ascension timeline 2021

Here is our chance to collectively shift the timeline back into our optimal timeline for planetary liberation. There is an economic slowdown, and generally, the world realizes it cannot continue the way it has been. In our 3D Apparently the sun is already releasing flares close to that, just not in our direction. The 5d ascension timeline hangs on us. Submitted by Open on Thu, 06/24/2021 - 04:39 People often ask me, "How much time do you think we Rare PvP Armor Unlocked. Back to stone age conditions.. whew. This meant that no babies would be born into the 3rd dimension. How is your soul informed in the greater landscape possibility. There are so many changes happening to the Earths grid systems, ley-lines, waters, soil, etc. by Kelly Noel Zeva | Nov 28, 2022 | Ascension, New Age. Artificial intelligence (AI) and data automation will play greater roles in how businesses and governments are run. There are phases to the unwinding and the correspondent 5D shift - an event line. Remote or hybrid work becomes more the norm since people have gotten used to it during the pandemic. January 9, 2022: Pete Davidson and Chase Sui Wonders dine together in Brooklyn. copyright Openhand Foundation | terms of use | privacy policy. Sign up to our newsletter: be informed of the latest events and news in the Shift. Gov. 31. Crows Cache. The Divine has its idea of what it wants to achieve, and the hearts down here have manifestations of a greater world. The stock and housing markets show increased instability. The 2022 Polish Book Wieczni ludzie i skoczeni bogowie is Ready to Order! Openhand Facilitator Network. But if the internet goes down, I'll miss connecting with openhand through this site, which serves as a sort of anchor for my journey.I haven't yet watched the video. The Ascension of Mother Earth for 2023 is currently underway and will cause great upheaval as the density of the 3rd dimensional imbalances is cleared and transmuted. Check price for Aquagear Pitcher on Amazon! Be All that you Truly Are As our Earths ascension timeline progresses, opposing powers are showing their separateness and absence of resonance, and they are causing more division. Creations experience is experienced and born through you, fresh never before done and newly introduced to the Creation. Yes There is individual choice for path of Ascension to New Earth planet which will be presented as opportunity to awaken in human body or at the 3 Day bardo process of death transition. Memorial Day. This timing is aligned with Ascensions annual influenza vaccination requirement and we will follow a similar implementation process. While there are many ways to approach this article about the ascension timeline, honestly, I feel it is a little premature for me to say more than what I have already written in Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods, third edition. Subtotal (Discounts are applied at checkout). We add to her light, light she needs to fully realize the shift all over her spaces. When the "wave" comes, in whatever form that is, and your journey is complete, the soul will know. Please note there may be differences in the text if you are using a translation other than the RSV-Second Catholic Edition. Intense ascension light code frequencies are being sent from the Great Central Sun, or Helios, to our beautiful golden Sun, which then projects the new frequencies onto our Earth. I am filled with joy to know that my own internal, core indicator is my primary and fundamental guide. These cycles of time have always come here and there, just like the turning of the seasons. Bugcat Capoo Update - Oct 2021. WebThis timeline leads to the New 5D Earth and as you align with this timeline higher energies and beings from your future can begin to more powerfully inform and The spirit of the new is all around us. A lot of these activations are being done by Archangels, Ascended Masters, Elementals, and other higher dimensional beings full of unconditional love for the Earth as well as us. Reading this is like reading the plot of a thriller movie. At the Cosmic Moment in 2012, the vibrational frequency of Earths water supply was illuminated, increasing the flowing golden light and Christ Consciousness frequencies in Earths oceans, rivers, and lakes. This will allow more people to be able to feel and see energies, elemental beings, and work closely with spirit guides to reintroduce information lost from ancient times such as Atlantis! WebIn The Bible in a Year podcast, Fr. The New 5D Earth Ascension means that our Earth is a living being that also has to go through the necessary light code activations and ascension process to the 5th dimension that many humans are currently experiencing. These are hundreds of alternative researchers that are constantly monitoring the cosmology. **All third party trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s). It