is often the key to raising earnings and moving up in management. Publicity can be compared to advertising in three major ways: cost, control and credibility. Wikipedia contributors, Listicle, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, accessed June 13, 2019, https:// did=859745044. . 51. There are two ways to think about interpersonal relationships and organization-public relationships. . The New York Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet speaks at the National First Amendment Conference in Pittsburgh in 2018. Kathleen S. Kelly, Effective Fund-Raising Management (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence E rlbaum Associates, 1998), 441. Validity in public relations research and social science research can be particularly tricky because we often try to measure and observe things that are much harder to define than books, clothes or pineapples. sage or advertisement is clicked. 16. 56. It all starts on the page or screen. The Coca-Cola case illustrates how one company has attempted to balance the varying interests of investors, employees, consumers, activists, lawmakers and global communities. They increase in intensity. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Any specific advice for the next generation of public relations practitioners? Secondary publics Groups of people who are important to a public relations campaign or program because of their relationship with primary publics. 10. Social media followers receive their information from the influ- ential creators. These generally cost money if you want data tai- lored to your specific questions about key publics, but they can be useful 132 CHAPTER 5|RESEARCH and fascinating if your budget permits them. External factors include the perceptions of external publics who may be impressed with large numbers but feel deceived and lose trust if they were to learn that the account holder had paid for zombie followers. Please free the cartoon animals on your cracker box so that they do not appear to be stuck in cages. 53. social-media-account-really-guidelines-prpractitioners-organizations-determine-social-mediaownership/. However, informal trial and error on its own does not constitute strategic public relations. This doesnt mean they arent affected or dont have a say. He earned his B.A. Assume you get the job. How are the four similar and how are they different? 10. Managing Relationships 91 Organizational-public relationships have many parallels to interpersonal relationships. Waitress: The chicken is a heritage breed, woodland-raised chicken thats been fed a diet of sheeps milk, soy and hazelnuts. I was able to help negotiate $500K+ in salary increases and positioned 150+ promotions for the women Ive met last year in five U.S. cities. Public relations is about mutually beneficial relationships, and conveying promise is a way to indicate how your audiences and publics will benefit from a relationship with you. Fighting cancer requires money for research, physician involvement, preventive behavior and early detection of treatable conditions. What do you think made this campaign so successful? The case was settled with four conditions37: Tesla and Musk would pay $40 million in fines combined. Plagiarism Copyright Claim to intellectual property rights of an original work of authorship including rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, license and so on. 2. (You may want to try this resource: http://geert- And if you hire translators for an international conference, that could be considered either an administrative expense or a personnel expense.

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