puma punku map

,". As for Puma Punku, a radiocarbon date was obtained from the lowermost and oldest layer of mound fill. A close-up of the carvings on the famous Tiwanaku Gate of the Sun. Legends state that the first inhabitants had supernatural powers and were able to move stones from the ground and carry them through the air using sounds. Modern archaeologists are not about to entertain the idea of using lasers, ancient alien visitations, or otherworldly means of transporting blocks of stone for miles without any mechanized vehicles. On the beach of an ancient cove, the most curious of seekers encounter a cryptic rock the size of a person, with one of its faces covered by mysterious petroglyphs. As with so many areas featuring crafted structures of such weight and size some of which are more than 20 feet tall and tens of thousands of pounds skeptics of academic conclusions begin with the same questions: How were these structures built, and who really built them?. The blocks were fit together like a puzzle, forming load-bearing joints. Precisely cut H-shaped blocks at Puma Punku. Comparable cuts in Inca masonry all have rounded interior angles typical of the pounding technique []. Available at: https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4202, Newman, H. (2018) New Discoveries at Tiwanaku & Puma Punku: The Lost Statue of Viracocha and Secret Rooms of Hidden Artifacts. Ancient Origins. What is it, what was it? ( Matyas Rehak /Adobe Stock). And the question remains how primitive people could have created smooth and flawless right angles and circular holes in Puma Punku stones with crude hammers and chisels. The destruction paints a picture of an angry populace but what might have thrown a stable population into chaos remains a mystery. Available at: https://amarilo.com.co/blog/especial/el-misterio-de-puma-punku/, Ancient-Wisdom, (n.d.) Puma Punku. Ancient-Wisdom. To support this theory, they point to the evidence that some structures, including the Gate of the Sun, werent brought down by time or looters; they were deliberately torn down and broken. Chachapumas usually were placed on andesite pedestals on either side of the entrance. Seems to me the natives of the region cant grow a full beard. The pagan traditions associated with it have survived through the centuries, with many still A large Viking burial mound found on the island of Karmy off Norways western coast was long thought to be empty. While the site of Puma Punku in Western Bolivia remains a crowning achievement of Andean architecture, and it rivals sites found around the world, scientists have very few answers regarding the most basic questions of who, what, when, and why. Archeologists estimate that at its peak between 700 and 1,000 CE, the Tiwanaku site (a cluster of monuments that includes Pumapunku) was occupied by some 400,000 people. This remains true for both academic archaeologists and historians as well as rogue historians who investigate the hypothesis of advanced prehistoric civilizations or ancient assistance from extraterrestrials. Ecolodge Puma Punku is a hotel in La Paz. On the more conventional side, its suggested that the stonemasons were just very capable with the tools available to them and there was a lot of manual labor involved in transporting and working the stones. What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? The mummies of Pumapunku have another fascinating story to tell. (2010) The Non-Mystery of Pumapunku. Skeptoid Podcast. Study Shows Giza Pyramid Concentrates Energy Within its Chambers. 06The Mystery of Puma Punku 07Aliens and Bigfoot 08The Da Vinci Conspiracy 09The Time Travelers 10Aliens and Dinosaurs. Mounting evidence from around the Earth indicates that humans made the leap to real civilization MUCH further back in antiquity than we originally thought and may have established a sea-faring, organized-trade civilization that had outposts over much of the world all this about 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. The megaliths are among the largest on earth, with some weighing several tons. C14 (AD 440; calibrated, AD 536-600). This is part of the reason why many people have suggested that the ancient inhabitants of Puma Punku had received outside help to create the site. Overall, argues Dunning, Puma Punku may not be a fantastic feat too great for humankind. Tiwanaku engineers were also adept at developing a civic infrastructure at this complex, constructing functional irrigation systems, hydraulic mechanisms, and waterproof sewage lines. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. Pumapunku, or "Gateway of the Puma," was a temple complex consisting of plazas and ramps placed on a raised platform, Vranich writes in a paper published in the open access journal Heritage. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in ancient Greece? The architecture found in the ruins astounds archaeologists and historians and has inspired advanced ancient civilization and ancient alien theories. But what they left behind was so magnificent that when the Inca found its ruins 500 years later, they thought Pumapunku must be the spot where the gods had created the world. The architectural historians Jean-Pierre and Stella Nair who conducted the first professional field study on the stones of Tiwanaku/Pumapunku conclude: [] to obtain the smooth finishes, the perfectly planar faces and exact interior and exterior right angles on the finely dressed stones, they resorted to techniques unknown to the Incas and to us at this time. Archeologists have theorized that this was perhaps a requisite part of spiritual life, meant to transform the experience of the temple into something life-changing and mystical. February 18-28, 2019 - Join Brien & irene on this adventure through Mexico to discover evidence of ancient technology, lost cultures, and incredible sites. Though its clear the writing is in the roman alphabet, its meaning remains indecipherable. Jean-Pierre Protzen and Stella Nair point out that the "steep parabolic curve" of the doubly curved lintels (like the one of the Kantatayita lintel) would be difficult to replicate for modern stonemasons ("would tax any stonemason's skills today"). Andalusia is home to excellent breeds, and has a host of stud farms for Arabian, Anglo-Arabian, Hispano-Arabian, English horses. Examinations of the stone cuts at Puma Punku offer evidence that sophisticated power tools had been . Another group of archaeologists used the carbon dating method to date the construction of Puma Punku to between 400-600 AD. Visual History Online-Nachschlagewerk fr die historische Bildforschung: "Palaces and Politics in the Andean Middle Horizon", "The secrets of Tiwanaku, revealed by a drone", Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, "Drugs Found in Hair of Ancient Andean Mummies", "Reckoning with the Popular Uptake of Alien Archaeology", Interactive Archaeological Investigation at Pumapunku Temple, "Skeptoid #202: The Non-Mystery of Puma Punku", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pumapunku&oldid=1152279530, an alignment of plazas and ramps centered on a man-made terraced platform mound with a sunken court and monumental complex on top, sifted and layered soils (mound), andesite (superstructure), sandstone (foundation and internal channels), ternary CuAsNi bronze alloy (cramps), mortar of lime and sand with ground-up malachite (turquoise green plaster floor), clay (red floor), This page was last edited on 29 April 2023, at 07:51. In western Bolivia, a dramatic collection of stones, the remains of a vast temple complex, stand guard over an arid plane. This terrace is paved with multiple enormous stone blocks. Ceramics and textiles took on new color and vibrancy, and jewelry proliferated. Even accounting for the population growth/spread necessary to facilitate the transition, this seems like a LONG time before humans became civilized. The ancient site known as Puma Punku on the Altiplano of Bolivia and just south of Lake Titicaca is part of the Tiwanaku complex. [19] Within Peru T-shaped sockets can also be found at the Qorikancha and Ollantaytambo. And now the village is now looking to the international community for help cracking the code. She is the Chief Editor of Ancient Origins Magazine. It is known by archeological evidence that civilizations rise and fall for many reasons. Brian Dunning, the host of the Skeptoid podcast, described the sites row of H-shaped blocks that have approximately 80 faces on them; and all matching each other with great precision. [56], "nested square" symbol inside one "H-block". We may add one more possible clue to this story. Identical "nested square" symbols can be found on stone stelas in the museum at Pukara. The Pumapunku complex is an alignment of plazas and ramps centered on the Pumapunku platform mound. While many of the structures are still standing centuries after their inhabitants disappeared, most of the buildings are scattered and broken around the area, leaving researchers to wonder what possibly could have tossed around impossibly heavy buildings. Although similar, the blocks do not have the same dimensions. 9 m (30 ft) octagonal cylindrical stone tower rising from a 1-story keeper's house. [52] The archeologist Alexei Vranich counters the ancient alien enthusiasts that well-preserved local precursors regarding the monumental complex of Pumapunku are now known (some monumental structures at Pukara and Chiripa). (Skeptics have hypothesized reed boats and ramps.). Every decision we make is inspired by our vision to empower a community of individuals to come together to build a more conscious world. These stones, he wrote, suggest prefabrication not found at the other Tiwanaku sites. Treasure hunters, too, have harvested many of the sites relics: rare metal ornaments, bright jewelry, and colorful potsherds. One of the most interesting is Puma Punku. Out of Place Artifacts; Who Really Discovered America? Facts, History, and Speculation. Available at: https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology-latest-historical-news/new-discoveries-tiwanaku-puma-punku-lost-statue-021912, Lamoureux, A. [41] According to Alan Kolata the terraced platform mound depicted on the gateway of the sun is actually a stylized depiction of Pumapunku. Jean-Pierre Protzen and Stella Nair identified a 1 to 1.5 millimeters thick thin coat of whiteish material covering some of the stones as a possible layer of mortar. Historic photograph of the architecture on the east side of the Pumapunku platform taken by Max Uhle in 1893 Full size image There are two basic elements of this structure: sandstone slabs that served as the foundation, and andesite blocks that were superstructure. The second largest stone block at Puma Punku is 7.90 meters (25.9 ft.) long, 2.50 meters (8.20 ft.) wide, and 1.86 meters (6.10 ft.) thick. By car: The main road route into Andalusia is on the A-4/E-05 through the Despeaperros Nature Reserve (Jan province), although there is also good access on the A-92N in Vlez-Rubio and the A-7/E-15 in Hurcal-Overa (Almera province), the N-433 in Rosal de la Frontera and the N-630 in Santa Olalla del Cala (Huelva province), the N-432 in Fuente-Obejuna and the N-420 in Cardea (Cordoba . Llama skin ropes, ramps, and inclined planes, may have all been used in overland transport. Map Directions Satellite Photo Map Wikipedia Photo: Brattarb, CC BY-SA 3.0. Tiwanaku & Puma Punku - Private Service. ( Matyas Rehak /Adobe Stock). [12], According to Protzen and Nair, tools have never in history been excavated or identified that were used in the construction of Tiwanaku. These cramps hold the blocks comprising the walls and bottom of stone-lined canals to drain sunken courts. Who Were the Ancient Race of Red Haired Giants? [21] According to Stbel and Uhle the cramp sockets of Olympia and the Erechtheum in Athens are of the same shape that the ones of Tiwanaku. (Adwo /Adobe Stock). Some evidence suggests that those who suffered this fate may have been not native Tiwanaku but rather outsiders captured in raids or battles. It grew and expanded as its people did, reflecting the increasing power of the civilization that built and rebuilt it over hundreds of years. Plague, one of the deadliest diseases in human history, has a haunting legacy of mass sickness and destruction. [55] In the 2019 issue of Public Archaeology, Franco D. Rossi of Johns Hopkins University criticizes that ancient alien theorists have called the Aymara "stone age people" who could not have built Pumapunku. These I-shaped cramps were also used on a section of canal found at the base of the terraced platform mound Akapana at Tiwanaku. (Video), When Faith and Power Clash: How Christianity Divided the Roman Empire (Video), Medieval Maverick: Roger Bacon's Quest for Knowledge and Truth, The Life and Times of Mansa Musa: The Richest Man in History, Fathoming the Ruins of Yanmen Shan Mountain and the Biggest Cut Rocks in the World, Sacred Treasure Hunt: In Pursuit of the Elusive Ark of the Covenant (Video). Spanish Conquistadors and others who visited the site during the 16th and 17th centuries described it as a wondrous, though unfinished, building with gateways and windows carved from single blocks., Pumapunku displayed a level of craftsmanship that was largely unparalleled in the pre-Columbian New World, and its often considered the architectural peak of Andean lithic technology prior to the arrival of the Europeans. [12] Some of the stones are in an unfinished state, showing some of the techniques used to shape them. [50][pageneeded], Pumapunku is subject of pseudoscience theories on lost continents and extraterrestrial interventions. Im no scientist, but it seems as if humans should have figured it out a really long time ago. [16] Its layout is not square in plan, but rather T-shaped. The mummies of Puma Punku, preserved on one of the Tiwanakus most sacred sites, provide evidence that all members of society from infants to the elderly regularly used psychoactive, hallucinogenic plants. It is believed to date to AD 536. It is little wonder that Puma Punku continues to draw in curious minds with so many unanswered questions and alternative theories available to understanding its origins and creation. Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions because it is believed to be the site where the world was created. Posnansky was one of the first modern explorers to examine the site but his hypothesis continues to have many supporters. These structures transformed the local landscape; Pumapunku was integrated with Illimani mountain. Large Totora-reed stones can be found in the museum at Tiwanaku. In. However the Tiwanaku complex was suddenly abandoned sometime around 1000 AD. Spanish Conquistadors and others who visited the site during the 16th and 17th centuries described it as a wondrous, though unfinished, building with gateways and windows carved from single blocks., Pumapunku displayed a level of craftsmanship that was largely unparalleled in the pre-Columbian New World, and