thronebreaker my enemy's enemy consequences

If you've overplayed your hand in the first round of a three round match you can bring a card back into your active units. Talk to the retainer at the gate. Xavier makes a monstrous combination with Rayla, allowing you to summon three cards of your choosing from your reserve deck. or agree. Play your second Arbalest into your melee row and attack the Wyvern for 8 HP. Use a third Splish Splash card and take another three swigs. You will have to give the order to attack to proceed. Give the lovers leave to flee: gain morale. You'll pass a bit of loot on the way here. A short way north you'll find a rubbish pile that you can examine. Shupe, whom you must keep alive, has 10 power. Since you won't be aiming to eliminate enemy units, you'll probably want to leave Gabor out. Your goal is to have your chosen lieutenant infiltrate the tower. Follow the game's instructions to win the final round and the battle. Grab the bit of loot here and unlock the fast travel point. Right now, you probably need the gold more. "Same power" means that the benefit you'll get from their ability is on the low side. by the Flail or a Slinger), it is destroyed. Take the western path first and approach the Leshen for a battle. In a classic case of interface stupidity, you are able to select an enemy unit first; make sure this does not happen. When you have the choice, order an attack on the Nilfgaardian convoy. Place the Forager next to the final Light Infantry. Approach the gates for a scene. All banners have the resilient trait, which means they are not cleared from the board at the end of a round. The next sections are interactive scenes. Go southwest into the swamp and approach the druids for a scene. Go through the gate for a puzzle battle. You can choose to punish the raiders or turn them loose against Nilfgaard. Otherwise you will have to fight a puzzle battle using whichever lieutenant you chose for the task. Which ability depends on the equipped weapon. Use the Longsword as Meve's weapon and the Lyrian Banner as the trophy. This can be useful to in combination with abilities that damage all units on a row such as Meve's Broadsword command ability or the Wagenburg. Use something like Artefact Compression or Fake Floren to eliminate any siege engines that are repeatedly targeting Demavend. Head northwest and collect a letter from the notice board. If you allow them to join you, you will gain resources later. Go left to find a merchant who will exchange wood for gold and vice versa. Approach the platform overlooking the valley for a scene and examine the nearby stone obelisk for a letter. Continue north and examine the tree. Return to the most recent fast travel point and head south across the wooden bridges until you come to a Nilfgaardian camp. It will cost you two recruits to obtain a card fragment. At some point, the enemy will bring the commander onto the field. Note that hanging every third one will result in Isbel leaving your army and will cost you morale and recruits into the bargain. There are two people you can talk to here. Leave the temple and start making your way north. Job done. At this point you can choose to rat out the Zigrins. Herein I'll be documenting all the choices and their consequences, large and small. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America),, No bandit to give me map for chest in chapter 1. You can go further down to pick up a bit of loot and then approach the figures near the broken bridge for a scene. The solution involves making your enemies seize Soldier Puppets until you get the charged Wagenburg back on your side of the board. Play the Foul Ale to pair up with the Slinger. Mahakam Ale (Trinket)Every turn, boost a random ally on each row by 2. Do No Harm trophy. You can allow them to buy their freedom or recruit them into your forces, but both of these choices cost morale. You can obtain a letter from the nearby notice board. This is a spy unit which you can neutralise with the Decoy card or a Forager. Your goal is to eliminate Gernichora. You can waste 50 wood on having it unblocked or you can just fast travel to the nearby signpost. Return the way you came and use the shrine to restore your forces' morale. After three turns, Gascon will turn up with reinforcements for you. Return to the merchant and go south from him to get onto the top of the stone bridge. Pick up the loot here and examine the point of interest. This will destroy it along with the rest of the corpses. Continue round and unlock the fast travel point. Go north from here to a dead end with some loot. Meve has the Warhammer ability so use it to move a Rivian Pikeman to the top of the deck. Approach the gates of the nearby fort for an optional battle. Two Arbalest attacks should be sufficient assuming you have sufficient other troops on the field to do the required 10 points of damage. Pick up a piece of loot from the corner of the gardens here then go east and northeast through the temple grounds. Suggested order is: If you are able to manage all these camp upgrades in this chapter, you will unlock the A-ten-hut! Rivian Pikeman + (Human, Blitz)Gains 2 power. Play