venus in scorpio man ideal woman

We just broke up this August 2016. When I met my soulmate in physical form I wont come to him as a beggar but as a joyful celebrator of life and love. I Am not sure of the time, my love life has been an up hill battle as i try to engage into finding a long term relationship leading to marriage. :) Maybe I shouldnt have done it, but I dont see any other option anymore. Let go, Nikki. Why not try appreciating what you and you will see how very emotional a Cap can get! Im in love with one. The moment we met was like a destiny calling. This is a deeply philosophical sign, striving to solve the mysteries of life, the underlying causes of human behavior. She needs someone who has the patience and emotional I cant get enough of him. Was it this difficult? Romantic passions may run high and possibly You have to reassure them of your love often. My boyfriend is a scorpio in Venus (so is my mother, shes virgo sun) and hes a scorpion sun himself! Virgo with Vorgo rising Venus in Scorpio. I am a Virgo Sun,Moon Aquarius, Venus Scorpio (at 0.50 degrees, I think I share a lot of attributes with Venus Libra as well but mainly Scorpio), and Mars Virgo. But he is no pushover. I dont know if I should ask him out again??? The Scorp? I am very conflicted at times and out of balance when it comes to relationships with men. I wish I could apply my Pisces energy to my Scorpio Venus but It is very very hard. But since reality fails to meet that I have a fantasy lover instead and her names Romana . Ive been looking for my soulmate. Sex and relationships with Venus in Scorpio can have the power to heal, or at least transform, both partners in some way. He finally talked to me when i had no where else to sit but in front of him. You may totally lose interest in sex for a time, or find that your preferences change depending on the partner. You can become fiercely protective of your loved ones and friends. Your future partner will have good qualities that govern your love. Did I say she is sexy? You might not always know what it is that you want from relationships, but you will be drawn to people and situations that challenge you to get to the heart of the matterthe things that truly matter. I felt like dying for months I never got to tell him how I felt because I wasnt able to form trust with him. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. We do not have a proper closure. and heres why. No, not unemotional at all. He seemed a total good guy.. We had dated all through uni and he was kind, funny family orientated etc. Im a Libra with Venus in Scorpio too. Updated April 9, 2020By Corinne Lane 181 Comments, The first secret to know about a Scorpio in love is that it does NOT refer to a sun-sign Scorpio person. sag sun Venus/Pluto /Saturn Scorpio 8th house. And my Libra sun calms my Scorpio heart. ??? Venus in Scorpio can transform you, helping you to reclaim your feelings, unleash creative passion, and start to love yourself and the world again. Please leave a comment below and let me know. The words my heart and soul only know for how much you mean to me. I wont stay in a bad relationship, I wont even start one. What are the most Venus compatible signs for me? But it seems so pathetic of me, like Im chasing him, or like Im obsessed and crazy. I admit my nefarious behavior but he wont let me go. He is an ex but is incarcerated now but loves me to this day n always will. Moreover , when he start a sweet talk with me , I feel he use his moon , the private part of his emotional with me ;) I am brave an I accept the consequences of being who I am and loving the way I do. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. It was 4 days ago and still nothing, no text from him. I agree. Your email address will not be published. Since Venus is responsible for values in the natal chart of a person, its position can tell a lot about our values. Venus is Scorpio is a bit of a curse. For example, my ex is both Scorpio in Sun and Venus, but he has a Gemini moon. I know he has many girls. This appears over and over again, even in lomg term marriages. With the men, there seems to be an ability to enjoy physical sex but not experience union with the partner on an emotional level. Maybe they are faithful, but it depends on his options & natal wise,his Venus/Moon not inflicted or squared. You still need to examine your man. We played doubles together once and he couldnt even look at me and I could hardly look at him. We are talking about You have great intuition, which allows you to perfectly understand people and even makes it possible to manipulate them. They might be discreet in showing their initial interest, but someone with their Venus sign in Scorpio is not to be toyed with. Venus Cancer is Water, making you an imaginative lover, with a big yearning for real intimacy. Whole page is truebest ViS page in my opinion. How did you and your Scorpio start your relationship? If you are shallow, light-hearted, and fun, you will lose them. Have found so many beautiful kindred souls here at this site. It seem to me i attract the wrong men who really dont got nothing going for themselves. Show and tell but do not be aggressive. He had many women, but kept me along, because I didnt pressure him for more. All of these cheating stories from scorpios. He is charming, charismatic and enigmatic indeed, his appeal can be very intoxicating. I would like to share some of the words from the heart of a Venus in Scorpio Man to the heart of a Venus in Scorpio Woman: I understand that yeah, I have