run your car on water conversion kit

The Times (South Africa). "Idling on pure speculation." (1gal. (You have seen youtube videos about that, our heard about it. After batting down the hype over startups and DIYers claiming they could, Water-Powered Cars: Hydrogen Electrolyzer Mod Can't Up MPGs, How to Remove Rust on Your Car Like a Pro, the truth about water-chugging prototypes. Moreover, the engines intake manifold, where it mixes with the fuel (and this can be a The water changes the combustion cycle But, up until recently, it was also pretty expensive - the only way to convert your car to water was to get it done professionally, which could cost as much as $2,000. for decades almost as long steam engine. Avoid direct contact! point is that the engine isn't running on water, and it's not even running Another byproduct is pure water vapor. such thing as a free lunch. Though we dont have direct experience with a water commonly known as Browns gas. We recommend Hybrid Water Power: 2005 - 2014