stakeholders in a car wash business

And when youve got a good culture, in your organization, its a self-correcting organization. Working with a manager, I finally just literally had an epiphany one day all of a sudden the switch turned on. Study Session 4 Stakeholders in Urban WASH, are responsible for the project and its different components (including funders, WASH officials from different sector offices, managers, employees, etc. Which group is likely to include the most marginalised individuals and why? Community involvement is shown in the construction of a school latrine facility in Figure 4.2 and a water point in Figure 4.3. Imagine you are working on a programme that involves liaising with officials from different government departments, including water resources, health and education. 10]. On the training side. And theres been just a lot more intellectual capital behind how do you scale a business. David is an icon in the car wash industry. How might establishing WASH clubs in schools help in promoting improved hygiene in the wider community? He takes out a loan and builds an automatic car wash later that year. Effective communication strategies that reach out to low-income communities will be needed to ensure they are also included within the stakeholder group of users and beneficiaries. A systematic approach to defining and identifying all relevant stakeholders during early planning stages is therefore essential for ensuring the effectiveness and sustainability of urban WASH initiatives. And the way you run them well is your run on like the big guys run them, right? (Note there is work underway in Ethiopia to find alternative ways to remove fluoride from water, including activated alumina and artificial bone chars (Tesfay and Feleke, 2011). David 11:04Yeah, I think youve got to sit down and decide how you want to run your car wash. And so Kahoot has just been one way that My brother was at AT&T for a long time, and they started using it at AT7T in their group. Right? And I 100% subscribe to that notion of investing in employees, and I always tell people, Listen, I want you to work for us as long as its a great opportunity for you. ' And so I would always encourage them: always be the best version of yourself because you never know, right? However, in many instances this is clearly not the case because they have proved themselves able and willing to help bring about change that will improve their living conditions (WUP, 2003). So I think technology enables us to scale at a much different rate and manage remotely better. This could potentially lead to improved hygiene practices in the wider community if they tell their families what they have learned at school. Marginalised people are those on the edges (margins) of society who are treated as insignificant or not important. This study session explains how to identify and characterise people and groups who are stakeholders in urban WASH. You will learn about the advantages of working across discipline and sector boundaries, and of teamwork. And I didnt give them a training path. If I use the example of Chick-fil-A, if you decide to go work for that company and not say, My pleasure, when somebody said thank you You know, I think thats really cool here at Chick-fil-A that everybody does that, but thats really not for me. Mohammed is considering whether he should either: Which option do you think Mohammed should adopt and why? David 13:48Yeah, so you got to have Your management team, as an owner, needs to be committed to a training program. Ms Genet is an urban WASH practitioner who has started some collaborative work with an NGO to improve the towns water supply. Anything that youve found thats particularly good, particularly helpful, affordable, right? What kind of stakeholder does Saskia represent?, China's One Child policy resulted in an imbalance of males to females in the country. And there was many times in that process I felt like quitting, but thank goodness I didnt. The proposed scheme uses chicken bone char to reduce the amount of fluoride in water supplied from two boreholes. It can also encourage a culture of innovation and learning, which enables participants to make better-informed decisions. And so I never saw having three to five car washes as a disadvantage, because it doesnt have to be. Some of the key players operating in the global car wash services market include: Zips Car Wash Splash Car Wash objectives (what are you trying to achieve?). There has also tended to be separation between projects to improve water supply and those related to sanitation and hygiene. In-bay automated systems use around 3,500 gallons of water a day. Working capital: $10,000. By Neil Kokemuller. And so I think theres some good things that are changing with employees asking why, and it helps us ask why. They offer numerous resources, including industry news, research, and educational resources. And theres employees who are interested in growing having good fun place to work, growing their skill sets, looking for advancement, things along those lines. So, for checklists, we we recommend Jolt, we recommend Wash Systems if they want maintenance systems. Some stakeholders may also become involved in technical aspects, contributing to implementation, designing solutions and providing technical advice. Teamwork involving a variety of people with different skills and knowledge will bring more effective and sustainable results. So, if this thing didnt go, it was going to be my house, and my retirement funds, and everything else that disappears to the bank to pay off the note. Im using the technology as a manager to make my choices, make my decisions on whats got to get done, on whats got to get done when? They can be both internal - shareholders, employees, the chief executive and board of directors - and external - customers. Key stakeholders may include individuals, organisations and businesses in the