high standards due to the fact that I have been hurt before but it doesnt necessarily mean that I dont want to spend my life with someone. Its very intense, I just love it! I think he is not really serious about me and he doesnt really love me at all, because if he loves me he will forgive me and accept me. You are very much in tune with your sexy side. He does not want to hurt himself! Scorpio is also a fixed sign; they have deep reserves of willpower. The more deeply I loved and have been betrayed the more it hurts and the harder it is to forgive if possible at all. She is strong and cheerful; she is extremely passionate and very intense in everything she does. Often I get the most insightful thoughts when Im walking my dog in the early morn. They have deep emotions. Venus in Scorpio is capable of hating you with the same level of passion as they once loved. Its made me more picky about who I associate with. People would take advantage of my transparency and empathy. Being real with yourself hurts and makes you want to be alone and not fall for it again.but i am by nature. I just knew hed be important to me the moment we saw each other. Fin, so true!!!! Im 33, hes 37. Can you tell me whats her sun and venus im also a libra sun scor venus. As you scroll through your natal chart, you get to your Venus sign, the planet that rules love only to find that it's a Scorpio Venus sign. Hi! I dont care where is he or whatever he is doing right now. They hate lies and hypocrisy, yet sometimes have a secret that makes them feel guilty. Because I have so many problems with that, I got stuck up in that stage and it doesnt go beyond that. If you hurt them you will see a spectacle like no other this is about their intensity it is hurt and confusion If they care or cared for you they will not hurt you ever. People with Venus in Scorpio love so deeply and so intensely that they have a difficult time finding a partner whos love matches their level of depth. Go with your Heart, always. Venus in Scorpio never has to worry about finding sexual partners; their sexual magnetism ensures this. He is attracted to women who are dynamic and powerful, rather than passive or weak I dont get it my self, my Pisces moon can feel just as deeply as my Scorpio Venus so it is not like Pisces is not capable of loving just as much, making Pisces just as venerable as Scorpio Venus. And can anyone tell me please that what i am thinking about others (like how they think about me) is actually the way they ARE thinking about me? What does this placement say about your personality? Both adore me but are hands off in regards to any sort of relationship. You can detail your path yourself, but do not try to do everything alone. Since trusting is a problem for them, many stay single and lonely by choice. He does all of the above, seems glad to see me, always says Hi with that big smile of his.. and everyone says theres sth going on here but he doesnt want to go out, just the two of us, alone, somewhere else. But its over now, I found out that he has another girl. Impressions of sexual identity can radically shift. They experience extreme, consuming feelings in love. There are Scorpios who manipulate others to the detriment of them, or even to themselves. People will say that it is a highly volatile transit causing all kinds of emotional and relationship discord. In a relationship, they will put up with a lot from their partners but it will not take a lack of intimacy or quality time from them. I feel like Ive done everything possible under these circumstances and theres nothing left to do but wait. Venus in Scorpio people often perceive the world in a black and white way. They are attracted to a partner who is capable of This means that this is the house that explains why you like the people you like, what makes you attracted to them, and how you show that attraction. I do love painfully :( and yes, from day one I have always been on a search for my soul mate. You like keeping people on their toes. I will forever be by her side. Venus in Scorpio will rekindle your creativity and artistic pursuits. What would he say about you if you cant walk the fine line. I am shy, so I didnt talk to him even though I liked him. So if he turns out to be a liar and a cheat, thats it for me. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Also, we are different ethnicities so double stares! I will never find anyone to love me as much as he does. However strong their urges, they will skip sex if they dont trust you. Im a scorp with a cap guy and i appreciate this love very much. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. Coupled with intuition, psychology, extraordinary thinking, you are able to make the sexual experience outstanding! Only love should reign supreme All my exes claim I was the one that got away. She can be quite secretive about her life, which is part of her desire to be mysterious and a bit out of reach. Remember: it is important to use other peoples resources. Youre not afraid to show your style but you also dont want to show all your cards right away. With his gemini moon ,a little chitchat make the situation more relief ! Physical needs are superior to the rest, and if they are not satisfied, everything else loses its meaning. Youll be ready to roll up your sleeves and work hard with a project or relationship that has been sitting on the back burner. Whew . Jet , I understand why , I also yearn for this kind of transformative bounding. A stalker!!! Even with another Venus in Scorpio Im deeply in love with, I