santo trafficante daughters

Interesting person, Olsen. In fact, I believe I read in Ralph G. Martins book A Hero For Our Time: An Intimate Story of the Kennedy Years, that he quotes an upset RFK asking if the CIA did it. Yes he did, especially since he wasnt officially employed by the agency. A native and lifelong resident of Tampa, Mr. Traffi-cante is survived by his loving family, wife, Geraldine "Gerry" L. Trafficante; sons, Dino Jose and Joseph Frank Trafficante; daughters,. It collides with mob bosses and CIA operations. He hints that Rosselli and Giancana were killed to keep the name of one man, who operated a large, illegal business, out of the anti-Castro plot stories. Inasmuch as Wades primary job at that time was Oswald and the assassination, Id have expected him to be up on things like that. And then helped him get into the basement where he killed Oswald. I feel as though Ruby, who was actually almost mugging it up with everyone and his brother at the DPD conferences, to his visit to the actual interrogation room doorway, was doing all he could do to NOT have to kill Oswald. In 1992, LoScalzo was arrested at the Tampa International Airport for carrying a loaded .38-caliber pistol in his brief case. I dont buy your rhetorical nonsense for a moment. October 28, 2016. This was immediately after Oswald was shot. Do it or your dead. "Throwback: Tampa mob trail". Kengood point, Mexico was definitely part of the Heroin Hub. You may live long enough to see a few relatives die 1st. Santo Trafficante Jr. (November 15, 1914 - March 17, 1987) was among the most powerful Mafia bosses in the United States. On March 8, 1938, Wall's closest associate, Evaristo "Tito" Rubio, was shot on his porch. But maybe Dulles knew that line of inquiry wouldnt lead to Castro. [1] Trafficante maintained several residences in New York City and Florida. We can however glean more information about the significant figures who may have been involved in the assassination, and understand more about the lies, deception , and anti American activities of the intelligence agencies who are purportedly representing the interests of the nation. From Admin Folder H-1. As the HSCA found out Dean lied about how Ruby could gain entry into the basement. There was a spaghetti dinner with a North. CHIEF DEPUTY BILL DECKER APPEARED AS A !!! "The Mob" April 26, 2001", "Witness denies assassination, Cuba tied", "Entire John "Junior" Gotti Tampa Gambino Crime Family Indictment", "The American Mafia - Tampa Crime Bosses", "FLORIDA MAFIA FIGURE "BIG SAM" CAROLLO GONE AT 83, ONE OF THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS IN TRAFFICANTE CLAN", "Old Florida Mafia Looses Veteran Shot Caller To Father Time, Alleged Tampa Mobster Jimmy Valenti Dies At 91", Donnie Brasco: My Undercover Life in the Mafia, Rick Porrello's American Mafia: Tampa, Florida, Dieland Mob: The Trafficante Family (Tampa), American Gangland:Trafficante Crime Family, He escaped conviction all but once, receiving a five-year sentence for bribery in 1954, but his conviction was overturned by the Florida Supreme Court before he entered prison. Maybe the mob didnt lean on him. He got excited and told Warren he, Warren, was in danger in Dallas. 291-98. When you read Campisis testimony, though, he appears to be somewhat wishy-washy about this and whether he knew about it or not, as he was in a lot of his testimony before the House Committee. U.S. Treasury Department documents indicate that law enforcement believed Trafficante's legitimate business interests to include several legal casinos in Cuba; a Havana drive-in movie theater; and shares in several restaurants and bars in Trafficante's hometown of Tampa, Florida. For a police officer, Olsen appeared to be anything but attentive or concise in relating what were the thoughts of his friend Jack Ruby. The report was given to the District Attorney's office. c. 1950. With reports of ejected automatic shells and a standard description for Oswald floating about from sources unknown, one wonders if the Tippit murder was just to set up Oswald as the patsy. In February 2016, many of Trafficante's personal belongings were sold at an auction in St. Petersburg, Florida. McBrides take on the real one and Belins version explore it in more depth than Ive chanced upon elsewhere (Into the Nightmare). Seth Kantor had a good take on Rubys roller coaster weekend. Had Oswald been transferred as intended, the circle of control would have been broken. TRAFFICANTE, Santo Jose, 72, of Tampa, passed away July 13, 2010,surround-ed by his loving family. Ruby fed it to him. Jack Ruby was a small-time hood whose criminal activity was restricted to bullying patrons and dancers, dabbling in local prostitution, illegal gambling, drug trafficking, and the like. I feel that, in the end, Ruby was pretty sure he missed the transfer and he entered the basement. Trafficante, had lived in Tampa since the age of 18, and had already set up Bolita games throughout the city and was becoming powerful