tibia damage calculator

|1.00 |60.00 ||Pair of Soulstalkers |90.00 |33 | |400 | | |knights and paladins|Feather Headdress | | | Vocation-Skill-Base skill + loyalty. |fire +2%, earth +2%, energy +2%, ice +2% |23.00 |5.00 |18 | |15 | |54.00 | | If you think this page should be unprotected, then use {{unprotect}} on the talk page. ||Eldritch Cowl | | |20 |7.70 Percentage Reduction This formula have to be applied for every single item that has percentage reduction. | | |16 UPDATE 4: Decided to not follow TibiaWiki formula for EK spells. |1 | |35.00 | | |100 |knights|Energy Clerical Mace |0.60 |25 |11 | |59.00 |physical +5%, ice +5% | | ||Ring of Secret Thoughts (Charged) |150 | |29.00 | |35 | | |250 ||Orcish Maul | | | |14 |22 |distance fighting +3 |knights|Gilded Eldritch Bow | ||Rubbish Amulet |knights and paladins|Leather Armor Tibia Game Features Tools TibiaWiki in: TibiaWiki Tools Armor Calculator View source Loading Calculators See also: Calculators Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. |energy +6% | |270 |knights|Sabre | | | |46.00 | ||Green Demon Slippers | ||Leather Helmet | |0 |56.00 ||Shield of the White Knight |0 |magic level +2 |22 |12 | |sorcerers and druids|Scale Armor | | | Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. | | |9 | | | | | | |30.00 |145.00 |magic level +2 |120 |earth +5%, fire -5% | |paladins and without|Rainbow Shield | |150 |35 | |80 | | | ||Pirate Hat website of Tibia is tibia.com. | |5.00 |80 | |9 |3 |25 |33 |sorcerers|Demon Armor | | | |None|Broadsword |15 | | | |4 ||Earth Barbarian Axe |22.00 | ||Book of Lies | ||Lightning Legs |69.00 | |58.00 |sorcerers and druids|The Rain Coat |65.00 |100 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SAyW61IF0Oum4FANFfJ0_fQ4RhjbTe1izji8imEOjZc/edit?usp=sharing, Type your level in the top, then see how the damage of every spell changes for each magic level. |120.00 | | |65.00 | | | |22 | ||Terra Legs | | | |0 | | |250 |knights|Gilded Eldritch Rod |400 |0 ||Scarab Shield | |knights|Crude Umbral Crossbow | | |18 |45 |75 | |78.00 |50.00 ||Noble Axe |60 ||Magic Longsword |energy +6% |2 | |250 | | |sword fighting +1, club fighting +1, axe fighting +1 |60 | | |physical +6%, fire +10% | ||Ornamented Axe |physical +3% ||House Silversun's Signet Ring |3 | |distance fighting +1 |39 |7 | |90.00 | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% |0 |99.00 |63.00 |19.89 | |5.70 |8 | |2 |0.10 |20 | | | |80 | | | |19.00 |72.00 ||Golden Hyaena Pendant | ||The Lion's Heart | | | ||Werewolf Helmet | | | | | |1 | |knights|Swampling Club |120 ||Broken Iks Faulds |400 | |45 | |7.50 | | |3.00 |physical +80%, death +80% |145.00 ||Green Tunic |29 |150 |55.00 | |knights|Gnome Shield | | | ||Opulent Floor Lamp (Lit) |2.00 | |200 | |1 | | | ||Ghostsilver Lantern | |knights|Wooden Sword | |21.00 | | ||Battle Axe |65 | | |110.00 |knights|Epee |91.00 |45 | | ||Grandiose Lamp (Lit) |120.00 | | |0 |22 | ||Short Sword | |magic level +2 | |43.00 |knights|Ring of Secret Thoughts |100 | | | |80 |180 ||Carlin Sword |15.00 | | | | |20 | | | ||Double Axe | Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine: Email me if a comment is added after mine. | |31 |220 |5.00 | | |druids|Charged Arcanomancer Sigil | |knights|Warrior's Axe |knights|Earthheart Platemail | | | ||Mammoth Whopper |5.50 To use, clear your Server Log and look all your loots, paste the info here. |25.00 | | | |6 |51.00 |28 |magic level +2, fire magic level +1, perfect shot +65 at range 4 |magic level +2 | | |18 | | |29 | | | | |paladins|The Justice Seeker | |2 | |29.50 |knights|Dragon Scale Boots |70.00 | |physical +2%, earth +6% | | |fire +10%, ice -10% |paladins|Moohtant Cudgel | You can find more information about our cookies on our. | |32.00 |31.00 | |37.00 |34 |18 |19.00 | |250 | | |19 |11 | |25.60 ||Hammer of Destruction |50.00 | | | | | |120.00 |100 ||Dragon Robe | | ||Post Officer's Hat | |50 | | |physical +5% | |230 ||Shield of Corruption | | |magic level +5, fire magic level +1, energy magic level +1 | |70 | |130 2020 Tibia and all game graphics belong to Cipsoft GmbH. |55 | | |faster regeneration, speed +20 |knights|Patched Boots |ice +7% | |speed -6 |physical +5% |druids|Glooth Axe | |300 |32.00 | |without|Mean Paladin Spear ||Light of Change |knights and paladins|Golden Blessed Shield | | |sword fighting +5 | | |35 | |3 | |knights|Falcon Rod |2.00 | |5.10 | | | |1 |knights|Wailing Widow's Necklace |club fighting +1 |druids|Morning Star | | |knights and paladins|Engraved Wedding Ring ||Lunar Staff | |5.00 | ||Pair of Earmuffs | |2 |95.00 |85 |sword fighting +4, axe fighting +4, club fighting +4, 19 damage reflection |magic level +2, fire magic level +3, energy magic level +3 |21 |distance fighting +4 | ||Master Archer's Armor - Melee (Axe/Club/Sword) training for knights | ||Gryphon Mask | |sorcerers|Wand of Vortex |5.00 | |30 | | ||Prismatic Shield |65 |52.00 | ||Throwing Star of Sula | ||Sea-devil Wall Lamp | | |18.00 |5.00 |18 | |17 |120.00 | | |250 |41.00 | |50 | | | | |2.00 | | |70 | | | | |100 |0.80 ||Summerblade |1.00 | |9 | | ||Royal Star |earth +8%, fire -8% ||Ornate Shield | The official | | | | |3 ||Vile Axe | |150 | | | |0 |knights and paladins|Feverbloom Boots | |13.00 | | Damage is the result of some kind of attack. | |89.00 | |45.00 |distance fighting +2 | | |63.00 | | |13.00 | | | | |knights|Eldritch Rod |38.00 | |1.50 | | | |85.00 |400 | | | |84.50 | | |95.00 |25.00 |physical +3%, fire +6%, ice -5% |9 | |200 |3 |8.50 | | |9 |24.00 The formulas used are from TibiaWiki and some multipliers are from TibiaStats. |sorcerers|Charged Spiritthorn Ring |club fighting +1 ||Purple Flower Lamp (Unlit) |33 |9 |40 | | | | | | | |400 | |35.00 |death +5% | |speed +10 ||Club Ring | | ||Magic Light Wand (Lit) T.H.A.I.S. | |65.00 | |18.40 | |0.90 |85.00 |physical +7%, ice +7% | | | | | ||Friendship Amulet |18 |paladins|Soulshroud | | |34.00 | | | |2.80 |55 |druids|Shimmer Sword | | |250 | | | | |160.00 | | |7 | | | | |14.50 | | | | |38 | | |knights|Falcon Battleaxe |50 | | ||Great Axe ||Pointed Rabbitslayer | | | ||Frostflower Boots |magic level +4 ||Ring of Green Plasma |0 |4.50 ||Lit Crystal Lamp | | |death +10%, holy -10% | Calculator to work out the amount of experience points needed between two levels. | ||Maimer |sorcerers|Gill Gugel |5.00 | |5 |30 | |earth +4% |knights|Frostheart Platemail |20 ||Barrel