yaesu equalizer settings

Yesterday I had a nice QSO with Bob Heil, K9EID. 98. I would like to hear from anyone that has duplicated this process. Yaesu Parametric EQ Bob Heil, K9EID INITIAL SETTING OF THE FT 950 and HEIL microphone First, you need to set the transmit bandwidth. Parametric Eq frequency/level/bandwidth settings are; 200/9/5, 1500/5/5, 2700/5/5. You set the frequency of the filter. Up 'til then his audio was muffled, muddy, and a mess. If you are using our high output iC element (Pro Set iC, Pro set Plus iC, Pro Set Elite iC, Handi Mic iC, or the iCM via the HSTA-K8 adapter cable), tap [1] to select HIGH Mic Gain, and tap [2] to set the Mic Bias to the ON option. You. ALWAYS remember to hold the MENU button for about 3 seconds to save any of these needed items. So, how can you Eq your audio based on someone else's settings? The Yaesu FTDX 1200 TX eq and processor setup guide. . Set the SSB TX Bandwidth to 200-2800 Hz for high-fidelity rag-chews, or to 400-2600 Hz for DX work. 250 -6 . This EQ system was designed by K6JRF for Jonathan, AI6NA.Since the EQ systems in ALL YAESU radios is the same, it can by used verbatim for those radios. For DX you might prefer something else. However, the process became a hobby in itself. Investing in outboard gear has become common place. W3RJW 2/12 Transmitter IMD specifications on most amateur transceivers were never all that great. I personally LOVE audacity for QC and monitoring purposes. Since I cant actually HEAR your transmitted signal, these are just starting points. The mic audio level was too hot (high) for my radio. Boost it with that adjustment but it is best to reduce (notch) that low end a bit for cleaner and clearer audio. Audacity is so much better than a tape recorder! Just rename each file configuration when saving (DX, low cut, high cut etc.) How's my audio ? These had no microphone preamplifier, it was built into the microphone. A higher BW number seems to have a higher Q, and the filter affects less frequencies around the center freq of the filter. As always listen to your test signal through headphones connected to a second receiver. It is clipping the mic pre amp. Another reminder: the FTdx-3000 Menus have two sets of mic equalizer settings. Over modulation will increase the radios IMD (bandwith) and that can only be seen with outboard spectral analysis or careful signal monitoring on the other end. Note that these are starting points only, and the best setup for your voice, your microphone, and your operating objectives may differ. I'll cover the setting of the MIC OUT under the EQ PLUS setup. Press the Menu and rotate the SELECT knob so it reads "TX BPF" (Transmit Band Pass Filter). Last, Heil's cables contain a small jumper wire from mic shield pin of the connector to the shell of the mic. I do, however, agree with not making that big of a cut at 200Hz; I would take the filter down to 100Hz, make an 8-10dB cut, and use the same Q of 5. TS-950SDXMenu 20 (DSP 1 HPF): 100Menu 21 (DSP 1 LPF): 3100, TS-570Menu 13 (Bandwidth): 2.4 kHzMenu 14 (TX EQ High Boost): HMicrophone Gain: 50 (Default Level), TS-870Menu 29 (Bandwidth): 3000 HzMenu 30 (Bandshift): 0 or 100Menu 31 (TX EQ): H or CMenu 32 (RCV EQ): C or OffMicrophone Gain: 50 (Default Level)Menu 22 (Mic AGC): 1 (but try 0 and 2), TS-2000Menu 22 (Bandwidth): 3000 HzMenu 21 (TX EQ): H or CMenu 20 (RCV EQ): C or OffMicrophone Gain: 50 (Default Level). Menu 00 : Adjustment Level -21Menu .3 : Adjustment Level -16Menu .6 : Adjustment Level -14Menu .9 : Adjustment Level -7Menu 1.2 : Adjustment Level -5Menu 1.5 : Adjustment Level -1Menu 1.8 : Adjustment Level +1Menu 2.1 : Adjustment Level +4Menu 2.4 : Adjustment Level +6Menu 2.7 : Adjustment Level +6Menu 3.0 : Adjustment Level +6Menu 3.3 : Adjustment Level +6Menu 3.6 : Adjustment Level +6Menu 3.9 : Adjustment Level +2Menu 4.2 : Adjustment Level +2Menu 4.5 : Adjustment Level 0Menu 4.8 : Adjustment Level 0Menu 5.0 : Adjustment Level0. Orders only: Toll Free: 877-739-2449 Land Line: 845-889-4253 [email protected] W2IHY Technologies Inc. 19 Vanessa Lane, Staatsburg, NY 12580 CQ Region 21 Dealer. If you dont do that, all of these settings go back to zero. Listen to yourself on a separate receiver, with its antenna disconnected and its noise blanker turned off, to know exactly how youll sound to others listening to you on the air. On Yaesu FTDX 3000 (and similar radios), please try the following settings for the compressed mic menus, which