is especially unclear how much meta-galactic energy Tara and Earth received because of the ongoing struggle for control of the Halls of Amenti passages. People become more introspective and focus more on spirituality. During every full moon, pure love from the angelic realm and the Great Central Sun is reflected into all the waters on Earth, including the large amount of water held within our physical bodies. On December 21, 2012 at the Cosmic Moment, Archangels and Ascended Masters closed the door to the 3rd dimension for good. We are now in the month of November 2022. Lets send a Magickal message of Unity & Healing A foundation Stone for the Aquarian Age In Madison, Wisconsin, alone, thousands of students march around the state capitol. The first? It depends on if our hearts can survive our ascension journey and the times to come. As we dream Mother Earth gets a grander and greater view of what we want to become. Patti and Troika Re*Cognize your Radiance In reply to And what archetype is it that's "not bothering"? Meaning: we are right in the cross-hairs of a possible solar sunspot "kill shot" which would take out the entire electricity grid and project humanity right back to the stone age. The polarization between liberals and conservatives increases as those who have been in power (and still have 3D values) grip onto their power even more tightly. WebAs our Earths ascension timeline progresses, opposing powers are showing their separateness and absence of resonance, and they are causing more division. I have a strong sense of adventure and excitement about what will happen in the coming years. Inspiring Seminar Clip, Work with an Openhand Facilitator: December 2021: Zendaya and Holland joke about their height difference. As you know, humans have free will! Each episode will begin with Father reading 2-3 scripture passages, totaling approximately 10-15 minutes. Chaos is everywhere. The return to normalcy comes after the 2022 ceremony was held March 27 and the Covid-delayed 2021 show was April 25. Earth has a consciousness that chooses to sometimes sway its essence to deter interfering elements while on its journey forward, therefore taking extra steps and time. As we exhibit, practice, pray & breathe we take in light that is transferred into our fields. I recommend this Aquagear Water Filter Pitcher which can remove up to 20x more contaminants than its competitor water filter pitchers! There are an additional 5 transpersonal (held outside the physical body) chakras which may now be turned on and activated as the earth moves into the New Age for 2023. The two were seen snuggled up in a Brooklyn restaurant as they waited on food The return to normalcy comes after the 2022 ceremony was held March 27 and the Covid-delayed 2021 show was April 25. Hearts are growing and transforming giving loving intent more power in this realm for change, being built on the dreams of those who seek reunification and harmony on Earth. For more information about the podcast, please email, Yes, he serves as an advisor for the project and will also be appearing in a number of bonus episodes with Father Mike throughout the year! To be clear about Suspicious Observers which is why I like and quote them, is that they're not "just one guy". One is in the UK but if the Call sings True Please can One*self Co~*~Create at Mt Shasta & whichever Vortex points One feels called to wherever One is on Spaceship Heart}|{Earth Following the Hi Open - love the sharing. Ascension conducted a thorough moral and ethical analysis as part of the decision-making process. You will want to get the free reading plan by signing up at These bursts of high-frequency golden ascension energy light also help us on the path to building our living lightbody faster. Amenti Earth is fairly close by in the 3rd dimension. Ascension Day, Ascension Thursday, Holy Thursday, Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Humans become more peaceful, loving, and accepting of others, and more interested in spirituality and metaphysics. In his final act of love and acceptance, the Android's soul emerges like the rising dove! I am writing this to instill hope in newly awakening and awakened lightworkers alike, that the New Age for Earth and the planets 5D ascension are indeed happening at a rapid pace. Our light is anchoring into Mother Earth so she can rise up in vibration herself. When the Golden Age of Atlantis was at its height, everyone had 12 chakras turned on. We are ascending as a collective, with sights on having our collective consciousness uptick here in the near future. When we choose to ascend into the 5th dimension, we assist Mother Earth in also ascending to her new fifth dimensional vibrational alignment. Concerning the Galactic Superwave, to my knowledge there's only been one serious study, by Dr Paul LaViolet who studied cosmic