puma punku in the bible

Examinations of the stone cuts at Puma Punku offer evidence that sophisticated power tools had been . structure in the world, the Great Pyramid For those they would need metal chisels, and the equivalent of a carpenters square.[17]. It was a very convenient idea for bolstering the Incan case for the right to rule everyone else. Some of the joins we find at Puma Punku are so well placed, and so precisely locked into place that youwouldntbe able to fit a paper in between them. is perhaps the most impressive Much of the masonry is characterized by accurately cut rectilinear blocks of such uniformity that they could be interchanged for one another while maintaining a level surface and even joints. The idea that Pumapunku was from Atlantean times we now know is based on a very transparently flawed presupposition which, with modern equipment, can be easily demonstrated to be false. Do not doubt its inerrancy. This ancient site continues to defy the countless theories put forth by mainstream scholars, historians, and scientists. The blocks were so precisely cut as to suggest the possibility of prefabrication and mass production, technologies far in advance of the Tiwanakus Inca successors hundreds of years later. 146-167. But with the entrance of sin and the Curse, man began and continues a downward spiral in his rebellion. AA: Extraterrestrials arrive; the spaceship stands in orbit. Colavito also has this picture of the site with the caption: Pick a rock, any rock. vol. They were adept astronomers, fundamentally religious, and dedicated builders. Their religious practices such as pagan sacrifice, sun and star worship, and devotion to a false trinity all have their roots in Babel. You can also sign up for our free print newsletter (US only). Thus, on a certain day the sun was supposed to rise above one rock at the temple and set behind another ah, but which rock should we choose? It also tracked the four-year cycle of jeep3r. region of Spain dating to around 2200 Is it possible that this ancient site is evidence of the use of otherworldly technology like many people suggest? Puma Punku is just one of several stepped platform constructions that have been excavated at Tiwanaku. "Dunning applied logic to the mystery, suggesting that perhaps the Puma Punku . A relatively new and very recent series of discoveries is bringing shock waves to the archeological world. inch between them. Mans inherent inquisitive nature, evident in an ongoing pursuit of education, testifies that something was lost in Eden. Mustatils in Saudi Arabia: Gates for Animal Sacrifice to Unknown Gods? But we who are believers in Christ have this hope that one day, because of Christs atoning work, we will again be brilliantly glorified with Him (Romans 8:1630). Learn facts that you cant learn just from reading the Bible The Puma Punku complex, as well as its surrounding temples, the Akapana pyramid, Kalasasaya, Putuni, and Kerikala, functioned as spiritual and ritual centers for the Tiwanaku. Why dont anyone listen to what is said by annunaki before leaving earth they placed plants on either side of a mountain for us to live for a long time but I never hear anyone mention it, Your email address will not be published. of the sun, moon, 12 signs of Ancient Aliens starts off with a false dilemma by making people think that it was absolutely impossible for ancient people to construct Pumapunku, even to the point of making outright false claims. Young-Snchez, Margaret (2004). Among the monumental architecture built by the Tiwanaku, whose civilization thrived in what is now Bolivia between 500 and 950 A.D., was a staggering complex known as the Pumapunku.For centuries . Television, movies, books, and modern education continue to undermine the validity and authority of Scripture by quoting the Bible as a late source. Underwater archeological sites showing evidence of Ice Age civilizations are being discovered at an ever-increasing number. The three large stones (made of limestone) are labeled the Trilithon stones, and each weighs 800 tons. Not even a sheet of paper can fit between their thousand-year-old stones. [18]The arguments against this are usually either that a particular culture did not yet know how to cast metals, or that copper chisels would have been too weak. Puma Punku doesn't look impressive: a hill as remains of an old pyramid and a large number of megalithic block of stone on the ground, evidently smashed by a devastating earthquake. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA, and the Google To make matters worse for the Ancient Astronaut theory, according to archeologist Jean-Pierre Protzen, an expert on Pumapunku, there is almost no stone at the Pumapunku site that does not have what he calls drag marks on one of its faces[33], where it has beenwell dragged to the site. Puma punku was a terraced earthen mound originally faced with megalithic blocks, each weighing several tens of tons. Some stones at Pumapunku that Ancient Aliens would never show the cameras are the ones that were in the middle of this process. Was Jesus an illiterate, dumb brute because he had nowhere to lay His head(Matthew 8:20)? http://www.ancient-wisdom.co.uk/metallurgy.htm. Thank you for signing up to receive email newsletters from Answers in Genesis. Fish were caught from the lake and placed in the ditches beside the rows. So the authority of the Bible is undermined because God is no longer the original author of moral law! India, and Yarmuta near Lebanon; there is also evidence of extensive urban Without thinking it through, the average Christian subconsciously assumes it is true