are 159 to 176 on the FTDX3000: P-EQ1 FREQ 200 (adjust the low bass freq center point in Hz. About Us Dealer Resources US Dealers International Dealers Repairs WarrantyFAQs Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Contact Us. Many calls a day come through the Heil Sound facility with RF issues. . Kenwoods exciting new TS-590S transceiver promises to be popular among active operators throughout the world. Flex and Apache units do very well or a real spectrum analyzer. Good memories and thanks for the article. there's an adapter that plugs right into the radio. The menu numbers vary from radio to radio and are not even consistent within the vintage of the FTdx9000, so follow these guidelines according to function. If you set this first filter frequency to 200Hz. I don't particularly care for using the hand held mike and have ordered an MD-100a8x so these settings might help with that mic, but as my grandfather always said, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, so I will be leaving the EQ and Processing off until I need to refer to this article for setting up the EQ when I get complaints instead of compliments on my audio. My settings are as follows; mic gain @ 25, processor is "on" @ 25. The first low-frequency filter removes all of that low-end bass that destroys so many signals. DSP and Carrier Point SettingsYaesu has, since the 1980s, provided means for adjusting the carrier insertion point (identical to IF SHIFT used on receive, only this is on your transmitted signal). Again, these are necessary starting points for operation, and it should be noted that, when using the HC-6, HC-7, and HC-5.1 elements, the equalizer may be left at its default setting of 0 across the board, since equalization is already taking place in the mic element itself. Transceivers are well over $1000 as the normal. This element is found in products including the iCM base station microphone, the Handi Mic iC, the Pro Set iC, Pro Set Plus iC, BM-10 iC, and the Classic iC but the HEIL iC electret will not work on Kenwood or Yaesu which require only our dynamic elements found in our microphones and headsets. Selection 2 emphasis high frequencies, while 3 cuts both low and high frequencies, emphasizing mid-range.Menu 25 (MIC GAIN): 85Menu 27 (Compression) 80Menu 64 (T LSB CAR): Set to -100 Hz for rag-chewing, _150 Hz for DX/contest work.Menu 65 (T USB CAR): Set to -100 Hz for rag-chewing, _150 Hz for DX/contest work. You only have control to either cut or boost the filter frequency they build into the transmitter. WIDE TBW Set to Wide for Fidelity, Mid for everyday operation, or NAR for very aggressive DX pile-up busting (significant roll-off of low frequencies will occur). I use the RA200 with an Icom 7300 and get great results with no "dog house" box. You can adjust the frequency, the bandwidth and tell those parameters to either notch (-) or boost (+). If Using external EQ, turn internal OFF. Why buy a PR series mic if you are going to restrict the bandwidth from 200-2800 then roll off all the lows? Set up all the EQ settings to the Heil recommended settings even if you are NOT using his mics. Set the MAIN: MIC SEL menu selection to FP (Front Panel). There are situations where you may want to use one of the Heil ICM microphones or headsets made for iCOM using the Heil iC element. )for casual contacts, Mid Transmit Bandwidth (2.4 kHz.) Only took a few minutes to get the EQ set for my voice. In my case I used a modified Yamaha CM500 electret condenser mic with a frequency response of 100 Hz to 20 kHz.As is, the CM500 output is 150 mV (batteries installed). No studio gear at all. Ehh. These assignment Menu numbers are different for the other Yaesu rigs but the level settings are the same. Press SET > LEVEL, then scroll up to SSB TX Tone (Bass); rotate the main tuning dial to set the Bass to -2 for starters (-4 if using the PR-40 or similar mic with lots of bass response). Odds are that, once you have WIDE set OK, the other two will be fine. A 10:1 voltage divider was added. And I dare say, microphone gain is the one control on modern transceivers, almost no one gets right! I did have to make an aircraft mic to 1/8 stereo cable. The K3 includes a versatile 8-band transmit equalizer, which is adjusted separately from the receiver equalizer. You can listen through headphones through the monitor but I have always found it better to listen through headphones through a second receiver while