miami serpentarium boy killed

In the area of the Serpentarium, pigmy rattlesnakes abounded. In his case, he claims the venom has helped him live a long and healthy life -- with the exception of his snakebitten hands. Report: 350+ Books Banned in Florida School Districts Since Last July, Uber, Lyft Drivers Strike at Florida Airports to Demand Livable Wages, All 200+ Books Banned in Florida and What Miami Booksellers Have to Say About It, Miami Dolphins Fan Guide to the 2023 NFL Draft, Shareholders Reeling in Wake of Miami SPAC-Merger Deals, Carollo Abuse-of-Power Trial Moves Forward in Wake of Jury-Tampering Claim. Great job on the article! MIAMI (CBS4)- The man who mesmerized generations of paying customers from 1947 to 1984 by extracting venom at his Miami Serpentarium as a spine-tingling South Florida attraction is dead. I also supplied 40 desert sidewinder rattlesnakes for Jim to exhibit in a large glass fronted cage filled with sea sand. His original Miami Serpentarium, south of Miami on South Dixie Highway, attracted 50,000 tourists a year for four decades. When my family came to Miami in1961, they left me in Lakeland, Florida with my aunt and uncle, who happened to be an avid hunter/fisherman. While there, a gentleman drove in with a huge python he caught on his property and had in a wire basket. "Our unit wouldn't be around if it wasn't for him; he's the inspiration," said Al Cruz, the unit's founder, standing beneath the tall branches of a live oak that Haast had allowed to grow through his screened pool patio. Twitter. Unfortunately, in 1977 a six-year-old boy fell into the crocodile pit at Miami Serpentarium and was killed by "Cookie", a 12-ft-long crocodile. The seller's address: Eureka, Fla. Haast knew he had to head south, to a warmer climate favored by snakes. Good memories of a time long ago. There's a picture of me and an indigo snake, probably nearly as long as I was tall. Editor's Note: We are saddened to learn of the death last Saturday of Dean Ripa, owner of the Cape Fear Serpentarium in downtown Wilmington, North Carolina, and the subject of this beloved 2005 Oxford American feature by our contributing editor Wendy Brenner.Brenner was a finalist for an ASME National Magazine Award in Feature Writing for this story, which was also anthologized in Best . Haast was born in Paterson, New Jersey, in 1910. Haast and his teenage son, Bill Jr., began constructing snake pits, the beginning of the Serpentarium. And modern medical researchers are proving him right snake venom fractions are becoming recognized as potent medicines. As far as how many times, that will be determined by the autopsy results by the ME office.. When you left his exhibit, you loved the snakes, and I hasve never been afraid of them for the rest of my life. They moved to Florida so that Haast could pursue his dream of opening a "snake farm". I live in Sarasota now and totally enjoy the water, I think those times are responceable. I will enjoy looking over this site over time. The shooting was reported just before 11 p.m. March 21 at the North Park at Scott Carver apartment complex in the area of Northwest 74th Street and 23rd Court. MIAMI - The name of the 15-year-old who was shot and killed in northwest Miami-Dade on Wednesday has been released. It was an experiment, but having received his first venomous snake bite as a teenager, Haast was used to risks. ''At 95, he doesn't like to do anything that takes time away from his lab work,'' added his wife. Like I said, we were always grabbing any snakes we came across, and one day finally got a Moccasin. ( Because they wouldn't let me move here by myself.) Besides his wife, the former Nancy Harrell, he is survived by two daughters, three grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. He also left three grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. The latest local, regional and national news events of the morning are presented by the Local 10 News Team along with updated sports, weather and traffic. As the snakes slithered and slide across the table he was working on the crowd jumped back gasping except me I think I eased even closer. My first visit to the Serpentarium was in the summer of '56 when I visited family friends who lived on Key Biscayne. I remember Cookie on the lawn, too! As I was sitting there I heard a big CHOMP and turned around to see one huge animal falling back into the pitmissed me by about a foothorseshoes and hand-grenadeseh? We looked out and could see both Bill and Nancy peeking out from their office with a big grin! I grew up near the Serpentarium , and played baseball @ Suniland Park..Many times during games , an iguana that had escaped from the serpentarium , would run across the field..As kids , we too ,sold snakes to the facility , and we