v20 merits and flaws

Image Obsession [LaSombra] (1 - 5 Flaw) You find yourself hypnotized by the vagaries of your own appearance. This ability can greatly impact the story, and the exact nature of the effects is left up to the Storyteller. This Merit allows you to regain Willpower using both Natures. (CB:G1), Inconnu Associate The character is friends with another Kindred who belongs to the Inconnu. Most older books are in scanned image format because original digital layout files never existed or were no longer available from the publisher. Vampire Merits & Flaws. Basically, on average, 2d10 trends to 1 success. The servants, if he has any, are provided for if you choose this Merit. However, Inquisitors and other hunters with this Merit are free from this restriction; they may use their Faith unfettered by any such psychological or religious crutch. This Flaw is more appropriate for vassal ghouls, as no werewolf would agree to let one their precious kin be sworn to a vampire. You are not allowed to drink directly from cessels because you will contaminate them, so you have to remove the blood and pour it into a cup first. The player may aks the Storyteller one question about the target for every success, and the Storyteller must provide accurate information. (PGS), Swarm Attractor You must have at least one dot in Animalism to take this Merit. There may be ways to cool or end this quarrel, but doing so will take a long time. A 3-point Merit indicates that you occasionally can sense the others strong emotions (fear, joy, pain) if your twin is in the vicinity. This childe is loyal, and often serves as both an information font and protection. (CB:R1). (GFA), Matricide / Patricide You have committed diablerie upon your own sire. v20 Classical Age - Secrets of Unlife: the Revised Merits and Flaws Compendium. Combined with Heightened Senses (Level One Auspex), this Merit can provide superhuman olfactory acuity. Samadji may be activated in any of a number of ways. You move at only half normal speed. Enchanting GazeYouve got the most fascinating eyes. (DSBH), Blunt Teeth Your teeth are huge and square, not shark like those of most other vampires. Personal Aura You do not project the aura associated with your road. (GFA), Supernatural Spouse You share a relationship equivalent to marriage with a supernatural creature other than another Kindred. Because of this, you are not allowed to participate directly in the Vaulderie. (DSBH). Demesure Dmesur refers to sinful pride that results in extraordinary (and sometimes horrendous) costs to the possessor and those around him. For whatever reason, your domitor is actually rather fond of you. This prestige could greatly aid you when dealing with elders acquainted with your Mentor. Controllable Thirst(Toreador) Regular time spent among mortals has dulled the hungers of your palette. This geas may be a family curse or duty that you have inherited, or it may have been imposed on you by a changeling using the Sovereign Art. This does not mean that you are "an innocent" - it means everyone thinks you are. Normally, vampires can only seal the wounds they inflict when feeding by licking them closed. The value of the Flaw determines how powerful these enemies are. (PGS), Prophetic AbilityGod speaks to you in signs and portents, visions and images. In addition, you are often invited to Toreador socials reserved for those of higher Toreador prestige (or Camarilla status) than yourself. Some Supernaturals will find this a positive aspect; others, particularly Kindred, may likely be hostile to you. You might have had a distant ancestor who was burned at the stake for practicing witchcraft, or another relative is believed to have become one of the children of Caine, or lycanthropy is said to run in your blood. You have seen enough to know that nothing is ever truly new: the same events and so-called passions are merely replayed again and again, with only the faces and names shifting as the many, many years go by. You are more likely to frenzy if you do not get your fix for the night; the difficulty of all frenzy rolls increases by two. Those possessing it do not bear the Curse of Lamia; their Kiss causes no more damage than the blood loss itself. This may not be taken with the flaw Deep Sleeper. auto. It will not betray you no matter what Valeren/Obeah powers you use. Your vampire has the following flaw (s): Impatient. For instance, a player may determine the actual breed of wolf which her character may become. Precognition You have the ability to perceive events before they happen. Passions may burn brightly; but as they say, revenge is served best cold. If a situation arises in which you should be killed, you actually survive, though you may be worse for wear. (CB:Gio1), Irretractable Fangs The character is unable to retract his fangs. That is, at Hurt or Injured, you suffer no wound penalties. This prestige might aid you greatly in dealings with your elders or other neonates, or it might engender jealousy or contempt. Reduce all difficulties to critique Art by 4. Your vampire spouse is your equal in terms of power and status. The