underground bases in missouri

Bull Run, north side of Bull Run Reservoir area near Mt. and they said they never got a call from me. Green Valley 108. Edwards Air Force Base, in the area where Diamond Cr. I think these human incubators will become a thing someday. Gates Pass Base3. Lower Goose Lake area in the general area of Oakley, ID.Wackenhut of the Illuminati run a model prison for the NWO. Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved thetruedefender.com |, For continue reading on the site please disable the Ad-block. (All the rest of the states have too.) HUGE: FBI Created A Barricade Around DC Headquarters! Dulce, N.M., 36 56.0N 10659.8W,South of Dulce, in the area of the Jicarilla Indian Reservation, another facility is east of the Dulce facility several miles. This underground complex is to allow the government of the United States to escape a nuclear attack. The 55,000,000-square-foot, 1,100-acre underground storage facility is believed to be the worlds largest site of its kind. Camp Davidjust north of the camp is an underground facility important to the intelligence agencies. Also, biological work is done, including the biological raising of small greys. OREGON "Having finally busted the underground base complex around Fallon, Nevada, last summer with Dodeca Richard, we'll have a good test bed for busting a similar-sized major underground facility. Napa Valley- located at Oakville Grade north of Napa, CA. 34 13.4 N 9201.0W to 3430 N 92 30W. Level 2 garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel-boring machines, and disc maintenance. The New Mexico area has basically four underground system out. Lemp Brewery, located in St. Louis, is another unique place to explore. The NOD installation is involved with psychic (demonic) and satellite control over slaves. Northrops facility is near the Tehachapi Mtns. He was terrified by a tall creature with cat or lizard-like eyes, who had apparently been living in the cave or possibly had come from the river itself. St Louis Weather Forecasts. 101. Change in over three dollars requires a physical exam and X-ray. Tunnels to: Unknown. The southern bases connect to Texas and Mexico. ?, deals with secret aircraft. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. WYOMING: Riverton, Wyoming Function unknown Tunnels to: Salt Lake, Utah Denver, Colorado. This is a U.S. alien research/ diagnostic facility and UFO base.15. Every single year, here, people go missing. It has been 3 days since this has happened and I am stillshaken. This is no laughing matter. This is the "Unholy 6" base of the Orions. Also, we have a lot of Deep Underground Military Bases in Canada. 48. There may be as many as three underground installations in New Hampshires hills (according to reports). 290 N 116W. Plattsburgh (near Canada and St. Albans) AFB, 4940N 7333 W- two saucer bases in this area. It is now an old abandoned facility well camouflaged. VIRGINIA Purpose is the testing of various UFOs and other secret aircraft like the Aurora and Stealth. Safford, near Safford11. IDAHO48. Many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the south around Dulce Lake, and even as far east as Lindrith. 90 via Nucla. SubTropolis is a ginormous man-made cave in the bluffs above the Missouri River in Kansas City. 80. In the Bat/Dry/Dead . Functions:Unknown 29. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! WHITE HOUSE, 3853.5N 7702.0WThe secret NOD underground installation which is connected to the intelligence groups like NSA and the CIA, as well as many other nefarious groups, lays under the White House with tunnels connecting this NOD installation with the House of the Temple. Bedford & Lawrence Co. areacontinued activity in large old mines indicates a possible government use of the large old quarries. Deep Springs, CA, 3722 N 117 59.3 W. saucer base18. There are also pink colored chmetrails which make you gay They are guarded through satellites and other technologies. Strange shaped disks raise out of the ground on pylons. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. WEST VIRGINIA Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA a very deep military base34. China Lake, mind control and weapons research Plattsburgh (near Canada and St. Albans) AFB, 4940N 7333 W- two saucer bases in this area. Greenbrier Facility is in White Sulfer Springs, West Virginia, right below Greenbrier Resort. This one-of-a-kind display showcases a wide variety of hair art, historic hair pieces, and more. High level intelligence groups operate in the area also. George Air Force Base, CA - saucer base. Santa Rosa, 38 26.4 N 122 42.9 W, FEMA, Regional center for west coast, what FEMA is doing is mostly kept secret. fork of the Yuba meet, there are 3 underground UFO bases. There are 120 Deep Underground Military Bases in America, under the big cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases, and U.S. Army Bases. The steel-reinforced concrete walls of the bunker, which is 20 feet below ground, are 2 feet thick. SubTropolis is a 55 million square foot, 1,100-acre manmade cave in the bluffs above the Missouri River in Kansas City. The Continuity of Government facility intended since 1962 to house the United States Congress, code-named Casper, is located on the grounds of the prestigious Greenbrier resort. "@HawleyMO re: Missing Border Children AZ CA NV NM underground Missouri also maintains deep Military facilities levels deep including West Virginia CIA has moved Ops underground in CO. their European underground base is Lake Geneva Switzerland w/Mossad Think: Kolomoisky" The ATV was on its side of the graffiti/symbol. Many levels have been built t these three complexes, and a 7 mile long run way (which is actually 39 miles) Page 305 has been built over Groom Lake, a dry lake. Gwinn, Ml, 46 16.8N 87 26.5 W, near Gwinn is a large underground base which is a key base for sending signals. There is more substantial evidence there, and many will react with fear, terror, and paranoia, but we have to refuse to believe in what is spread by the MSM. We passed through the wall projection and I looked back and saw the thing raise its arm and it had a weapon of some sort. INDIANA I tell you this to give some sense of the vastness of the place. Denton, TX, 33 13.2N 97 08.2W FEMA, regional center, activity secret96. They house full-running hospitals. fork of the Yuba meet, there are 3 underground UFO bases. The depth and size of mine shafts. The beauty of these blogging engines and CMS platforms is th Woody, youre into a little kid anymore. 12. Levels: Unknown The Black Projects sidestep the authority of Congress, which as we know is illegal. 800-DIG-RITE (800-344-7483) www.mo1call.com Battle Creek, 42 19.3 N 85 10.9 W FEMA, regional center, activity secret (not validated)59. NEW JERSEY. NORAD also controls many Monarch slaves who have ALEX, JANUS, ALEXUS endtime callback programming. card each day. : An old news story of aMysterious cavewithin a canyon. Levels: Unknown Pie Town, 34 17.9N 1 10808.7W, in area near Pie Town, UFO Base. 35 20 118 40 . Kennecotts mine (reported to be owned by the World Bank) in the Salt Lake City area is serviced by Union Pacific, which is reported connected to the Mormon Church. Levels: Unknown 3. The date and method of closure used (for mine shafts) and the cost of closure. This is SW Georgia in the area of tunnels. 96. Also, we have a lot of Deep Underground Military Bases in Canada. We both stopped immediately. Tehachapi Ranch- 4 saucer bases, Tecachapi Canyon has a new underground base which was finished in Sept. '95. The enormous complex radiates under Wash. D.C. and connects with many other sites. There is the Deep Underground Military Base underneath Denver International Airport, which is over 22 miles in diameter and goes down over 8 levels. I started to explore thenabout once a month and did so all the way until this past Sunday. Ashland Naval Ammunition Depot, 3445.9N 96 04.3W,- reported saucer base, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rky-Diy-WFo&ab_channel=MedeeaGreere. One goes to the Four Corners area and then to Groom Lake (Area 51). 41. Armed guards patrol constantly and in addition to weight-sensitive areas there (are) hand print and eye print stations. 7. Facebook/ Sub Tropolis. The 1500 Mile Tunnel From the Vatican to Jerusalem More Gold Than You Can Imagine Found in the Tunnel. In the Bat/Dry/Dead Man/ Howell cluster of caves- reported saucer base Grand Mesa- Orion saucer base42. I gunned it and then my friend said, STOP! I slowed down and he said, LOOK!. The underground warehouse, which opened in 1946 as a limestone quarry, is home to 50 different companies, employs 600 workers and sees 600 . Tehachapi Ranch- 4 saucer bases, Tecachapi Canyon has a new underground base which was finished in Sept. 95. Known as Mike-01 during the Cold War, the location used to be part of nearby Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. What makes this place such a desirable storage facility is that it is all