nashville theatre auditions

She has high hopes for her son, Cory and sides with him in his wish to play football. Please send your headshot, resume and audition video (Youtube and Vimeo files please) to Celie - Female Identifying, 20s-early 30s, Black. Troy and Rose Masons son. Nelly Friedman - Female Identifying, age flexible, any ethnicity. Bernadette is the Presidents sister. BUY TICKETS NOW 161 Rains Avenue . A working class man. Vocal Range: Ab2-C5. The wife of Fezziwig, Mrs. Fezziwig is a warm and loving woman who shares her husbands generous spirit. She works as a secretary and is a working-class woman with a tough exterior who has no support system to raise her son and blames herself for her inability to cope with him effectively. Shug Avery- Female Identifying, 30s-40s, Black. No. She is brimming with bitterness and pent-up rage as well. A plumber and heating engineer by trade, naturally good with his hands. Margaret - Female Identifying, Late 40s-70s, Black. There is a casting call scheduled for the 11th of next month at the Edmondson Pike Public Library. English accents appropriate to class. She has a fiery temper and a fantastic sense of humor. Some knowledge on piano and/or guitar, but not required. Lyons Maxson - Male Identifying, 30s, Black. Performers of all races and ethnicities are encouraged to audition.If you are unable or do not wish to attend in-person auditions, you may submit a video submission of 2 contrasting monologues, two contrasting songs and a monologue, OR two contrasting monologues and a song at And though hes naturally practical and much more patient in dealing with Christopher than Judy, a difficult situation can make him lose it, sometimes violently. An average guy, he is sporting a little less hair and a little more paunch than he did ten years ago (Doubles as Ensemble). Any age; strong singers to portray several characters; PA, Bobby/Guard, Buster/Grady, Adam and others. Based on the novel written by Alice Walker, Music and Lyrics by Brenda Russell, Allee Willis and Stephen Bray. Gain full access to show guides, character breakdowns, auditions, monologues and more! Your total audition should be no longer than three minutes. Equitys contracts prohibit discrimination. Nettie- Female Identifying, Character ages from 13 to 40s, Black. She has dreamt of her wedding day her entire life. West End Methodist Theatre Nashville, TN Costume Tech. Otto, the Elder (Plays Yekel, Peretz, Schildkraut, Immigrant, Bartender, Judge McIntyre, Older Asch) - Male Identifying - 50s-60s, any ethnicity. Vocal Range: Eb3-E5. Single-ply face masks, gaiters and bandanas are not recommended. Peretz; protective, strong literary opinions; dismissive of upstart young writers. Fan is the younger sister of Young Ebenezer Scrooge. She is close with her brother. A respected German actor; she plans Manke in the Berlin production of Aschs play; speaks frankly and with an air of sophistication. Tim - Male Identifying, 50s-60s, any ethnicity. She is a total mess and full of mayhem. Local Nashville actors are encouraged to audition. Speaks English poorly. A grumpy, older, unsympathetic man whose great wealth has turned his heart into stone. Judy is the new girl at the firm, she has been burned by her husbands affair and is searching for personal empowerment. Performers of all races and ethnicities are encouraged to audition. Audition for our exciting 23/24 Season. You may email with additional questions or call (615) 349-3217. Older Asch: later in life, he has retreated entirely from public life; bitter and cynical, he disavows his masterpiece. She is a welcoming hostess who helps to make her party a joyful and festive occasion. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. Plays the Accordion. (Also doubles as Freds Wife and Ensemble). Flick - Male Identifying, 20s-early 30s, Black. Female Ensemble- Females Identifying, 16-50s, any ethnicity. Production Dates: July 27 August 6, 20 Some singing. Theater Theater and Dance Performance and Production The Tennessee State University Theatre presents a varied repertoire of theatrical productions featuring TSU students in all aspects of the performance. Cory Maxson - Male Identifying, Late Teens-Early 20s, Black. Firm, experienced, tough but fair-minded. Troy's son from a previous relationship. Troy's illegitimate child, mothered by Alberta, his lover, who passed away while giving