visions are not necessarily precognitive, but like precognition, the visions occur outside your control. Though he may call upon his friend in times of need, she may call on him as well. You prefer to let others do the hard work. Some ideas are: act as pack messenger and coordinator, gather victims for Blood Feasts, cover up other pack members' messes, or issue loans to fellow pack members. Your relatives may or may not approve, depending on the whys and wherefores of your ghouling. You gain one extra die on your soak Dice Pool (though not to soak fire and sunlight). Additional Discipline definitely has its appeal, I admit. You must also subtract 1-die from all Social Dice Pools that involve subtlety or sophistication. She may be Blood Bound to the character but would serve anyway. You are able to understand many magical portents that are revealed to people every day, but are seen by few and interpreted by less. Even if she was already blood bound to another, she now has the unenviable position of being regnant to two vampires at once. List of Merits and Flaws (Storyteller System), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The value or this Flaw is based on how great a favor is owed for example, if the person saved your life, thats usually a three-point Flaw. Your Storyteller should create game stats for the stalker. (INQ), Holdings ( 1 - 5 Merit) You own a number of properties that have been in your possession for years. (PGS), Marhime (Ravnos) You have committed some grievous crime against the Rom, and are now shunned by their families (including the Ravnos). Characters with the seven-point version can fly at speeds of 20 miles per hour and perform aerial maneuvers with their Athletics, although they cannot carry objects heavier than half their own weight. Failure means the Shadows attach the wielder. The Vinculum scores between you and your enemy are automatically zero, and will never increase no matter how many time you partake of the Vaulderie together. You have no idea who or what it is, but you have an idea that someone is looking out for you. (DSBH). This enemy is quite dangerous, as he wishes nothing more than to send you to your end. FLAWS MERITS Acute Hearing: (1 pt) (VPG) You have exceptionally sharp hearing, even for a vampire. Potent BloodYour blood, for some reason, is very potent and Kindred will desire to drink it. Gangrel are widely known for their durability and adaptability. While these insects normally buzz passively about you in a thick cloud, you may command them in a limited fashion. You won't get canonized just for this. In the absence of a sire, he becomes what he believes himself to be, 'Hollywood-itis,' the belief that one has the powers and limitations of one of the several movie vampires, is the most common form. Magic Sensitivity You have a supernatural gift that allows you to know if any magic is in use or has been used recently within a 10-footradius of yourself. (INQ). You may or may not love the other vampire, but you have a special link to her. (CB:R1), Forked Tongue Your tongue is forked and flickering, like that of a snake. By necessity, havens generally are secret locations or at least highly secure (ideally both), otherwise the vampire runs the risk of exposure or destruction at the hands of witch-hunters or rivals - or, worse still, the resident might become the victim of . The Merit can be of great use if you wish to impersonate a vampire, but can also cause some very dangerous misunderstandings. Fountain of LifeThe healing power of God runs through you. You receive two extra dice when rolling to retain or achieve balance. This could be anything from having murdered an elder to being a member of the Sabbat. However, if the Kindred using Presence is far more powerful than yourself, the Storyteller might require you to spend a point of Willpower to resist. (DSBH). (Cb:L1), Inbred (1 - 5 Flaw) A common occurrence among the incestuous Giovanni clan, inbreeding can take many forms, and this Flaw is best discussed with the Storyteller before a player takes it for her character. A list should be kept somewhere on the character shee to record how many rerolls have been made. To resist the temptation, make a Wits roll (Difficulty 5) for simple things like I wonder what is in that cabinet! Increase the Difficulty up to 9 for things like Ill just peek into the dragons lair no one will know. You have a scaled, lipless face. Your fangs are enormous, snaggly things resembling cobra fangs or possibly even tusks. This characteristic makes you the center of attention at any gathering, since they all want to wholeheartedly please you. The ability is different from any normal vampiric power or Discipline. ), Bard's Tongue You speak the truth, uncannily so. Youre great at it. (ELY), Powerful Ghoul You have a very powerful ghoul Blood Bound to you. Combined with Heightened Senses, this Merit can provide superhuman visual acuity. Pain Tolerance (2 pt Physical Merit) Maybe you've deadened your nerves through Vicissitude. (CB:G1). (CB:S), Slow Healing You are slow to heal all wounds. (CB:Gio1), Inherited Frailty [Kinain] As part of