underground . An underground concentration camp exists here. Although other facilities like SubTropolis exist, there are none on the same such scale. Bothell, 4745.7N 12212.2w W, FEMA, regional center, activity unknown. The mine is receiving a heavy volume of big trucks after 11 p.m., for instance, in a normal night over 6 dozen large trucks with 2 trailors each rolling into the mine. There is an S-2, an S-4, an S-6, and an S-66 underground installations. The bunker below the West Virginia wing includes an entire medical clinic. In fact, it has trademarked the phrase . White Sulphur Springs, under the Greenbriar Hotel, a mini-city large enough for 800 people equipped with its own crematorium, if there are any other purposes other than listening to U.S. microwave communication it is unknown by this author. The Dulce, NM area (an area I spent several days investigating in 1993). 3 2.0 GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 DEFINITIONS Company LIBERTY UTILITIES. Trona, CA, 35 45.5 N 1 7722.6 W several miles northwest of Trona, directly under Argus Peak. 12 miles south of Lebanon, 36 02.8 N 115 24.3 W, near the newly created town of Twin Bridges-reported saucer base 61. 29 Palms Marine Base, Identified on the military map as airspace area R-2501 N. Saucer base southeast of Ludlow. 3. Functions:Unknown (Carlsbad Cavern which had underground activity, which is reported discontinued, and another base to east of Carlsbad.). WYOMING: Riverton, Wyoming Function unknown Tunnels to Salt Lake, Utah Denver, Colorado. 14. Christians, Gun Owners, Veterans, Tea Partiers, Homeschoolers, etc., Are The Targets In The New World Order, How to Destroy Russia. Coos Bay area has had three separate but coordinating underground facilities built for UFOs. 300 pages, color, paperback. That's right, the super safe silo has recently hit the market and could be all yours at 1.1 million ($1.3m). The creation of a total Global Fascist Police State by the Illuminati will occur if we move on with our nap. Dairy products, including cheese, make up only a portion of the leasable space known as Springfield Underground. ft. bunker is being built near Manzano Base.81. [WATCH]. It has a grid of 16 feet high, 40 foot wide tunnels separated by 25 foot square limestone pillars created by the room and pillar method of hard rock mining. But, It has a deep secret. 8. 39. However, as the room and pillar mining method continues to be used to extract limestone throughout the Midwest, growth of such facilities is quite possible. ?, purpose unknown. 76-78. Masonic symbols and dead babies, and women in coffins comprise the mural. . 27. This area was very active in the 1970s. 44. I have completed numerous journalistic projects successfully, so digging for further information is my field. 802 and the other on Bear Wallow Road, on Viewtree Mountain. What do you think these places are for?why has it been hidden from the masses? This DUM sits on China Lakes NWCs land and may have been built in the 60s. I have had the opportunity to debrief some people who have been in the lower reaches of some of these facilities. It is a small town located 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. Get more stories delivered right to your email. George Air Force Base, CA saucer base21. Each of these sites housed underground nuclear missiles during the Cold War, part of an effort to hide our doomsday arsenal in the middle of the Great Plains. There is much hard evidence out there. You may even encounter some paranormal activity while youre exploring. Battle Creek, 42 19.3 N 85 10.9 W FEMA, regional center, activity secret (not validated) Rincon Mtn., north side of Rincon Mtn8. 53. My friend will not talk about it and I have not heard anything from anyone about it. Coos Bay area has had three separate but coordinating underground facilities built for UFOs. They will have cybernetic and microchip implants and will fight anywhere in the world, without question, with total loyalty, and without hesitation or fear. possibly connected via tunnel to Camp David. 66-68. Deep Springs, CA, 3722 N 117 59.3 W. saucer base. Well, that is my storyI have never had anything strange happen in my life and I am very very concerned about this. Suitland, MD- Classified archives of U.S. Govt. Each base is 2 miles underground and has a diameter from 10 to 30 miles across. 108. However, I never went as far or as deep before either. He was born in Nigeria, but soon his family . The White SandsAlamogordo Area which has 3 underground bases. 