dust sediment in the Greenland and ant-arctic Ice Sheets, but that has been ongoing for 30 years and by all accounts pretty comprehensive. To be clear though, I'm not putting forwards the science to say "this proves definitely what's going to happen". The two were seen snuggled up in a Brooklyn restaurant as they waited on food together. After a mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, thousands of U.S. students protest throughout the country, and the March For Our Lives movement gains steam to change gun policy. That light/energy, anchors from our feet down into Mother Earth. ZulGurub Unlocked. People become more introspective and focus more on spirituality. These light codes alone are necessary for activating our 12-strand lightbody DNA that lie dormant in every living human on the planet. Worldwide, billionaires and right-wing politicians seek to maintain their power. The answer is "not long!" When we ask this question in some of the Openhand meditation groups, people actually regress back into these galactic completion cycles, such as the conclusion of Atlantis and also the Sirius Shift for example - they actually re-experience what's in their karmic consciousness, which helps them process it out and prepare for the next shift - whenever that might be. The 2023 ascension energies are strong, and ascension is happening fast. Mothers DaySunday May 9-1 years, -11 months, -23 days or -722 days, Ascension DayThursday May 13-1 years, -11 months, -19 days or -718 days, PentecostSunday May 23-1 years, -11 months, -9 days or -708 days, Memorial DayMonday May 31-1 years, -11 months, -1 days or -700 days. What does Earth Ascension Mean? Bernie Sanders remains a popular politician, even as some people blame him for Clinton losing the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Or, we may move faster than the estimated Earth ascension timeline! Seek inner stillness and guidance from angels, spirit guardians or your higher self. Some of the higher vibrational light activations for Earths ascension in 2023 are also being done by lightworkers, earth angels, and earth grid keepers (directed by spirit) across the globe. Even the estimated ascension timeline for the Earth I pieced together above, may not be a completely accurate timeline, as the changes to Earth require some human participation. As you know, humans have free will! Creighton loses 77-69 to Xavier, breaking the Bluejays' four-game winning streak. If youre anything like me, youve been reading about Earths shift from the third dimension (3D) to the fifth dimension (5D), thats supposedly taking place. Grow your own food, donate to charitable causes, and volunteer. WebArea 52 Timeline ascension 2022-09-17T22:21:24+00:00. WebTogether with the powerful weekly videos found on and on the DVD, The Ascension Lenten Companion: Year B combines Scripture, contemplative meditations, sacred art, and inspirational prayer exercises to create a unique retreat experience that will take you deeper into your relationship with Jesus and will help you experience What we can though is: that as we pass through the galactic sheet, that's going to impact every planet in the solar system (already is); the galactic superwave will dramatically impact every planet; the earth pole shift will have a dramatic effect on the entire 3D aspect of earth. As it is written, The Christ would come back to rule. Let This Soul Draw Them For You. Spiritual awareness and consciousness continue to increase, and hybrid and electric cars continue to become more mainstream. The stock and housing markets show increased instability. Natural ascension is a unique event allowing some people to leave this planet without physically dying, although a remnant of our physical matter will slough off when it is too weak to be carried forward. Globally, this is a time where we will see oppressive political, economic, and cultural systems collapse to make way for new growth. Exposing the White Light Lie and Revealing the Natural Blue Flame as Our First Step Toward Ascension. As Lightworkers, we intuitively know and feel that something is indeed coming, but. Who will Activate the Pyramids for the Ascension of the Earth? After 2012 we entered a very highly lite, highly charged area in space. Ascension Day often called Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, Ascension Thursday and Holy Thursday is held on a Thursday 39 days (40th day of Easter) after Easter Sunday. Yes! And considering certain leaders feel our current 5D ascension timeline has us living in this world fully by 2042, just 19 years away, it feels even more daunting. You can read my full Affiliate Policy/Disclaimer here. And that's why if you're really tuned in to what's actually taking place in the galactic energy field, you can "predict", more or less, what's going to happen. I am here to share a vision of future-landing-now, and