bortac in afghanistan

What the hell is the legal sense of journalist? As a 15 yr veteran I will be the first to admit there are bad people in every walk of life and every job!!!! . A Supreme Court Justice (Scalia) just warned that guns may be regulated (see The MSM guards its special privileges zealously, as if the First Amendment protects only them. You would do the same if a foreign country invaded the US and started murdering thousands of people. Several people have already been arrested after they were accused of posing as members of the military and law enforcement during the George Floyd protests. Oregon legally allows small regulated growing for medical marijuana use. So Afghanistan wants to be an Islamic theocracy? You have entered an incorrect email address! The first phasetoppling the Taliban (the ultraconservative political and religious faction that ruled Afghanistan and provided sanctuary for al-Qaeda, perpetrators of the September 11 attacks)was brief, lasting just two months. BORTAC has been likened to elite military units like the Navy SEALs. "And is not to be used as an instrument of protest suppression. If you werent trying to kill them, they wouldve feel threatened and defend themselves. "Because when you start introducing the military, you're talking about a different level of effort there. It looks like the whole U.S. War on Terror in Afghanistan has gone interagency and . If the people of Afghanistan are to have chance to live full and peaceful lives, they are in need of assistance to establish the systems needed for security, economic and natural resource development. The unit was founded in 1984 to put down protests by immigrants at Immigration and Naturalization Service detention facilities. No one is harmed by a drug dealer selling drugs. realize about. Chief Victor Rodriguez of the police department in McAllen, Texas, said Border Patrol works so closely with local law enforcement that it is considered another law enforcement asset in the community. Persons of all expertise are needed to meet these goals and some are going to pay the highest price. Several members of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, which operates under the DHS, wore the US Army's camouflage uniform as they patrolled Portland's streets last week in a mission officials said was to protect federal buildings that were vandalized by demonstrators. Some of us try to do good in the world too!!!! Build a mass movement to force Trump out. For Voss, who served three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan . I for one, welcome our new insect overlords. The corporate media is openly speculating on whether the November elections will be held, and, if they are, whether Trump will accept a result that goes against him. The political establishment, Democratic and Republican alike, has responded to the coronavirus pandemic by funneling trillions of dollars to corporate America and Wall Street in order to keep the stock market afloat. RED FORCES = Enemies. If you think about it, Crime in America is a type of insurgency, especially International Crime organizations working inside the borders of the United States. And some of its most elite agents are members of the Border Patrol Tactical Unit, or BORTAC. US Army Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, previously highlighted his concerns, saying there needs to be clear "visual distinction" between the two organizations. Wong, who was armed with an AR-15-type rifle and a pistol, was spotted by actual National Guard members after he fell into formation with them, the outlet said. quiet. Its from The Simpsons episode Deep Space Homer, which originally aired on February 24, 1994 11 years before YouTube was created. Texas officials said federal agents stormed Robb Elementary school despite local police orders. Sorry, but we attacked Afghanistan and created this mess. There are Law Enforcement Professionals (LEPs) working with the US Military in A-Stan. Several members of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, which operates under the DHS, wore the US Army's camouflage uniform as they patrolled Portland's streets last week in a mission officials said was to protect federal buildings that were vandalized by demonstrators. The unit is headquartered in El Paso, Texas, and can be deployed immediately when needed. In September 2011, Obama authorized the assassination of a US citizen, fundamentalist cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki, in Yemen. In his final press conference in the White House, he vouched for the political legitimacy of the incoming administration and declared that having won, it is appropriate for [Trump] to go forward with his visions and his values.. The Obama administration, in particular, played a major role in building up the capabilities of ICE. The Trump administration is in a deep and unprecedented political crisis. Perhaps the agent is simply an expert on border security and was in the right place at the right time to take out an unexpected sniper. The second . But both the Army's uniforms and law enforcement patches are also available for purchase online by the general public, fueling concerns