89. til 240th St. and goes to Ave R-8. Deep Springs, CA, 3722 N 117 59.3 W. saucer base Hood, and very close to Larch Mtn. Klamath Falls, ORsince Sept. 95 this has been a base for many NWO groups including the Air National Guard, FEMA, CIA, FBI, Spetznaz, and Page 306 MOSAP training base. Edwards Air Force Base, in the area where Diamond Cr. Gwinn, Ml, 46 16.8N 87 26.5 W, near Gwinn is a large underground base which is a key base for sending signals. In the vicinity of Hardy and Cherokee Village. MISSOURI 60. Kennecotts mine (reported to be owned by the World Bank) in the Salt Lake City area is serviced by Union Pacific, which is reported connected to the Mormon Church. A friend and I were riding two ATVs in a place called, "The Underground" it is a public and private storage facility in Carthage, Mo. The Missouri Penitentiary in Jefferson City is rumored to be riddled with spirits. As far as I knowit is still down there. Army & ? They said nothing but I did get a strong sense from the big one. Oct 8, 2020, 10:52 AM. The government refers to these facilities as DUMBS - - Deep Underground Military Bases & Structures. Vin#5y4Ag0o1y61a071120. Functions:Unknown 56. Bull Run, north side of Bull Run Reservoir area near Mt. CALIFORNIA14. in the Ameren Missouri Electric Service Manual found at . ?, deals with secret aircraft. In the Bat . after Palmdale, one turns off and after taking several streets to 170th street, north on 170th St. to the Rosamond-1 70th intersection, the second and lower and better-maintained dirt road will take you west, and if you take a right going north at the power lines and up to the hilltop you will see the top of an underground NORTHOP facility; Technology for the elites secret projects. MISSOURI. Bothell, 4745.7N 12212.2w W, FEMA, regional center, activity unknown. These are located in the Exhibit Hall of the West Virginia Wing, which includes vehicular and pedestrian entrances which can be quickly sealed by blast doors. Book Wormwood: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) - Book 5 Book Destroyer: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) - Book 6 But according to some in the truth movement and those who research the so-called NWO and Illuminati, an alliance of positive military and even extraterrestrials have taken decisive action against the . Many underground chambers are as large as 50, x 100 . Boulder, COThe headquarters for EMC, a type of Electra-magnetic mind control that is being broadcast to modify the thinking of Americans, and to control slaves.39. White Sands, 3222.8N 10628.8W, major hub for research, tied in with Dulce & NORAD, HO for NASA /military shuttle flights, radiation research ctr. 79. These 6 Celebrities Hail From Some Of Missouris Most Charming Small Towns, Straddling The Missouri-Arkansas Border, The Town Of Thayer, Missouri Is One Of The Most Unique Places Youll Ever Visit, Few People Know Missouri Was Home To The First Build-A-Bear Workshop In America, Few People Know That Parts Of The Movie Gone Girl Were Filmed In This Missouri Town, This Ride Through An Old Lead Mine In Missouri Will Take You Back In Time, 10 Places In Missouri That Will Make You Wish You Lived Underground, Most People in Missouri Have No Idea This Unique Tunnel Exists, 12 Of The Most Enchanting Man-Made Wonders In Missouri, 13 weirdest places you can possibly go in Missouri, road trip to Missouris best abandoned places. At one time, the site contained an oil/ water separator, an above ground tank containing waste oil, an above ground tank containing a solvent and an underground storage tank used to . The Los Alamos facility dates at least back to 1940. The site in Paradox Valley can be reached via Hwy. The US Government has been involved covertly in the creation of an army of loyal, brainwashed soldiers of the future. 83. to the north of Taos Pueblo I was told that they would not come out and that . The coast facility is probably still operational.92. Picatinny Arsenal, 4o 38N 74 32 W- saucer base, 1/4 cubic mile large & very deep underground. Atlanta is believed to have several underground installations in its area, one to the north at Kennesaw Mtn., Marietta, GA connected to Dobbins AFB and one to the south of Atlanta at Forest Park. If you loved visiting this stunning spot, take a trip to Fisher Cave in Meramec State Park. A track runs through the middle of the eerie underground facility. DUM base. The Taos facilities goes north approximately along Interstate 25 and eventually ties in NORAD. One the eastern limit of Ave. R-8 is McDonnell-Douglass facility called the Ueno Facility. The bunker is beneath the West Virginia wing, which includes a complete medical clinic. They are being sprayed in the evening and morning sun sometimes. 