a higher dimensional message of what is coming in our immediate future. My own sense about the 3-d shift and earth changes is not from solar/galactic disaster alone. I suggest reading chapters 6, 8, 9, and 11, and some important background in the beginning of chapter 7, for a comprehensive understanding about this big topic. More and more Souls will choose to spiritually awaken, rebirth, and become 5th Dimensional Masters, while helping Mother Earth rebirth, ascend, and heal from old karmic wounds of war and imbalance. Apr 21, 2023, 11:23 AM PDT. 2022 Kelly Noel Zeva | Design by Zeva Enterprises LLC. Yes, some of the evidence they also quote featured in a booklet called "The Adam and Eve" story which was then classified by the CIA because of (we assume) its accuracy in explaining the science of the Pole Shift (it pointed to evidence from amongst others Einstein for example). Many refer to it as the photon belt, 2021/2022 marked our arrival into an even denser part of this phenomena. It seems like a tall task. For a new reality to be created, with a new harmony and higher vibrational configuration, the old one has to break down - like the caterpillar going through the crysallis metamorphosis stage. While its helpful to understand the current 5D Ascension timeline, it isnt worth much unless we change our behavior. At this point in time, a light is expected to be turned on within the collective consciousness which will open peoples hearts, and greatly accelerate the Earth ascension process. Rather than simply continuing along in the bogus projected synthetic reality most are living in, one that has a clear agenda to enslave people, and probably to coerce them off planet, what instead does your soul inform you to do in light of this earth transformation possibility? What will the New Earth Ascension be like? The old ley-line structure is being worked on and replaced by 5th dimensional elemental beings to anchor new energies and higher dimensional wisdom deep into the Earths core. School room earth really really sucks sometimes, waking up has never been such fun! We will utilize crystals to cleanse and purify water, and holistic healing will be integral, even more important than Western medicine. We can look at hearts and know where they intend to go, though not all hearts are yet on one accord. We will be releasing some preview content throughout the months of November and December, but the first official episode will be released on January 1, 2021. In Madison, Wisconsin, alone, thousands of students march around the state capitol. It is a free audio recording of the bible following a reading plan inspired by The Great Adventure Bible Timeline. It involves an interdimensional flow of energy and matter that helps ones aligned compositional layers to transform and eventually transfigure to meet the energy and matter in the next dimensional location. A relief and ecstatic return to a deeper actualisation with the source. It's a home coming. The day commemorates Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven. -1 years, -10 months, -10 days. My personal feeling sense (that happened in the crash), was that it will be somewhat more complete this time - I don't see any sophisticated life surviving in the 3D. In other words, many peoples Souls are choosing to continue experiencing the 3rd dimensional belief system and the rigidity and hardships that come with living in the third dimension. What a beautiful invitation to give myself even more to the only real game going on, at the same time more appreciatingall the things that are still possible right now with technology. You can see future landing now. Web Follow along with the official Bible in a Year Reading Plan: In The Bible in a Year podcast, Fr. With regards the solar flares, of course there's no guarantee when and even if they will strike any time soon - although the probability will keep increasing as we journey through the next cycle. Thursday, May 13th is day number 133 of the 2021 calendar year with -1 year, -11 months, -19 days until Ascension Day 2021. We are plagued with dis-ease, violence, arguments on all sides, and Mother Earth (or Gaia) herself going through tumultuous changes like hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. Now I do not see the video that you had for us to see above. Now let me be clear, I don't especially believe in prophecy, but most definitely a true visionary, whose reading the energy flow, can see "Future landing Now". Of course, I am fortunate to have additional intelligence shared with my mother and me from time to time, but this type of news actually validates what I am already sensing with my core essence, pure-intended conscious awareness, and self-integration. 