public, private and non-profit sectors. You know, you went from one to I think you sold what three or four? Group A is likely to include the most marginalised individuals because it will comprise those who are sick or have disabilities. Do I not sell? And its probably a self policing culture. And if they get excited about it, and they want to be part of it, then youve got a lot of it figured out. But if you look at the number of people who own 300 + restaurants, its hundreds. But I also want you, if you ever leave, and when you leave, to feel like you are leaving much more prepared to go to that next level, right? So now weve got to do a lot of okay, this is why we do it. I just had this attitude about them that was not serving anybody. David was the managing partner of Wild Blue Carwash in Colorado for 15 years before selling the chain in 2019. And youre going to end up on a rotation on the treadmill of employees. Mr Mohammed is a WASH practitioner who manages a new water treatment and water supply scheme in Kori town. Step 3: Write Your Business Plan. And if you dont, theyre going to tune you out. But I was there to take away the barriers, the organizational barriers, and the management barriers, to say what do you need to do your job as well as you can? Why did I wait so long to open the third car wash? And one of the things that they do is they, when they hire somebody, they go through interviews with a lot of people, minimum of like seven or eight different people, and you know, they have this test: is this somebody youd want to bring to the company barbecue? It is essential to inform the community and help them to understand the situation and decide together upon the best course of action. And this day and age is a little different with the workforce, so we do have some unique challenges. And so I tried a few different things. For example, people from neighbouring villages and visitors to the area may wish to use facilities when they become available. So, if you can use some help as a new investor or an existing car wash owner, thats what we do. Ill take a look at that. So, establishing a system and process for everything. I mean, Ive had a few employees Ive got a car wash I consulted up here in Colorado thats got one of the best tunnel loaders I think Ive ever seen in terms of engagement. If youre an investor, and youre not going to invest in a lot of car washes, youre just going to have a handful, you still want them to run well. JT 16:54And historically, thats been the norm. . Women may not be able to participate in meetings but it is important that they are involved in WASH developments. We call this "faceless crowd" marketing . JT 10:51Yeah, those are different skill sets, for sure. Because a lot of what I hear you saying is, you know, you set this You have to document all this, but then it all falls back to training, right? So you got to balance those three stakeholders in their competing interests. Now, as an owner, and this was another big problem I had, JT, is I had super high standards, and nobody met my standards! And you can do things like if youve scored a certain amount then you get a free $10 Chipotle gift card or some other ways, but trying to make it more engaging, which is one of the things that were learning today. You are developing a plan to meet with stakeholders to hear their opinions about the proposed scheme because it is important their views are taken into consideration. Right? (You will learn more about the role of schools in mobilising urban communities in Study Session 11.). As a WASH practitioner you may be involved in the development and maintenance of effective forms of cross-sectoral and cross-disciplinary communication to manage complex WASH problems in your locality. So, one of the advantages of buying a franchise is you typically get all this. He is unbelievable. The full service operation will offer three basic wash packages: a $7.50 Basic wash, a $9.50 Deluxe wash and a $12.50 Super wash. All full-service wash packages will include an interior cleaning service, which consists of carpet vacuuming, window and dash cleaning, and a preservation treatment. Consider a family with a disabled child living in an area with poor WASH facilities. Stakeholder: A stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company, and can either affect or be affected by the business. It was my job to take every bit of friction out of the process for them, so they could take a hard job and do it as best they can. We invested in learning management tools. Why is this our policy? Effectively communicates and collaborates with Splash In Director and key stakeholders across the organization. In other words, you make profits once your car wash has at least 81 customers per day. Id still have high standards, but Id say, I expect my standards to be met maybe 80% of the time, or, you know, 80% of the standards are being followed, understanding that certain things are going to happen, people are going to blow through a barrel of chemical, people are going to make mistake loading. Theres a place there, you can send me your name and number and your email, we can connect, or if you want to set up a 30 minute call just to visit a little bit about what youre going through, you can do that on the website as well, and Id love to chat with you. Stakeholders can be people at both senior and junior levels and inside or outside your organization/team. The podcast focuses on how to build, scale, and ultimately exit within the car wash industry. This assumes 40 cycles per bay each day. What issues would this raise? She did not consider cultural and religious issues relating to using holy water from the spring. And I was one of those individuals that invested my own money. And I didnt have the wherewithal to enforce it. Rosneik Carwash Company will offer three packages for the above-mentioned customers, a basic wash package for $10, a standard wash