transmitting into a dummy load. W3RJW's FTDX-5000/FTdx-3000 Audio EQ Settings. Set Menu #29 (Bandwidth) to 3000 Hz; set Menu #30 (Bandshift) to 100 to roll off some Bass response, and set Menu #31 (TX EQ) to H for DX work, or leave it at C for local rag-chewing. Here are three EQ settings for the K3 and KX 3. I guess that's not all that bad, but there is precious little information there, mainly sibilance. Try moving Menu 102 to 300, Menu 119 to 300 HZ, Menu 128 to 300. . You can listen through headphones through the monitor but I have always found it better to listen through headphones through a second receiver while transmitting into a dummy load. This project involves a management team of volunteers who each take a topic of interest and manage it with passion. Jeez that's sounds like an awful lot of work. Mid is 2.4 kHz and Narrow is 2.1 kHz. Please read pages 35-36, and page 60, of the K3 Operating Manual, in particular, for more details of these subjects. Transmit into a dummy load and listen to yourself. AM-TX-Bandwidth (TX BPF SEL) 100-2900. Cutting these frequencies will reduce intelligibility. You do not need 8, 10 15, or a 31 band EQ when we are only dealing with a 3,000 Hz wide signal. Never want to see over 50 or 60%. Now connect your headphones to the monitor receiver. Now, I will explain how I arrived at these settings which are particular to my voice. The Yaesu FTDX 1200 TX eq and processor setup guide "How's my audio" is commonly heard throughout the HF Bands these days. And the second good read is YAESU specific: "All Things Yaesu". There are many inter-dependent adjustments on the K3, and the setup instructions on those pages are excellent. Thanks to GM0ONX for this drawing. These are our recommendations. And I dare say, microphone gain is the one control on modern transceivers, almost no one gets right! The voltage divider was made up of a 1 k Ohm resistor in series with the audio (+) line and a 100 Ohm shunt resistor. Big enough that it could also cut the second filter, even with a Q of 5. Set Menu #13 (Bandwidth) to 2.4 kHz, and Menu #14 (TX EQ High Boost) to H for most applications. The PR 781 dynamic microphone, which sounds simply wonderful on modern iCOMs. Sometimes, you will have too much low end audio from the microphone that actually overloads the mic pre amp and 'sounds' like RF but it may not be. This will determine where to cut or boost frequencies with the Eq turned on to obtain an overall full spectrum audio within the limitations of the radio transmit bandwidth & your voice/mic frequency response.In my case I needed +9 dB @200 Hz to get the power up to the same level recorded @1 kHz. If you have more than three frequencies which need attention you have more problems than an equalizer is going to fix! Set Menu 51 (Equalizer) to 1 or 2 for DX work, 3 (best) or 4 for local rag-chews. Also, the FT-950 does not have an audio input on the rear and the FT series are not balanced inputs but rather unbalanced. First, are the original zero models: 701, 720, 730, and 740. This reduced the audio level to 15 mV. Do not confuse this with receiver bandwidth response. I spoke into the mike at a normal voice level from about 6 inches away. Notice your voice frequency profile where the dB levels go up & down within your vocal response. You may find it easier to get additional talk power, without distortion, by leaving the processor off and utilizing the 400-2600 Hz transmit bandwidth, perhaps with a little additional mic gain thrown in. Connect your rig to dummy load with a watt meter.Set Eq off, processor on, mode = SSB, mic = 20, processor = 20. For instance, with my Kenwood TS-2000: it produces a lot of harmonics and sub-harmonics which, when you make a boost around 1kHz, it tends to also make a boost at 500Hz and 2kHz, and those frequencies are very conducive to SSB communications. Do you want some big boomy low end? If Using external EQ, turn internal OFF. They unbalance that 8 pin round mic connector input with their typical Pin 8, pin 7 connections. Or leave it off. Basically, there are three ranges (low, Mid, and High) for equalization; you can roll off any one of these, peak any one of these, or peak one and roll off another.For DX and Contest work, use selection 9 (this rolls off lows and peaks highs). Set to +10 dB for DX/Contest work.SSB TX BW: Set to 400-2600 Hz for DX/Contest work, 300-2700 Hz for everyday operation, 100-2900 Hz for more fidelity. Now that I'm