managed to see the show several times a yearwe would ride our bikes to Parrot Jungle and the Serpentarium and see all kinds of rare wild animals and snakes , and birds , then fish salt or fresh water within a few miles of homegreat place to grow up in the 60's. When I was a child in the 1950's, Mama made us stay in the house. But he still wakes up each morning to turn snake venom from across the globe into freeze-dried powder for medical laboratories. ''It was the best snake show there ever will be,'' said George Van Horn, a frequent visitor who now runs a similar attraction in Central Florida. A significant historical year for this entry is 1946. Mr. Haast closed the serpentarium in 1984 after a 6-year-old boy fell into his crocodile pit and was fatally mauled. Amanda Batchelor is the Digital Executive Producer for While the legendary name of W.E. He shot the 1800-pound crocodile nine times with a Luger pistol, yet it was still an hour before it died. When she got in the car she said she had a suprise for me. I can't imagine more suitable place than South Florida for Bill Haas's Serpentarium. His second, Clarita, and third, Nancy, pitched in enthusiastically. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis cing elit. I couldn't take the anti-venom so Dr. Haast instructed the hospital on how to treat me. (Different venoms require different antidotes.). When he reached in to get it with his hook, he realized he had been had, then chose to play along and scare the audience who had already watched him take out a few deadly snakes from other boxes. Having said all that, thank you Mr. Haas for all your wonderful work with snakes. great childhood memories spent there with my family , i remember getting goose bumps when we would see the cobra statue. His cane was an exotic mixture of ebony and ivory. HaastHe paid 0.25 for poisonus and 0.15 for no poisonessHe was a great man and saved thousands of lives with his snake anti-venomBitten numerous time and the only man to sruvive the bite of a Mamba, he insisted on being awake, so he could descirbe the symtoms of the snake bite,He descibed the bite as haluciations and dream world full of vibrant colors. I was probably the first Bill Haast copycat and started self-immunizing with various snake venoms over here in London since the age of twenty. Our carpet showroom and warehaouse was open on Monday & Friday nights and some very strange noises were heard at night as you would walk through the warehouse. ``I feel like a man in his 60s.'' The crime occurred Wednesday afternoon inside a mobile home park in Miami-Dade Countys West Little River area, just north of Miamis Little River neighborhood. This will be of interest to some out there. ''I always meant for the attraction to support the venom research, but it just kept growing and growing. It was all in a days work for probably the best-known snake handler in the country, a scientist-cum-showman who made enough money from milking toxic goo from slithery serpents to buy a cherry-red Rolls-Royce convertible. The last snake I had was a 12' burmese python that I owned a few years ago. The show was great. Haast's second wife, Clarita, simply narrated, setting the mood for the audience. Sadly, Haast shut down his Miami Serpentarium after a young guest was killed by one of his crocodiles. Haast physically extracted venom from venomous snakes by holding them by the head and forcing them to bite a rubber membrane covering a vial. I said yes, I got to feed his snakes white mice, met his daughter (she had a pet lion), used to catch snakes and sell them to Mr. Florida snake expert Bill Haast has died. I'm recommending this site to my grandson, Piers and now that I'm a snowbird residing in Ft. Myers part time, I'll keep watching for news of your 100th birthday party! I grew up in Hialeah,snake hunting was one of the cool things we did back in the day.We'd ride our stingrays out to milam elementary w 16 ave and catch decays ,ring necks ,yellow rats ,red rats,garter snakes,blue racers.We'd ride are bikes accross the palmetto expressway and go into the woods behind the church caught an indigo there once ,it was laying accross a tree stump that was lucky back 1971.I was 12.It was 6ft long I feed it eggs ,raw chicken breast,a big toad once .It had bright red under the chin.Mr haast told me how to get the lice off it at his snake show.I called the serpentarium every so often to ask various questions on snakes.The guy on the phone was cool and calm he'd answer your questions politely it had to be Bill to us kids he was like superman.Saw his show 5 times.Man !that indigo Mrs haast had was really pretty ,my mom was talking about that snake at big family get together in wis. last new years.We sure are lucky we grew up their! We had an African Ball Python