your fae nature, you have inherited the Frailties of your heritage. Slimy Your skin secretes slime like that of a worm or mollusk. The strength and pervasiveness of the curse depend upon how many points you wish to incur. (DSBH). Marijava Contact (Banu Haqim) You have an ally who is a member of the Marijava ghoul family, and can be called upon for a favor from time to time. (CB:Tor1). Even those who cannot see auras are immediately drawn to your presence. (This was labeled as a Tzimisce merit but is suitable for any character. The difficulty of any attempts to seduce you is reduced by two. (TE). Although dangerous, any weaponry causes normal damage only; despite its horrid appearance, your arsenal is still only mortal flesh and bone. Perhaps it is because you have been tainted by your dealings with the Infernal, or perhaps they just dislike your smell. As such, she has gained some Status over you, and you are at a slight disadvantage in any dealings you have with her. Efficient Digestion You are able to draw more than the usual amount of nourishment from blood. Reduce the difficulty level of any situation directly related to leadership by 3. Everyone wants to know you and be your friend, even as those in power groom you for positions of higher responsibility. You are easily seduced and often exhibit very poor judgment when dealing with sexually attractive people. You turned traitor on the Camarilla, Followers of Set, or some other vampire group. (ELY), Diabolist, Known You have committed diablerie at least once to achieve your current position of power. At any time during a story, the Storyteller may ask you to reroll a successful skill check. (PGS), Pack Rival You have an intense rivalry with a member of your pack. warnings. Symbol IndependenceThe use of True Faith against a supernatural creature typically requires use of a holy symbol. This may not be taken with the flaw Infamous Sire. Celestial AttunementYou have an innate link to the passage of time and the movement of the celestial bodies. (NOS), Club Foot One of your feet is gnarled and deformed. You are always assigned the most dangerous missions and you are always at the front of the fray. At least you can stalk prey in a house of mirrors with relative ease. Depending upon your reputation, you might simply be scorned (and don't expect anyone to help you), or you may be hated outright, even as much as the supernaturals. If you are not wounded, then those who are under your medical care will heal at your enhanced rate as well. If the need should arise, you are expected to kill your contact to protect the Sabbat or prove your loyalty. In return, she knows the same about you. This Merit obviously has the potential for abuse, and its not appropriate for all chronicles or characters. (PGS). The number of points spent determines the scope of the variation, which must be specific, approved by the Storyteller, and defined when the merit is chosen. As a result, you are less likely to be attacked unawares (-1 difficulty to spotting ambushes and the like). (ELY), Probationary Sect Member You are a defector. (CB:S), Secret FriendshipYou have a secret friendship with a denizen of the World of Darkness: a vampire, mage, werewolf or other supernatural entity. Whatever the cause, you are sex incarnate. However, unless he is made into a ghoul, he will continue to age normally. This link allows you to always know when she is in trouble, when she is in pain, when she is lying, and when she needs you. You often come across as cold and utterly without feeling, but what is that to you? Recommended: Ghouls, EcstaticThis is a Merit of dubious benefit. Whatever the case may be, the Inquisition believes that your bloodline is tainted, and you may one day pose a danger as well ("the sins of the father," after all). Whenever the character is about to act in a way contrary to common sense, the Storyteller can make suggestions or warnings about the implications of said action. This student will assist the character as he commands, but he also considers this Kindred his ward. You rarely pay attention to those around you, assuming you know all there is to know of them once you have determined what part they play on the world stage (+1 difficulty to Perception rolls involving people you know). You usually suffer mild punishments (even if someone catches you in the act), and your accusers tend to give you the benefit of doubt. Overconfident You have an exaggerated and unshakable opinion of your own worth and capabilities-you never hesitate to trust your abilities, even in situations where you risk defeat. (See: World of Darkness: Gypsies). MERITS & FLAWS Merits and Flaws represent inherent weakness or aptitudes of a person's greater character. The years have left you in their wake and the world has been remade in your absence. You go out of your way to prepare contingency plans, vary your movement patterns and habits, and otherwise make yourself a difficult target. You can interpret it using Intelligence + Occult (difficulty level based on the intricacy of the sign; average 6).

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