comfortable with general operation I'd like to tweak some of my settings to improve audio quality (mainly RX, TX sounds good with just mic gain). And then someone tells you, 'You have RF on your audio', and you start checking everything over again! Or leave it off. I know run the same headset on my PROIII with the same results. Simply install a 1 F non-polarized tantalum capacitor in series with mic lead. Any suggestions on eq would help. For Icom mobile rigs, use the HSTA-706, and for Icom HTs use the HSTA-iHT. Using the Heil Sound wide frequency range microphones such as the PR 781, PR 30 or PR 40 you will want to roll off the low end as the pre amp of the 950 does not handle a lot of bass response. You would want to start by keeping that bandwidth to the half way point. INITIAL SETTING OF YAESU Parametric EQ and HEIL PR Microphones. Alan, KBG Sincerely 73 de Clinton Herbert, AB7RG. You then set the Bandwidth of that filter and finally you tell the filter if is notches (cuts, reduces) or boosts that filter frequency. The objective is to listen to a signal at a level of about S7 on the monitor receivers S-meter. The first and most important adjustment will be the transmit bandwidth. eHam.net provides recognition and enjoyment to the people who use, contribute, and build the site. I used a PROC level of 25 and the mic gain to the 11 o'clock position. Properly set there is no reason to NOT run the processor all the time. There will be three important frequencies to attend to. There is usually some craziness that happens around 400 Hz. For best results please consult your manual. I use Audacity for making contest recordings. It is impossible for us at Heil Sound to know what settings will sound best on your voice, in your station environment, with your microphone, for your interest (DX, Contest work, rag-chewing, or maximum fidelity) The recommendations below are just starting points; listen to yourself in a separate receiver (with its antenna disconnected) to determine what sounds best in your unique situation. While speaking into the mic make sure the gain setting does not exceed the ALC limit. Why not just buy a Goldline series mic and use a GM5 element and save a ton of money? In almost all cases when a person using a newer radio had RF in his audio we were able to eliminate the RF by removing the jumper wire. For extra assurance as the article states, you can also view the spectrum display or the waveform and compare. Just as all EQ settings, we can only give you starting points for your transceiver. I would shift that down to 100hz, and then only do a 10 dB cut. Again YOU have to make the final decision by listening to your own signal. If you experience RF getting into the radio thru the microphone, try adding a clamp-around ferrite choke or two to the mike cord where it goes into the radio. Looking for "Parametric" Equalizer and "P Parametric" Equalizer settings for my Heil Proset 6 headset with the HC-6 element. The same button turns the Compression On or Off also is used to adjust the Transmit Bandwidth Filter. will not pass any speech audio worth listening to). SETUP INFO FOR W2IHY 8 BAND EQ, EQ PLUS, and Yaesu FT-2000. For everyday conversation, 100 2900 Hz. The three band parametric EQ in the FT-950 TX audio stage makes using your favorite microphone much easier to interface. At least that is how my radio works.I think the article explains it the other way. Hello all. Wide transmit bandwidth. Start with Menu 4-4 (TR EDSP) set to off. For more on the iCOM 7300 settings, see below. I have a microphone which has more output on the high frequency range than on the low end, so in order to make it sound balanced I needed to boost the 200 Hz range and cut the 2600 Hz range. "How's my audio" is commonly heard throughout the HF Bands these days. Yaesu FTDX-10. For best results please consult your owners manual. Wrong microphone, not addressing (speaking into) the microphone correctly, too far away from the microphone, too much room echo and a host of other situations. The 'all controls set to 70% of maximum' mentality has been there all along, but the changeover from v.t. If you want to cut some low end, you notch -20 dB at 100 Hz. (This includes any inappropriate posts on a topic, as I cannot monitor every topic.) ThePRO 7-iChas the appropriate cable included and will sound wonderful with a 7300. You can adjust the parameters of the microphone audio. Because of this low gain mic preamp Our