popular jewish last names in the 1940s

It is derived from the German word hell that means bright or light. This was likely used as a nickname for a person with a light complexion. While he may not contribute to the popularity of the name in the U.S., Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was born at the end of the decade, demonstrating the names worldwide popularity. Passengers on the SS Plus Ultra, 1945 (PDF 9.2 MB)As World War II was ending, JDC arranged documents and paid the transportation costs for survivors to make Aliyah to Palestine. Meaning: From a place with an abundance of cardoon plants. In many cultures, its common for last names to come from the paternal side, but many surnames come from the mothers as well. Meaning: Descendant of Levi, the third son of Jacob and Leah. Michael Coming in hot as the 9th most popular boys name of the decade, Michael means who is like God in Hebrew, and also was the name of an angel in the Jewish tradition. These JDC lists are not ship manifests; they are lists of refugees assisted by JDC. Traditional, meaningful, unique, and cool Nigerian surnames with their meanings. Popular Jewish Last Names 1. Jewish surnames are based on familial ancestry and culture, and several variations of the last names have evolved over the years. Still rare, some feel surprisingly contemporary, while one or two have . Between 1938-1979, the JDC expended some $7,434,000 for the relief, rehabilitation and resettlement of Shanghai refugees. Your email address will not be published. "Cinema." This list consists of 460 names of Jews born and/or formerly resident in Germany who were forced to register with all other Jews in Cracow in 1940. For Jews living in the United States, the 1940s were the years of the draft and of the Pearl Harbor bombing. Family Tree of the Jewish People contains 800,000 names: IAJGS Cemetery Project has 400,000 names in 22,000 cemeteries worldwide: Another origin of this surname could be the Polish word sagan that means pot or kettle. The name could have been used by those with the occupation of making teapots and kettles. University of California Press. Haddad Origin: Mizrahi Meaning: Blacksmith. They were also the post-Great Depression years, the years of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration and the New Deals social programs. Jewish Displaced Persons Who Immigrated to Australia with Help from JDC, 1951(PDF 4.54 MB)This list details survivors who traveled to Australia by boat, with the financial and logistical assistance of JDC. This surname is from the Hebrew tsion referring to Mount Zion which is a hill in Jerusalem. Governments started giving out names to collect taxes or enlist individuals in the military. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. Also included are relatives overseas in Shanghai, USA, South America, and the Philippines supplying affidavits. This page is not available in other languages. Files on individual sailings are included, to safe havens such as Canada, USA, and South America. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; These 1946-1948 lists detail relatives from South Africa and Shanghai, China who sent packages of food or blankets to their relatives in DP camps in Europe. The index includes about 11,000 entries covering 22,000 individuals who received emigration assistance from JDC. Kirshenblatt, Mayer and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett. Information on this list includes names, birthplace and birth date. This is an occupational name for a coppersmith derived from Yiddish word kuper meaning copper., This is a popular name among Jews and comes from the Hebrew word Dawid meaning beloved., This is an anglicized form of the Jewish surname Diament, which means diamond in Yiddish. The refugees immigrated to Paraguay, Cuba, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador and were sponsored by JDC. The name comes from the German word rot that means the color red., This is an ornamental name, which is a combination of the German elements rot meaning red and berg meaning hill or mountain., It has been taken from the Middle High German elements rot meaning red and schilt meaning shield or sign., This is a metonymic occupational name composed of the Yiddish elements ruder meaning rudder or oar and man meaning man., It is a toponymic name for those who belonged to the state of Saxony in Germany. It is an elaborative form of the Yiddish word shul meaning synagogue. This surname was adopted by those who came from a family line of Shamash, who is a Sexton (warden or caretaker) of a synagogue. Feigenbaum German, Jewish Means "fig tree" in German. Included are names, cities of origin in