and Anchor Lamp |400 | | |7 | ||Lit Glowing Mushroom ||Reaper's Axe |50 | |6 |100 |death +3% | | ||Energy Blacksteel Sword |270 | | | | |39 ||Traditional Neckerchief | | | |sorcerers|Wand of Inferno | | | ||Opulent Floor Lamp (Unlit) |0 | |50 |earth +2%, fire -2% | |85 | |22.50 | |400 | | |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Amulet | | |0 | | | |0 |paladins|Bast Skirt | | | | |magic level +1 |35 | |82 |75.00 | | |84.00 | TibiaPal.com - Training Calculator. | |death +5% |8 |200 | |42 | |27.00 | | | |5 |magic level +4 | |46.00 Weapon charges. Type your level in the top, then see how the damage of every spell changes for each magic level. | | | | |180.00 ||Obsidian Zaoan Bishop |club fighting +4 |30 | |50 | |82.00 | | |85 |60 |22 |0 | | | ||Skull Candle |ice +5% | | | |knights and paladins|Zaoan Robe | | |50 |400 |17.00 |100 ||Mathmaster Shield (Replica) | |20 | |13 | | ||Scarf |25 |distance fighting +2 | ||Earth Dragon Slayer |magic level +1 ||Golden Helmet | ||Ruthless Axe |paladins|Necromancer Shield |paladins|Eldritch Claymore | |36 |400 |sorcerers and druids|Golden Boots |69.00 | | | | |knights and paladins|Ranger's Cloak |38.00 | |sword fighting +3 | | | |0 | |magic level +1 ||Knife | | | | The Tibian with the highest Sword skill is Neto'Eccard from Inabra with 139. | |44.00 | |1.55 | |sorcerers and druids|Dwarven Axe |52.00 ||Blue Quiver ||Ornamented Brooch |3 | How does armor of creatures affect damage taken by players? |12 ||Modified Crossbow |400 | | |14 |paladins|Winterblade | | | |knights|Quiver |mana drain +5% |30 | |ice +6% |sorcerers and druids|Gnome Armor | | |25.00 |magic level +1 | | |35.00 |12 |41.00 | Charm Damage Calculators Exercise weapons Find out how many exercise weapons, time and money would cost to achieve your desired skill Loot Split Manage and split your party hunt loots Stamina Calculate and track how much time it takes to restore your stamina Imbuements Cost Calculate the cheapest way to buy materials for your imbuements Guilds in Tibia: 2734 People in guilds: 210787 Random guild: Deserters The most guilds: Antica (122) The least guilds: Zunera (1) Avg . |50 ||Ectoplasmic Shield | | ||Pair of Iron Fists | | | |4.00 | | |energy +6%, earth -6% |paladins|Falcon Longsword |8 |145.00 |125.00 |50.00 | |15.00 |4.50 | |85.00 | | | | |150 | |magic level +2 |4.20 |18.00 | Party Shared Calculator, enter your LVL and discover. |22.50 1 Character Stats 2 Character Skills 3 Armor 4 Loot 5 True Damage Taken Character Stats See Character Stats Calculator . | |70 |0 |42.00 |0 | ||Dagger | | |3 | |50 |130 | | | | |sorcerers|Combat Knife |10 |65 | |32 |40.00 |fire +8%, ice -8% | Disabled. | | |5 | | | |magic level +1 |60.00 | |death +3% | |speed +5 | | | |energy +10% | |10 |25 |6 |20 |25 |28 |sorcerers and druids|Frostsoul Tabard | |30.00 | | ||Rubber Cap ||Metal Wall Lamp |31 |33 | | | ||Yalahari Armor | ||Shield of Care |knights|The Shield Nevermourn |energy +10% |22 |0 ||Jagged Sword |25 |60 | | | | |29.00 Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://www.mityz.com/tibia/character/calculators, https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5836. | | |55 | |200 | |0 |77.00 ||Bear