birth. Bono and Troy met in jail, where Troy learned to play baseball. (Also doubles as Ensemble). Christopher Boone - Male Identifying, 18+ to play a teenager, any ethnicity. (Also doubles as Ensemble). An Equity Monitor will not be provided. Reverend Peters / Station Policeman / Others - Male Identifying, 40s-50s, any ethnicity. Vocal Range: G3-D5. Vocal Range: F3-E5. proves no less challenging than anything that has come before it." Jeffrey Ellis Doesnt have a clue or any interest in understanding Christopher. She has an unrequited love for Mr. Hart and will do anything she can to win his approval. The audition room is 4800 sq ft. and can accommodate no more than 48 people at one time. Fan is the younger sister of Young Ebenezer Scrooge. Nashville's Premier Regional Theatre Company, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. Son of Bob and Elizabeth Cratchit. Nephew Fred - Male Identifying, 20s-30s, any ethnicity. Vera, the Elder (Plays Sarah, Mrs. Peretz, Immigrant, Esther Stockton, Madje) - Female Identifying - 50s-60s, any ethnicity. Harriet is the Chief of Staff. She is a welcoming hostess who helps to make her party a joyful and festive occasion. DUTY SERGEANT: A local Swindon desk sergeant (policeman) who releases Christopher to Eds custody after Christophers been arrested. Young Violet - Female Identifying, 10-13 years old, White. Squeak/Ensemble - Female Identifying, 20s, Black. (Also doubles as Ensemble). Jean is the Press Secretary. Lyons, like most musicians, has a hard time making a living. A former roommate in the loft, Benny traded in his personal morals for power and wealth. Tom Collins - Male Identifying, mid 20s-mid 30s, any ethnicity. IF AUDITIONING FOR. Local Nashville actors are encouraged to audition. She is older and no-nonsense, but for some reason continues to work for Scrooge despite his measly pay. Ensemble - Male, Female and Non-Binary, 20s+, any ethnicities. Missy is Franklin Harts wife, clueless to her husbands true nature (Doubles as Ensemble). Jean - Female Identifying, Late 40s-60s, any ethnicity. Roles include: Mrs. Claus, Elves, Charlie, Tiara, Mr. Narwhal, Teenager, Employees, Security Guard 1&2, Customer 1&2, Sales-woman, Store Elf 1&2, Fake Santa 1&2&3, Boy, Mother, Policeman 1&2, Sarah, Jim, Vendor, Waitress, Charlotte, Man, Woman. ROMEO AND JULIET - CHICAGO SHAKESPEARE THEATER (Submission) on 5/1/2023 - 5/14/2023Added: 5/1/2023RENAISSANCE THEATREWORKS / NEXT ACT THEATRE 2023-24 SEASON - RENAISSANCE THEATREWORKS / NEXT ACT THEATRE (Milwaukee, WI Audition) on 5/11/2023Added: 5/1/2023RENAISSANCE THEATREWORKS 2023-24 SEASON - Various Producers (Milwaukee, WI Audition) on 5/18/2023Added: 5/1/2023THE SHARK IS BROKEN (BROADWAY) - Producing Org TBD (New York, NY Audition) on 5/11/2023Added: 5/1/2023THE SHARK IS BROKEN (BROADWAY) - Producing Org TBD (Submission) on 5/1/2023 - 5/11/2023Added: 5/1/2023THE SHARK IS BROKEN (BROADWAY) - PRODUCING ORG TBD (New York, NY Audition) on 5/10/2023Added: 5/1/2023A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC - Denver Center for the Performing Arts (New York, NY Audition) on 5/12/2023Added: 5/1/2023A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC - Denver Center for the Performing Arts (New York, NY Audition) on 5/11/2023Added: 5/1/2023Orlando Shakespeare Theater SPT & LOA 2023-24 Season - Orlando Shakespeare Theater (Orlando, FL Audition) on 5/8/2023Added: 4/28/2023Arden Theatre Company (TYA) 2023-24 Season - Arden Theatre Company (Philadelphia, PA Audition) on 5/9/2023Added: 4/28/2023. Independent, lonely and proud, she doesnt easily ask for help and has never had the proper social resources to help her. Jim Bono - Male Identifying, 40s-60s, Black. Ebenezer Scrooge - Male Identifying, 50s and up, any ethnicity. Troy's best friend of over thirty years. PUNK GIRL: A young woman in the tube station who tries to help Christopher. Joanne Jefferson - Female Identifying, mid 20s-early 40s, any ethnicity. Shes pleasant, round, and with a mess of curly hair. Halina, the Middle (Plays Manke, Immigrant, Freida, Dorothee Nelson/Dine, Dr. Hornig, Bagelman Sister) - Female Identifying, 20s-30s, any ethnicity. Plays the Clarinet. Harpo - Male Identifying, 20s, Black. Vocal Range: F#2-A4. Nashville Repconsiders discriminatory harassment to be a form of employee misconduct and considers this type of misconduct to be a serious offense which will