and thus their confidence in the text of Gods Word is devalued. Pumapunku or Puma Punku ( Aymara and Quechua which literally means 'Gate of the Puma') is a 6th-century T-shaped and strategically aligned man-made terraced platform mound with a sunken court and monumental structure on top that is part of the Pumapunku complex, at the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanacu, in western Bolivia. So he is off by a whopping 670 tons! 127 A large debris field extends eastward from the original site of the main temple buildings at Puma Punku, marked by the series of immense foundation platforms weighing from 150-180 tons each. No matter when in human, historic time the Bible was actually penned or by whom, it has priority over any other account. That is very incorrect, the heaviest block at Pumapunku is 130 tons[4], and most of the stones are much smaller than that. Tiwanaku in Bolivia, this archeological [22]Lechtman, H.N., 1998,Architectural cramps at Tiwanaku: copper-arsenic-nickel bronze. Privacy Policy and timeline becomes an apologetic vehicle of argument concerning the truthfulness, credibility, and authority of the Scriptures. TheJournal of the Society of Architectural Historians. Publication no. How is it possible that the Amara built all this without any plans?, The builders of Pumapunku may not have had an alphabet, but they did use the common iconography or artwork of their culture called Yaya Mama. So perhaps this is one of the biggest mysteries at Puma Punku. 44, No. Located on the southern shores of Lake Titicaca in the modern Department of La Paz, the city was a famous pilgrimage site for the region. Unique Circular Format see more in less space. Photo credit, The numerous H-shaped blocks all match each other with extreme precision and fit into each other like Lego blocks. However, closer inspection shows that these stone blocks have been fabricated with a very advanced technology. Also, the possibility of an Ice Age does not conflict with the chronology presented in the Bible. Contrary to Ancient Aliens claims that archeologists are baffled by Pumapunku, Archeologists know the basics about how Pumapunkus stones were cut and shaped. two neighboring pyramids, may be As far as we know, ancient civilizations did not possess computer technology and yet demonstrated an advanced understanding of the heavens. A common engineering technique is tocut the top of the lower stone at a certain angle and placing another stoneon top of it which was cut at the same angle. 10 Fascinating, Extremely Rare Images of Nikola Tesla. As more researchers stop ignoring the data, more evidence is being reported and catalogued. (Genesis 5 and 11). The precision challenges todays engineering abilities. The incredibly precise stones, precision cuts, and polished surfaces have defied explanation for centuries. No one knows who designed and built this complex of . This is a total lie. You can see some of them simply are not square. But as many people say, an image is worth a million words; this is why in this article, we have compiled 30 fascinating images of one of the most mysterious ancient complex on the surface of the planet, which continues to defy explanation and rational thinking. You cant blame him though for it becomes obvious that throughout the series he often just repeats things he has heard in Eric Von Danikens books. But this is not true. You can even see this, ironically enough, as the Ancient Aliens crew goes around with carpenters squares. between the stones, yet no mortar is used as a seal. I noticed that, whenever Puma Punku is being discussed, people often ask whether or not the H-Blocks were designed to interconnect. For those that think giants are just a myth ill give you a few ancient texts referances let . 7 13,000 BCE), which the geniuses onAncient Aliensmisread as 15,000 BCE, adding an extra 2,000 years to Posnanskys already flawed dates. This was an astonishing feat for a civilization that lacked the concept of the wheel - some experts . It was constructed approximately in AD 536-600, however, many scientists argue that the site is much older. Photo credit, How Puma punku might have looked. * Who Taught the Inca Stonemasons Their Skills? The temples origin is a mystery, but based on carbon dating of organic material found on site, archeologists believe the complex may have been built by the Tiwanaku empire - one of the most important civilization prior to the Inca Empire that flourished between 300 and 1000 AD. Many stones have grooves several centimeters in width and depth on two adjacent faces for holding ropes. Their descendants were gardeners (Genesis 4:2), musicians (Genesis 4:21), builders (Genesis 4:17), and metal workers (Genesis 4:22). There are studies that indicate that the Flood was followed by a global Ice Age.17 There are also legends around the world that describe an Ice Age in earths history.18 It is theorized that there was a massive buildup of ice in the polar regions of the world during this time, and this would have lowered the water levels of earths oceans. But this does not invalidate the text of the Bible. Just like that the Incans were still the oldest and greatest civilization, even though everyone probably knew it wasnt true. Ancient Astronaut theorist, Giorgio Tsoukalos explores one of the most compelling and mysterious locations on Earth, Puma Punku. the Greats birthday.14, Located in the Indus valley of Pakistan, it dates back to around 23001900 B.C., and it is yet unknown as to why it fell, but it began a rapid decline around 1900 B.C. These remnants, nevertheless, exhibit the unmistakable hallmark of