Germany, and ages. Due to length, the index is divided into four parts: In addition, these names may be searched in the Names Index. Freud German, Jewish Means "joy" in German, a nickname for a cheerful person. Browse curated selections of our holdings. This is also the name of my younger sister, as well as my great-grandmother, who was born in 1898 so, from what I can tell, it is timeless. Finding temporary refuge in Lithuania with JDC support, the rabbinical group then moved eastward via Siberia and Japan, with JDC funding their transportation costs. })(); Early Remittance Lists:The Transmission Department of the JDC was established in 1915 to deliver personal remittances to those areas in Europe and Palestine where normal transmission agencies were incapable of functioning due to war conditions. Meaning: Binyamin or son of the south or son of the right hand. Jonathan Nearly last on the list, at 199th most popular, Jonathan means God has given in Hebrew. 2. Alma Though it is toward the end of the SSAs list, Alma gets the first mention in our list as it is the name of our partner site, Alma. Jewish last names come from various origins, including family history, nationality, and language. It is the Germanic word for clock or watch. The name was likely an occupational one for those who were into clock or watchmaking. It honors the biblical matriarch who was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. The Yeshivas are guaranteeing their support of $8/per month for each faculty member and student, and JDC is seeking countries of safe haven for these refugees. It is an anglicized form of the Jewish name Feuerman that in German means fireman. The root element in the name is feur meaning fire in German. This surname is adopted from the Spanish personal name Franco meaning free. It was used as a nickname for freed slaves. An addendum lists prospective immigrants for Canada, many of whom are also listed as assistees. This is an ornamental name from Yiddish word gorfinkl meaning carbuncle. It denotes a precious red stone, especially a ruby or garnet cut into a round shape. Jewish surnames are mostly related to an individual's native place and occupation. Passengers on the SS Cabo de Bueno Esperanza, 1940-1943 (PDF 2.0 MB)The S.S. Cabo de Bueno Esperanza carried passengers from Portuguese and Spanish ports to safety in South America during World War II. Jewish refugees came from different countries including Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and Turkey. Fisher English, Jewish Cognate of Fischer. JDC also assisted refugees waiting for emigration papers and passage on transatlantic vessels. Meaning: A person from Horovice in Bohemia, which is now known as the Czech Republic. It is a variant spelling for Levin, that comes from Levi meaning united in Hebrew. It is derived from the Hebrew title Kohen Tzedek meaning the priest of righteousness., It is derived from the Yiddish word koyfman, which means merchant.. It is derived from Yiddish personal name kopl, which is a nickname of Jacob meaning the supplanter In Hebrew. s1.parentNode.insertBefore(s, s1); It is believed to be an ornamental name from the Biblical place Dilon that likely meant loyal and true.. Repatriates from Shanghai to Vienna (PDF 4.3 MB) and Berlin (PDF 3.3 MB), 1947During World War II, thousands of European Jewish refugees found safe haven in Shanghai, where JDC provided food and other assistance. It typically carried up to 800 passengers per sailing, departing from Lisbon and often stopping in Casablanca to pick up additional passengers. JDC funded efforts of the U.S. Committee for the Care of European Children, which helped children emigrate to the U.S. But why? This is a toponymic name and derived from the Old English word Byng meaning a dweller of the hollow. The name could also refer to someone who originally belonged to the town of Bingen in Germany. Of course, iconic Wizard of Oz actress Judy Garland was at the height of her career in this decade, winning the academy award for best actress in A Star is Born 1954. Files include: Records of JDC Postwar Czechoslovakia Offices Now Available, JDC Archives Receives Major Collection of Its Fugitive Postwar Prague Office Records, Archives Websites Our Stories Section Presents Collection Highlights in a New Way, Genealogical Resources in the Records of JDCs Warsaw Office, 1939-1941, Records of JDCs Role in Operation Magic Carpet Airlift Now Digitized, Documenting JDCs Work in the Soviet Union, All JDC Records from Post-World War II Period Digitized, Citibank, a Mysterious Bank Account, and a Hunt in the Archives, Records from JDC 1955-1964 Collection Now Available Online. The sexton maintains the synagogue