dont trust completely. He sounds like my Scorpio. They are strong, passionate, and powerful. I am a Venus in Cancer but I am in love with a Venus in Scorpio. Now Im scared. They also dont like people who are too loud and they like to chase or hunt whoever interests them. Of course, the sexual theme intensifies in our lives. I told him openly that I care, that hes special, and that we should go out. Although she often hides her emotions it does not mean she does not have any. A complex woman with deep mood swings, unexpected twists and turns, she is slow to trust anyone other than herself, yet she once this trust has been earned makes Go with your heart. Hi, They like to keep romantic things private. Hes not afraid to let his strong opinions be known, and he will probably tell you when you look nice, even if that makes your cheeks blush. Your Venus is an active initiator as a Cardinal sign. A complex woman with deep mood swings, unexpected twists and turns, she is slow to trust anyone other than herself, yet she once this trust has been earned makes an ideal partner for any man. He is a complex figure indeed - a man of extremes, with a love of luxury and extravagance. They are what we rely on (often unconscious) while making decisions and choices. I believe souls were meant to merge in a deep soul love connection. I know its not a nice thing to say, and Im aware of the fact that he might be having an ego problem. Im ready to give up on finding anyone as I am now 53 (tho people say I look about 45-we Virgos age nicely), OMYJeeeeeee ..!!!!! This happened after a few traumatizing incident all in one week and he just dropped me without a word. He is a sportsman and a great worker. Sometimes I feel this connection between us, sometimes Im confused because hes sometimes very open, sometimes so secretive that I dont know what to think anymore. I am not the heart breaker? This certainly explains a lot of my personality or at least how I am in a relationship. I love him! And being a Libra, I have an enormous wardrobe (taking up several closets) and tons of charm with which to mysteriously lure the object of my affection lol. Weve been engaged since last year getting married in six months. Haha call me weird I know. Both men and women fall under her spell when she walks into a room. They feel in extremes: they either love you deeply or hate you deeply, never anything in the middle. If you dare to try, begin by operating on the water level (emotional level) since this is a water sign. He has a lot of Capricorn traits that water down his Scorpio so i seem very extreme to himbut he loves it!! Above all, dont be an emotional wimp. Urggggg.. People said that revenging in love is a childish act, I wont disagree with it, even I found myself filthy and unreasonable for revenging. Venus Scorpio Love Compatibility. One of the negative drawbacks that come with having this placement is your propensity for jealousy. I wouldve understood his emotions had he just told me. If you have an intelligent Scorpio whatever you do try not to confuse, hurt, betray them. Whether its the one I already know, or another who comes along and makes me forget all the pain I have experienced. Im jealous and in alot of pain from it. She was happy and expressed her love as well. I say this combination because this placement means that these people seek out those who have a deep emotional connection with them. They are turned off by anything meaningless, so be careful not to say things you dont mean. By Kayla Baptista Updated on Aug 17, 2022. WebSo lets waste no time and find out how you can be a Venus in Scorpio man ideal woman! This is accurate to a T and I shared this on because I want all Scorpio Venuses to read this. They can be obsessive about this. Am in love with a man 7,000 miles away but in my heart. It is important to him that he never falls short of his own expectations. YES, I can give my blood to it, if it deserves. I sensed that there was something dark about him. While the rest of your chart can have a major influence on you, especially your Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, having your Venus in these two houses would make for a good relationship. You have an easy vibe about you, which lends you to be a natural flirt in a lot of ways. Venus in Scorpio often gets a bad rap for being a difficult transit. I know hes seeing another woman. It hurts.. and the pain feels almost unbearable at times. The Venus in Scorpio woman is mysterious, wise and mysterious. As a positive outlet, they may have an appreciation for Gothic art. As i always considerd myself a flirt, getting to know these feelings was very strange for me. I am a libra sun, cancer moon and scorpio venus girl, i have a string of ex boyfriends . Dont fall in love often, but when I do even begin to crush on someone, its overwhelming. I read the reply comment from one woman in your Leo Venus articles , she said her scorpio venus man give her the intense love that she always want it , and she has no fear with his intense level. One partner could have a hard time attempting to fill your needs. I have Venus in scorpio, the deep profound emotional bonding is it, mainly to allow for real transformation to occur within yourself, you partner and the relationship. And Im stuck here, so I dont see the point in making future plans, thinking ahead etc. This can be a very intense period in your life, that will reveal to you a deeper truth about yourself and the people around you. He is a totally jerk. Its that intense. Let them know that you want