royal irish regiment ww1 records

Alphabetical list of Irish born soldiers serving in India. Campaign medals were awarded to all soldiers who served in a theatre of conflict overseas. We have a large archive of soldier records. Most of the maps that were originally included in war diaries as appendices have been removed and compiled in a separate series with a catalogues reference of WO153/. Royal Irish Regiment (d.5th Jul 1916), Pte. Search and download ()service records (WO 400) of non-commissioned officers and other ranks who served in one of the Household Cavalry regiments during the First World War. The London Gazette can be accessed for free on-line at Be the first to hear about our latest events, exhibitions and offers. The books are all available in The National Archives reference library, or you may be able to find them in a local library. Dublin, Ireland: Maunsel and Roberts, 1923. Typescript. Punch, Terrence M. Irish Deserters at Halifax, Nova Scotia, During the Napoleonic Wars 1803-1807. (d.21st March 1918), Fausset Charles Reginald. Other naval histories are listed in the Place Search of the catalog under: The FamilySearch Library's British military record holdings are more fully described in the British Military Records article. The British War and Victory medal entries may give you a battalion/unit number which will help you to find a unitwar diary. [14], On 19 November 1807, 120 members of the 18th Regiment of Foot were drowned when HM Packet Ship Prince of Wales sank in Dublin Bay. This infantry regiment traced its origins back to the British Civil Wars (1639-51), but was officially formed in 1684. Christopher McManigan 2nd Btn. The Inniskillings Museum may also be able to assist in tracing a relative from this regiment. Cunliffe, Marcus, The Royal Irish Fusiliers, 1793-1968 (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1970). [24] Under the reforms the regiment became The Royal Irish Regiment on 1 July 1881. However, many of the records in the First World War collections cover service up to 1920. The 10th (Irish) Division fought in the campaigns of Gallipoli or Dardanelles, then Salonika and finally with General Allenby in Palestine. My first list starts on the 29 August 1914 in Herbert Hospital Woolich. In England at the time of the merger, the 87th Foot became 1st Battalion and saw action in the Egyptian campaign the following year. This record series can be viewed by using catalogue reference WO372/. Other ranks glengarry badge, 18th (Royal Irish) Regiment, c1874. One example is: Colledge, James J. At Present I am compiling lists of admissions to various Hospitals both in Ireland and the UK and France.1914-1918. This infantry unit has origins dating back to 1688. Other military records include description books; returns of service; and records of pensions, payrolls, promotions, medals, casualties, courts martial, service, and desertions. Muster rolls usually list individuals assigned to a ship or regiment on a given day, their ages (on joining), the date and place they joined, and possibly other information, such as their birthplaces (in sea musters since 1770) and dependents (in later army musters). 2006. [33], Due to substantial defence cuts and the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922, it was agreed that the six former Southern Ireland regiments would be disbanded,[38][39] including the Royal Irish Regiment. Nevertheless, soldiers' names are occasionally recorded in the account of an operation such as a patrol, a raid on an enemy trench, or an award of a medal. de Breffny, Brian. [12], The regiment also saw action at the Battle of Alexandria in March 1801. Want to find out more about your relative's service? ebsite under maintenance please bear with us. Early Twentieth Century Records - 1913 to 1921. 2nd Btn., B Coy (d.13th Feb 1916), Smitheram William. Record type: Pension records for sailors wounded in service. Search the enlistment books of the disbanded Irish regiments. If he served before 1853, search the muster rolls, description books, or pay lists of the ship on which he served. Paul McGee 6th Battalion (d.16th Jun 1916), Pte. Stanley Harry Earthy 6th Battalion Royal Irish Regiment (d.3rd September 1916), Pte. He was mobilised for Great War and arrived in France on the 7th of October. It served there throughout the war, including major actions at Schellenberg, Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde and Malplaquet. Research Database. See below for advice on searching for the war diaries of units that served elsewhere in the world during the war. Wikipedia provides some additional information on this regiment. Search for the hospital admission and discharge records () of servicemen in MH 106 on 941.5 B2i also held at the National Library of Ireland. Pte. The regular army and the navy constituted the major branches of the British military. Some of the Public Record Office's military records as well as military records of various other repositories throughout Ireland and England are listed in: Hayes, Richard J. Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilization. Search among theFirst World War pension record cards on (). Published annually, lists of officers provide an officer's name, rank, regiment or ship, and date of commission. 941.5 B2i v10-11. [20] The regiment also took part in the Second Anglo-Afghan War. These records run from 1901 to 1960, covering the latter stages of the Boer War and, of course, both World Wars. Others are described in the British Military Records article. (PRO classes: Adm. 31, 32, and 33). You might find the following strategies helpful for finding your ancestor's ship or regiment: Soldiers. Militarily, the whole of Ireland was administered as a separate command within the United Kingdom with Command Headquarters at Parkgate (Phoenix Park) Dublin, directly under the War Office in London. [28], The 2nd Battalion saw action in Egypt during the Anglo-Egyptian War in 1882. 1979. pages 4-9. Irish men of all denominations fought side by side in the 10th (Irish), 16th (Irish) and 36th (Ulster) Division, and were decorated for their gallantry and bravery throughout the war. From 1660 to 1922, the Irish were part of the British armed services. The Royal Irish Rifles (became the Royal Ulster Rifles from 1 January 1921) was an infantry rifle regiment of the British Army, first created in 1881 by the amalgamation of the 83rd (County of Dublin) Regiment of Foot and the 86th (Royal County Down) Regiment of Foot.The regiment saw service in the Second Boer War, the First World War, the Second World War, and the Korean War. Search the enlistment books of The Royal Irish Regiment and the other Irish regiments disbanded from the British Army in 1922. Irish Soldiers Stationed on the Coast of Coromandel in India. [26], The 1st Battalion was stationed in British India and Afghanistan from 1875 to 1884, when it were transferred to Egypt to take part in the Nile Expedition. William Flynn 5th (Pioneer) Battalion Royal Irish Regiment (d.24th January 1918), Capt. 2nd Btn. These cards, along with the medal rolls to which they form an index (see below), were created primarily to record the awarding of campaign medals. Royal Irish Regiment (d.5th April 1917) Thomas Flood served with the 6th Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, attached 47th Trench Mortar Battery, in WW1. Greetings. Pte 1st Battalion. Michael Costello 1st Battalion Royal Irish Regiment (d.6th July 1915), Pte. [5], As part of the Irish establishment, it escaped disbandment after the 1697 Treaty of Ryswick and when the War of the Spanish Succession began in 1701, returned to Flanders as part of Marlborough's field army. By further selecta name in the first column and clicking on it you will be presented with 'Casualty Details Page', which will providemore information. During the First Opium War in China, the regiment next saw action at the Capture of Chusan in July 1840, Battle of Canton in May 1841,[16] Battle of Amoy in August 1841,[17] Second Capture of Chusan in October 1841, Battle of Ningpo in March 1842,[18] Battle of Tzeki in March 1842, Battle of Chapu in May 1842, Battle of Woosung in June 1842, and Battle of Chinkiang in July 1842. Extremely valuable in proving pedigree connections. Location: The National Archives, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU, England. Bravery at which of the following sieges sawthe regimentgranted a badgedepictingKing William III's family emblem? The names of officers might be recorded in a Battalion War Diary when they join a unit, go on leave, take command or become casualties. A few of these record types are described below. If your family member was a prisoner of war then series WO161/98 should be consulted. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers was an infantry regiment of the British Army, which recruited in the east of Ireland. This project currently contains records for over one million men and women who died whilst serving in the First World War, with over 600,000 locations worldwide, tens of thousands of images, cemeteries, war memorials and much more. Pte. Musters are held at the Public Record Office, Kew at National Archives. Population coverage: Naval records cover about 10% to 15% of the population during peacetime and much more during wartime. Chaplain's returns and regimental registers are available only by correspondence with the General Register Office. It served with the British Army until 1958, when it was merged into the 3rd East Anglian Regiment. (FamilySearch Library book Ref 942 M3c.). WW1 Service Records. Be warned that if your subject has a common name then the list of names could run to many pages so take your time