20th maine regiment roster

Fuller, Emulus S., Eustis, Grindle, Joseph, Bangor. Oliver L. Stevens, Priv. Without the private stand of Sergeant Tozier inspiring others to close up and bolster the sagging middle of the regiment, the Confederate attacks could have eliminated the 20th Maine as a fighting force. Oscar Wyer, Priv. Chamberlain claimed later that one word Bayonet! Additional Union reinforcements came from Maj. Gens. According to Confederate Colonel Oates, it was the surprise fire of Company B that caused the disastrous panic in his soldiers. hospital east of Fiscel house. Colonel Chamberlain joined the First Division for the fight and loses another horse shot from underneath him. Captain Ellis Spear was promoted to major and took command of the Regiment. Hutchins, Alvah L., Freedom, Longley, Samuel, Sidney. Includes battles in which the regiment participated, the names of those killed in action and the deaths of other . Chamberlain ordered the regiment to go on line by file. As the 20th Maines center began to break and give ground in the face of the Alabama regiments onslaught, Tozier stood firm, remaining upright as Southern bullets buzzed and snapped in the air around him. There is some disagreement about exactly what Chamberlain said to order the bayonet charge. Hospital Steward, Granville M. Baker, Standish. [citation needed]. For many years, historians and writers have given the lions share of the credit for the 20ths dramatic action on Little Round Top to Chamberlain. Throughout the morning, Confederate pressure continued to build against the Union line. John Reed Jr., 1st Serg. Captain, Atherton W. Clark, Waldoboro, acting Field Officer. Duty at Ball's Cross Roads until June 5. Help Purchase & Restore Sought-after Property at Gettysburg. For a moment it looked as though the Confederates might succeed in halting the Unionists and breaking their momentum. Andrew J. Tozier of the 2nd Maine quickly emerged as an unlikely hero, and he was later awarded the Medal of Honor for his bravery. 20th Maine, Company G . Military Units Participating in 1865 Mobile Campaign. Major General J.E.B. The Third Maine regiment of infantry was organized for active service May 28, 1861 and mustered into Union service at Augusta on June 4, 1861 with West Point graduate Oliver Howard of Leeds as its Colonel. It is honored by threemonuments at Gettysburg. 10th Tennessee Regiment, CO.E. Fiscel farm). That afternoon he sent his chief of engineers, Brig. The 16th Michigan took up a position on the right flank, and the 44th New York and 83rd Pennsylvania held the center. (August 1861-June 1864), 20th Ind. They mustered out July 16, 1865 with the old members mustering out June 4, 1865. The regiment wasnot engaged in the battle, staying in reserve with much of the Fifth Corps. Grand Review May 23. Maine Infantry Regiment, 20th (1862-1865). First Sergeant, Joseph Walker, Jr., Atkinson. The 20th Maine was organized in the state of Maine and mustered into federal service on August 29, 1862, with Col. Adelbert Ames as its commander. Second Lieutenant, Frederic W. Lane, Milo. Answering that question adequately requires taking another look at the Battle of Gettysburg and the hell-raising fighting that occurred among the scattered stones of Little Round Top. But Spear gets curiously little credit for marshaling and organizing the tactics of the left flank of the 20th. Join us online July 24-26! John J. Pullen, The Twentieth Maine: A Volunteer Regiment in the Civil War, Dayton, Ohio: Morningside House, 1984. George W. Card, Dexter, Joseph A. The problem with becoming a legend is that deeds may become distorted inadvertently due to commercial profits, hero worship and the sheer passage of time. At the Wilderness, May 6, 1864, as a part of Webb's Brigade, Gibbon's Division, Hancock's (2d) Corps, the 20th was heavily engaged on the Plank road losing Maj. Abbott and 35 officers and men killed or mortally wounded. Chamberlain and 20th Maine, Gettysburg reunion, 1889. Company B, with its 44 men, was subsequently cut off by a flanking attack by the enemy, leaving the 20th with only 314 armed men on the main regimental line. These sharpshooters skirmishing abilities were unequaled in the Union Army, and a 14-man squad was attached to Company B. The valorous defense of Little Round Top will always belong to the 20th Maine Infantry and to Joshua L. Chamberlain as the regimental commander. return to Research and Current Projects . United States. Privates: Thomas Federal Identification Number (EIN): 