mobster. Tippit, and, consequently, incriminated not only elements of the DPD in the murder of JFK, but incriminated other top level conspirators as well, who could not afford to be named. Ruby, in my view, simply was the last man standing when he merry-go-round stopped its music. He tells a vague tale, linking Trafficante, among others, to the assassination. He headed the . This time he is selling the story of Trafficante and Castro as secret allies, which is an even bigger crock of shit than what he told Summers. Perhaps Ruby was hopeful that he would not actually have the position he found himself incoming to the DPD basement late and then having to actually do his part. Ruby said he wanted his lawyer to leave as well, but Warren denied Rubys request. Thus far hidden information that will help explain the history, circumstances and connections will aide the pursuit of truth. I also remember an assistant parish attorney in new Orleans who once said that someone who believed was Oswald came to his office inquiring about the legality of some drug, LSD I think it was. Nagell took many undecipherable secrets to the grave, probable intentionally, for his own reasons. If Wade erroneously referred to an anti-Castro group, then Rubys correction was to associate (and incriminate) Oswald to a pro-Castro group. Ruby apparently lived nearby. He was convicted in 1999, and was sentenced to 60 days in prison. DPD had a bad reputation back then, as I understand. Well all keep digging. All the convictions were overturned on appeal in 1960. Omerta. The Silent The Criminal Underworld of Santo Trafficante Jr. exposes the life and ruthless times of one of America's most powerful and feared mob bosses. Doesnt seem too subtle. [6] Trafficante Jr. had known Lucchese since the 1940s, when his father and Lucchese had trained him in the mafia traditions. I believe that Ruby may have been a witness (possibly under an assumed name) for the McClellan (?) He looks right at Ruby. Santo Jose TRAFFICANTE Obituary: View Santo TRAFFICANTE's Obituary by Online obituary or memorial for Santo TRAFFICANTE. I posit that as part of the positioning of Oswald as a crazed communist or Marxist, Ruby shouted Fair Play. Perhaps the news networks had already referred to Fair Play, but the fact is that Ruby shouted it out on live television a new phenomenon assaulting the American psyche. Trafficante was born in Tampa, Florida, on 15th November, 1914. El fundador de la estirpe, Santo Trafficante Sr. (1886-1954) -un emigrante siciliano radicado en Tampa a principios del siglo XX-, se entrelaz con Lucky Luciano y Meyer Lansky para sacarle buen partido a la Prohibicin e introducir alcoholes de contrabando en los numerosos clubes clandestinos ( speakeasies) de Ybor City y otros puntos de la 117.). She says that her father was in meetings with Harvey, Angleton, Rosselli, and others during 1963, and that at one point Joe confided in her that LBJ had requested an increase in his personal security detail that spring. Who knows if the conspirators anted up against Oswald by killing a cop? Known as the "Silent Don" because he was a keen adherent of the Mob's vow of silence, he wore thick glasses and dressed more like a bank president than a hood. Rather than look at specific organizations as suspect, look at specific key players in the JFK assassination. Santos Trafficante called in the mobs chits with Ruby and ordered him to kill Oswald, Anderson wrote in his 2000 memoir, Peace War and Politics. (p. The dictator of Cuba, Fulgencio Batista, received a large cut of the profits. DPD officer Billy Grammer, who took the call to the DPD, later sais that after Oswald was shot he recognized the caller as Jack Ruby. Valentine said that the agent conducting the review of FBNs participation in that program claimed to have found indications that White used Jack Ruby to kill Oswald. [3] Both Wall's and Antinori's organizations were weakened, leaving Santo Trafficante as one of the last and most powerful bosses in Tampa.[2]. In the 1940s he joined up with Lucky Luciano, Frank Costello, and Meyer Lansky to set up gambling operations in Cuba. Probably by Civello or Campisi or one of their underlings he trusted. If you do, check out the point where theyre showing clips of the immediate aftermath with the motorcade speeding away from Dealey Plaza. Trafficante had been operating in Cuba since the late 1940s under his father, Santo Trafficante Sr., a mobster in Tampa, Florida. Diaz was a confirmed hit man connected to Santo Trafficante, long a suspect in the JFK plot. The implications are clesr that Ruby had been ordered to kill LHO and was attempting to find a way out of it. Wasnt Jack Ruby (of Chicago), the same guy mentioned in a letter or memo as assisting Richard Nixon way back? ST. Petersburg Times. After a violent mob war left several of Trafficante's rival's dead or weakened, his gang rapidly rose to prominence in Tampa. [5], Despite numerous unrealized ambitions, he was regarded as one of the most powerful mob bosses of the