not be tolerated. Michael - Male Identifying, Early teens, any ethnicity. She's direct with people who stare at her scar, which is prominently located on her face. Your video should be a YouTube or Vimeo link. Chadwick - Male Identifying, 40s-50s, any ethnicity. Equitys contracts prohibit discrimination. She deeply cares for Scrooge and is hurt by his selfishness and indifference. Santa - Male Identifying, 60s-80s, any ethnicity. Stephanie is the Presidential secretary. Nashville Children's Theatre AUDITION DATES Thu, Jun 02, 2022 Thursday, June 2, 2022 3:30 PM - 8:30 PM (C) Break 4:05-4:20pm / 6:20-6:35pm Fri, Jun 03, 2022 Thursday, June 2, 2022 3:30 PM -. Sunday April 30, 2023 Nashville Repertory Theatre 2023-24 LOA and SPT Seasons - Nashville Repertory Theatre ( Nashville, TN. Rose Maxson - Female Identifying, 40s-50s, Black. Admirals Performing Arts Company Knoxville, TN Allied Arts of Greater Chattanooga Plays the Violin. Vera, the Elder (Doubles as Sarah, Mrs. Peretz, Immigrant, Esther Stockton, Madje) - Female Identifying - 50s-60s, any ethnicity. Speaks English poorly. Please visit Nashville Repertory Theatres website audition page to fill out an audition request form ( Margaret- Female Identifying, 30s-40s, any ethnicity. Husband to Rose, father to Lyons, Cory, and Raynell, and brother to Gabriel, and best friend to Jim Bono. English accents appropriate to class. SHORT SHAKESPEARE! Music Hall Singer - Female Identifying, 30s-40s, Black. Vocal Range: F3-G5. The oldest child of Bob and Elizabeth Cratchit, (Also doubles as Ensemble). Dick - Male Identifying, 35-45, any ethnicity. Belle - Female Identifying, 20s, any ethnicity. Takes an instant liking to Buddy simply for the novelty of it. Strong, fit and agile. Additionally, you may submit a video audition for consideration. Ed Boone / Others - Male Identifying, Late 30s-Early 50s, any ethnicity. Roz is the attentive office gossip queen and snitch. Mimi Marquez - Female Identifying, 20s, Hispanic or Spanish descent. Audition/Interview Schedule & Application Contact Information Theatre Beki Baker Associate Professor and Chair, Theater (615) 966-5728 Our Faculty Career Paths Actors Actors express ideas and portray characters in theater, film, television, and other performing arts media. Review Roundup: Sean Hayes Stars In GOOD NIGHT, OSCAR On Broadway! Vocal Range: D4-Eb5. Missy - Female Identifying, 20-35, any ethnicity. Please read this audition notice in its entirety before signing up for an audition or sending in a video submission. Her innocent need for care and support convinces Rose to take Troy back into the house. Bob Cratchit - Male Identifying, 30s-40s, any ethnicity. Nephew Fred - Male Identifying, 20s-30s, any ethnicity. Violet is the unwilling recipient of her boldness. Callbacks will begin the week of May 15, 2023. Now living in New York, she returns to her home in North Carolina to make preparations for her wedding. Gabriel exudes a child-like exuberance and a need to please. Chris is a journalist who is newly-divorced, overburdened, and on the brink of irrelevance. Nettie - Female Identifying, 20s-early 30s, Black. Sign up for emails from Casting Networks News. VOT, under the direction of Gayle Shay, presents one fully staged and costumed production with orchestra in the fall semester, and a staged art song theater piece in alternating spring semesters under the auspices of the Lyric Theatre Workshop (MUSO 1201-1203).. Fezziwig was Scrooges first employer. (Also doubles as a Party Guest and Ensemble). Doralee - Female Identifying, 20s-30s, any ethnicity. Watching live theatre is an exhilarating experience and creating it can be a transforming one. Ol Joe is a seedy and unscrupulous figure who deals in stolen goods and has a shady reputation. This lack of understanding often makes the world seem frustrating and frightening to him, and he can become agitated and even violent when he has to deal with too many overwhelming external stimuli. Margaret is a secretary in Harts office with a tendency to drink (Doubles as Ensemble). Note: Character age 14-40s. Raynell Maxson - Female Identifying, 7-10 years old, Black. Gabriel Maxson - Male Identifying, 40s-50s, Black. as they try to make a new life for themselves on the Oregon Trail. . Doubles as Billy Dean, Bus Driver 2, Radio Singer and Bus Passenger. (Doubles as Ensemble). A beautiful and kind-hearted young woman, Belle