great civilizations, with marvels such as the Puma Punku (Doorway of the Puma), made of solid blocks of sandstone, weighing upto 130 tons, assembled with copper staples. Unfortunately we will come to expect this kind of thing from Von Daniken as we progress. T.A. AtPuma Punkuyou will find incredible stones with perfect right angles, almost smooth as glass, this makesPuma Punkuunique. These stone figures, however, are actually thought to depict the city's former rulers. Investigating the mysteries and history of the unique ancient megalithic sites of Puma Punku and Tihuanaco, Bolivia. Their research is presented in the book. So they slightly modified their already existing mythology to include Pumapunku. AA: Mainstream archaeologists say that Pumapunku was built by Amara Indians. They were initially pounded by stone hammerswhich can still be found in numbers on local andesite quarries, creating depressions, and then slowly ground and polished with flat stones and sand. Ancient men would have lived as evolution depicts them, eating raw meat and dragging their women around by the hair and living in caves. The technical finesse and precision displayed in these stone blocks is astounding. The pyramids and ziggurats and mounds built around the world are likely examples of man-made mountains, built in rebellion against God, just like what was introduced at the Tower of Babel.21 It is fascinating to study the ancient and recognize the elements of biblical truth that were present, as well as the perversions that were introduced throughout history. Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - The mysterious site known as Puma Punku, "The Gateway of the Puma.". It is the foundation of the bible, Old Testament, and written by the same people <<< as in race and culture. Reasons for this loss are highly speculative. Originally in English - 2021 Dale: Puma Punku. Adam and Eve began to die physically (their bodies would deteriorate with age until they died), they died spiritually (they were separated from God), they died mentally (the superior intelligence and capabilities of their minds were weakened), and they died socially (they hid their nakedness from each other). So, to protect their instruments they (the aliens) make, overnight, with their technology, what we call a base camp. However, they did have precise measuring systems as well as a form of writing.15, Antikythera Mechanism (photo: Wikimedia Commons), Found off the island of Antikythera, For if evolution is true, then the further back one studies into human history, the simpler and less sophisticated man should be (not to mention that nothing ultimately matters in this worldview). He longs for intelligence. A Chronology of Prehistoric Metallurgy: A Chronology of Prehistoric Metallurgy:, October 23, 1993. http://www.ancient-wisdom.co.uk/metallurgy.htm. Puma Punku is a Pre-Columbian archaeological site in Bolivia that is steeped in wonder and mystery. Why Did Christ Ride a Donkey on His Triumphant Entry? the sun was aligned with the main street on Alexander There are records of stone age type living conditions and uncivilized cultures. civilization off the coasts of both Cuba and Greece.20 This is a very exciting new field of study that will continue to confirm the truth of Scripture. Then they disappeared, but the wall of their base camp is still there., It is true that stone tools would not be enough to construct Pumapunku, especially for some of the finer points. Stand firm, Test all things; hold fast what is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Local legends seem to know the answer to this and many other mysteries. Metallurgy in Southern South America. Metallurgy in Southern South America, n.d.http://faculty.eas.ualberta.ca/wolfe/eprints/cooke_encyclopedia_chp.pdf. Phone Toll Free: 877-966-7300 or 816-584-3077, [This article continues after a message from the authors], These Articles are Written by the Publishers of, Amazing Bible Timeline with World History 2023. What baffles scientists, engineers and archaeologists is the precision with which this was achieved. In our research for The Genius of Ancient Man, it became clear that some of the knowledge from these highly advanced, early generations was passed on, although much was eventually lost as time progressed.23. For more information, see Don Landis, Hammurabi or Moses Whos the Authority?. When the Incans arrived at Pumapunku the site had already been abandoned for at least 100 years. 146-167. Ancient Man and Intelligence: Were People Originally Dumb Brutes or Brilliant? Many events described in religious texts such as the Bible are still subject to skepticism by historians and archeologists alike who . Yet the implications of each are profound. Man was made in the image of an intelligent, moral, and creative God. that the mortar used was stronger than The houses of the elite, as well as the ceremonial centers, were built on the lake and surrounded by a moat. This ancient sitetogether with other sites like Teotihuacan in modern day Mexico, the Giza plateau in Egypt, Ollantaytambo, and Sacsayhuaman, among othersis what I like to call an ancient Wikipedia site since it offers us countless details about our ancestors, their lives, ability, knowledge, and skills. Some of the stones are in an unfinished state, showing some of the techniques used to shape them. It is well-known that Puma Punku and the surrounding area are directly related to heavenly deities and Gods which came down from the havens. averaging 2.5 to 15 tons each. The Mystery of Puma Punku. The sheer number of megalithic stones found at Puma Punku are amongst the largest