its often considered the architectural peak of Andean lithic technology prior to the arrival of the Europeans. Next, check out some of the worlds oldest structures. But some researchers have contested this, pointing out that new climate research suggests the regions drought didnt begin until decades after the start of the Tiwanaku civilizations collapse. The name means "door of the puma," and as far as archaeologists know, Puma Punku was a thriving, ancient town originating somewhere around 500 and 600 C.E. Pumapunku and its surrounding homes and monuments emptied suddenly. Anyone interested in the history of warfare or weaponry should make sure to look at ancient Egyptian weapons and how the Egyptian armies utilized their technological superiority. Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - The mysterious site known as Puma Punku, "The Gateway of the Puma.". And now the village is now looking to the international community for help cracking the code. https://lookoomehome.files.wordpress.com/2021/04/11a-ponce-monolith-tiwa https://cdn.xxl.thumbs.canstockphoto.com/tiwanaku-monolith-closeup-view- https://www.travelyesplease.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_3670-Edit https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/ten Just like with the ancient Greek (or Atlantean-era) statues from Africa, Europe, and Asia, THE NOSES ARE SMASHED OFF. Amateur archaeological excavation and looting are believed to have occurred repeatedly over the centuries. | by Rufat Rassulov | Lessons from History | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. No matter how fine the hammerstone's point, it could never produce the crisp right interior angles seen on Tiahuanaco stonework. There are varying reports on the weight of the largest stones ranging from 140 tons to 800 tons, with the larger number often provided by sources leaning towards alternative explanations on how the site was built. Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions, the place where it was once believed the world was created. In addition, some of the stones were held together with copper fasteners, some of which were cold hammered into shape, and others that were poured into place molten.. Located 45 miles west of the modern-day city of La Paz, Puma Punku is situated in the still-thriving city of Tiwanaku, high upon a desert plateau of the Andes Mountains, at an altitude of more than 12,000 feet. Debunking the Mystery of the Abydos Carvings, about A First of Its Kind - 8,500-Year-Old Wooden Ladder Found at atalhyk, What Did Ancient Greece Really Look Like? His writings about the Puma Punku stones in Tiwanaku have been kept alive by Graham Hancock and other writers who defer to Posnanskys dating of the site to support their theories. The Tiwanaku people who inhabited Puma Punku were polytheistic and had a special focus on agriculturally-themed gods. In the south canal of the Pumapunku, the I-shaped cramps were cast in place. The backside of the gateway of the sun has patterns which can be found on the stone slabs and gates of Pumapunku. Puma Punku shatters all traditional views on ancient cultures. The sheer number of megalithic stones found at Puma Punku are amongst the largest found on the planet. The Significance of the Sacred Seal of Solomon and its Symbols, Homo Naledi: A Mysterious Extinct Human Species (Video), The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend Part I, The Incredible Odyssey of Mankind: Ape to Human in a Million Years (Video). Posnansky, who worked at the site for decades, estimated that Puma Punku was far older than academics surmised. At Pumapunku several miniature gates which are perfect replicas of once standing full-size gateways were found. When an Austrian explorer named Arthur Posnansky performed a study on Puma Punku back in 1926 he put forward the idea that its one of the oldest archaeological sites on the face of Earth - dating back to at least 13,000 BC. [9][10], After the area was mapped with a drone in 2016, the results showed the site has a size of seventeen hectares of which only two hectares are unearthed. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. Pumapunku, a name that means "door of the puma," was a holy site started between 500 and 600 CE. Archaeologists are baffled by what Puma Punku was and how it looked, said Childress. Available at: http://arquehistoria.com/puma-punku-el-lugar-de-los-bloques-imposibles-15941, Robinson, J.P. (2019) The High-Tech Stonework of the Ancients: Unsolved Mysteries of Master Engineers. Ancient Origins. The abrupt end to the last ice age about 10,000 years ago raised sea levels rapidly enough to throw down that civilization, causing a return to primitive ways. [13] Much of the masonry is characterized by accurately cut rectilinear blocks of such uniformity, they could be interchanged for one another while maintaining a level surface and even joints. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives.

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