an Arbalest on your melee row and attack the fourth corpse along. Return to the fast travel point. Here's a solution for the Gascon version: And here's a solution for the Reynard version. This card also combos well with the Wagenburg, since you can add 3 armour to it in a single play. You have an optional goal of overpowering your enemy within 5 turns. Cross the footbridge to the southeast. The Hag will destroy all units on the board and the Barghests will grow to 13 HP. The units may not be ones that you currently have in your army. When you come to a fork, take the left path to find some loot and go back north and take the other path. Go east to the signpost and take the road going south. Not that great. Continue east and southeast. Place the Regiment Drummer in your melee row. You don't particularly need either Reynard or Gascon, however. Meve decided to help and save her enemies in the battle "In Defense Of The. If its charges fall to 0, you will lose the battle. Leave the burning village through the northern exit. The enemy will be unable to move. Afterwards, you get to decide the envoy's fate. Use Slingers to damage them and move them onto your traps. If you didn't talk to him earlier, talk to the man standing by the windmill to the north. This is a standard battle. Have Gascon start in the centre of the board, then each subsequent turn have Gascon target a drone that is surrounded on all sides by odd-powered units. If you follow the path east, you'll come across a spiked pit blocking your way. Follow the path northeast and you will reach a village being rebuilt. You cannot target her directly but you can target the Barghests . Continue north and east to a Nilfgaardian camp for a battle. Both even-powered Archespores move upwards and do 2 damage to your injured Arbalest. Order your men to begin the hunt for the Manticore to trigger a battle. The enemy will have two Commanders on the field. Since destroying Scoia'tael boosts Rayla, she and Eyck should be sufficient to get enough points to win on their own. You may also want to use the Lyrian Banner trophy so that Meve can use her command ability more often. Return to the main path and cross the bridge. Regardless, you will win the round and the match. This is a standard battle. You can probably win the opening round with Lyrian Scythemen and Reinforcements. The board is is divided into alleys and Spotters. You'll be able to see a golden chest but can't access it from here. These units are incapable of damaging enemies but if the goal is simply to accumulate more points than the enemy, they can't be beaten. Move the Light Infantry to your ranged row. Decoy (Trinket)Allows you to move a card from your side of the field back into your hand. Read the nearby notice board and head down to talk to the dwarves. This battle is only fought if you had Lippy Gudmund imprisoned. It will be reduced to 1 HP and moved to the melee row. These units can be boosted by Slave Drivers. Although your path to proceed is to the north, begin by going south where you will find a golden chest (1/9). After victory, you will receive the Blood trinket. Scepter of Storms (Trophy)Damage the lowest enemy unit by 2 and repeat until charges are depleted. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Walkthrough Please note that the details below reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough. Unfortunately, she cannot be directly targeted. Play a Mantlet to the left of the Forager and mark an Arbalest. Even just a written version of that would kind've been cool, in the sense of: I'm usually just checking to see if 1. This will cost you 8 recruits and result in a battle. Since you probably don't have much need of the resources any longer, the noble path is easy to take. Since the Ancient Foglet should also be taking fire damage you should now be able to eliminate it either with a Sapper or by using the Lyrian Hajduk to recharge the Wagenburg. Return to the bridge and go east. When she moves forward one row, a Lyrian Arbalest will appear in your hand. Later in the battle, your enemy will start deploying spy units. Play 2 and move the other 3 to your graveyard. Their deathwish ability will destroy the enemy Warmonger. The Hag will usefully destroy herself. Order the Troll to let the Rivian Pikeman pass. After your victory, answer Caldwell how you please. Make your way northeast, picking up any loot along the way, and admire the view. If you destroy one, all the others will leave the field. During the subsequent conversation with Brouver Hoog, answer how you please. You will find some new Scoia'tael propaganda among your reports. You will also find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Your goal is to kill the Beast. Don't worry about the gate - concentrate on Vrygheff. You will find captives bound to a willow tree and left to die horribly. He will spam units that drain your units and halve your units' power so Eyck and Isbel will get powered up nicely. And again. Ideally, you'll have Gabor in your hand. One down. Strays Infiltrator + (Human)Gains 1 power. Not sure how actively people are playing this game or updating anything, but I did want to share my