that had stopped eating, and I remember bringing it with my father to have it fed. He landed a job with Miami-based Pan American Airways. America is still arguing today about whether the Cincinnati Zoo should have shot and killed Harambe, a 17-year-old male, Become a member to support the independent voice of South Florida ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snake man is master of poison and cure Bill Haast, 97, is lauded for pioneering work with snake venom By Kate Spinner Sarasota Herald-Tribune Published: Friday, July 11, 2008 at 4:30 a.m. CHARLOTTE COUNTY - Bill Haast's 97-year-old fingers, withered by scores of snake bites, are too weak to handle cobras and pit vipers anymore. sailing lessons beaufort, nc . 'There is no reason to visit Miami. I could see their fears fade as they got the nerve to touch a real snake and realize that is wasn't slimy. As a result of the damage, Haast gave up handling venomous snakes, and no longer kept any at his facility. EARLY START The story of how Haast made his way to Florida has a certain Huck Finn appeal. I will admired and respect this wonderful human being for the rest of my life. On the 2nd trip, an entire day was planned for me there. Mr. Haasts dream of a first-class snake farm came true when he opened his Miami serpentarium in 1947. I regretfully declined. An eastern diamondback rattlesnake left one hand looking like a claw. carpet warehouse became the new home for several large ( 2 to 4 foot ) lizards, which I guess, were living in the trees and were never captured. According to his arrest report, Archie Cox Jr., of Miami, was taken into custody April 3 on a second-degree murder charge. So, on a trip to visit my parents in Miami, when Scot was two (1977), we took him to the Miami Serpentarium. The Serpentarium's landmark 35-foot-high, hooded, concrete-and-stucco cobra stuck out its forked tongue at motorists and arriving patrons on South Dixie Highway and Southwest 126th Street. Turns out that I was talking to Bill Hast. Miami-Dade police are investigating after a 16-year-old boy was fatally shot late Tuesday night at an apartment complex. I witnessed one such snake in 1985 on a dirt road in northeast Florida. Today, Van Horn owns Reptile World Serpentarium near St. We visited the Serp many times as a family visiting from Illinois and I have an autographed copy of Cobras In His Garden along with several movies that I gotta get moved over to DVD's.. Doc always took time to shake hands or pose for a picturetime that in retrospect I know he didn't really have to give, but he always did. My brother was always over there buying, trading snakes. My interest of reptiles was clearly fromed by Dr. Hasst and I have passed on some of it to my kids who now have a Bearded Dragon Dr. Hasst is a true legend.. When walking down a hallway, I passed an open door. At the time of the TV airing Mr. Haast was 87 years old and quite handsome he looked no older that early 50s. Using nothing but a thin hooked metal rod. [2] After closing the Serpentarium, he opened the Miami Serpentarium Laboratories, a facility in Punta Gorda, Florida that produced snake venom for medical and research use. From 1947 until 1984, he operated the Miami Serpentarium, a tourist attraction south of Miami, Florida, where he extracted venom . bill was to capture this cobra and milk it for the crowd. Haast is still trying to prove a point: He'll go to his grave believing venom can heal. did matthew boynton shoot his wife . . Detectives said when they arrived to the scene, people were attempting to take the teen to the hospital. Haast retained custody of their son, Bill Jr. and continued to work as a mechanic for Pan Am while he built the Serpentarium. I was fascinated watching them put Mr Haast's feeding tube down and feed the snake. More about the Miami Serpentarium , Miami Serpentarium Laboratories is the standardbearer of quality in venom production and service to the scientific community. My friend Jim Danaaldson who procured and trained animals for the film industry had set up a Reptile Exposition at Devonshire downs and I was an exhibiter . I visited The Serpentarium in '78. A Malayan pit viper mangled an index finger. Haast was also bitten by a green mamba. I somehow got to this page from an old email I found and did the Google thing for " Bill "Miami Snakeman" Haast " and here I find myself with those shared memories. "My So-Called Life", pg. Haast. FOR THE MIAMI HERALD King cobras. Bill. In the 1970s, along with his friend, respected Miami physician Ben Sheppard, Haast distributed PROven, a venom-based serum. Not sure she had quite the same fascination that I did but it's still very memorable. On September 3, 1977, a 6-year-old boy sitting atop the wall surrounding the Serpentarium's alligator