GM, Goldline, HC 4 or HC 5 elements will not work. After some time i found a nice adjustment for my FTDX101/FTDX5000 and a MD-100 for casual rag chew. All AD-1 boom set adapters have the decoupling capacitor installed in the 8 pin Foster connector. SSB-TX-Bandwidth (TX BPF SEL) 100-2900. A Parametric EQ is just as the term implies. A few tweaks in the Icom menu is all that is needed to adjust bass and treble to YOUR taste. FT 857 D FT 817Menu 46 DSP High Pass filter Default at 100. For really beautiful audio, using a studio microphone like the Heil Sound PR 40 or PR 781, connect the microphone via an outboard equalizer like one of the fine products from W2IHY, and then apply the output from the equalizer to pins 2 and 11 of the rear-panel Accessory jack. I also agree with W3DBB in regards to some of the modern day audio. I like bob as a person but think his "professional ham gear" is outrageous. Microphones like the GM series, Heritage, Classic 4/5 Handi Mic 4/5, and the HM-10 Dual sound great on modern Icom rigs. Set Menu #64 and 65 (TX Carrier Shift) to +.05 to +.10. I am a new owner of an FT-950 and found that the stock MH-31 mic with no processing and no EQ (only because I have not gotten that far yet) has been getting unsolicited audio reports of "excellent, great, outstanding" etc. dumb question as audio is not my real bag - but, does any of this pertain to my usage of the Yaesu md100 mic? The Elecraft K3 and KX3 are remarkable transceivers. The mid frequency is very important. with the audio signal level adjusted to get 100 W RF with no ALC deflection. Also, you dont have the benefit of hearing all the net effects of AGC, etc., like other stations receivers, are employing. HF/50 MHZ TRANSCEIVER. Anti-VOX: About 10% or where needed (keep in mind that the speaker level will affect this a lot). Now set the transmit bandwidth (either with compression on or off) to Wide, and transmit while you listen to yourself in the monitor receiver. For stunning hand mic performance theHMM-iCwith the AD-1 i. - YouTube 0:00 / 8:38 Yaesu ftdx1200 EQ settings & W2IHY. In the menu go to Radio Settings. We have recently come up with the perfect 'fix' for that. Using the Heil Sound wide frequency range microphones such as the PR 781, PR 30 or PR 40 you will want to roll off the low end as the preamp of the 950 does not handle a lot of bass response. There is no "perfect" setting, it's all subjective. The 200-Watt "D" (Deluxe, fully equipped) as well as the 400-Watt . If you need any help, we are glad to assist you with writing your article based on the information you supply. BOOST + 8 dB Menu 098 Notch or Boost In other words, the lower number seems to have a lower Q, so the filter affects more frequencies. TS 2000Set Menu #21 (TX EQ) to H for DX work, or leave it at C for local rag-chewing; set Menu #22 (Bandwidth) to 3000 Hz. If you set the Bandwidth control of the . www.k0bg.com. Do you want to sound like a 2.4 khz Ten Tec from 1974? Start by downloading www.audacityteam.org , a free audio software program. Once you get the Wide bandwidth set, press and hold in the COMP key to try the MID bandwidth, then the NAR bandwidth. *Pin 1 also carries voltage for the electret elements used in Icom mics. Use one of our PR series professional balanced output microphones with the 3 pin XLR. DSP Setting Example: Yaesu FT-920. Rag chewers HATE a contest sound and a rag chewer sound doesn't work in a pileup. M0WBK 1.27K subscribers Subscribe 53K views 9 years ago EQ settings can be hard to get right. FT-450The FT-450s Microphone Equalizer Menu item (MIC EQ) is very simple in its adjustment. First, you need to set the transmit bandwidth. FTDXRC can help you to better optimize your TX audio settings with a visual equalizer tool. The K3 also has an ESSB mode, with a wider transmitted bandwidth for high fidelity operating. Save your settings each time. Yes, you have to read the manual! Our new cable CC-1 XLR-BAL (with an ORANGE, not traditional Yellow boot) connects our balanced output microphone into the balanced input and has solved 100% of the RF issue for so many FT 950 as well as other new model Yaesu users. This will roll off some of the low-frequency response. When using a dynamic element on rigs like iCOMs, which were designed for electret microphone elements, one must not be afraid to do two things: (1) utilize the full range of Mic Gain available, and (2) turn on the Compression, using the Compression Level control