once loved Scrooge deeply when he was younger. Policeman / Mr. Thompson / Man with Socks / Others - Male Identifying, 20s-30s, any ethnicity. Doesnt have patience for Christophers line of questioning. Vocal Range: A3-F5. He must journey through the past, present and future to learn from his mistakes and regain the spirit of Christmas. Paid. Singers masks can be found at Walter's wife. An ambitious young man who has the talent and determination to realize his dreams, Cory comes of age during the course of the play when he challenges and confronts Troy and leaves home. Mimi is a performer at a local strip club with an addiction which has led to becoming HIV-positive. Monty - Male Identifying, 20s-early 30s, White. A respected German actor; she plays Manke in the Berlin production of Aschs play; speaks frankly and with an air of sophistication. Sign Up. Franklin Hart- Male Identifying, 45-50, any ethnicity. She deeply cares for Scrooge and is hurt by his selfishness and indifference. Christophers mother, she is estranged from her husband, Ed after having an affair with her neighbor Roger. Any age; strong singers to portray several characters; Church Lady, Olivia and others. Dwayne- Male Identifying, 25-30, any ethnicity. Dont miss out on your chance to earn your next big break check out our Nashville casting calls and auditions today! She strives to teach Christopher how society works and how to behave within its guidelines. Rehearsals begin February 6, Preview March 2, Runs March 3-12, 2023. Rehearsals begin August 15, Preview September 15, Runs September 16-25, 2022. Despite his physical challenges, Tim has a kind heart and epitomizes the spirit of Christmas. (Also doubles as Party Guest and Ensemble). Registration for our 23/24 season auditions is now open! ROMEO AND JULIET - CHICAGO SHAKESPEARE THEATER, RENAISSANCE THEATREWORKS / NEXT ACT THEATRE 2023-24 SEASON - RENAISSANCE THEATREWORKS / NEXT ACT THEATRE, RENAISSANCE THEATREWORKS 2023-24 SEASON - Various Producers, THE SHARK IS BROKEN (BROADWAY) - Producing Org TBD, THE SHARK IS BROKEN (BROADWAY) - PRODUCING ORG TBD, A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC - Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Orlando Shakespeare Theater SPT & LOA 2023-24 Season - Orlando Shakespeare Theater, Arden Theatre Company (TYA) 2023-24 Season - Arden Theatre Company, Nashville Childrens Theatre 2023-2024 Season - Nashville Childrens Theatre, Nashville Childrens Theatre 2023-2024 Season - Nashville Children's Theatre. Jacob Marley - Male Identifying, 50s and up, any ethnicity. 2023 Casting Networks, LLC. Auditions for SM for Nashville Repertory Theatre 2023-24 . Repertoire for the fall production is drawn from both . Seeking actors of all races/ethnicities to audition. Maria is a young and vibrant secretary in Harts office (Doubles as Ensemble). Mrs. Dilbur is a laundress who is greedy and no-nonsense and attempts to sell some of Scrooges possessions in the future. A senior in high school. Harpo is Misters hapless son from his first marriage; well-intended, but often falls short due to exceedingly bad parenting by Mister; falls deeply in love with and is dominated by his wife Sophia, then later by his girlfriend Squeak; he eventually finds his firm footing and manhood soon after Misters transformation and the return of his beloved Sofia. Margaret - Female Identifying, Late 40s-70s, Black. Nashville Childrens Theatre 2023-2024 Season at Nashville Childrens Theatre, I REMEMBER MAMA at Lakeside Theatre Company, The, Rubber City Theatre SPT 2023 Season at Rubber City Theatre, Indiana Repertory Theatre and Phoenix Theatre 2023-24 Season at Various Producers. Judy is the new girl at the firm, she has been burned by her husbands affair and is searching for personal empowerment. Office Address:161 Rains Avenue, Nashville, TN 37203Phone: (615) 244-4878Fax:(615) 349-3222, Box Office Phone:(615) 782-4040Performance Address:505 Deaderick St, Nashville, TN 37243. Playhouse Nashville Nashville, TN The Renaissance Center Dickson, TN Studio Tenn (Also doubles as Mrs. Philpot, Charwoman and Ensemble). INFORMATION: A busy information clerk in a London Rail-road Station who Christopher asks for directions. SHORT SHAKESPEARE! Changing Lives. Please also bring your headshot and resume stapled together. Josh- Male Identifying, 15-18, any ethnicity. Halina, the Middle (Doubles as