and crocodile pit fell into the pit, and a 12-foot crocodile lunged ten feet and grabbed the boy. The Depression killed the snake attraction, so Haast went to work for a bootlegger based in the Florida Everglades, until revenue agents busted their still. They gave me nightmares. She would take some of her snakes to Bill Haast. I wish you could have seen that crowd move as that snake reared itself and advanced toward Bill as it poured itself onto the concrete floor. I notified the person at the gate and soon Mr. Haast himself came out, grabbed the gator, and put him back in the pit. Is bitten by dozens of water moccasins and dies. I asked him one evening if I could walk with him he said yes in the baritone of gentle command. I read here about the boy who was killed after falling into the crocidile pit. I didn't know what to do with it, so I call the Miami Serpentarium. Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. But at the Serpentarium, there was a monster 14 foot rattlesnake from upper Florida, probably from around the Gainesville area. I rememer Bill Jr. when we rode motorcycles in scramble races out in North Dade. I'd fainted at the realization of a whole baby pig inside that snake! MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. The person who shot and killed a 15-year-old boy is on the run. June 18, 2011 / 3:12 PM Mr. Haast, who was director of the Miami Serpentarium Laboratories, a snake-venom producer near Punta Gorda, Fla., died of natural causes on Wednesday at his home in southwest Florida, his wife, Nancy, said. . "Not to mention pretty damn smart. He started extracting venom from his snakes when he was 15 years old, and dropped out of school when he was 16 years old. Lots of people like me. He respected him very much. My mother was deathly afraid of snakes but she was a real trooper driving us to Dr. Haas, all the while saying, you better not let that snake go in this car! MIAMI, Sept. 3 (UPI)A 6yearold boy tumbled into a crocodile pit at the Miami Serpentarium today and a 14 foot, 1,800pound African crocodile snapped its jaws around the child's middle. The price of a gram of freeze-dried venom from exotic snakes, requiring 100 or more extractions to accumulate, could exceed $5,000. Behind him rose an 8-foot concrete cobra statue that once decorated the serpentarium. not on the animals, or even the people walking around. My Grandfather was a construction worker and used to drop me off there every day over the summer, and weekends when he would work. PARROT JUNGLE, MONKEY JUNGLE, SEAQUARIUM, ETC. We watched Mr. Haast with fascination as he milked the snakes. The boy's father and uncle jumped into the ?it and tried to pry open the crocodile's mouth. [9] In an August 2008 Florida Trend interview, he stated, "Aging is hard. If you wish to purchase venoms, we invite you to telephone (800) 248-5050 or e-mail and we will be happy to be of service. I'd rather go back in the ocean than back to the Serpentarium! By 1984, interest in such roadside attractions like the Serpentarium had waned. My Parents said we know Mr. Haast would you like to see his snake farm. When I was a small boy of 8-9 years old in the mid sixties, a distinguished gentleman would walk by our house in the early morning like clockwork. I am wondering if that was the same pit the young boy had fallen into. ''I knew it was over then.'' Mr. Haast's passing reminded South Floridians of a bygone era when entrepreneurs could set up quirky roadside attractions along Dixie Highway, U.S. 1, to thrill both local school kids and wintering vacationers who fled the cold. I think that this Dr., was loved by thousands of Miamians, because of him lives are save. The original Miami Serpentarium, located south of Miami, was in operation from 1947 to 1984. First responders rushed him to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he died. But I always felt I would live this long. A doctor at the hospital where the boy, was taken said the child was practically dead on arrival from drowning in association with multiple traumatic injuries., See the article in its original context from. He suffered 17 bites that nearly killed him, one put him in an iron lung for three days, his system paralyzed. The Miami Serpentarium, established in1946 as the first-of-its kind premier and pioneering venom production laboratory in the world, was originated by the Founding Director, W. E. He bought his first exotic snake, a diamondback rattler, from a catalog. But Haast no longer can handle the forked-tongued killers that made him famous. For more information, call (407) 892-6905 or visit www . This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. I got excited thinking it was a new toy. William Haast at his Miami Serpentarium in the 1950's. He could not have