findings from the Dwarven chapter. Here's a solution: You will find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Both nearby bridges are down so return to the most recent fast travel point. Remove any Bomber and Pitfall Trap cards (they're useless in the upcoming battle). Return the way you came and leave Lord Clayton's grounds through the eastern exit. Meve: Flail (Weapon)Every 3 turns damage 3 adjacent enemies by 3 and move them one row back. Return to the main path and make your way southwest. Note that you no longer need to be quite so careful about maintaining neutral morale since you've left behind Scoia'tael encounters for the time being. Retrieve a letter from the noticeboard here and leave the village through the eastern exit. Return to the area you just came from and pick up the loot there. You will also have a choice of whether to keep it or whether to return it to the cloister. However, it is not good if you need the deathwish ability of the enemy unit to trigger: if you use Artefact Compression on a Verendal Elite, for example, a bunch of enemy units will be left with the immune attribute. You can retrieve loot and a letter from the courtyard of a temple. This is because of their Loyal ability which adds 5 to their unit strength whenever Meve uses a command ability. There are new conversations to be had in the mess tent. It's a 30-hour long RPG that employs Gwent:. The Manticore Trophy and a Pitfall Trap or two will more than compensate. Deploy the final Arbalest unit to the bottom row and attack one of the 3 HP Rotfiends for 2 HP damage. Look between two wheat sheaves and dig up the golden chest (2/10). The Nilfgaardians are demoralised so all units have 1 HP fewer than normal. Trinkets will always appear in your hand when cards are drawn but can be discarded in favour of another card. If you do things they like, morale will improve and the indicator will turn green. You can bring this battle to a successful conclusion by destroying Nauzicaa Brigade units. When any unit appears on their row, they start moving away from you. Return to Gatberg and leave through the eastern exit. You can also order them to move from one row to the other. Your goal is to eliminate the Crazed Shaelmaar. Grab the nearby loot and a bunch more from the nearby field. Prince Villem (Human)Villem is a spy unit so is played on the enemy side of the board. You will then be forced to choose between her and Isbel and your army's morale will be lowered into the bargain. Otherwise, the commander limits himself to Promising Recruits who are annoying but nothing you can't outscore. At some point in the second round, Meve will be destroyed, which is not necessarily a bad thing because you'll regain the use of your command ability. Otherwise aim to outscore your opponent with units like Lyrian Cavalry and degrade enemy units with your Slingers. Even with the disadvantage of reduced morale, this battle was more of a massacre. You will only receive the latter if you had the envoy killed in chapter 1. Unlocking the Herald's Study upgrade means that you don't have to worry about gaining recruits. Continue south. I use the Fake Floren trinket to take the Swordmaster out ASAP which defangs the archers somewhat. You can obtain resources and a card fragment at the cost of army morale. Place a second Scytheman in your ranged row. After the battle, Hoog will not be sympathetic to your requests but Gabor will suggest ways in which you might be able to bring him round. The freed gnome, Barnabas Beckenbauer, will introduce himself and agree to join your forces. The Horse Thief will take 3 damage on the enemy's turn. Prioritise the Archers and you'll be fine. The broken bridge nearby can be repaired at a cost of 50 wood. Here's a solution. You can kill them all in the first turn: Strays Slinger + Rivian Broadsword. I would not bother paying for the Cartographer's Table upgrades at this time. Play the Rivian Sapper and eliminate the remaining enemies. Approach the gates of the Nilfgaardian fort for a battle. Follow the path around and you will leave the Moulderwood behind. Adjust your deck so that you're not using the Manticore trophy and add Alzur's Thunder to your trinkets. Your enemy will start the battle with a bunch of Alba Pikemen on the board and he has the ability to damage your units by the number of enemy units in play. In the second round, you should be able to dominate. You will see the country in flames. Return to the most recent fast travel point. In this case, your moral compass is probably pointing to the correct option. The Onager will now have 5 charges, allowing you to destroy the Beast. Continue east onto the ice and make your way northwest where a Shaelmaar is blocking the way to a golden chest (1/8). Arbalests are decent as well because you can use them to take out spies that the enemy deploys (they're weak and can prevent Gascon from taking damage). Ignore the hole in the wall for the moment (you can increase morale here, but your morale should already be in the green) and continue northeast. Morana Runestone (Trinket)Heals all allies and boosts them by 2.

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