54-1426643. Both Vincent and ORorke paid with their lives for their heroism. Chamberlain claimed there was no hesitation and said that the line quivered for the start. Abner R. Small summed up the war well when he wrote in a letter to a friend, "War and heroes sound well in history but the reality is known to but the few that survive the strife.". Iredell Lamson; Co. During the battle, he brutally kills a Confederate soldier in hand-to-hand combat. The 20th Regiment, Maine Infantry was organized at Portland, and mustered in August 29, 1862. Charles H. Reed, Freedom, David J. Lewis, Waterville. The Mobile Campaign, Battle of Fort Blakely and Spanish Fort. United States. Chamberlain overshadows the 20th Maine in the way that George S. Patton overshadows the U.S. Third Army in World War II. ; John T. Given, Brewer, Samuel G. Crocker, Brownville, Royal B. Decker, Lagrange. When their ammunition had almost run out, Chamberlain decided to fix bayonets and charge down into the two Alabama regiments. Commissary-Sergeant, Elmas M. Kalloch, Warren. Both sides sent dispatches to inform their superiors of the confrontation. No words of welcome on their return.". Without Tozier, there would not have been an opportunity for Chamberlain to attack. Mustered out June 5, 1865. Harmony, battery I, 5th U. S.; John Harmon, Buxton, Samuel F. Mallett, This page is dedicated to them and to the many groups of citizen reenactors who provide a Its members came together from across the state, in response to President Abraham Lincoln's call in July 1862 for 300,000 volunteers. This page has been viewed 5,022 times (0 via redirect). When the first regiments reached the rocky outcrops in that area, Vincent put them into line. This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 20:47. Also lacking military experience, a number of officers were well educated, including 10 who had graduated from Bowdoin College. Miscellaneous Civil War Documents. Lee, and John H. Wentworth, Veazie, battery C, ist N. Y.; John E. Carl- The 20th Regiment, Maine Infantry was organized at Portland, and mustered in August 29, 1862. 5th Corps Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain captured and held this position on the evening of July 2d, 1863, pursuing the enemy from its front on the line marked by its monument below. Chamberlain replied, Yes, I am about to order a right wheel forward of the whole regiment. For more information on the history of this unit, see: 20th Regiment, Maine Infantry timeline from organization to discharge. First Lieutenant, James H. Nichols, Brunswick, commanding company. Sawyer, A.C.M. D. Chamberlain's Company G, Twentieth Regiment Sources: Instead of shooting them, Chamberlain wisely distributed the 2nd Maine veterans evenly to fill out the 20th Maines ranks and integrate experienced soldiers among the untested 20th Maine. Out of a total enlistment of 1,621 men, nine officers and 138 enlisted men were killed or mortally wounded and one officer and 145 enlisted men died of disease, for a total of 293 lost. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Spear was brevetted colonel for faithful and meritorious service, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps, Organized at Portland and mustered in under Colonel Adelbert Ames and Lieutenant Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain, Left State for Alexandria, Va. Chamberlain, for his part, wrote incorrectly to his wife that his regiment had been attacked by a whole brigade. In May 1863, Col. Ames was promoted to a Brigadier General in General Oliver Otis Howard's corps. Great responsibility also fell upon Captain Spear, whose flank was to start the attack otherwise the charge would not pivot and work to its fullest potential. During the charge, a second enemy line of the 15th and 47th Alabama tried to make a stand near a stone wall. Dexter True, 2nd Maine Cavalry. to Research and Current Projects. Bufords forces fired first, temporarily halting Heths force and starting the Battle of Gettysburg. mortally, shot in throat and vertebrae, died July 5, buried east The unit was unable to participate in the Battle of Chancellorsville in April-May 1863, due to a quarantine prompted by a tainted smallpox vaccine that had been issued to the unit's soldiers. 