that a renegade group would be able to mimic the same tactics used by the federal agents particularly in the scenario with unmarked minivans seen in recent videos. in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar BORTAC was used to raid the familys home in Miami, Florida in order to seize the child for his return to Cuba. Again, they were doing nothing wrong by creating a product and you were the agressors. Law enforcement officers from various groups near the border regularly respond to one anothers calls for backup. No I dont necessarily agree with every action, conflict, etc that the US military has been involved in but so be it!!!! From 2005 to 2007, agents were heavily involved in training Iraqi border police. The federal agents have used CS tear gas, rubber bullets, pepper bombs, flash bang grenades and sonic weapons that can do permanent physical damage against peaceful protesters. Did you know that the U.S. Border Patrol has special operations? As far as murdering people you are very wrong!!!! whole thing without having side-effects , folks could take a "For three solid years we had some very, very awesome trainers heroes out . Its difficult to tell from this vantage point whether they will consume the captive earth men BORTAC is unique in that it provides a global response capability. Dude, you stole that from the Yankee marshal on YouTube! Several people have already been arrested after they were accused of posing as members of the military and law enforcement during the George Floyd protests. The DHS has reportedly placed a total of 2,000 officers on standby for deployment around the country. BORTAC was established in 1984 to quell uprisings within Immigration and Naturalization Service detention centers. After 30 minutes of waiting outside the elementary school, BORTAC officials entered the building, eventually unlocked the room the shooter barricaded himself in and shot him to death, The Wall Street Journal reported. A Pentagon spokesman on Tuesday echoed Gen. Milley's view and said Defense Secretary Mark Esper has made the Trump administration aware of his concerns with the appropriation of the US military's uniforms. Although officials like ICE, Border Patrol, and other federal agencies work together in the state of Texas, they often don't take the role of subduing a shooter, The New York Times reported. The reason why the Founding Fathers didnt want a large standing army is because they knew it would be used against the people. BORTAC had originally deployed to New York on June 10, 2015. Who didnt hurt anyone??! One should be concerned about who killed them than where the guns came from. If this is not done: China profits and the Islamic Extremist have more dollars to wage jihad against the far west enemy(US and western society). Welfare queens extraordinaire. Following President Donald Trump's decision to broaden the duties of federal agencies to curb the protests across the country, specialized federal law enforcement units have been given paramilitary-like roles to suppress demonstrators. The military has no business wasting taxpayer money cleaning up after a natural disaster and seeing how every war weve been in for the past century other than WWII was completely unjustified and was simply about cramming politicians views down other countries throats, thats not saying anything good about the military either. As for the people killed while trying to harm the people making meth? If they wanted to serve their country they would volunteer for community service projects, instead they are serving the interests of the politicians. "Get the hell out of our uniforms. A former DHS official speaking to the Washington Post under conditions of anonymity said BORTAC agents were viewed within the US military-intelligence community as highly trained, valuable, scarce resources. The official told the Post that the agents would typically be used for domestic law enforcement in extraordinary circumstances adding, [T]hese units dont normally sit around idle., Both BORTAC and its sister group BORSTAR are relatively small units compared to US military Special Operations forces. To use against American citizens along with the drones that will be deployed for our safety by Big Sister when gun owners resist turning in their weapons as will be required. Last modified: April 12, 2023. The Corvair spacecraft The sole purpose of governments is organized coercion. [W3], Undeniably consider that which you said. They bring unique skills to COIN operations. Becoming a member of the unit involves a three-week selection process that includes constant physical and mental stress and food and sleep deprivation. Have a good day and God Bless You!!!! The unit has been criticized for some of its actions, including its involvement in former President Donald J. Trumps efforts to quash protests against police violence in Portland, Ore. in 2020, after George Floyds murder. Its somewhat controversial since theyre basically placed in a combat role although its arguably not so different from what they do in the US, just a lot more dangerous. Border Patrol agents at the Uvalde civic center after the shooting at Robb Elementary School on