checking each entry carefully and compare the details with the information you already have. Pre-1847 British army service was generally for life. (FamilySearch Library book 942 A5p.) The National Army Museum holds the soldiers' effects ledgers that were created by the War Office to record the monies owing to those who died while serving in the British Army. Ireland's Memorial Records - information on over 49,000 Irish men and women who died in the Great War compiled by The Committee of the . The cards record details of the pension entitlements of soldiers and other servicemen killed or injured in the war, both of officers and other ranks, and of the widows and dependants of deceased soldiers. Record type: Admission records, pension records and chapel registers. The Royal Irish Regiment, formerly the Royal Regiment of Ireland and the 18th Regiment of Foot, also known as the 'First and the Last'. 1st Battalion (d.15th March 1915), Kyle James. (Brigadier Nelson Russell, Commander 38 (Irish) Brigade, 1942-44), For individual museum opening times and information, please click on the relevant museum below: The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers was an Irish infantry regiment of the British Army formed in 1881 by the amalgamation of . Accessibility: Those not in the FamilySearch Library are only available through correspondence, an agent, or a professional genealogist.[1]. You may write the Public Record Office, Kew with the information you do know to obtain information from this card index. Article is in The Irish Ancestor vol. Great Britain, War Office. 09:00 to 17:00. This sample comprises some 15,000 records of soldiers who served with the Royal Irish Rifles and Royal Irish Fusiliers up to 1922. Originally named The Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers), its title changed to The Royal Irish Fusiliers (Princess Victoria's) in 1920. After all is over - and the remainder of the Empire is understandably irritated with Ireland - I hope these countless Duffs, from both the North and the South, and in all three services, will be remembered. Posted 9 October , 2013. [25] It served as the county regiment of Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford and Kilkenny. The Absent Voter Lists enabled servicemen and women away from home to vote by proxy or by postal application. Mossong, Verna. Board of Ordnance officers may be included in the Army List, even though they kept their own records until 1855. 1814-. 'Lists of Officers. 1st Garrison Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, 2nd Garrison Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, 5th (Pioneer) Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, 7th (South Irish Horse) Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, Andrews Alexander. Records for the Irish Defence Forces from the foundation of the Irish Free State in 1922 to the present day are held by the Military Archives section at Cathal Brugha Barracks in Dublin. Continuous service engagement books record the continuous service numbers assigned to navy ratings (seamen) since 1853. 1 No1. Ireland's Memorial Records, 1914-1918. Simply enter your email address below to start receiving our monthly email newsletter. 2nd Btn. London, England: various publishers, 1754-. (FamilySearch Library book Ref 941.5 A5h.) 1. (d.14th Nov 1916), Scott Robert. Some First World War veterans continued to serve with the army after the war and for the records of these soldiers you may need to read the advice in our guide to British Army soldiers in service after 1918. Regiments and Corps. Royal Irish Regiment: 04/05/1917 (aged 39) Captain George Chaigneau Colvill : Royal Irish Regiment: 30/11/1917 (aged 23) Private Daniel Lucas 5948: Royal Irish Regiment: 12/04/1918: Private James William Quinn 3320: Royal Irish Regiment: 15/04/1916 (aged 24) Serjeant Oscar Brown 8354: Royal Irish Regiment: 09/09/1916: Private Brown 11232: Royal . 6th Btn. Article found in The Irish Ancestor, vol.1 no.2, 1969, pages 109-114, FamilySearch Library Ref. Location: The National Archives, Ruskin Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU and other libraries in England. Patrick McAllister 6th Btn. Royal Irish Regiment (d.28th Jan 1916), Pte John Rooney 6th Battalion Royal Irish Regiment, Pte. They record the address, service number and regimental details of each person. Army Records. Details of servicemen may include year of birth, service number, rank and hospital admission date. Casualty records may list those missing, wounded, taken prisoner, killed in action or who died as a result of their war service. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence All Rights Reserved. Before starting your research try to obtain as much information as possible about your Great War family member, such as his full name, place and date of birth. The enlistment books contain records of soldiers serving in these regiments . He was my Grandfather's brother. (d.27th June 1916), Terry Timothy. 