Manke, Immigrant, Freida, Dorothee Nelson/Dine, Dr. Hornig, Bagelman Sister) - Female Identifying, 20s-30s, any ethnicity. Fan / Belinda Cratchit - Child, Female Identifying, 10-12 years old, any ethnicity. Ghost of Christmas Present - Any Gender, 40s and up, any ethnicity. May be middle class or middle working class. Roz is the attentive office gossip queen and snitch. Once had a true healing touch but has lost it in his quest to become a showman. STATION POLICEMAN: A Swindon policeman who gets stuck on a train to London while trying to convince Christopher to get off the train. During the Spring and Fall we offer production classes for Ages 5-18. Easily outsmarted by Christopher. BUY SEASON TICKETS FUN HOME She is proof that there is more to a woman than just her looks. Angel is a drag queen and street drummer who is HIV-positive. Josh is Violets awkward teenage son. Madje: Aschs wife - has a discerning mind for literature and an enviable depth of feeling. (Also doubles as Party Guest and Ensemble). The maximum capacity in the holding room is: 20, The maximum capacity in the audition room is: 10, Music and Lyrics by Dolly Parton and Book by Patricia Resnick. (Also doubles as Ensemble). Video auditions currently being accepted to fill 8 roles plus 5 understudies. Learn. She is a high-strung, quick-witted woman who can handle any pressroom and sterilize any scandal. Belinda Cratchit is one of Bob and Elizabeth Cratchits daughters. Attractive, strong, ambitious. Young Marley - Male Identifying, late teens-20s, any ethnicity. She is brimming with bitterness and pent-up rage as well. (Also doubles as Party Guest and Ensemble). One of Christophers neighbors who has probably lived in Swindon her entire life. Dick is Judys soon-to-be ex-husband. Kathy is a secretary in Harts office with a tendency to gossip (Doubles as Ensemble). She has much to gain and everything to lose. Everyone in the holding room and audition room will always wear a face covering as described above, except for the actor when they are actively auditioning. Preacher - Male Identifying, 30s-50s, any ethnicity. Nashville Theatre School is a national award-winning musical theatre school in West Nashville / Belle Meade offering professional theatre instruction in acting, singing, and dancing. A good man, who may be wiser to Harts ways than he lets on. Roles include: Mrs. Cohen, Alexi Darling, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Marquez, Mr. Grey, Squeegee Man, Homeless Woman, Waiter, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson, Life Support Group, and more. Joe- Male Identifying, 25-35, any ethnicity. She is polished, tactful, but quite cynical. This ghost appears as a representation of Scrooges memories, and has a gentle and calming presence. Celie is a radiant survivor who triumphantly journeys through a life filled with soul-reckoning challenges and emotional/physical violence; she is buoyed by a rock-solid faith in God, love and devotion for her sister Nettie, as well as the intimacy-awakening bond that she develops with Shug Avery. A single working mother who is the counterpart to Harriet. Ex-girlfriend to Benny, she falls in love with Roger, but struggles with his lack of commitment. Son of Bob and Elizabeth Cratchit. Moriz Godowsky - (Doubles as Lazar) - Male Identifying, age flexible, any ethnicity. THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME by Simon Stephens, adapted from the novel by Mark Haddon, Preview March 23Runs March 24-April 2, 2023. Nashville's Premiere Regional Theatre since 1985. . Learn More SAVE-THE-DATE for Broadway Brunch! Jovie works at Macy's and has a bit of a cynical outlook on life and love because of the men she's dated. Elizabeth Cratchit - Female Identifying, 30s-40s, any ethnicity. The LOA minimum weekly salary for the 22/23 season was $635. Nashville Repertory Theatre Nashville, TN. Theater Auditions - Casting Calls for Musicals, Dramas & More. (Also doubles as Mr. Blakeley, the Schoolmaster and Ensemble). Nashville Repertory Theatre 2023-24 Season Auditions Friday, April 28, 2023 - Monday, May 1, 2023 Now's your chance! Lulu Buffington - Female Identifying, 40s-60s, Black. Guitar skills are preferred for this role. He has a brilliant mind, can be fixated on certain topics, and thinks in a highly logical way, which makes him excel in math and science, but because he perceives language literally, he