been nicer to us and spent some time talking to us. I remember him as a very genuine, nice man. the shows were fantastic , there was so much to explore everything was clean and the whole haast family were always family became amateur experts on exotic snakes and have read and watched everything we could over the years.but nothing ever compared to mr. haast. I never forgot Mr. Haast and his snakes, and, to this day, I am not scared of snakes or any other animals. The original cobra was a metal structure that was twisted into oblivion by a rare tornado in the late 50's or early 60's. Suddenly, he heard screaming and ran toward the commotion. There was something unique and special about living old Miami, Its individuals like Bill and The Serpentarium that paved Miami's history in a way like no other place in the world. As people gathered close Bill unlatched the door on the end of the cage. STAFF PHOTO / ED PFUELLER Order photo Bill Haast, center, is recognized by members of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Venom Response Unit for his work helping snake-bite victims. Supposedly, this Timacuan sub-species and the nearby Mexican Bush Master are the largest poisonous snakes in the world and Bill Hass had both of them in his World famous Serpentarium. I remember those two huge crocs, one Nile and one American. Mr. Haast and a Miami doctor treated more than 6,000 people with a snake-venom serum that they and their patients contended was effective against multiple sclerosis and arthritis. The crime . This official Bill Haast website is being presented in honor of one of the greatest pioneers, visionaries, humanitarians and scientists of all time. By - March 1, 2021. When he had enough, he opened the Serpentarium in Miami in 1946. I graduated from there in 1979. 25 39.145 N, 80 19.797 W. Marker is in Pinecrest, Florida, in Miami-Dade County. My uncle made a point to tell me to look up this site. "If I live to be 100, I'll really make the point.''. I recall the incident where the child died -- it was very tragic and Mr. Haast clearly felt terrible about it. "He was into it for the science on how snake venom affected the body," said his grandniece, who worked at The Serpentarium as a teen in the 1980s. His next bite, later the same year, came from a four-foot copperhead. ", Twitter accolades came in from across the globe. We had a large clump of banana trees in our back yard, & she had called Mr. Haast to tell him that there was a coral snake down in the undergrowth of it, & could he please come & remove it? Early in Haast's career, he slogged the wilds of the Everglades collecting cottonmouths and rattlers. His wife Ann did not approve, and they eventually divorced. Copyright 2023 is published by WPLG INC., a Berkshire Hathaway company. Thanks for jogging my memory. That was South Dade, Florida, relatively free of the most venomous snakes because Bill Hass and the Serpentarium. Anyone with information is urged to call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. joe pylandgrew up at sunniland park two blocks from the serpentarium.Remember it well..Billy..the grandson ran over my arm in 1962 with his bike..breaking it and I missed the 1st 6 weeks of Khoury League.Remember Haast tamping alsoThis man was incredidle and brave. During this time Haast met and married his second wife, Clarita Matthews. During World War II, he was aboard flights that delivered food and medicine to Africa and Asia. Soon after opening the Serpentarium, Haast began experimenting with building up an acquired immunity to the venom of King, Indian and Cape cobras by injecting himself with gradually increasing quantities of venom he had extracted from his snakes, a practice called mithridatism. He would shove the snake's fangs into the top of a vial and watch the venom trickle down. Noticing that it had come from Florida, he knew then, he said, that Florida was his destiny. Today, a McDonald's and a shopping center sit where the Serpentarium once thrilled. Haast.*. For the first five years Bill, Clarita, and his son were the only staff. In 1965, Cobras in his Garden, a book about Haast's exploits, was published. Haast, then 66, heard the screams and came. While the rest of the crew was out having fun in the exotic locales, he bought exotic snakes. Hi, my uncle Ted Kundtz just passed away a few months ago and he told me that he had helped out Mr. Haast when he was younger. Crowds cheered as he collected venom from the snakes in dramatic displays. Facebook. I was Bill's neighbor on the Serpentariums north side from about 1970 until the Village of Pinecrest purchased my land & building in 2000 ( The Carpet Mart ). The snake would bite the mouse, he said in an interview with The Miami Herald in 1984. Haast has already been etched into history, it has been said upon learning of his passing on June 15, 2011, that "there are some people who should never die.". As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Every so often the evening news would announce "Bill Haast had been bitten by a poisonous snake AGAIN." 