package for $20, and a premium wash package for $30. Some may be influential in the organisation or community in which they operate and hold official positions. And he talked about culture. that people dont want to do a good job. Representation from all the stakeholders is a priority in a multi-stakeholder WASH engagement project. David is the Founder of CarwashOS, a content and consulting company focused on assisting car wash owners to optimize their operations, and he shares many tips and tricks that help car wash owners scale their businesses more effectively. But then once youve got it, youve got it ready to go. A cycle is $1.25 for 4 minutes. David 19:53I think the one you found, JT, Trainuel, is one that we use ourselves. And then you sold in 2019? I just am a big believer in online maintenance systems. The benefits will depend on the context, but include increased community confidence, which comes from cooperating over project development. So if they come in, and it just seems haphazard, it seems like well, we have an employee manual. But its hard, right? As yet, an alternative technology is not widely available.). So weve got one already written, and well say, Well, based on our experience, these are kind of the best practices that people go through when it comes to uniforms, and making sure they get the uniforms back and making sure people are in uniform. And so, theyll say, Okay, that looks great. And so we just incorporate that in there. ensure involvement of all stakeholders, including vulnerable and marginalised individuals and households, understand their demand for service options and their willingness to contribute, create a sense of ownership among users and beneficiaries. It used to be, when you first got in this business, the technology really wasnt there. This can lead to conflicts between intended and unintended users. JT 33:36Yeah, you know, even stepping You know, kind of getting the right people in is always the key. How do you translate that into policy and procedures? Introduction: The case of "Doing Business in Brazil after Operation Car Wash" involves a series of challenges and risks that foreign investor face when doing business in Brazil. You ask them all to read your employee handbook. Mapping the levels of interest of different stakeholders in relation to their interest or power can be done using the diagram shown in Figure 4.5. 4 car wash strategies to help you clean up sales. When you have studied this session, you should be able to: 4.1 Define and use correctly each of the key words printed in bold. JT 33:07So that theyre proud of it. Youre going to want employees being there. And so, whether youre going to own one car wash or youre going to own 50 of them, we want car wash number one to run as well as it possibly can! And as a result, right, our biggest player in our space is Mister Carwash with 300 and some odd locations as of today. methods (how will you put the plan into action?). 3. Right? David 2:29It was three. Because theres really no such thing as a bad employee. And we built our You know, we started back in 2003 looking for car wash sites, and we actually didnt get our first car wash operational until 2006. So these programs we developed are for new investors and existing owners who maybe could use some operational help. Use 'Print preview' to check the number of pages and printer settings. Operation Car Wash is one of the most significant corruption investigations in Brazil's history, revealing extensive bribery and fraud schemes involving state-owned companies and politicians. If you have a fully automated car wash business, you can probably remain open around the clock without any problems. By involving the stakeholders, they will feel a sense of ownership and responsibility so the project is more likely to be successful and sustainable. Like how do they create that engagement and excitement if they only have a couple sites, and they think theyre only going to get to three or four? If you are considering a specific project and wish to identify the stakeholders involved (Mathur et al., 2007), you should consider those who: Think of an urban WASH project you know about. And youve got to label those things out so that everybodys very clear on what the process is when theres a damage claim. The importance of onboarding, which is just absolutely critical for the long term success. And since then Ive been involved at every level of the car wash ownership experience. David 33:14Yeah, absolutely. You open a new site, and youve got 10 new hires. Engaging stakeholders helps to improve decision making and accountability and ensure sustainability of WASH projects. And what I want from you is to invest in yourself, right? So I think theres three segments of really good car washes, and I think one of them is you find employees that want to be engaged, right? Tommy's Express has been in the car washing business for more than 50 years. Its one reason why I think some people are trying to scale their business, to try to grow it, is to try to take to the next level. Rs. I mean, I loved the car wash industry. You may also have identified stakeholders who are not visible in direct implementation, but should be taken into consideration. Car washes is a need now. A stakeholder analysis is a project management tool used to identify the project's stakeholders, issues they care about and how they will be impacted by the project. As the owner, you cant be on site at all 10 car washes, so how do you manage them? It is difficult to reach all members of a community especially those on low income, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. JT 6:49Listen, those are very common obstacles, right? So you can have a great manual, a great documented systems manual, a safety manual, but if nobodys trained on it, its just going to collect dust on the shelf, right? To open a successful car wash, you have to: create a thought-out business plan, calculate budget, find investments, start working! opening the planning process to the public, making it more transparent and equitable, allowing stakeholders to participate in budget setting, ensuring the needs of the whole community are considered, so making projects more effective. David 1:01Yeah. 1. Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, utilities): $90,000. So, thats some of the advantages that the larger chains have is that they make these investments in these systems, and then theyre able to scale these systems. These could be local community representatives, municipal sector offices (for example, water resources, health and education) and development partners including donors, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based organisations (CBOs) and private sector groups. A business plan allows you to thoroughly research the market, determine the best pricing . However, Ms Genet then faced unexpected resistance from the community, especially from the church because the spring was regarded as holy. We give them a year subscription as part of their program to get it started. I thought they were lazy, I thought they were they didnt want to work hard. Any other bits of information? How much can you earn from a car wash business? Because I agree with what you said, which People want to do a good job, right? So, youve got to make sure if youre hiring a site manager, that they believe in training, and theyre going to execute on training. Because, you know, some of these are expensive. Only a professional car wash can provide the proper amount of water with the proper pressure needed to safely and effectively clean the vehicle. The politician would be in group C: they have a large amount of power but little personal interest in the initiative. ), are negatively affected by the project but may not be in a position to say so, might threaten the success of the project through their opposition or lack of cooperation, could represent the interests of people unable to participate. Try to identify those who might have been involved throughout the planning and implementation process. David 5:07I didnt have systems! Not many, right? JT 36:49Well, David, thank you so much for taking some time! Use this template to create a complete, clear and solid business plan that get you funded. inform the community and stakeholders during the planning stage about the use of bone char. So when you and I started our careers, we wouldnt dare ask why. 1997 - 201013 r. In the last century the automotive industry has arguably transformed society, being one of the most complex, sophisticated and technologically advanced industries, with innovations ranging from. David 8:50Yeah, I was the managing partner. But then theres no real follow up, theres no training, theres no investment into their career, its going to be a job. Although commonly referred to as the WASH sector, WASH is a combination, as you know, of water, sanitation and hygiene sectors and is therefore cross-sectoral, meaning it involves people from different sectors working together. So thats what we offered our customers. And I had a technology sales background. In which group would you place such a stakeholder on the diagram shown in Figure 4.5? Im seeing now technology embedded in chemistry systems, which is really cool. A common platform of GOB and CSO/NGOs need to be made functional through increased participation and active engagement of organisations to ensure SWA commitments and MAM. You know, something that my car wash mentor told me, which I never forgot, he goes, When you hire somebody, theyre still interviewing with you. Challenge 1: Increasing revenue is nearly impossible, especially in the insanely competitive car wash business. The carwash business can fit a wide range of owners, from a retiree looking to invest a pension to a private equity group with multiple carwashes in its portfolio. The executive summary of a business plan gives a sneak peek of the information about your business plan to lenders and . Thats an example of a strong culture that says we do this for this reason. 11 Steps To Starting a Successful Self Service Car Wash Business: 1. With this acquisition, ICWG will grow to 29 wash locations in the state of Tennessee and 9 locations in the Nashville Metro Area. So that if you do go to that next job, youre that much more valuable. And I think it served me well. Local institutions such as schools, health centres, mosques and churches are considered important stakeholders. have unique knowledge related to an aspect of the project. Nobody was ever really interested in seeing me drive up on site, because they knew it was just going to be a bunch of problems for them. Meet regularly with key stakeholders (clients and board members . 7 Tips on How to Write Effective Vision and Mission Statements for Your Business Plan 1. In Section 4.1 you read about community water supply points that may be accessed by people from adjacent villages who had not been considered during initial planning. Thanks, JT. Its just amazing what they can be told or whats happening with motors tripping, or equipment thats not on, or pressures that are not happening anymore, you know, at the chemical dispensing systems. They had a certain set of expectations. Some stakeholders may support the decisions, while others may oppose them. Car detailing is the most expensive and the customers pay about $50 to $150 per car. When an exception pops up, were trying to figure out how do we make that not an exception so that were not constantly dealing with these, because all they do is cause chaos. In stakeholder engagement, the stakeholders have the opportunity to influence the decision making. Are you looking at scaling your car wash but need some support to make that work? Ditch the old-fashioned car wash marketing tactics like direct mail.

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