Skin | | | ||Candlestick |physical +4%, fire +2% |65 |5 |120 |13 |19 |7.00 | ||Broken Iks Sandals |0 |72.00 |18.00 | |20.00 | |magic level +3 | |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Plate | | |3.60 | |60 |150 ||Gold Medal |1 | | |42.00 | |35 | | | |11.00 |physical +3%, earth +14% | | | | | |1.00 ||Jade Zaoan King |distance fighting +1 ||Broken Wooden Shield |earth +5% | | | Current skill % to next. | |knights|Twin Hooks |15 |3 | | |31.00 |sorcerers|Soulshell |paladins|Filthy Bunnyslippers |physical +6%, energy +10% |85 | We are an Official Tibia Fansite made for the whole community, here you will find guides, quest, calculators and a Q&A section for your questions. | |150 | |3 |1 |70 |4.20 |paladins|Shimmer Rod |130 ||Butcher's Axe | |physical +5% ||Eldritch Breeches |25.00 | | |0 | | | |5.00 |70 |8 |druids|One Hit Wonder | | | |magic level +3 |knights|Spiky Club | ||Strange Helmet |100 | | |sorcerers|Wand of Decay | | | |0 | |75 | | |300 ||Morshabaal's Extract |20 |31 | ||Demonbone Amulet | |paladins|Golden Armor | |0 | | ||Crystalline Sword | | |20 | |11 | | | |35.00 | | |35.00 |knights|Icy Heroic Axe | |28 ||Daramian Axe |35.00 |32.00 | |51.00 |4 |76.00 | | | |paladins|Zaoan Halberd |31 | | |300 | Expand the different rows to see the different magic levels, and expand the columns to see the min,max,avg, difference for each spell EDIT:: It's been brought to my attention that this doesn't match tibiastats at higher levels. | |5.10 |, | |knights|Old Cape |24.00 | |31 | |27.00 |0 | | | | | |knights|Umbral Axe ||Dark Lord's Cape |84.00 | | |holy +8% | |magic level +2 ||Pendulet | | |250 ||Lit Candelabrum | | | |magic level +1 | |20 | | |4.55 ||Traditional Stein | ||Soulforged Lantern |75.00 | | | |120.00 | |21 | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Warding | |75 |knights|Cobra Crossbow | | |16 | |16 | | |knights|Crude Umbral Slayer |32 | | ||Glacier Amulet ||Crystal Ring |paladins|Bow of Destruction Test |40.00 |5.00 | |12.20 |3 ||Snake God's Sceptre |20 |energy +8% |55.00 | | |69.00 | | |sorcerers|Wand of Starstorm |ice +4%, energy -5% |60 |knights|Rattling Gourd | |24.00 |3.50 | | ||Zaoan Sword |paladins|Pair of Soulwalkers | | | |22 |29.50 | | | ||Sapphire Necklace |82.00 |100 ||Worm Punisher ||Dreaded Cleaver | | | |100 | |28.00 |sorcerers and druids|Pair of Dreamwalkers |60.00 Speed calculator. |7.70 | | | | ||Red Quiver | |32 ||Shimmer Glower | Tibiastats spell damage was last updated in 2009, wiki formulas were last updated in 2012. | | | | | |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Club) ||Bunnyslippers |21.00 | ||Silver Mask |28 |paladins|Umbral Master Bow Test ||Burnt Out Devourer Core | |42.00 | |120 | | | ||Club The tool assumes: | | Training calculator. |0 |18.00 There are two main kinds of damage: Physical Damage and Magical Damage. | |34.00 | |22.00 | |knights|Crude Umbral Bow | |180 | |200 | | |without|Mercenary Sword | |250 |8 |18.00 | |82.00 | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Ring of Healing |20 | | | | | |0 | | |24.00 | ||Crystal Lamp |25 agree to their use. ||Jade Zaoan Queen |sorcerers|Wand of Dragonbreath |14 |physical +5%, energy +18% |knights|Earthheart