and works as a warden. Below is a description of the lists currently searchable in the Names Database. Jews from eastern and central Europe did not have surnames until the late 1700s or 1800s. Shanghai Clients Registering for Emigration to Canada, 1948(PDF 4.02 MB)A 1948 list of Displaced Persons in Shanghai who are registering for emigration to Canada. According to the latest search data available, Jewish last names are searched for nearly 15,000 times per month. The PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, known for its religious tolerance[1] and described as Paradisus Judaeorum (Latin for "Paradise of the Jews"),[2][3][4][5][6] had attracted tens of thousands of Jews who fled persecution from other European countries. 101 Most Common Surnames in Israel (in . Funds for their support are drawn from the JDC Germany budget. This list aggregates common Jewish names from Biblical, Talmudic and post-Talmudic eras. It is an elaborated form of Sack which is an acronym for the Hebrew phrase Zera Keshodim meaning seed of the holy. The phrase refers to the martyrs of the Jewish community. JDC provided travel assistance, facilitated communication with overseas relatives who provided sponsorship, and made arrangements with the shipping lines. Jewish Telegraphic Agency 20 May 1968. The ship traveled from Lisbon and/or Casablanca to the United States, sometimes making additional stops in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Mexico. Detailed information about the officers city of origin and relatives relative is listed. With the heavy refugee influx, community groups turned to JDC for aid. It is the anglicized form of the German surname Grunberg that means green mountain. The name may have referred to someone from any of the several places called Grunberg in Poland and Germany. In Jewish culture, last names also originate from places, like the town or region the family lived. Gerrer Rebbe from 1977 to 1992. It refers to an ornamental name combined of the Germanic elements gut meaning good and berg meaning hill or mountain., It is derived from the Yiddish personal name Khayim that comes from the Hebrew word chayyim meaning life.. This surname is a metonymic occupational name derived from the Yiddish word reydl meaning a little wheel., This is a metronymic name derived from the name Rivke that is a variation of the name Rebecca. The name Rebecca comes from the Hebrew name Rivqah meaning to bind or to tie.. It is an Ashkenazi Jewish name composed of the Yiddish words kil meaning cool and man meaning man. The name means cool man and may have begun as a nickname. The name originally referred to people who came from the city. The list includes names, sex, birth year, weight, and family status. The name could be an occupational one or could refer to the husband of Perl, which is a common Jewish feminine name. Relatives from the West were able to deposit small amounts of money (typically $5 or $10, up to $100) for JDC to remit to their relatives overseas. Sign up for Scary Mommy's daily newsletter for more stories from the trenches. It is a variant spelling of Horowitz, which is a toponymic name derived from Horovice, a town in the Central Bohemian region of Czech Republic. Names inspiring babies to walk the path of discipline and loyalty. ( Full methodology ) Ancestry.com further provided a list of the 25 most common surnames among . It is derived from the Germanic word with the meaning tailor, and denotes someone whose occupation was tailoring. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood. While he isnt Jewish, its notable that presidential candidate (and mensch) Joe Biden was born in 1942. Included on these list are names and addresses of beneficiaries in Europe and donors in Mandatory Palestine, Iran India, Egypt, and Lebanon, as well as the price of packages. Vilna Refugees, 1940(PDF 27.4 MB)Polish Jewish refugees receiving JDC aid, after they had moved eastward to Vilna, Lithuania in 1940 to escape the Nazi regime. Adding to the names on this list that are dear to my heart, Michael was the name of my first crush from my childhood Hebrew school carpool. Jewish Refugees in Spain Who Received Visas to Canada, 1944(PDF 2.54 MB)European Jewish families who had escaped the Nazis and were living in the Iberian Peninsula in1944. The entire male population, aged 12 to 70, was imprisoned by Russian troops, leaving a community of starving women and children, to whom the JDC endeavors to distribute proper aid. This list details monthly assistance provided to refugees by JDC. Rabbinical Students in Shanghai I, 1947(PDF 282 KB)This is a 1947 list of rabbinical students living in Shanghai who fled Poland after the Nazi