5D Earth Ascension 2023 is well underway and ushering in the New Golden Age of Light as we speak. We know what we want and what we see in our visualizations. Not consenting or withdrawing consent may adversely affect certain features and functions. ), Feeling Lost After Spiritual Awakening? Mother Earth is depending on as many of her children as possible to embody as much light as possible for her to step in her next evolutionary experience. When we consume energy the way we did when we were simply a child of creation living as light/energy/information. During this time, the groundwork was laid to help make the transition an easier one, and the movement toward a more heart-centered and holistic world was beginning to gain steam, if in subtle ways. 2023 To me though, the most important pointer to take away is definitely the Maya Samadhi (or Mahsamdhi?). The point is (as I asked in the article): if this were reasonably possible, and the evidence shows that the earth has been regularly impacted by these 12,000 year cycles, then how might that inspire your own inquiry at a soul level - how might it inspire your sense of purpose and direction in life? I've been diving into their material yesterday after you posted this and learned asolar flare that'll destroy our entire electricity grid/digital world could even happen before 2030. Last, be sure to compost your food scraps, and reuse and upcycle what you can. In it, you will find how to heal 3rdDimensional pain, and the necessary habit changes, mindset shifts, and 5thDimensional Light Body activations (including turning on your 5 transpersonal chakras and 5th Dimensional Merkaba), that will help you move with greater ease and speed into 5thDimensional Mastery! As we shift from inside along with Mother Earth we are creating this ascension journey as we go along. The Secrets of 5D New Earth Ascension 2023, 1. Mother Earth has made way for the winds of change to brush her from corner to corner and humans are feeling this as gentle nudging to heal and find the center within. You can listen using any free podcast app on your smartphone or tablet or using your browser at Sometimes called ascension flu or ascension sickness, ascension symptoms can show up in the form of dizziness, fatigue, pain in the teeth, and headaches. However it took until 2014 for the planet to move into the 4th dimension. The Earth begins to move physically into 5D at this point in the 5D Ascension timeline. Our timeline for completing the vaccine series and meeting this requirement will be Nov. 12, 2021. We are anchoring 5th dimensional light and codes into the spaces we occupy on Earth. A Dutch company pilots the Living Cocoon, an Earth-friendly coffin made of mycelium that decomposes in only 45 days. We are in a galaxy and universe both infiltrated and partially created by death mechanics, which have a heaviness and disjointedness that cause varying measures of fragmentation instead ofhealthy connection and togetherness. While NASA retired its InSight Mars lander in December, the trove of data from its seismometer will be pored over for decades to come. 22*2*2022 There is a massive explosion in the number of holistic wellness practitioners who offer services to clients and patients. Levis has been dating the Pennsylvania State University student since early 2021. There is A LOT going into the process of natural self-integration to ready oneself for ascension energies. by Open, The one with swollen glands, boy this is a tough week, In reply to Tge one with swollen glands by Keith (not verified), It's been a tough week all round - there with you brother . For me, in terms of contemplating any fear about this, I'd ask the question (of anyone reading): would we really want to avoid this and have society grind inexorably downhill for the next few decades? Is this particular view on the galactic/solar/earth convergences backed up by other research? Last year I had a dream that people were burning up , there were two suns in the sky , and then I drowned and I woke up. Donald Trump becomes the 45th President of the United States, despite having made several racist and sexist comments during his political campaign. Explore the Process of Maya Samadhi on Openhand's 5D Ascension Program. The Earths Ley Lines are Being Reconfigured and Lit Up, 7. The ascension timeline involving the SAC [Stellar Activation Cycle] and Halls of Amenti does not adhere to rigid dates because our planet is moving through a prison-like containment in order to become more free. The readings will be followed by a brief commentary by Father Mike Schmitz. Please share to social media and comment below! Our dreams and imaginings are laying some of the initial groundwork. Fifth Dimension elemental beings are also lighting up the new light codes in the soils of Earth, therefore raising the vibration of our Organic Whole-Foods grown in the dirt. WebThe Bible in a Year podcast is not a traditional Ascension Bible study. The two were seen snuggled up in a Brooklyn restaurant as they