as a secondary Mic Gain control if necessary. Use the same settings for the Processor On menu items. No apparent reason but it is true. Add an improperly adjusted amplifier & a big mess is up and down the band. The results have been gratifying for DX pileups and contesting. It is the only way you will absolutely know how you sound to the outside world. Yaesu FT-891 Mike Settings I've received over the last three weeks many questions about the microphone settings for the MH-31 that comes with the ever popular FT-891. We are already getting a lot of questions about the best settings for the onboard DSP microphone equalizer. Set Menu #65 and 66 (TX Carrier Shift) to +200 for DX work; leave at default (0) or +100 for local work. Note that power output meter will show lower power as bandwidth is increased; this is normal, reflecting lower power density per Hertz of passband.FT-1000MP Series (including Mk-V and Field)Menu 5-9: 6.0Menu 7-7: Set SSB-T to 300-3100 Hz for DX/Contest, 100-3100 Hz for more fidelity.Menu 4-4: Set to OFF while setting Menu 7-7 to your liking, then try each selection (1 through 4) while listening in a separate receiver to see if any of these improve your voice signals characteristics. To use any dynamic element on these phantom-powered inputs (which should NEVER be applied to the mic input of a radio transmitter, IMHO), the input must be de-coupled so the mic audio AC signal can pass through to the mic preamp, while simultaneously blocking the DC voltage from reaching that mic element. Menu items 25 and 26 set the transmitters bandwidth. However, the Mic Pre Amp on the iC 718 has down in gain by -15 dB. INITIAL SETTING OF THE FT 950 and HEIL PR microphoneFirst, you need to set the transmit bandwidth. They have lots of bass, no mids, no articulate highs so they end up sounding like mush. This voltage must be blocked for use of Heil Sound dynamic elements. No one else can make the adjustments. not surprising - anyone remember the 2001 post 'I hate 75 Meters'? By Dave De Coons, WO2X wo2x@arrl.net Yaesu FT-2000 Set the radio menu's for the following settings: Menu Value 85 1-30 125 100 126 2 127 1 . This HAS to be shown as it turns the parametric EQ on. You simply can't rely on your fellow ham at the other end of a QSO to diagnose audio quality problems. The suggested level settings will be the same but the actual menu assignment labels are different.EQ1: -6 dB at 200 Hz, Bandwidth of 2 (set to -10 dB if using PR 40 and you get Reports of too much bass).EQ2: -6 dB at 900 Hz, Bandwidth of 2.EQ3: +6 dB at 2400 Hz, Bandwidth of 2. Already in the battery box is a load resistor & 1 uF capacitor.The headset can be plugged directly into your PC without the battery box. Now, I am not telling you that this is the end all. Mic Gain: About 2 oclock to 3 oclock for dynamic elements, 10 oclock for higher output iC condenser elements. most 1200s sound terrible. The Heil HC-4 cartridge should add some highs to your audio by the nature of the design of the cartridge. 125 -6. Set menu 11-09 {SSB TX BPF} to 100 - 3000PRC = ON and set to 40 %MEQ = ONMicrophone gain set to 20 %MH-31 Microphone switch set to pos 1The settings are mad. The other contributor was the so-called Pin 1 problem (Google it). Its much better to listen in a separate receiver because that is the only way you can get a real-world appraisal of your audio passband characteristics. Finally, if you have the ability to select the SSB bandwidth of the monitor receiver, set it as wide as possible. So this parameter can't actually be used as published. See the FTDX10 FUNC > OPERATION SETTINGS > TX AUDIO settings. 32 -3. There are three and that is all you will need to make your transmitter sound terrific. This was written up in the Technical Correspondence column in the April 1997 QST. To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of whats happening with ham radio on the Internet. IMO if you are using the Yaesu HH mic, use position #2 on the back. Yours will differ. TS 590 Menu 25 and 26 Bandwidth. RE: Setting Up The YAESU FT-950 TX EQ; I used my Yaesu FT950 with the MD-1 mic which I had set on position 2. The third control of the filter is either - or +. "Set filter one to 200 Hz. Wide is 2.9 kHz. You may be able to adjust to 100 as long as it doesnt overload and sound too bassy.Press the Menu and rotate the SELECT knob so it reads TX BPF (Transmit Band Pass Filter).

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