invasion. Immigrants to Palestine from Southern Italy, 1944 (PDF 2.0 MB)This list provides the names of 873 persons who had fled to Italy from other countries in Europe prior to 1940 and were incarcerated in camps at Bari and Ferramonti once Italy joined the war. The list below includes persons of Jewish faith or ancestry. JDC also supported two kosher kitchens in Vienna and furnished medical and religious supplies. Included are the name, date and place of birth, occupation, destination, and accompanying family members. To know more about Poland, you must know about the people and their history. This surname is composed of the German words rosen meaning rose and kranz meaning wreath. The name thus means rose wreath, It is a variation of the Hebrew name Reuben. This name is composed of the Hebrew elements reu meaning behold and ben meaning a son.. JDC helped emigrants waiting for resettlement, housing some 11,000 refugees in hotels, private dwellings and camps. In this document, the JDC is arranging documentation and affidavits for their migration to the U.S. All told, 15,000 refugee Jews survived the war in Shanghai with JDC aid. In June 1945, the children reached Paris and were sent to two JDC-supported homes run by OSE, a French childcare organization. In addition to these shipping lists there are a few lists of refugees who arrived by plane whose fares were paid by family or friends. This large collection of approximately 30,000 index cards includes cards for Jews who registered directly with JDCs Paris Emigration Service Office and cards compiled by the Emigration Service Headquarters in Paris for those who had registered with JDC offices elsewhere in Europe. Lists of Polish Jews, Grouped by Town, Requesting Assistance from U.S. This list includes names of Jewish refugee children in France, their parents names, the childs birth date and place, and names and addresses of U.S.-based relatives or friends from whom assistance was sought for affidavits. It is an occupational Hebrew name referring to someone whose ancestors worked as a primary school teacher. European Jewish Refugee Arrivals from Havana to Miami, 1944-1945(PDF 2.70 MB)These 1944-1945 lists detail European Jewish refugees from Havana, Cuba, arriving in Miami, Florida in the postwar period, where they were assisted by JDC and the National Council of Jewish Women. Cute love-inspired names speak of your endearment and attachment with your child. Egyptian Jewish Refugees in France Receiving Aid from JDC, 1957-1959(PDF 1.7 MB)Fleeing persecution and economic discrimination after the 1956 Suez crisis, 20,000 Egyptian Jews left for Europe, South America and Israel. MomJunction provides content for informational purposes only. In fact, many Jewish people who lived in the Russian Empire during the 19th had last names that derived from womens first names. This list includes payments and loans provided to Egyptian Jewish refugees in France by COJASOR (Comite Juif dAction Sociale et de Reconstruction). It is also the name of Jacobs youngest son and a tribe of Israel. Immigrant Aid Societies, Synagogues, and distant relatives in the United States often sponsored children. It is an elaborated version of the name Ober that is derived from the German word ober meaning chief or senior., This surname is composed of the German words ort meaning place and mann meaning man., It is derived from the Hebrew word ohsheher meaning contentment or happiness.. Meaning: An occupational name for someone who uses or makes hatchets. JDC arranged passage for 444 of the 867 displaced persons aboard the ship, facilitating the filing of paperwork, supplying affidavits, and covering transportation costs. So, if youre looking to expand your knowledge of Hebrew sayings, see below: This article was originally published on Dec. 20, 2019, After A Stillbirth, Siblings Are Fighting Over A Beloved Family Baby Name. It is an acronym for sofer stam, who is the Jewish scribe of religious texts. s.async = true; the translation. These Jews did not leave immediately after the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949 for a number of reasons, including: health limitations, non-liquid assets, family members refusing to separate, difficulty receiving visas, and the Soviets making it difficult for Soviet citizens to leave. Jewish Refugees Escaping to Shanghai, China via Yokohama, Japan 1941(PDF 53.3 MB)These lists detail German Jewish refugees escaping Nazism to China and Japan via the TranSiberian railroad. Learn more about how to search the online database by viewing our helpfulvideo tutorial or reading ourguideon how to conduct searches in the database.

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