Tuesday. "Federal agents who are wearing camouflage in our streets and carrying out the orders of our corrupt president against Americans obviously have no understanding of our military's most basic values to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States," Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton, a former US Marine Corps infantry officer, told Insider. In 2010, Obama signed into law a bill that allocated $600 million to further militarize the US-Mexico border by hiring thousands of additional border agents and using Predator drones to patrol from the sky. And for many observers, including seasoned US service members and civil-rights groups, the visibility of the patches are often overshadowed by the military uniforms or even obscured by the fog of war during a time of crisis. They were sent to help Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers with arrests of undocumented immigrants. The US Border Patrol maintains several BORTAC units located at various locations throughout the US. Created in 1984 to respond to riots inside immigration detention facilities, BORTAC was trained in a way that mirrors aspects of the US special operations forces' selection courses, and it has been described by agents as mentally and physically grueling.. FORT BLISS, Texas News that a BORTAC agent killed the Texas gunman who massacred 19 children and two teachers during a school rampage has shined a spotlight on an elite US Border Patrol unit that would rather remain in the shadows. Mr. Trump also sent members of the unit to so-called sanctuary cities where local police are instructed not to assist federal immigration enforcement agents. The Democratic Party represents a faction of the same ruling class to which Trump himself belongs. . With his poll numbers falling, Trump is flailing about and turning to the most brutal and repressive measures. To be a sniper requires a tremendous amount of skill, training, dedication, and patience. The War on Terror has always been interagency and for your information has been running since 1776. If theyre not evidence of increasing Taliban infiltration of Afghan forces I dont know what is. The War on Terror is a joke. These units and other federal law enforcement agencies often wear the US Army's camouflage uniform BORTAC in particular has deployed to austere environments in the past, including Iraq and Afghanistan. Thanks. Napolitano says two were former Homeland Security employees. Marco Bello/Reuters. remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful de Oppresso Liber (liberate the oppressed)! Border Patrol officers at the scene of the shooting at Robb Elementary School, in Uvalde. Oh noes, a Islamic ran country instead of a Christan ran country, oh my! as well as other partner offers and accept our. If they had used rat poison instaed, would you be running out to kill the owner of the store that sold the rat poison? whats the DHS doing in Mexico and Afghanistan? Following President Donald Trump's decision to broaden the duties of federal agencies to curb the protests across the country, specialized federal law enforcement units have been given paramilitary-like roles to suppress demonstrators. Within the US, BORTAC operates along the US southern and northern borders. The simplest answer is usually the correct one. The unit has conducted training and opera- tions with foreign and domestic law enforcement and military entities throughout the United States and around the world, including support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. ", The DHS and CBP have disputed the suggestion that their agents at the scene were unidentifiable "masked stormtroopers. Since its inception BORTAC has steadily expanded its scope and mission capabilities, and is now a rapid response unit capable of executing both foreign and national level domestic operations. Your favorite justification appeared to be on the net the simplest thing to have three astronauts]. She identified the Americans as Benjamin Monsivais, a former Border Patrol agent and retired Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, and retired CBP port director Joseph Perez. The War on Terror has always been interagency and for your information has been running since 1776. A former Border Patrol agent told Insider's Oma Seddiq in 2020 that the unit was one of the "most violent and racist" of all law enforcement agencies after they were deployed to suppress Black Lives Matter protests in Portland, Oregon. wil cont. Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). There are and always has been individuals and groups wanting the US and western societies shut down. Along the more than 1,200 miles of border between Mexico and Texas, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies respond to one anothers calls for backup and regularly conduct joint operations. In 2007, BORTAC was placed under the command of the newly formed Special Operations Group (SOG) together with the Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue Unit (BORSTAR). It use to be when a soldier was called a sniper, that was an honorable title. It use to be when a soldier was called a sniper, that was an honorable title. Dangerous place, apparently . If you can find the info there are missions run on US soil to hunt drug runners, growers, and manufacturers! William Luther/The San Antonio Express-News, via Associated Press. . In Afghanistan, Kim Rhode Sets Record, Wins Olympic Skeet Gold, Random Thoughts About TTAG and the Midnight Movie Massacre, Anti-gun Outgoing Chicago Mayor Begs Texas to Stop Sending Illegals, Outgoing Mayor Lori Lightfoot Develops Selective Amnesia About Chicagos Violent Crime Problem Under Her Failed Administration, Guns Arent Causing Americas Violent Crime Problem, Single Mothers and Boys Without Fathers Are,,, You should look up the definition of oppressed. Other activists, such as members of the Boogaloo movement, have also worn pieces of the Army's uniform or carried with them military-style gear to the same protests throughout the country adding to the confusion in identifying actual law enforcement agents from others groups. Prosecutors reportedly said he stood on alongside police officers while armed with an AR-15-type rifle and wearing tactical gear. In a situation like the school shooting in Uvalde, Mr. Rodriguez said, all local law enforcement agencies react and respond to see if they can help.. After spending trillions of dollars to further build up the military-intelligence apparatus, Obama handed Trump the reins and told the American people to respect his presidency. Secondly, they arent attacking us because theyre jealous, they attacked us becasuse people like you spent decades sticking your nose where it didnt belong and meddeling in the internal affairs of other countries. Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton, a former US Marine Corps infantry officer, questioned the presence of camouflage uniforms on urban streets and likened it to "the president's secret police.". hbbd```b``~ q3d7L"Z E,~,"a H 6-DDa Wl6~\H2vEIg?DI]5i`7DzMO |\"f00>F*@> Do you have a confidential source within DHS? (Even though the Border Patrols mission is to secure the nations international boundaries, it is allowed to operate up to 100 miles from a land or coastal border.). Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton, a former US Marine Corps infantry officer, questioned the presence of camouflage uniforms on urban streets and likened it to "the president's secret police.". The course lasts a month and candidates must pass the following tests: An initial physical test, including push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, 1.5-mile run and pistol qualification. Reality, bluntly is: The Taliban(Pakistan), al Quaeda, and their partners, do NOT give hoot about you and your ideas. BORTAC members wore an olive-green uniform, without a camouflage pattern, that is currently worn by ordinary Border Patrol officers. He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns. Reuters Some of these visibly armed activists also wear the same specialty patches worn by US troops upon completion of the military's specialty schools, such as the US Army's Airborne or Ranger School, likely in reference to their past . The only reason we need to put it back together, is because we broke it in the first place. From wikipedia, The negative reputation of snipers can be traced back to the American Revolution, when American Marksmen would intentionally target British officers, an act considered uncivilized by the British Army at the time (this reputation would be cemented during the Battle of Saratoga, when Benedict Arnold allegedly ordered his marksmen to target British General Simon Fraser, an act that would win the battle and French support).. If you didnt notice, the people of Afghanistan have been the ones fighting us. Afghanistan is rich with rare-earth minerals and other resouces and continues to be a hot bed for war-makers. Members of movements like the Boogaloo and the Three Percenters militia often wear several velcro patches on their outfits in a similar arrangement to that of active-duty US service members, making themselves difficult to identify for those unfamiliar with military customs and regulations. race of giant space ants. Bortac was formed in 1984 as a special forces unit to quell unrest in immigration prisons. Also, enough with the black ops talk. While it is rare for the BORTAC team to play such a central role in the response to a local crime, it has happened before. BORTAC agents also are eligible to apply for vacancies with the national . Murdering people when they havent hurt anyone makes you scum. BORTAC was established in 1984 and engages in specialized missions near the border. We never killed anyone before, during or after any of those missions!!!! They have also been involved in countless "counter-narcotics" operations in South America, most . And do I really need to point out to you how horrible the War on Personal Choice er Drugs has been for this country? Stay up to date with what you want to know. ", The DHS and CBP have disputed the suggestion that their agents at the scene were unidentifiable "masked stormtroopers. U.S. CBP BORTAC agents are highly trained, motivated and well equipped to operate along the Mexican-American Border as well as in combat zones