American Mafia and ruled his family with an iron fist. The international narcotics trade was also an important topic on the Apalachin agenda. In this manner, one can digest that certain events were part and parcel of the whole, yet each player was not informed of the other players parts. Mob Lawyer Frank Ragano Says He Knows Who Killed JFK", "Book alleges plot to kill JFK in Tampa, cover-up", "At Santo Trafficante auction, a chance to buy a piece of Tampa's mob history", Donnie Brasco: My Undercover Life in the Mafia, Associated Press report on Trafficante's death, "Little Man: Meyer Lansky and the Gangster Life" By Robert Lacy,, This page was last edited on 19 April 2023, at 03:37. However, lately mention has been made of the timing of the Oswald move, from the Dallas Police Station and the what were the chances of Ruby showing up within seconds of the transfer being completed. [2] Trafficante Jr. would frequently meet with Lucchese in New York City for dinner.[2]. The FBN had managed safehouses for the behviour modification project, part of which involved administering drugs such as LSD to uinwitting subjects in those safehouses. [1] In 1997, further declassified documents indicated that some mafiosi worked with the agency on assassination attempts against Castro. He does create a plausible interface between the intelligence and anti-Castro communities and Ruby, but then again, he may have been a red herring leading away from the real perpetrators of the assassination. [Watch the Italian foreign film Segreti Di Stato about a post-war massacre in Sicily which reads like the blue print for the murder of Oswald. In the 1960 presidential election, Kennedy family patriarch Joe . Santo Trafficante Jr. was a well-known mafia figure from Tampa. Peters Yes, APPEARED, as in showed his face. The wheels fell off and Tippit got killed. She misses him, but. Trafficante Sr. became as a successful Tampa cigar factory owner. In fact, Fair Play for Cuba had been all over the media, connected with Oswald, since before 4:00 p.m. Its true, but in fact Ruby wasnt connected with the media for attending the press conference and seemed to be well connected with the Dallas Police Department for entering on time in the basement of its Headquarters. He cheerfully said he killed Oswald to allow Jackie to avoid having to testify. For over 50 years we have been forced to accept smoke and mirrors and institutional lack of fortitude. And other than potential embarassment for the agency, why not? Why did JR deny ever having met LHO ? We caught up with Scott -- who wrote The Cigar City Mafia, an excellent book on Tampa gangsters, in. Seems to me he knew a lot more about what looks like an ambush to kill Tippit than any cop should have known. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I am not saying that this was premeditated. [17] According to Ragano, he met Hoffa at the Teamsters' headquarters in Washington, DC, then delivered the message to Trafficante and Marcello in a meeting at the Royal Orleans Hotel in New Orleans. Check the account at the top of this page: Trying to be helpful. Yes, DAs love to be corrected by people they know to be mob-connected thugs. Consequently, while generally recognized as the most powerful organized crime figure in Florida throughout much of the 20th century, Trafficante was not believed to have total control over Miami, Miami Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, or Palm Beach. Let me make the list longer. 2008, Deitche, Scott. 6th Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza Oral taped interviews. Santos, Carlos or Momo would not have given such an order without some Government backing (and cover) IMHO. Involved? How long after were Rubys words broadcast worldwide? You need to know that Dulles was appointed at the behest of RFK. Apparently White, while he was a district director for the FBN in Chicago in 1945 recruited Ruby as his informant. This was all glossed over in the final Report, while Hubert and Griffin were not even included in the June 1964 interview of Ruby at the Dallas county jail. We need to review the fact of the cop-car with the two horn sounds as LHO was leaving his boarding house. Your email address will not be published. The further you delve into this, the more apparent are the links and connections between Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby, and the intelligence communities. The older Mafia dons deemed the narcotics trade taboo, so Lansky's wing of the Syndicate cornered the market with Trafficante's eldest son Santo Jr., overseeing heroin traffic. New York: Barricade Books. QUIT worrying about hand guns kicking and all of that Jazz! A full report was made by the Cuban police, dated January 23, 1958, includes transcripts of long-distance telephone calls made from the Sans Souci during the period AugustDecember 1957. "The Everything Mafia Book, Second Edition". Check out the testimony from Kay and Johnny about the conversation with Ruby late Friday night/early Saturday morning. The next day he was stabbed. Interestingly, all that Oswald had to do was walk all the way down Zang to get to the Texas Theater yet, and obviously, he detoured TOWARD Jack Rubys Apartment (on S. Ewing). "[citation needed], In 1978, Trafficante was called to testify before the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations investigating possible links between Lee Harvey Oswald and anti-Castro Cubans, including the theory that Castro had President John F. Kennedy killed in retaliation for the CIA's attempts to assassinate Castro.