38. With my problem-solving skills, every job will be easily completed, so punctuation is my strength. Tunnels to: Unknown & the so. Click or scroll to find out why this particular bunker is so . and south of Benson St. Park of the Columbia Gorge.91. 12 miles south of Lebanon, 36 02.8 N 115 24.3 W, near the newly created town of Twin Bridges-reported saucer base 61. The tunnel system is used to move some of the mind-control sex slaves. Warrington Training Ctr. Grand Wash Cliffs, on western edge of the cliffs at the head of Grapevine Wash. Must be reached via hwy 93 and then unpaved roads. The truth must be revealed! The minimum of lighting is used and the men are beaten senseless if they talk at all. 92. It is now an old abandoned facility well camouflaged. 5. 84. The building has a chamber for the House of Representatives and the Senate and another for joint sessions. We started to smell an odormusty, damp, growing stronger as we went deeper on smell. The coast facility is probably still operational. 3150 N 1100 1948 W, saucer base below, intelligence training above, mind-control incl. Atlanta, GA FEMA regional center, which is appropriately placed since Atlanta is to become a capital within the NWO redrawing of boundaries. . WHITE HOUSE, 3853.5N 7702.0WThe secret NOD underground installation which is connected to the intelligence groups like NSA and the CIA as well as many other nefarious groups lays under the White House with tunnels connecting this NOD installation with the House of the Temple. MOUNTAIN GROVE, Mo. VIRGINIA97. A 1960s nuclear war-proof communication center, 10,700 sq. 30 feet away now and what we saw were two creatures, one was very tall at least 7 feet maybe more and very powerfully builtreddish in color and the other was smaller about 6 feet but it was not red in color but pale, like an albino and it was not as powerfully built as the other. NEW JERSEY Level 2 garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel-boring machines, and disc maintenance. I was also told that I had 10 min to leave or I would be taken in. Before you go to bed tonight, do this ONE stupidly simple Greek ritual to reverse your diabetesThis diabetes-reversingtrick was previously known ONLY to the inhabitants of a small, barely populated Greek island, 4800 miles from homecheck it out here. Notes: OREGON90. We were approx. Olney, actually the facility is between Olney and Laytonsville, on Riggs Rd. Decades later, some of these bunkers are now abandoned. ARKANSAS12. I know it sounds crazy but it is true. New York Metro area Functions: Reported saucer base Most of us have heard of Area 51, where top secret "flying saucers" are kept, even live aliens depending on your source, but there are many equally dramatic but lesser-known areas of top secret, off-limits activity.By their very nature, secret bases are not spoken about openly. 360 19 N 929W W. Installation purpose not known. The Supreme council of the 33 of the Scottish Rites House of the Temple has a 14 x 25 room in it with 13 chairs where the Illuminatis Grand Druid Council meet. IRS Amasses Its Army, But Federal Reserve Intensifies Inflation Tax! High-level intelligence groups operate in the area also. 35 20 118 4035. In America alone, there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases, and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers.There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada.Almost all of these bases are over 2 miles underground and have diameters ranging from 10 miles up to 30 miles . and they said they never got a call from me. The southern bases connect to Texas and Mexico. No Ring style meter bases allowed. The military simply guards these facilities. Are you going to be a rabbit in the headlights, or are you going to stand up and say enough is enough? NEW MEXICO 33. South central Idahounder the Snake River lava flows between Twin Falls and Idaho Falls. There are over 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. 6. I think the SATANIC PANIC of THE 80s was TRUE. 10. The purpose is the testing of various UFOs and other secret aircraft like the Aurora and Stealth. The Supreme council of the 33 of the Scottish Rites House of the Temple has a 14 x 25 room in it with 13 chairs where the Illuminatis Grand Druid Council meets. OKLAHOMA88. & ? The White SandsAlamogordo Area which has 3 underground bases. 