found on the planet. All non-biblical records and legends of the beginning come from oral (or Puma Punku shatters all traditional views on ancient cultures. with a great flood is consistent with the ancient Sumerian texts account of the Annunaki and even the Judeo-Christian Bible's Old Testament creation stories and . Forty miles west of La Paz, Bolivia . For further information on how the fossil record supports biblical authority, see Dr. Andrew Snelling, Order in the Fossil Record, Answers in Genesis. Puma Punku is located at an altitude of 12,800 feetthis makes it even harder to explain how the ancient quarried, transported and put into position the massive rocks as Puma Punku is located ABOVE the natural tree line, which in turn means NO trees grew in that area which means that no trees were cut down in order to use wooden rollers. Only few places on earth display this type of stone work. intelligence and capabilities. Researchers agree that the angles utilized to create flush joints are evidence of a highly advanced knowledge of stone-cutting and an advanced understanding of descriptive geometry. When Adam sinned, God placed a curse on the ground that affected the whole universe, a punishment of death instigating a downward spiral to all of creation, including mans being (Genesis 3; Romans 8). The long and short of it is that Posnanskyassumedcelestial alignments andassumedflawless construction and then used his assumptions to prove that his assumptions were correct. moved, but they are a perfect example of Around the size of a shoebox, it is 2 (May, 1985). The second largest stone block found within the Puma Punku is 7.90meters long, 2.50meters wide, and averages 1.86meters thick. Most of the magnificent structures were built, including the Akapana, Pumapunku, Kalasasaya, and Semi-Subterranean Temple during that time. [28]Vranich, A., 1999, Interpreting the Meaning of Ritual Spaces: The Temple Complex of Pumapunku, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Perhaps the carbon dating results were wrong due to contamination of the samples, or that Puma punku was built by another civilization that came across the ocean, built the complex and left. This site possesses the largest stones ever cut. The stones are of mammoth proportion. The Great Pyramid of China: The Largest and oldest Pyramid on the planet? The foundation of the temple has no known origin. Two of the more common proposals involve the use ofllamaskin ropes and the use of ramps andinclined planes. In our book, The Genius of Ancient Man,2 we refer to this idea as the priority of God in sequence and time. God predates the universe and all human history; He was actually there, and His account (which He revealed to us in His Holy Word) is the accurate one. Before we conclude this section on Pumapunku there are two other claims I wanted to address: AA: The Spanish asked the Inca, the people living there, including the king of the Inca What is this Pumapunku? and they all said Its not us. Even more surprising is the technical design of . Surely that would have required levitation, AA: How these massive blocks of granite were moved from their quarries and brought here to Pumapunku would have required some kind of super technology. It is true that if one only goes back to the mid-history of early man, there is evidence of a lack of knowledge and skill (often when pagan religions started bearing their fruit and suppressed such things), but if one jumps over this period to even earlier times, the intelligence is remarkable. Another Well yeah, actually itissandstone. AA: Logic does not exist at Pumapunku because there we have megalithic structures which just lie around this entire site as if ripped apart by some great force., I propose that logic still exists at Pumapunku, and that the scattered state of the complex can be easily explained. The most intriguing thing about Puma punku is the stonework. archaeoastronomy in the ancient Priests were on top of the Tiwanaku hierarchy, and they led the worship of different deities in which the sun god, Viracocha, was the head. Hammurabis law code was written in 1786 B.C. When it is assumed that the Bible is only one of many records of early man and it is placed in a timeline alongside the other legends predating it, two key points are missed: Therefore, Gods account of what happened at the beginning of time, and The stones have tell-tale drag marks and hoisting holes for ropes, all showing that they were not levitated as Ancient Aliens would have us believe. They developed raised field agriculture (also known as suka kollus) to adapt to this harsh environment. The andesite stones used in the construction process of this megalithic site were cut with such precision that they fit together perfectly, and are interlocked with each other without the use of mortar. [28][29] All the icons on the site are Yaya Mama, not secret alien code, and this is but one of the many indications of the culture and time that it was built.[30]. Based on circumstantial evidences, it can be argued that Puma punku was never built by the Tiwanaku, but by a civilization that was more advanced. Researchers at UC Berkeley, USA, created accurate, 3D-printed miniature models of architectural fragments to reconstruct the Puma Punku building in the Tiwanaku site. AA: One of the most intriguing thing there is it that the stones that were used there werent sandstone, theyre granite and diorite. The red sandstone and andesite stones were cut in such a precise way that they fit perfectly into and lock with each other without using mortar.

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