2nd Lt. 3rd Btn., Attchd 1st Btn. If your family member survived then perhaps you will already have the additional information concerning his service number, regiment/unit and theatre of war etc. (d.5th July 1916), Kirk Thomas. William Henry Somers 4th Battalion Royal Irish Regiment, Pte. Your ancestor was on board ship in 1861, search the, Your ancestor was on board ship in 1881, search the. (d.9th Sep 1916), Lynch Stephen. We hope that this section has given you some useful clues to finding your Great War ancestors service history. If your naval ancestor is not listed in any of the above sources, consult: Rodger, N. A. M., Naval Records for Genealogists. Although it had been formed in 1684,it had only entered the English establishment in 1689. The Royal Irish Regiment was disbanded in 1922 on the establishment of the Irish Free State. The highest award for conspicuous bravery in the presence of the enemy, . Also known as the 18th (Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot and the 18th (The Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot, it was one of eight Irish regiments raised largely in Ireland, its home depot in Clonmel. For the army, the published version of these records is:'. Pte. (d.16th August 1915), Kavanagh William. (FamilySearch Librarybook 942 M25gba; film 918928-41 and 990323-26.) Other Records. Regimental histories available at the FamilySearch Library are listed in the Place Search of the catalog under: A port where your ancestor landed on a specific date, search the list books (Rodger, N. A. M.. A battle or campaign in which your ancestor was involved, search medal rolls, also held at the Public Record Office, Kew. Read First World War Army Service Records by William Spencer (The National Archives, 2008). The daily information contained in a War Diary can vary from just a few words to a detailed description of life at the Front. The Medal Index Cards are available to view on-line and once again they are in surname alphabetical order with six individual's cards to one microfilm/copy. Military records identify individuals who served or were eligible to serve in the armed forces. Quinlivan, Patrick. For seamen serving as midshipmen (potential officers) between 1799 and 1854, the Midshipmen's Papers list birth dates and places and parents' names. WorldCat. [29], In 1908, the Volunteers and Militia were reorganised nationally, with the former becoming the Territorial Force and the latter the Special Reserve;[30] the regiment now had two Reserve but no Territorial battalions. 941.5 B2i. William C. Flynn 5th Btn. If your ancestor was a soldier and he married, died, or had children after 1760 while in the army, he and the regiment to which he belonged may be listed in chaplain's returns or regimental registers. Republic of Ireland, Internet: Our [13] The 1st Battalion served in Jamaica and the 2nd Battalion served in Curaao during the Napoleonic Wars. The records give the name, birth date, birthplace, physical description, and ship of service of each rating. - Royal Ulster Rifles Museum Record type: Pay list of Naval officers and men aboard each commissioned warship and hired "armed ship". 1801 - Royal Irish Artillery merged into the Royal Artillery 1855 - Board of Ordnance abolished, all personnel transferred to the War Office. UK, Roll of the Indian Medical Service, 1615 -1930, UK, Registers of Employees of the East India Company and the India Office, 1746-1939, Great Britain, War Office Registers, 1772-1935, Commonwealth War Graves, 1914-1921, 1939-1947, Royal Air Force, Operations Record Books 1939-1945, British Royal Air Force, Combat Reports 1939-1945, World War I and in the South African war of 1899-1902, Irish Army Census search, 1700's to 1900's, Military and Police Records 1600's - 1900's, Rootsweb, Irish Military Record, 1700's - 1900's, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, Militia Attestation Papers, 1800-1915, Ireland, Casualties of World War I, 1914-1922, British Army Pensioners - Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Ireland, 1783-1822, Ireland, National Roll Of Honour 1914-1921, Ireland's Memorial Record: World War 1: 1914-1918, Ireland, Memorial Record: World War I, 1914-1918, Soldiers' Wills, World War I and Boer War, Illustrations, historical and genealogical, of King James's army list, 1689, The South Staffordshire Regiment was an infantry regiment of the British Army, active between 1881 and 1959. . Population coverage: Varies--very high during wartime (40%) and lower during peace time (10%). We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. View this object. The hospital admission and discharge records from this series are available to view online (see section above) but are not searchable by name in our own catalogue. [41], The battle honours of the regiment were:[3]. [34], The 3rd (Reserve) Battalion, largely made up from local Dubliners, were the first army troops to engage the Irish rebels during the Easter Rising: the rebels were fighting to establish an Irish Republic in Dublin. Searchour catalogue (below)for pension case files in record seriesPIN 26. The names of non-commissioned officers and other ranks are seldom mentioned in the War Diaries so you shouldnt expect to see a family members name recorded. 