38-year-old Francisco Oropeza was firing a rifle in his yard late at night when his neighbors asked him to stop, San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers said. The Reptile Centre in Northampton, England, declared him "an inspirational man within the world of reptiles." The findings were very encouraging, Haast said. And now, 66 years later, it can be said unequivocally that Bill . After leaving Miami for the Air Force and then marriage, my bride and I returned to the Central East Coast of Florida to live, and on a trip to the Keys, I just had to take my new bride to show her Bill Haast's work. Apparently the damaged tail had to be amputated afterwards. I found it intriguing.. I visited the Serpentarium in1969 as an 18-year-old on spring break with a buddy. 555 waverly avenue, brooklyn. But I still think he should not have shot that alligator. From The Miami Herald, August 3, 2006 FLASHBACK | THE MIAMI SERPENTARIUM 'Miami snakeman' is 95 and still injects himself with venom BY LUISA YANEZ IN PUNTA GORDA: Bill Hasst sold his Miami Serpentarium site in Pinecrest in 1984, and settled in southwest Florida. Outside was a 35-foot-high concrete statue of a giant cobra, forked tongue flicking menacingly. Miami-Dade police said around 4:30 p.m. Barry Ellis was shot inside a home he . What amemorable time, nobody was dissapointed and we all calmed down and talked quietly afterwaeds. The Miami Serpentarium, an early Florida roadside tourist attraction, was once located on this site. He inspired a life long love of reptiles for me and now my two children.. Bill Haast (December 30, 1910 - June 15, 2011) was the director of the Miami Serpentarium Laboratories, a facility near Miami, Florida that produces snake venom for medical and research use. ``If I live to be 100 I'll really make the point.'' ''I miss the excitement of the Serpentarium,'' Haast said. Addressed to Guest: How dare you ever get on a site, and reproach a man for his dispair over the loss of an innocent 6 year old boy. On September 3, 1977, a 6-year-old boy sitting atop the wall surrounding the Serpentarium's alligator and crocodile pit fell into the pit, and a 12-foot crocodile lunged ten feet and grabbed the boy. Then years later I lived in Punta Gorda on Washington Loop, when Bill Haast moved there. Watching Bill milk then tube feed special formula into those angry hooded cobras he'd take out of the boxes is something I will never forget. Inside, Mr. Haast, the self-proclaimed Snakeman, entertained paying customers by using his hands to grab snakes below their heads and force their teeth into soft plastic. The snake attraction soon failed during the Depression, so Mr. Haast went to work for a bootlegger in the Everglades, where he was pleased to find plenty of snakes. The following year, he was bitten by a Timber Rattlesnake, and was said . It was intuitive. Bridgette Matter joined the Local 10 News team as a reporter in July 2021. I remember seeing an alligator gulping down whole chickens and being allowed to handle an Indigo snake after Mr. Haast's presentation. He said at that time if he lived to be 100 it would possibly prove that snake venom is anti aging. I remember a Coral snake bit and killed a man digging in his yard in Whispering Pines in 1965. When she reached into the box and found movement inside she shrieked so loudly we could hear her from far across the large garden, and we chuckled "I guess she found it" Someone said. Haast killed the croc the next day. Worst time of my life!!! Pinterest. Linkedin. On the way from the Fontainebleau Hotel we heard that President Kennedy had been shot. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Thank you Diana, and all the other folks who have posted, for posting your personal memories of Bill Haast and your insights that the general public would never know about if you hadn't written in. ''I could become a poster boy for the benefits of venom,'' Haast jokes. Smocks. Sad to say, a passerby noticed that the snake was poisonous and killed it before we could take it to the Serpentarium to get paid for all our efforts. One day I noticed his handshis fingersthey were deformend, mangled, sort of like a something from an old horror moviea result--one of many, of having been bitten by so many venomous snakesI think his own blood was an anti-venom, as a result of being bitten so much, I think he used to distribute this "antivenom (his blood)worldwide to snakebite vicims.

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