[7]. She was born on March 24, 1920. He had already been to the press showing, in disguise, with his gun in his pocket. Get this The Tyler Courier-Times page for free from Thursday, April 14, 1994 nedy Claims TAMPA, Fit. A most distinctive taper cut. The east coast of Florida was a loosely knit conglomerate of New York family interests with links to Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Angelo Bruno, Carlos Marcello, and Frank Ragano. By the early 1940s, Santo Trafficante Sr. had taken over most of the organized crime activities in the city and started teaching his son Santo Trafficante Jr. how to run these criminal operations. but I have since read I was in error. Testimony of Santos Trafficante. [8], On October 26, 2000, federal authorities arrested Steven Raffa, along with eighteen members of Trafficante family's Miami faction. Ive read about the Rosetta Stone, It also had great value as a moneymaking proposition by itself. I couldnt help to think about poor Oswald when I saw this. I imagine it had several compartmentalized operations with unique sets of players at each interlocking level. [6] Trafficante Jr. had known Lucchese since the 1940s, when his father and Lucchese had trained him in the mafia traditions. Yes, it was all over the media (an interesting story in and of itself), but while legitimate reporters would have familiarized themselves with it, its far less likely that a strip club manager running back and forth from place to place would have, and besides, what the hell is he doing interrupting the DA and calling him by his first name? If you will look at the real time coverage, you will see that Oswalds FPCC connection was broadcast before 4:00 p.m. Dallas time. In 1975, the CIA declassified a report stating that Trafficante had been persuaded to poison Castro, an allegation he denied. Trafficante and 15 others were indicted on racketeering charges from a two-year federal probe of Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) trust-fund kickbacks. yes, in the coverup demonstrably, maybe some planning. They cut to a scene on the the corner of Elm and Houston. Learn how your comment data is processed. [12] Trafficante also stated that he had no recollection of meeting Oswald or Oswald's assassin, Jack Ruby. Santo Sr. had Lumia killed after finding out he had been bad mouthing him while he was in Cuba. Anyone familiar with Dallas County in those years knows that the wealth resided in the Swiss Ave. / Highland Park area, the immediate North Dallas corridor, AND far North Dallas vis a vis Precincts 2 and 3 home of two major military contractors, Collins Radio and Texas Instruments. Let me suggest a reason for the coreection: it was to solidify in the viewing publics mind that Oswald was pro-Castro. I have no idea if this is true, though it does seem solid that the WCC was used for various purposes, including as a stop-gap covert action agency during the time between the disbandment of the OSS and the growth of CIA operational power. CIA Files: 104-10133-10013. [3] Trafficante moved to Cuba in 1955, where he came into contact with Batista and Meyer Lansky. But Griffin was right on this. Thanks for the reply. With 10 Precincts in Dallas County several whose Justices of the Peace would have been in a more favorabl position (both logistical and political) to serve the events of 112263 why were Johnston and Ward the two justices available within minutes of the assassination? Tippit knew his killer, the guy who leaned into the passenger-side window and talked to him. I cant believe that the conspirators would somehow have Oswald and Tippit bump into each other and hope that the cop would kill Oswald. Henry Gonzalez of Tampa, a longtime friend and attorney, said Trafficante died late Tuesday at the Texas Heart Institute in Houston, where he had gone for heart surgery. Illegal activities by the mob and CIA were interwovenguns and drugs. My belief is that an agency liaison contacted someone in the Mob who ordered Ruby to make the hit. Donnie Brasco. It just seems odd that the very person who hours later was allowed into a secure area in order to shoot Oswald would the the source of clarification for Wade. When one looks at the HSCA report on this, and compare it to the WR, its night and day. which is separate from this. But, hey, it doesnt mean much if the guy was just the unfortunate idiot in the position he was in. Rubys phone records and his behavior tell a lot more that something