6th Btn. These cover regular soldiers who may have enlisted as early as 1892 for 22 years service as well as a small number of stray service records of pre-war soldiers who did not serve from 19141920. Chaplain's returns (1760-1971) list the baptisms, marriages, and burials of soldiers and their family members performed abroad by military chaplains. ), Holding, Norman H. More Sources of World War I Ancestry. Contents: Name of sailor, next of kin and specific relationship, service information, marital condition, date of death and place of burial, and date of application. Pte. Accessibility: Through a researcher or a professional genealogist. Extremely valuable in providing pedigree connections. Location: National Archives, Bishops Street, Dublin, Ireland and Public Record Office, Ruskin Avenue, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU England. Public Record Office/National Archives England. L/Cpl 1st Bn (d.15th March 1915), Townsend Cecil Frederick. Irish Army Census Records: Search military records of non-commissioned officers and other ranks on () and () including service records (WO 363), pension records (WO 364) and campaign medal cards. . [2], The regiment was formed in 1684 by the Earl of Granard from independent companies in Ireland. [3] As Hamilton's Foot, it served in Flanders during the Nine Years War and at Namur on 31 August 1695, took part in the capture of the Terra Nova earthwork, later commemorated in the song 'The British Grenadiers. These records also include soldiers who were in the British Army before August 1914 and who were eligible for an Army pension because their term of service came to an end during, or before 1920. Seamen often alternated between the navy and the merchant marines. Volumes from 1765 on include indexes. (Wiki article). During the First World War officers and men of The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers were awarded eight Victoria Crosses, The . Article found in The Irish Ancestor Vol. In 1937, the London Irish Rifles became a Territorial Army battalion of the Rifles, and the only TA battalion of an Irish regiment. Archives, Open Government Licence Navy List. For quick pointersTuesday to Saturday Support by . Battle Honour ST QUENTIN - German Spring Offensive 1918. The much larger collection of originals are in the care of The Western Front Association(WFA) but had previously been held locally, around the country, and then by the Ministry of Defence. The Connaught Rangers was an Irish infantry regiment of the British Army, which mainly recruited in the west of Ireland. 2nd Btn. Many sources, list and describe naval ships and give the dates and places they were in service. 1840-1866. In general, individual regiments have retained copies of their own war diaries and are held at their regimental museums or archives, but a war diary for almost every British Army unit from 1914-1922 was given to the War Office during the First World War; these are now held by The National Archives in Kew, London. Military officers were typically from the upper classes and soldiers were from among the poor. In some instances the cards also record gallantry awards. [7] The regiment spent most of the next 25 years on garrison duty in Britain and Ireland; in 1751, reforms ended the tradition of naming units after their current colonel and the regiment was officially ranked as the 18th Regiment of Foot. Birmingham, England: Federation of Family History Societies, 1991. This index gives the officer's date of commission and a reference to additional information held at the Public Record Office, Kew. After almost 250 years of service with the British Army, it was disbanded in 1922 on the establishment of the Irish Free State. These were the 3rd Battalion (Special Reserve) and the 4th Battalion (Special Reserve). Most regiments have published histories that record the places where they served and the battles they fought. Some records were destroyed by enemy bombing of the Guards chapel during the Second World War. Research use: Identifies Naval officers and traces their careers and as a guide to using other records. Research use: Shows relationships and to supplements information found in church records or missing information due to the loss of church records.

Ati Bullpup Shotgun Magazine, Articles R