Hauberk |1 | |10 | | |25.00 | ||Obsidian Zaoan Knight |400 |28.00 |400 |45.00 Desired skill. | | | | |19 |8 |300 |170.00 | |12 |knights|Umbral Bow | |0.90 | |15 | |220 |1 |33 | |20 |13.00 | | | | There is a spell, called Magic Shield, that makes damage taken by monsters (or possibly players if you play on a PvP -server) not reduce your Hit Points, but your Mana. |0 ||Lightning Robe |paladins|Naga Rod | | ||Heart Lamp | Check if you get cheaper to imbue Void with items or buy Gold Tokens. |41 | | | |30 |6.10 | | |40.00 | |50 | |120.00 |sorcerers and druids|Mighty Helm of Green Sparks | |knights|Thunderheart Platemail | |85 | | |75 |druids|Arcanomancer Folio | |shielding +1 ||Steel Boots |club fighting +3, Cleave 3% |paladins|Cowtana |85.00 | The only rune that does not cause magical damage is the Explosion rune, several instant spells are available for knights but the only non-knight spell that doesn't cause magical damage is Physical Strike. |knights|Fur Boots |45.00 | |65 | |sorcerers and druids|Deepling Fork | |20 |3 |magic level +1 ||Depth Lorica |41.00 |0 | |faster regeneration |12.50 |23 | | |48.00 |24 | |13.00 ||Fiery Relic Sword |100.00 |sorcerers|Eldritch Warmace | | |15 | | |68.00 ||Haunted Blade |distance fighting +4 |0 | |31.50 | | |55.00 |38 | | The color for physical damage might vary depending on the creature that receives it. |3.50 |1 |230 |37.00 | ||Scarab Amulet | | | | |60 | | |5.00 | |0.80 | |2 | | |9 |5.00 |18 ||Jade Amulet | | | |20 |0 |ice +8%, energy -8% |sorcerers and druids|Frostheart Cuirass | These calculators require Javascript, | | | Tools for video game 'Tibia', TibiaLootSplit, Imbue calculator, Stamina calculator, Boss Timers, Exercise Weapons calculator and more. | |distance fighting +2 |100 ||Fiery Spike Sword |25.00 | |9 | | |1.00 | |2.50 |66.00 |0.80 |50 Email me at this address if my answer is selected or commented on: Email me if my answer is selected or commented on. ||Green Demon Legs |8 |48.00 |48.00 | | | |54.00 | | | | | |35.00 | |21 |75 | |26 | |speed +15 | | | Physical Damage is inflicted by melee attacks and Distance Weapons, as well as some runes and spells. | | |35 |4.10 |6 |sorcerers and druids|Pair of Nightmare Boots | ||Snow Globe |14 |100 |druids|Arcanomancer Regalia |1.50 |25.00 | ||Lucky Clover Amulet |druids|Stitched Mutant Hide Legs |80, |21 ||Hatchet |magic level +2 If you select 'offline' training, the tool assumes full 12h of offline training per day. | | |6 |druids|Spectral Dress Spoiler (click here to show spoiler) Fill the data according to your character in P. . ||Crown Armor |12 | ||Eldritch Folio | |0 ||Small Dragon Tear | | | | |37.00 | |29.50 | | |0 | |12 |distance fighting +3, magic level +1, holy magic level +1 |68.00 | ||Jungle Quiver |sorcerers and druids|Tribal Mask This tool calculates the time it will take you to reach your target skill while | | |physical +12% |14 | | | ||Naga Axe | |250 | |energy +8%, physical +4%, ice -2% | |, | | |80 | ||Power Ring |0 |28 |18 ||Bronze Amulet |physical +60%, fire +40% | |10 | | |15 | | | |75 |250 |20 |sorcerers and druids|Brass Shield | | | | |1 |24 |36 |15 | |28 ||Icy Cranial Basher | |magic level +1 |180.00 | discord.gg/f2hESCbgvz. |sorcerers|Naginata | |magic level +2 |0 I have adjusted it to use the new character level bonus scale. |0 | ||Axe ||Chopper of Destruction | |26.50 | | | | | | | ||Family Signet Ring ||Dragon Lance |2.00 | |400 |35 You can find more information about our cookies on our. | | | | |paladins|Sandals | ||Midnight Sarong | | | | |0 | |7 | | | | |35 we find you players who can share with you. |31 | | |82.00 | |64.00 | |35 |105.00 | |40 | | ||Jade Zaoan Pawn | | |earth +12%, fire -12% |6.00 |27.60 |50 | | | | | The formulas used are from TibiaWiki and some multipliers are from TibiaStats. Hits calculator. | | | |druids|Obsidian Lance |8 |37 |sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 | | | | |knights|Naga Club |18 | Contact an administrator if you want to suggest changes to the page. | ||Deepling Axe |25.00 |68.00 | |22.00 |0 |0 | | |300 ||Lion Amulet | | |11 |6 | | | ||Terra Mantle |270 |34 |2.50 | |shielding -10 | | | |29 | ||Spiritthorn Helmet |1 |sorcerers and druids|Spike Shield |knights|Lion Longbow |6 ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Lit) |52.00 |120 | | | | | |physical +3%, ice +7% | |250 |45.00 ||Terra Helmet | |11 ||Jacket | | | |16.00 | | |2.50 |14.50 Scan this QR code to download the app now. | | |3.14 |3 |75 | |68.00 | |0 | |28.00 | | | |9 |knights|Journal Shield |9.00 ||Glacier Robe |35 | Tibia character damage calculator. |220 |300 ||Moon Mirror | | | | |45.00 |2 | | ||Energized Demonbone |19 |axe fighting +2 | | |25.00 | |20 | | |12.00 | |40 |death +6%, holy -3% |7 |16 |45.00 |2.20 | | |paladins|Eldritch Shield | |52.00 | |45 | ||Velvet Mantle | | |9 ||Embrace of Nature | |28.50 | |10 TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. |39.00 | |sorcerers|Wand of Everblazing |magic level +2 |1.00 |26.00 | | |ice +5% |knights|Pharaoh Sword |paladins|Platinum Amulet |2 |13 ||Mining Helmet |magic level +5, healing magic level +1, ice magic level +1 | |10 |33 |7.00 | |70 |80 | |distance fighting +2 Winter Update 2021 brings three new effects that can be added to weapons, armor and helmets using the Exaltation Forge. | |4.00 ||Energy Spike Sword |26.00 ||Fish Tail (Unequipped) |7.00 | |45 |80.00 | |20 ||Berserker | ||Dwarven Helmet | |death +5% |physical +5% | ||Stone of Wisdom |physical +5%, earth +5% | |55.00 | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Ancient Arcana | |250 |earth +5%, ice +5% | | ||Bonelord Shield |druids|Eldritch Wand | |energy +8%, physical +3%, ice -2% |24 |180.00 |36.00 | |55.00 |6.50 | | |0.90 |36.00 | | | |12 | | | | | |25.00 |7 | | |10.00 |fire +10% |0 When selecting the other types the time and cost will be calculated assuming total usage of the weapons, which may be far superior to the time/cost required to get a certain skill. |mana drain +15% |15 | |27.00 |3 |95.00 | | | | | ||Plate Armor | | | |sorcerers|Alicorn Quiver | |physical +5%, earth +5% | |200 |35 | |knights|Fireborn Giant Armor | |220 | |35 |knights|Cobra Wand | |25 | | |60 | |1 |35 |death +3% | |150 | |30 ||Icy Blacksteel Sword |15 | |druids|Nightmare Blade |physical +4% |18.50 | |47.00 |50.00 |0 | | | |54.00 |druids|Robe of the Underworld |55 |axe fighting +4 | |0 |10.00 | | |4.50 |20 | |2 | | |26 |92.00 |20 |30 | | |14 and TibiaME are trademarks of CipSoft GmbH. |300 | |35 |40.00 | |250 | | |34.00 | | | |70.00 |10.00 |80 | | | | | | |distance fighting +3 ||Hunting Spear | | | ||Fiery Mystic Blade |20.00 |ice +5%, energy -5% |axe fighting +2 |14 | | |magic level +4 |12 | |61.00 | |25 | |0 |39.00 | |, |0 | ||Charged Alicorn Ring | |150 | |0 | ||Crown Shield |9 | |5.00 |physical +10%, energy +8% | |11 |knights and paladins|Mutant Bone Boots |0 ||Ring of Red Plasma | ||Tempest Shield | | | | | |physical +15%, earth +10% |46.00 ||Amulet of Theurgy | | |paladins|Royal Spear | |10 |7 |18.00 | | |axe fighting +2 | | |5.00 | |fire magic level +1, energy magic level +1 |knights|Glooth Spear | By continuing to use this website, you |18.00 | Step 2: Enter your level: Step 3: Enter your magic level: |0 | | |0.70 |29.00 | Damage types are represented by different colors on the game window so you might identify them. | ||Crown Helmet |knights|Earth Heroic Axe | |52.00 |sorcerer|Fiery Barbarian Axe |death +12% | GENERAL. | | |2 | |5.00 ||Fluorescent Fungi (Unlit) | |220 |10 |knights|Fire Axe ||Gill Necklace |52.00 | |17 | | | |65.00 |100 Tibia and TibiaME are trademarks of CipSoft GmbH. | | |50 | | | ||Solar Axe |150 |150 |120 | | | |120 | |physical +3%, fire +15% |sorcerers and druids|Mammoth Fur Cape | | |50.00 | | |knights|Taurus Mace | ||Resizer |12 | | ||Green Demon Armor |0.60 |35 | | | |22 |400 |sorcerers and druids|Lion Plate |100 |distance fighting +2, shielding +2 |13 | ||Northern Star |18 | | |150 | |24 |club fighting +4 | ||Nightmare Shield |physical +6% | |30 |axe fighting +2 | |1 |200 |130 |37 |5 | |87.00 | ||Bridal Wreath ||Onyx Pendant | |physical +7%, fire +5% |sword fighting +3 | | | |20 |100 |80 |10 | |70.00 |270 |22 ||Curly Hortensis Lamp (Lit) |5.00 | |48.00 | | | | |150 | | | | | ||Bast Legs | ||Hailstorm Rod | | |21.00 |25.00 |100 | |19 |distance fighting +1, speed +15 |knights|Earthmind Raiment |18 |50 | |2 |12.00 ||Luminescent Fungi (Unlit) | | |2 |0 | |120.00 | | |38.00 | |shielding +1 | | ||Stone Skin Amulet | | | | | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% |1 Wejd i sprawd informacje o swojej gildii! | |66.00 | |8 |knights|Glutton's Mace |death +5% |35.00 | | |25 How do fighting stances affect hit chance and damage? | |physical +2%, holy -2% |ice +3% |sorcerers and druids|Mastermind Shield | | |60 | |110.00 |55 |druids|Musician's Bow | ||Icy Relic Sword |29.00 | | |270 | |75 |9.00 | |knights|Machete |0.80 |10 |50 ||Black Shield | | | | |8 | |5.00 |9 |5.00 |18.00 | |15.00 |20.00 | ||Skullcracker Armor | | |magic level +1 |6 ||Knight Axe | | | |28 | |18 |79.00 ||Iron Crown ||Golden Horned Helmet | | | |80 |69.00 | |11 ||Depth Scutum | Automatic calculator to distribute waste and profit in a team hunt. | |0 | | |20 |18 |5.50 |99.00 |120 | |75.00 ||Royal Helmet ||Enchanted Pendulet |22.00 | | |10.00 | | | |druids|Unliving Demonbone |paladins|Hive Scythe | | | |250 | | ||Great Shield |11 Created by Kusnier. |druids|Falcon Escutcheon dirty leprechaun jokes, worldwide equipment guide 2020 pdf, a12 romford traffic,

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