was going on. Just a layman trying to sort through History I remember a very little of and have limited knowledge of. There is so much information still classified that could assist a genuine JFK investigation. IMHO, Dallas police officer Harry Olsen convinced Ruby late Friday night that he (Ruby) had to kill Oswald to prevent LHO from appearing in a trial., re: Ronnie Wayne Phase 12:Conspiracy to Deceive (Secret Service, FBI, CIA, ONI, DPD, and Military); Phase 13: Suppression of Records Campaign(officially ongoing); Phase 13.5: Vilification and Character Assassination of JFK researchers opposed to official whitewash. He said that everyone he talked to said that they had no doubt that Oswald was killed to keep him from talking. , good chance he was one. The following documents by Leon Hubert and Burt Griffin, the Commission investigators appointed to investigate Ruby, show they had uncovered possible Cuban associations of Jack Ruby. Frank Ragano, lawyer for both a Florida mob chieftain and James R Hoffa of teamsters' union and later co-author of book about his experiences with organized crime, dies at age 75 (M) [2] Trafficante Jr. had known Lucchese since the 1940s, when his father and Lucchese had trained him in the mafia traditions. Sin embargo, Santo Traficante Jr. mostraba una seguridad y un aplomo dignos de mejor causa: Cuando le mencion a Fidel Castro y su insurreccin, Santo adopt un tono burln. CHARACTER WITNESS !! My personal pick would be McWillie, who Ruby idolized and would do anything for. Civellos and Marcellos rage over the heroin seizure in Laredo, Texas Required fields are marked *. Dick Stolley who negotiated the purchase of the Zapruder film on behalf of Henry Luces Time Life met Marina Oswald and Lee Harveys mother Margueritte the evening of the 22nd and arranged to have them moved to an obscure hotel located in the Richardson/Garland corridor before their move the following night to the protective hideaway in the Angus Wynne-owned Six Flags hotel in Arlington. Not that far off topic. Ruby also met with Trafficante and Marcellos prior to the assassination (supposedly to discuss problems with the artists guild), another connection. He could never recall who he had spoken to in telephone conversations made to the DPD. Probably with info from the DPD, Olsen ? [13], The HSCA had previously quoted Aleman as stating that he thought Trafficante's use of the phrase "he is going to be hit" meant that the mob boss knew Kennedy was going to be killed. [6], Santo Jr. was deeply involved in the CIA efforts to involve the underworld in assassination attempts on Fidel Castro. The family suspected the perpetrator was Charlie Wall and consequently, in 1955, had him killed. 2007, Weimar, Carrie. I believe Laredo was just one point of entry for heroin; my understanding is there was a large FBN heroin bust there in October 63. I think at the time, RFK couldnt rule out a Communist conspiracy or mob retaliation, and perhaps felt that the Commission should have someone with experience in national security or intelligence issues. In 1950, Senator Kefauver began an investigation organized crime and held hearings, during the hearings Tampa mobster Charlie Wall, was called in to testify, to avoid testifying both Trafficante Sr. and his son fled to Cuba. Omerta. Santo Trafficante Jr. took over for his father and built one of the most powerful Mafia families in America. Correcting Wade could be seen as an attempt to keep Oswalds pro-Cuban leanings highly visible and a possible cause of the assassination. For someone who professed to being shocked at the assassination of JFK, he displayed no desire to describe his friend Jack Rubys thoughts and words. Wasnt that his duty in a full investigation of the presidenfs death? He would assign that to a lower level guy who he knew he could trust and knew could influence Ruby. Not to over emphasize this, but if everyone including the media knew by 4pm, why was Ruby the one to correct Wade? Finally, when Ruby was alone with Warren and W.C. staff and no DPD officials were around, Ruby began to sing. This July 31, 2012 photo shows the L'Unione. They are very determinedly walking in the opposite direction, the woman in front and matching strides with the older man. I have read allegations that Joe Campisi did have dinner with him that Thursday night before the assassination, but this may stem from the testimony that Ruby simply ate there that night. For that and other reasons, I think someone else killed Tippit. Santo Trafficante Jr. (November 15, 1914 March 17, 1987) was among the most powerful Mafia bosses in the United States. Trafficante was born in Tampa, Florida, to Sicilian parents Santo Trafficante Sr. and his wife Maria Giuseppa Cacciatore in 1914. It involves a magic bullet and the usual CIA suspects including JJA. I also think that some were tied up with some nasty extremist types, whether by word or deed or both; the Klan or the Birch Society for example.

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