1866 Maine Adjutant General's Report, appendix D. Final Stevens, Jeremiah C, Sidney, Shaw, Resolvo, Waterville. Andrew, Hodgkins Ephralm, Johnson James P, Knight James A, Lowell Chamberlain was the brother of Lt. Col. Joshua Chamberlain, later the commander of the regiment. The Confederates managed to exploit weaknesses in the Federals deployment, and their attacks caused heavy losses to the Union troops, who were forced to retreat. Charles E. Avery, Sidney, Joseph D. Simpson, Waterville. (Chamberlain himself claimed later to have said, yes, sir, in a moment! Historic Blakely State Park. Sign up for our quarterly email series highlighting the environmental benefits of battlefield preservation. The winter was spent near Stevensburg. corps. Some take his deeds out of context, however, and mythologize him. Musters, Erroneously reported muscian in '63; Disch. No county claimed them. Or, to put it another way, did he deserve all the credit? 3d Brig. Captain Howard L. Prince, former 20th Maine quartermaster-sergeant, considered Captain Morrill the coolest man in the regiment a man who had no superior on the skirmish line. [1]. Being primarily farmers and lumbermen before they enlisted, most of the men had no military background, but many were used to hard work and surviving in an often unforgiving environment, were familiar with firearms and had the benefit of having volunteered for service. The regiment was commanded by Colonel Hiram Burnham. Chamberlain was a graduate of Bowdoin College and the Bangor Theological Seminary. On Special Duty or Detached Service: Marcellus Blake, Carmel, Strategically, Little Round Top held the key to the developing battle. Breen, John H., Augusta, Church, Chandler K., Bumham. The Majority of our funds go directly to Preservation and Education. Lore, Charles, Waterville, Marden, Ezra B., Bangor. Alabama Regiments, Rosters and Muster Rolls. Grand Review May 23. With the new information from Nichols, Chamberlain ordered a right-angle formation, extending his line farther to the east. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. Fortune, however, was to smile on Chamberlains regiment in the form of unexpected reinforcements. Twentieth Regiment Infantry, Maine Volunteers, showing the changes which have taken place from December 1st, 1863, date of the return published in Adjutant General's Report for 1863, to . wounded The men took up a position in a ravine east of Little Round Top. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Carded Records Showing Military Service of Soldiers Who Fought in Volunteer Organizations During the American Civil War. For more information on the history of this unit, see: 20th Regiment, Maine Infantry timeline from organization to discharge. They received no words of farewell on leaving their state. By ord. boro, act*g Sergt. Exact statistics are difficult to discern, but estimates put the number of Maine men who died in Civil War service at about 9,400. Subscribe to the American Battlefield Trust's quarterly email series of curated stories for the curious-minded sort! Corporal Vincent W. Pinhom, wounded, hip. Included along with the flag were . Second Lieutenant, William K. Bickford, Thomaston. During that assault, Captain James H. Nichols, the commander of the 20th Maines Company K, ran to alert Chamberlain that the Confederates seemed to be extending their line toward the regiments left. William M. Oilman, No. Chamberlain whose right foot had been pieced by a shell fragment or a stone chip then limped along the regimental line giving instructions to align the left side of the regiment with the right. First Sergeant Charles W. Steele, killed. was enough and that it was vain to order Forward because no one could hear it over the noise. correspondence and papers of veterans. The 20th Maine regiment was mustered out of service on June 16, 1865. Col. Chamberlain was soon put in command of a brigade and in 1865 was promoted to Brigadier General and later put in command by Ulysses S. Grant of all Union troops during the surrender of the Confederates. In all likelihood Lieutenant Melcher conceived the idea to advance the colors to retrieve the wounded, but Chamberlain expanded upon the idea, deciding to have the whole regiment conduct a bayonet attack. He deployed Company B, recruited from Piscataquis County and commanded by level-headed Captain Walter G. Morrill of Williamsburg, forward to the regiments left front flank as skirmishers. The Wikipedia article, 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment, (accessed 6 July 2012). ster quartermaster's dept. First Sergeant, Hezekiah Long, Thomaston. The Battle of Antietam, known as the bloodiest battle of the Civil War, was the 20th's first taste of the war. Sumner A. Holway Diaries - 1st Maine Cavalry, Company H. ; John Stockman, Oldtown, wagon master; John M. Safford, Corinna, Luther M. Rideout, Garland. Toziers personal gallantry in defending the 20th Maines colors became the regimental rallying point for Companies D, E and F to retake the center. lost in the battle 130 killed and wounded out of 358 engaged. It was as if fate had brought them together. Edwards, Abial H. Benjamin W. Grant, Priv. Meanwhile, Colonel Vincent tried to rally his 3rd Brigade as the 16th Michigan staggered under the heavy assault by the 4th and 5th Texas. Three men died of the disease, which was probably due to a botched innoculation. U. S.; William P. Harvey, Bangor, battery C, ist Mass. wounded battery C, ist N. Y.; Joseph Linscott, Newcastle, regimental armorer; James Joshua Chamberlain deserves much acclaim, but not to the exclusion of many others whom history has so far and so unfairly underrated. Elbridge, Nichols David, Robinson Albert, Smith Joshua, Wilson Wilmot, It was assigned to the Army of the Potomac in the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, V Corps, where it would remain until mustered out on July 16, 1865. A highly cultured, somewhat sedentary professor of modern languages at Maines exclusive Bowdoin College, he had sat out the first year of the war on Bowdoins stately campus. Hawkins' Division of 6,000 Black Troops. The regiment missed the battle due to being under quarantine. The regiment was attached to W. F. Smith's Brigade, Division of the Potomac, to October 1861. Stevens. Warren L. Kendall; Co. A, Corp. Joseph D.Simpson, Priv. The American Battlefield Trust and our members have saved more than 56,000 acres in 25 states! The 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry was a three-year regiment that fought with the Army of the Potomac. 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment Battles Casualties Battle of Antietam Blackford's Ford Virgina Cold Harbor Five Forks Fredericksburg Gettysburg Petersburg Spotsylvania Court House Wilderness. Gen. James J. Pettigrew approached the town leading a 2,584-man brigade that was part of Maj. Gen. Henry Heths division, he became aware of the Union cavalry force positioned there. Spear, who would later become a brevet brigadier general, believed that all the officers at Little Round Top shared in the battle fully and honorably, but that the bayonet charge was a success largely due to the spirit of the enlisted men. (15 mb) 23rd Maine - My . and Frank C. Williams, Bangor, battery D, 5th U. S.; Frank A. Johnson, The regiment lost 38 killed or mortally wounded and 93 wounded out of 358 engaged. The 1st Maine Cavalry has the unfortunate distinction of having the most men killed in action of any cavalry unit during the war. Much of the primary information about Little Round Top does come directly from Chamberlain, who published 25 separate writings on the battle. The regiment lost four men killed and 32 wounded, charging deadly Maryes Heights late in the day on the 13th and spending the next day and two nights lying in the open in front of Confederate positions. . The two armies spent a restless night. Right wheel or Bayonet! . If not for their heroism might we not be heirs to a different history, a very different America? Altogether, 1,621 men served in the regiment, of whom 293 died (146 . Thomas A. Desjardin, Stand Firm Ye Boys From Maine: The 20th Maine and the Gettysburg Campaign, Gettysburg, Pa.: Thomas Publications, 1995. Sanford A. Carpenter, Portland, Oliver French, Solon. Young, Bingham. ton, Hanover, and Erskine C. Smith, Hanover, in quarterm'r dept. Vols., Capt. Captain Nichols wrote in 1882 that Company K never hesitated. Forward to the right was perhaps someones post-war idea of what Chamberlain would have said if time permitted. Many American junior officers still look up to Chamberlain. Later in life, Chamberlain wrote that his regiment was the first in line, but it actually took up its position last, curving its line back around to the east and forming the Union Armys extreme left flank. Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=20th_Regiment,_Maine_Infantry&oldid=5037428. I, 1 Lieut. The regiment saw limited action at the battles of Antietam in Maryland, and Fredericksburg . The regiment's sudden, desperate bayonet charge blunted the Confederate assault on . Bangor, battery C, ist Mass. "Stand Firm Ye Boys From Maine" by Tom Desjardin. Stephen A. Prescott, Corp. Paschal M. Tripp, Corp.John Foss, Corp. William S. Hodgdon, Priv. Dawes, Calvin, Cumberland, Foss, Washington, Comville. First Lieutenant, Weston H. Keene, Bremen. The many reenactor groups who portray them, and a wealth of information on the american civil war. ; Henry H. Butler, Gen. Charles Griffins 1st Division of the V Corps, received word from a harried courier about the threat to Little Round Top and led his men to the hill at the double-quick. First Lieutenant, Addison W. Lewis, Waterville, commanding. It was not, Chamberlain noted, one of the states favorite fighting units No county claimed it; no city gave it a flag; and there was no send-off at the station. Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. The stars have aligned as we have a remarkable opportunity at Gettysburg to save a piece of land that witnessed monumental points in history. Color sergeant was a dangerous but coveted position in Civil War regiments, generally manned by the bravest soldier in the unit. Corporal Waterhouse became the regiments first casualty when he was wounded in the foot. Corporal John M. Libby, wounded, lost two fingers. Joshua L. Chamberlain was the regiment's lieutenant colonel. Edward Alonzo True Correspondence 1860-1864. Henry W. Slocums XII Corps and Daniel Sickles III Corps. return to 20th Maine Homepage. On June 3, 1863, Confederate General Robert E. Lee began the Army of Northern Virginias second invasion of the North. The Union Army won a strategic victory as Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia withdrew after suffering considerable losses. Advance to: 20th Maine . Acting Field Officer, Captain Atherton W. Clark, Waldoboro, company E. Acting Field Officer, Captain Ellis Spear, Wiscasset, company G. Acting Adjutant, First Lieutenant Thomas D. Chamberlain, Bangor, co. G. Quartermaster, Alden Litchfield, Rockland. From the main monument on Little Round Top: Here the 20th Maine Regiment Col. J. L. Chamberlain commanding, forming the extreme left of the national line of battle on the 2nd day of July 1863, repulsed the attack of the extreme right of Longstreets Corps and charged in turn, capturing 308 prisoners. Once again Little Round Top went wanting for protectors in blue. However if you are unsure which company your ancestor was in, try the company recruited in his county first. Captain Samuel T. Keene, wounded, side, severely. Others who merited more credit than they received were Gouverneur Warren, who conducted one of the best reconnoitering jobs of the war, and Strong Vincent, who unhesitatingly put his brigade on Little Round Top and rallied that brigade under intense fire until he fell mortally wounded. The regiment initially fielded a total complement of 1,621 men, but by the time of the Battle of Gettysburg the stress of campaigning had reduced the regiments ranks to some 266 soldiers, and the 20th was considered a weak link in Vincents brigade. Maine is not an especially large state. Names of the officers and men of the Twentieth Maine Volunteers who were killed or died of wounds received in this action: Co. C, Capt. Stephen C. Chase, Priv. ; Oeorge L. Witham, Southport, and Albert L. Spencer, Bangor, battery C, ist Mass. 0 Reviews. The 20th Maine Infantry Regiment was a volunteer regiment of the United States Army during the American Civil War (1861-1865), most famous for its defense of Little Round Top at the Battle of Gettysburg in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1-3, 1863.The 133rd Engineer Battalion of the Maine Army National Guard and the United States Army today carries on the lineage and traditions of the 20th . Thomas Chamberlain, a young non-commissioned officer summed Ames up best when he wrote, "I tell you, he is about as savage a man you ever saw . Issac W. Estes, Priv. Second Lieutenant, Joseph Fuller, 2d, Brunswick. Most evidence indicates that Chamberlain ordered the charge, and Melcher was the first officer down the slopes. See p. 1222 (1 photocopied page) for a concise summary of the regiment's service. At . Chamberlain ordered a right-wheel maneuver and took up a place behind Tozier. mortally, died in 5th Corps hospital, buried on Trostle farm (near Captain Charles W. Billings, mortally wounded; died July 15, 1863. Gen. John Buford, who had dismounted and deployed his cavalry on McPhersons Ridge, west of Gettysburg. Twenty-five-year-old Color Sgt. Roster of the 20th Maine Regiment Association[. Nor was there time. Colonel Chamberlain returned from sick leave and court martial duty in Washington to resume command of the Regiment. Both Vincent and ORorke gave their lives at Gettysburg, and if not for those two men and others, Chamberlain probably would be remembered today as only a minor figure in a major Union disaster. The 20th Regiment, Maine Infantry was organized at Portland, and mustered in August 29, 1862. Come on boys! The last thing Vincent told Chamberlain was: This is the left of the Union line. Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. ; Henry Reaviel, Bangor, and William N. Witham, Fred H. Mann, Sidney, Henry M. Tozer, Waterville. There is a Chamberlain museum in Brunswick, Maine; Chamberlain Pale Ale produced in Portland, Maine; and a Chamberlain Bridge exists in Bangor, Maine yet no commercial product commemorates the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry. to Research and Current Projects, Source: Colonel Ames was promoted to brigadier general and given command of a brigade in the 11th Corps, and Lt. An infantryman who is out of ammunition, faced with being cut down on the next enemy charge, and hearing the metal-to-metal sound of bayonets being put on en masse knows the intent of the upcoming order without actually hearing it. Robert E. Lee, with his eerie sense of a battlefield, was hastily assembling a force to attack the Union left, but it would take him the greater part of the day to get his men ready to strike. Sergeant George W. Buck, promoted from Private on field, killed. Stuart, directing Lees cavalry, had not returned to the main Southern column from his screening mission around the Union forces. In the confusion of shifting troops, however, Geary pulled his men out too soon, before Sickles men had moved to replace them. The regiment lost 2 officers and 13 men killed, 6 officers and 38 men wounded . The 20th Maine regiment was mustered out of service on June 16, 1865. Baldwin County. Coan said other officers joined Melcher in urging a forward movement. The 20th maine volunteers regiment at Gettysburg. The First American President: Setting the Precedent, African Americans During the Revolutionary War, Help Save 820 Acres at Five Virginia Battlefields, Save 343 Acres at FIVE Battlefields in FOUR Western Theater States, Save 42 Historic Acres at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Phase Three of Gaines Mill-Cold Harbor Saved Forever Campaign, An Unparalleled Preservation Opportunity at Gettysburg Battlefield. First Sergeant, Charles W. Steele, Oakfield Plantation. Forward to the right! Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren, to assess the situation. Then a pistol aimed and fired by a Southern officer misfired only a few feet from Chamberlains face. Little Round Top was left uncovered. It would never again have as many men in its ranks as it did at Little Round Top. Meanwhile, Meade also sensed something significant about the two adjacent hills to his left. ham, William H. Jones, Augusta, and Alfred Trask, Augusta, battery I, The regiment wasmoved to Quarantine Hill, while Colonel Ames wastransferred to General Meades staff at Corps Headquarters. They came from coastal Maine, from central and western Maine. Laforrest P. True, Clinton, John Reed, Jr., Eustis. Charles F. Hall, Priv. return to 20th Maine Homepage. Two other men were wounded, and Lieutenant Colonel Chamberlain lost the first of many horses shot from under him during the Civil War. The 20th Maine were also featured in the film Gettysburg and in the novel The Killer Angels. Later actions in which the regiment participated included Second Rappahannock Station, Mine Run, The Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, the Siege of Petersburg, Peebles's Farm, Lewis's Farm/Quaker Road, White Oak Road, Five Forks, and Appomattox Court House. Thos. ]: Organized Aug. 10th, 1876. But Chamberlain recovered and returned to the army by the end of the year, serving until the end of the war. Sign up to receive the latest information on the American Battlefield Trust's efforts to blaze The Liberty Trail in South Carolina. dept; Thomas Arnold, Warren; Oeorge H. Dow, Warren. It runs just over 300 crow-flight miles from Fort Kent in the north to Kittery in the south. Although spread thinly, the Union troopers held their ground with repeating carbines. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. with Tozier beside him and Chamberlain not far behind. Leach, George W., wounded and prisoner; died Dec. i, 1863, in prison. Perhaps Company H did hesitate on the left because they were taking heavy fire when the charge started.

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