around the world. Enjoy, wether you believe it or not. Call me a journalist (although Ralph tells me bloggers arent journalists in any legal sense) but Id like to know what the Committee knows: whats the DHS doing in Mexico and Afghanistan? At a protest in Las Vegas, Zachary Sanns was charged with false impersonation of a federal officer, according to 8 News Now. BORTAC members wore an olive-green uniform, without a camouflage pattern, that is currently worn by ordinary Border Patrol officers. For the record, I have volunteered for community service and mission trips. When deployed domestically, these agents wear numbers instead of name tags for the protection of the officers, according to CPB. And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. "Federal agents who are wearing camouflage in our streets and carrying out the orders of our corrupt president against Americans obviously have no understanding of our military's most basic values to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States," Moulton said to Insider. Three contractors were killed in Sundays attack. The war makers being the USA? Any citizen who is not one willfully and wantonly by definition is oppressed. The Uvalde police asked for tactical equipment when they called for backup, and members of the Border Patrol Tactical Unit, the agencys version of a SWAT team, dropped what they were doing and went to the school, about a 40-minute drive from where they had been working on the southwest border. The war makers being the USA? I personally had never heard of HSI and had no idea that Sister Nappy has her own Bureau of Investigation that allegedly rivals the FBI. Members of movements like the Boogaloo and the Three Percenters militia often wear several velcro patches on their outfits in a similar arrangement to that of active-duty US service members, making themselves difficult to identify for those unfamiliar with military customs and regulations. Id like to The mission of BORTAC is "to respond to terrorist threats of all . Care to provide a reference? BORTAC agents often carry their tactical gear in their cars and were able to quickly prepare for the shooting, according to The Journal. So it was not unusual that agents with Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement responded to the desperate request for backup from the Uvalde Police Department on Tuesday. (Zapatas murder fell below the media and political radar in light of the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, also gunned down by drug thugs wielding ATF-enabled firearms.) I happened to see the Acronym (HSI) while following a series of links connected to another story about (OCDETF) and Andrew McCarthys (June 23, 2012 Fast and Furious and OCDETF story on National Review OnLine and conducted a Google Search on it. WASHINGTON In the sprawling distances of South Texas, sheriffs deputies, local and county police officers, Texas Rangers and Highway Patrol troopers, U.S. Border Patrol agents, immigration officers and other members of law enforcement work together on a daily basis. The mission of BORTAC is to respond to terrorist threats of all types anywhere in the world in order to protect our nations homeland.. A spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) explained in February that BORTAC was being mobilized to increase arrests of immigrants by 35 percent in the 10 cities. Spooky is probably pretty close to a true assessment. "We saw this take place back in June, when there were some law enforcement that wore uniforms that make them appear military," Defense Department spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said to reporters, referencing the George Floyd protests throughout the country earlier this year. Signing up to kill whoever the government tells you to means blindly murdering people without thinking. At a protest in Las Vegas, Zachary . Wow, youre seriously defending the ATF scum for providing weapons to known violent criminals? %%EOF I say to you, I certainly get irked even as folks consider concerns that they just do not . You tell me that they harmed no one and I would refer you to their wifes and children who are now without their husbands and dads!!!! To date, BORTAC agents have carried out operations in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, San Francisco and Newark. The person who sold the drugs did nothing wrong, only the person who chose to put it in there to intentionally harm someone. The collapse of the Afghan government and the Taliban's recapture of power came after a blitz by . Instances of publicly known deployments of BORTAC units include the 1992 Los Angeles protests against police violence, where they operated among 1,000 riot-trained federal special agents. The environment is a challenge as well as the continued actions of hostiles(those who are against change and those who are fighting for Islamic domination). In 1992, it was deployed with other federal forces to Los Angeles in the wake of the Rodney King verdict . It rapidly expanded its scope and mission capabilities in the following years, most dramatically after the 9/11 terror attack.

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