12 miles south of Lebanon, 36 02.8 N 115 24.3 W, near the newly created town of Twin Bridges-reported saucer base NEW JERSEY74. 9. Quartzite Mountain SE of Tonopah, 37 31 N 116 20 W- reported saucer base70. 25. When it happens, it will be too late to stop it. These enormous bases can save millions and millions of people, regardless if they are mind-controlled, enslaved, guilty, or innocent. The complex contains almost 7 miles of illuminated, paved roads and several miles of railroad track. Two large underground facilities close to but separate from Groom Lake but controlled by the demonic beings are Papoose Range and Cockeyed Ridge (S-4) underground bases. The World's Largest Underground Business Complex, SubTropolis, Is Here In Missouri. It sits 500 underground. Near Palmdale (if one takes Palmdale Blvd. Then there is the Greenbrier Facility, in White Sulfer Springs, West Virginia under the Greenbriar Resort. ft of usable floor space and can easily be expanded to much more, 2 ft thick concrete walls and ceilings, 3-4 ft of graded earth over the top, copper shielding against EMP, 2- 2,000 lb blast doors, 8 air . 12 miles south of Lebanon, 36 02.8 N 115 24.3 W, near the newly created town of Twin Bridges . Picatinny Arsenal, 4o 38'N 74 32' W- saucer base, 1/4 cubic mile large & very deep underground. Every year in America hundreds of thousands of people go missing. These attached disks glow and change color. DIA covered the underground facilities built there. An AFB is also nearby. These connections have been exposed in other writings by this author. One the eastern limit of Ave. R-8 is McDonnell-Douglass facility called the Uano Facility. St. Francis Mountains, MO (between St. Louis & New Madrid), NEBRASKA There are reports of electronic/magnetic vibrations which make some people sick and cause headaches in others. George Air Force Base, CA saucer base The underground area has a chamber for the Senate, a chamber for the House, and a massive hall for joint sessions. These are the 13 weirdest places you can possibly go in Missouri. If you search "Walmart underground tunnels" or "Walmart FEMA camps," you'll get blogs going back to at least 2013. One is Station A the other Station B. This is run directly by Illuminati w/ Army and Airforce help, CIA also conduct experiments at the center; the size of the installation is hugh requiring small shuttle trains and has seven levels according to witnesses. In America alone there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers. A new 285,000-sq. Gates Pass Base 12 miles south of Lebanon, 36 02.8 N 115 24.3 W, near the newly created town of Twin Bridges-reported saucer base 61. Wackenhut provides some of the security on the ground. S-66 is the most secret and it has 29 levels and is 11, 300 deep.69. 36. 35 20 118 40 . Serves as a UFO base, biological experiments, production center for small-grey drones. 51. It is eight cities on top of each other. Hood, TX, 31 15N 97 48 W, home of some Delta Mind-Controlled soldiers and a reported saucer base. 802 and the other on Bear Wallow Road, on Viewtree Mountain. Overall Mission: Belton Army Reserve Center is one of the newest bases in the country, having opened in 2013. 3. 90 via Nucla. The Primary Underground facilities in New Mexico consist of 3 enormous underground bases in: 75. Safford, near Safford ft., One eye- witness, went to level 17 (via an elevator) and stated that he believes that deeper levels exist. By clicking on individual sites or areas, users can find a variety of information, including: The commodity that was mined there. 2. I thought it looked like a pair of fountains until they moved. Tonopah, Airforce, CIA? 82. We were approx 8 miles in and Id say maybe 500 feet deep when we took a turn down an area that was marked Naval Authoritative Zone. Fort Irwin, CA, 3520N 1168W W. saucer base19. The Dulce, NM area (an area I spent several days investigating in 1993). Near Palmdale (if one takes Palmdale Blvd. I slowed morewe were now about 75 feet away. Culpepper, 380 28.5 N 7759.8W, about 2 miles east of Culpepper off of Rt. Under Lake Superior is an alien base with roads 5,000 deep. Los Angeles, On Hwy 14 towards Edwards A.F.B. Tunnels also connect the wineries north of Napa, used for white slavery and mind-control. There is an S-2, an S-4, an S-6, an S-66 underground installations.

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