does not understand sarcasm or metaphors. Ingram New Works and Nashville Repertory Theatre provide playwrights with season-long developmental support, travel, lodging, hospitality, networking, and audiences, allowing them to focus on what they do best: creating powerful, necessary, impactful new plays. Sofia- Female Identifying, Character ages from 20s-40s, Black. "Southern Gothic" is the winner. Wishes her husband would spend more time with the family. Sofia - Female Identifying, 30s, Black. Male Ensemble - Males Identifying, 16-50s, any ethnicity. Harriet is the Chief of Staff. Theater Auditions in Nashville, TN. Read More Performer Unpaid ELF THE MUSICAL Music by Matthew Sklar, Lyrics by Chad Beguelin, Book by Thomas Meehan and Bob Martin. Physically very fit and agile. Nelly Friedman - Female Identifying, age flexible, any ethnicity. Mrs. Kimball is Scrooges loyal housekeeper. Strongly influenced by movies, she idealizes glamourous movie stars. Equity, Diversity, and InclusionNashville Repertory Theatre is committed to creating an equitable, diverse, and inclusive organization and community. Missy- Female Identifying, 20-35, any ethnicity. (Also doubles as Ensemble). Nashville Repertory Theatre 2023-24 LOA and SPT Seasons - Nashville EPA, Nashville Repertory Theatre | Nashville, TN. Vocal Range: B3-G5. All performances take place in either the, Johnson or Polk Theatres at the Tennessee. (Also doubles as Ensemble). Dwayne is Doralees attractive husband. Shug Avery - Female Identifying, 30s-40s, Black. From a diagnostic point of view, he is probably on the autism spectrum and exhibits some behavior that might be characterized as having Aspergers Syndrome, though what is most important is that he is different. The wife of Bob Cratchit, she is a hard-working and devoted mother, who is fiercely protective of her family and determined to give them a happy Christmas despite their difficult financial circumstances. The Preacher's assistant. Some singing. All staff, actors, technicians, and volunteers will be asked to review and sign a disclosure of our full policy which will become a part of the employment contract. Violet is the companys Head Secretary and Mr. Harts Administrative Assistant. Bernadette - Female Identifying, Late 30s-60s, White. He notices things in minute detail yet has difficulty understanding social and emotional cues and difficulty empathizing with others. Mrs. Kimball / Mrs. Dilbur - Female Identifying, 50s and up, any ethnicity. SHUCKED, SOME LIKE IT HOT Lead Nominations for 2023 Drama Desk Awards, New London Barn Playhouse 2023 Season at New London Barn Playhouse, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE at CHAUTAUQUA INSTITUTION, STUDIO THEATRE 2023-24 SEASON at STUDIO THEATRE, GEORGE STREET PLAYHOUSE 2023-24 SEASON at GEORGE STREET PLAYHOUSE, Pittsburgh Public Theater 2023-24 Season at Pittsburgh Public Theater Corporation, HAMILTON (Broadway and All Tours) at Various Producers, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, LIVE ON STAGE! DONATE NOW Programs. LOA$599 weekly minimum (LOA) $579 weekly minimum (SPT 7)SPT. She is a total mess and full of mayhem. She wishes she knew how to truly reach and care for Christopher. We appreciate your interest in our productions. ** Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Male Ensemble- Males Identifying, 16-50s, any ethnicity. Video submissions will be viewed as time allows. Vocal Range: A2-G4. Choreography: Kevin F. Raymond AUDITION INFO FOR LEADS AND SUPPORTING CAST: Please bring a headshot and resume Auditions are Monday, July 25 and Tuesday, July 26, 2022 Callbacks if needed are Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Performance dates are December 1-18, 2022 **Auditions for CHORUS and SMALLER ROLES will be at the end of August. He is youthful, kind and full of hope. Doublings include Radio Singer, Bus Driver 1, Bus Driver 4. (Also doubles as a Party Guest and Ensemble). (Also Doubles as Freds Wife and Ensemble). Everything is a means to the end. Note: Character age 30s to 50s. MR. THOMPSON: A neighbor that Christopher interviews during his investigation of who killed Wellington, the dog. The Ingram New Works Project empowers exceptional new voices to write the stories they are most passionate about. Teaches her to hide from others so she won't be tortured by them.

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