waited on food together. Check Out A Video On 5th Dimension Manifestation !!! I share the science so as to demonstrate that there is evidence to back up this possibility. Governor Rick Scott signs the most aggressive gun control reform bill in recent years following the school shooting. This children of light, also children of the sun, are destined to help Mother Earth ascend. While NASA retired its InSight Mars lander in December, the trove of data from its seismometer will be pored over for decades to come. WebThis phase of the ascension timeline awakens the stasis beings that have been buried deep in the lands, and brings on oceanic waves of the God Source and the Christos-Sophia rainbow rays or roundtables to pour into the Earth grids. In Lakesh a la Kin Blood Bowl Begins. Namaste'. But now that its 2023, well begin to see more and more elements of this 5D global community being built. Here are 5 reasons the greatest show on Mother Earth cant go or start without us. These sacred areas on Earth hold a very high vibrational alignment to help assist Mother Earth in the ascension process to the 5th Dimension (5D). What will you choose? She also shifts her timeline for the shift. I also can feel aches, pains, and various aversions in reference to coarse energies from others in my environment, but my heightened awareness identifies the reasons for my reactions and works to strengthen and shield myself. Various kinds of holistic healing, including Reiki, supplement Western medicine. Reallykarma, past life karma, archetypes, intervention, more intervention, shadow, matrix agenda, black snake energy, and many many more. In reply to comment by Magdalene (not verified). With thousands on Mother Earths children investing in our new era and timeline for ascension so much love and light is being thrust into the collective light grid of Mother Earth. , thousands of U.S. students protest throughout the country, and the, movement gains steam to change gun policy. It is said that as we draw ourselves closer to this outcome, 5D fractals or pieces of the 5d grid are forming, like dreams frozen in time waiting to filled by a loving spectator. What I advise now is to continue moving forward in alignment with your individual core essence and higher aware consciousness to gain proper self-integration, and the energetic integrity of this process naturally connects and leads us to where we truly desire to go. It is said that there is already a 5d space available for us to call home, we only need open ourselves up to it. The 5d ascension timeline currently has many hearts manifesting a greater world for everyone, this is assisting our creating it for ourselves. It was finally almost here! Those in the spiritual know are looking for the world to change as they change themselves. That takes longer than what was originally planned. The 5d ascension timelines depends on us. But I guess that energy does what it does and also goes by "if I knew the world would come to an end tomorrow, I would still plant an apple tree today". The COVID-19 pandemic hits the entire world, and Saturn enters the sign of Aquarius, encouraging people to become more heart-centered. Meditation apps and adult coloring books become increasingly popular as people become more interested in mindfulness. As the higher vibrational light codes hit our bodies, they help us spiritually awaken to that of the 5th dimension, and begin the process of rebuilding our living lightbodies. That way, we start creating this world together. A podcast is a free, pre-recorded audio program available on demand via your mobile device (smartphone or tablet) and/or your computer. This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.. These changes will likely include the need for less food as light becomes a source of fuel for the body. Virtual reality (VR) becomes integral to even more aspects of daily life, including education. Spiritual awakening and ascension are one form of timeline. The reality is that everything is coming to the surface so that we can recognize oppressive laws and structures and change them. Cant Seem To Find Your Ascension Partner? January 9, 2022: Pete Davidson and Chase Sui Wonders dine together in Brooklyn. We magnetize our greater 5d new earth. We have ALL been told by spirit guides or heard from certain spiritual teachers that the Golden New Age of Aquarius is here, and with it, the New Earth Ascension 2023, or Earth ascension process. Yes, the reading plan Father Mike will use for the podcast includes the entire Catholic Bible, cover to cover. The stage is set for the mass cleansing as the United Kingdom (UK) votes to leave the European Union (EU) with Brexit; police shootings against unarmed Black men highlight the U.S. systemic racism; and Russian athletes and coaches are penalized for systemic doping.

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