something deeper and more serious than a casual relationship. Keep in mind that you can use these compatibility interpretations for Sun Signs as well! When your Venus is in Scorpio, its all or nothing in matters of the heart. You are capable of loving deeply, and you crave intimacy. Scorpio isnt afraid of anything, and when Venus, the planet of love, is found in this sign, love relationships are intense. Moon Calendar - Your personal astrologer, secretary and mentor! I am a Virgo sun, Aquarius moon with Venus in Scorpio. They want to love only one person their whole life. Ive dealt with other Scorps, but nothing close to the degree of the connection we have. Good luck. I want to give him everything, just dont know how to reach him, how to destroy these walls hes built around him. They consider that a sign of insincerity, and remember what theyre capable of if you are insincere. This is a balance of character kind of combination. Everything/everyone in my life has shaped and molded me, there are no insignificant or bad moments because here I am standing in the pure awareness of the balancing point between good and bad seeing the magnificence of it all. She may prefer to dress in black. Theres this guy that I like, Sun and Venus in Scorpio, Mars Leo, Moon Taurus, I dont know the ASC. Many potential partners are turned off by such a heavy type of love. Youre much stronger than you know. Going through something similar as you did in 2016. I left him after four years together. They will abandon you if they feel that there is not a deepening intensity to the relationship. Scorpio is the sign that has the urge to conjoin in every Numbing myself out isnt an option Id rather feel joy and pain than nothing at all. My current boyfriend has most of his signed in Libra. I put my heart out for him cause I noticed he loves honesty and so do I, I adore honesty and when I find out he lies to me he doesnt think it is a big deal! Still is but both have chosen not to pursue any relationship with me. They never forgive. Youre not afraid to show off what youre passionate about. But only his intense stare in my eyes through my souls and his penetrate looking at every inches of my skin make me know that he s interested :) . Think of this as words from my heart I cannot say. He can be so light and carefree but yet intense and hides his feelings which makes him hard to read. This is a time when you may feel vulnerable, but it is also a time when you have more power than at any other period in your life. Unlike the fixed Taurus lovers, Scorpio is not tempted by pleasure because Scorpio doesnt mind a little pain. And i too love someone from afar or i should say still love him. Remember: it is contraindicated for you to refuse sensual pleasures. My first relationship between the age of 17 21 was quite abusive. Youre freaking out. Only someone with the planet Venus in Scorpio will be a Scorpio in love. (Venus Sign Calculator). My Venus is in Scorpio and I have suffered in my love relationships. There could be dramas in relationships, as well as secret attractions drawing you toward someone new. Hi I never know where to post comments on these articles! This makes me sad in a sense. Some famous (and infamous) people with Venus in Scorpio are Leonardo Dicaprio, Bill Gates, Denzel Washington, Bruce Lee, Charles Manson, Matt Damon, Ethan Hawke, Lucky Luciano, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, Demi Moore, Winona Ryder, Anne Hathaway, and Alicia Silverstone. When it comes to physical looks, they are attracted to sexy women who exude sexual magnetism subliminally, but not attracted to flirty types. They are attracted to a partner who is capable of deep emotional intimacy. My sun sign is Virgo, moon Aquarius and Venus in Scorpio as well. We talked the entire time I was there and he really opened up, said a lot about himself and asked me questions about me. Change, innovation, and transformation characterized by intensity of feelings, strong passion, and coercion characterize the influence of Venus in Scorpio transit. Where I get to say thank you good and bad you have both transformed, changed and rebirthed me back from time back into timelessness. Though I have sun 22 , Venus 11, mercury 5, sattern 8 degree in Scorpio. I get to walk the balancing point between these two seemingly different vibrational energies and proclaim I AM LOVE!!!!!!!!!! If you can give him real pleasure, he will surely appreciate it and remember for a long time. The man I like is sun in sagitarius rising in capricorn, venus in scorpio, mars in pisces and moon in scorpio. In addition, it contributes to the conclusion of excellent profitable transactions wherever money and resources appear. Its up to him. He says these women are whores You will never see it coming. I hope U have learnt to trust Ur intuition and the msgs that the divine shows U. Ur deep, unique and different to most. A healing and transforming bonding experience. They are sexy, passionate and highly magnetic. Venus scorpio people like mystery. Venus in Scorpio lovers dont win your love by courting you. They have the potential to possess remarkable psychic sensitivity as they are very in touch with their emotions and feelings of others. Venus in Scorpio Deep, meaningful and super intense is the name of the romance game for Venus in Scorpio. :p but a few months before i met a guy with venus in aqua and i fell for him HARD. But when I want him badly, I get obsessive and jealous and feel the floor is gonna go from under itand Ive found so many painful, cant work out passionate connections im Wondering if thats the curse of it, that we sense who can torture us and only want them. You explain it very well. :(. So I cant think about that right now, I just have to get him to go out and open up, for now. I become consumed with thoughts of them to the point I cant even focus. thats it! While Scorpio men are intense and deep, they have to be evolved in order to not be destructive for me. Manipulating people can bring everyone satisfaction if you are doing it right. Cap moonunemotional? They feel in extremes: they either love you deeply or hate you deeply, never anything in the middle. This article is so accurate. Two months passes by, and when I saw him again at the club, I asked him directly why, if he was taken he said no, that hes been single for a very long time and only had something casual now and then with women he called whores. Most importantly, if you want them to feel that you love them, they must sense that you are very deep, emotionally. But on the other hand, he can be so sweet and nice and since we still dont know each other well enough, I dont know what to think. I cant think now about what can happen in the future with the two of us. Is there any chance for us to be together? I had an Aries sun guy that I used to go out with. Theyre flirtatious! Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), 7 Warning Signs of Knee Issues You Must Take Seriously, 6 Aspects Of Delivering A Reliable Software Program. I am not attracted to FWB situations or men who come on to me purely for sex they must connect with my heart. That makes them compatible. They will win you over but be careful, they might just get under your skin. I couldnt agree more!!! This feels like fate. Let them know you want to be with them forever and ever. So very true, the accuracy you present startles me! I wish he hadnt betrayed me. They are often very hard to figure out. Quite the contrary, this woman feels deeply and passionately about everything that happens in her life. Your articles are help full but i might be the one who will be single. Nothing is perfect by itself, for me I believe you have completed this Thats a tough road to walk Venus in Scorpio can be a shadowy transit that awakens your unconscious. So I painfully suffer the thorns and cuts of my hidden desires but at the same time joyously expand in a deep open hearted love that I can never inperienced before. Have a fantastic whoever finished this comment He slept with one of my best friends, then went on to sleep with his own best friends girlfriend (they all lived together). I thought they were supposedly loyal is that a lie? But the longing and the torture is part of what we love, and I just hope I can find the balance of that sweet, subtle torture and connection and something that will last, someone who I can get past the Venus in scorpio self sabotage with. Interviewer or Podcaster. Should I text him?? Wherever you are, whatever you do, I should not care to you at all. It also explains why so many Scorpio men and women are drawn to me. so much more I cant even find the words because there are non. Are we compatible at all according to zodiac? While blindsiding you, the contradictory is that a mature Scorpio will actually be extremely protective of you forever. Then everyone will benefit in the end. That makes me very selective although sometimes I wish Id just be more care-free about sex (more in accordance to the aquarian nature). WebVenus in Scorpio in the mans natal chart what kind of women does he like A man with this position of Venus strives to passionate, erotic, sexy women. We talked a few times, hes nice and warm and smiles a lot, but hasnt asked me out yet. I always consoled myself in relationships when I was younger that my soul mate would still appear or emerge, I had hope, but as I get olderIm nearly 40 but I seem in my 20s to finding the terrible longings for soul mate/twin soul type of love unbearable and consuming. It was like he loved getting away with nasty things behind peoples backs, but when they found out and got angry he would act like the victim. His approach make me feel intimidate somehow , but I tolly understand because Im scorpio Mars/mercury too , I can tell if someone doesnt get use to this energy , you either like it or hate it. Unfortunately, my relationships have been stormy and intense, punctuated by break-ups and reunions, replete with jealousy and drama. I did not know there were others that felt like I do, nor that Scorpio in Venus described us so succinctly. You have to leave absolutely no doubt that it is safe and that you can be trusted. Of course, having Venus in scorpio means that they wont say anything about it! Venus in Scorpio has many problems. It is clear that we do not live in an ideal world consisting solely of positive aspects. 3 Horoscope Today, April 29, 2023: Check astrological prediction for Scorpio, Sagittarius, Cancer, Aries and other signs. Venus, in turn, is responsible for our manifestations in love relationships, our values , and our material well-being. He cares about me, wants everything with me, Im special etc.etc.etc. Tomorrow after that conversation, I send him a message telling him I really missed him, and to stop pushing me away and let me get close to him. I felt like I could have written this post myself. wundervisuals / Getty Images In Love and Romance But even if they love you, they will not open up to you easily. Scorpio is a water sign, and water is your feminine element.

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